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Everything posted by Beastmaster

  1. Drawing that line too roughly would be a bad idea even from a pure marketing standpoint. I am quite sure that in the last few years the very popular PC games Vermintide and Total War: Warhammer may have drawn more new players into miniatures than all the Stormcast posters combined. Not that they all started older armies, but those who wanted to could. I myself started looking into miniatures with the Mordheim pc game. πŸ˜…
  2. I’m not an old veteran. I started collecting Ogors last year. Miniatures from the AoS website, with AoS logo on the package, with an old and now a new battletome. So, for all intents and purposes, a full AoS army, sold and marketed and bought as such. Newer than your Deepkin army. 😎
  3. Another problem could be rules bloat: With so many armies, all with their own special rules, it becomes increasingly difficult, especially for beginners, to get at least a rough overview of what the other side of the table is capable to do. Which makes it more of a game of luck than one of tactical thought. Also, some of the newer armies consist of just a few kits. I think fewer armies with more troop choices would be the better way.
  4. Still not comfortable with the new world. Otherwise I’m fine. 😊
  5. Looking back, I feel they were quite conservative with their announcements. Who would have thought at that point that by the end of the year we would have battletomes for almost all armies, plus some completely new armies?
  6. This doesn’t really make sense. Some of the top tier armies didn’t have new models for years (Skaven, FEC). Others with tons of new models never were that powerful (Kharadron, Grots). If what you describe is the plan, they are even worse at their job 😎
  7. On the other hand, if the Teclis Aelves are getting the classic revised High Elf Look, it leaves creative room to go more in the Cthulhu Sea Monsters direction with upcoming Idoneth kits 😍
  8. Quite happy that the High Elf fans like them. Your turn, guys! 😊 Right now I’m asking myself if that means that many armies ARE planned to be dual use once the Old World returns...
  9. Yeah, that IS weird. All that work into design, layout, proof reading, translation etc, but no time/money/manpower to have some experienced tournament player doing a peer review before printing?
  10. Discount WoW Night Elves, anyone? Oh, sorry. Aelves. πŸ˜„
  11. 40k makes it a lot easier for writers, though. Of course, nothing matters imperium-wide. But an author can invent and destroy his own planets without clashing with the lore, just because the Galaxy is so vast. And each planet is a meaningful and relatable chunk worth fighting for and caring about, since we, the readers, are so used to a thinking that’s limited to one planet.
  12. Maybe we have to face the fact that the AoS fluff works as a background for a miniature game, but not so well for relatable book stories (or RPGs, for that matter)? At least a possibility. Not everything is good for everything.
  13. Maybe even Mongolian style Ogor archers? Would fit the multi-shot rules even better maybe. And, yeah, a big harpoon launching Ballista for really big game hunting πŸ˜ƒ
  14. Leadbelchers seem to be the new trend. 😁 To fit my winter hunt theme, I seriously consider converting some hunting β€žBoltbelchersβ€œ with crossbows. 😎
  15. I got the feeling that many readers are mainly interested in books which tell stories/expand lore about the armies they are collecting. Maybe it would be helpful to link books with a very strong background and/or protagonists linked to a certain army right on the GW website where the miniatures are? Anyone attached to that army will be there regularly.
  16. Good advice, I think. To keep myself motivated, I broke it into playable chunks: Started with a Mordheim Warband, from there to a 1000 point Vanguard/meeting Engagements army, next is 1500 p Battlehost. In that way you don’t have to paint 50 of the same Unit at once πŸ˜„
  17. It’s actually a remake of the series β€žRigetβ€œ from Lars von Trier. I only saw the original. Really weird.
  18. Magnetizing the riders and/or the head of the mount is another popular option. Bit more work, but maybe worth it in the long run. Relative strengths of the options and their place in your strategy might change over the next years.
  19. Giants riding mammoths vs lizards riding dinosaurs. Well, that would be a battle box. πŸ˜„
  20. And Seraphon. Not much left of AoS if that all goes to Old World. Personally, I do hope for fanmade crossover gaming. AoS rules with oldworld armies & fluff would be the best of two worlds for me. I don’t think I’ll ever warm up to rank&file (or the Realms).
  21. Not surprised. Steampunk rocks! Now with the new book, no reason not to. I’m not a dwarf fan. But even I like them. πŸ˜„
  22. I have no idea how rebasing would even work for miniatures with fragile legs and feet without destroying them in the process. I even struggled and sweated with rebasing Ogors. 😬
  23. Seems modern industrialized countries who could theoretically draft millions into their armies were more like skaven. Who would pay double for Clanrats if they had +2 armor save? 😁
  24. Spiky dragons. A transportation nightmare made real. 🀯
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