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Everything posted by Colonic

  1. I'd be interested in the warriors and the theridons if you still have them available!
  2. Well we have one in the Orruk Warclans subforum, then this one that people won't let die! 😆
  3. Perhaps we should have a DoT subforum? Powers that be, we beseech you for this holy change!
  4. Interestingly this sort of upends the traditional wisdom of having the rusty spears be large units. They will benefit less from strength in numbers but will also keep their 3" longer in small units, so probably are suited to 20's, whereas rusty blades have no drawbacks in large units until they drop below 20 strong.
  5. Personally if I was doing that I'd be a bit "Meta be damned" and just take a variety of sculpts, starting with the ones I like most. I'd hate to buy 12 Dracothian guard and them all be identical, winning or not.
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