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Everything posted by Angela

  1. Is anyone else worried about the terrogheists and zombie dragons going into Soulblight Gravelords? Will our warscrolls change? Will the points go up? Even worse will they be removed from FEC?
  2. How were you transporting? A magnetized carry case might work. When my husband first started playing he was using a metal tool chest.
  3. Your friend is wrong. The rule does specify that you cannot move exactly 3" from enemy units, because 3" is within 3". That is why everyone has loads of those 3" movement markers. Buy some, place them in front of your guys and tell your friend to stay outside of 3". Everyone generally accepts that a unit just outside of 3" then has a 3" charge, which will take the model base to base with the enemy unit. It is also worth noting that you cannot pile in from just outside of 3" because those units are not eligible to be in combat per the core rules "A unit is eligible to fight if it is within 3" of an enemy unit, or if it made a charge move in the same turn."
  4. There have been multiple rumors that the table size will change to match the minimum table size for 40K when AOS 3.0 is released. There are also rumors that 3.0 will be released this summer. There are hopes that 3.0 will be announced on Saturday at the last day of virtual Warhammerfest.
  5. Are you saying that you would build a stegadon without the skystreak bow or sunfire throwers? Which weapon would you play? How would your opponent know? This would violate the rule of WYSIWYG, which is a rule at tournaments and is followed by players to various degrees.
  6. I'm right there with you. As soon as we finished watching that video, my husband turned to me and said "Well, it's a good thing you don't have that third Lord of Change yet." But I do have 3 Terrorgheists and a lot of other models that I have bought to play in my favorite battalions. And on that note, GW has been marketing and selling the Broken Realms battalion boxes and soon none of those battalions will be legal for matched play?
  7. My husband’s take on it was that lots of stuff would get squatted. I was just so excited because Seraphon was my first army, and I’ve had so much trouble with resin models.
  8. I really missed TGA! I made a pilgrimage to my localish Warhammer store yesterday and the guy there was telling me that all resin and metal models would be replaced by plastic by the end of next year and he had been told that this June and July would be the “Summer if Sigmar” , so it sounds like this crazy pace of releases will continue!
  9. On my first fine cast model, I thought some of those triangles were a part of the model!
  10. Oh, I play FEC and my husband plays OBR–that is perfect for us! The last time we were at out FLGS I noticed that they had older issues of WD on display, I think it's time for a trip to the game store!
  11. I didn't even realize that they had a narrative campaign in the Feb and March issues of White Dwarf, but if it was BR:Teclis, it probably needs a Lumineth army and we don't have one of those. We were tempted with the new releases, but then decided that we have too many models to paint to start a whole new army.
  12. I don't buy White Dwarf every month, but I'm going to get this so I can (hopefully) play this narrative campaign. Does this mean the new Belakor is coming soon, or are they expecting everyone to play this campaign with the old Belakor model? Maybe the pre-order for Belakor will be announced this weekend! I say hopefully because my husband wanted to play the narrative campaign in BR:Morathi and we shocked at how many armies and models were needed. We didn't have nearly enough of the armies we own, so we've kind of given up for now.
  13. When I first started playing DoK, I thought awakening an Avatar was automatic if you had a priest, because the Avatars warscroll says nothing about rolling a dice. To my mind, it is very similar to the Star Stone Staff ability of a Skink Starpriest, in which you just pick a unit to buff. And then I realized that I seemed to be the only one playing that way.
  14. I don't know. I'm the Tzeentch player that's on the side of not splitting and I lost the argument.
  15. Everyone responding to this thread should email the FAQ team. I started playing Tzeentch last fall. The very first games that I played, I was playing both sides and interpreted the rules as not splitting when they flee. And then I started playing against my husband and he insisted that I was playing wrong and I needed to split the horrors that fled during battleshock because the rules state "count them as having been slain". So it's not the Tzeentch players cheating, there is genuine confusion. (We argued about the rule; I lost, so now horror in our house split during the battleshock phase.)
  16. Seraphon used to be celestial daemons. That went away with the new battletome. The lizardmen remaining in the AOS app still have the Daemon keyword. (Did you know you can search the warscrolls in the app by keyword? I love that feature.)
  17. I just hope they don't take him out the Slaves to Darkness! I want him on the table with Archaon wrecking havoc!
  18. Archaon is almost 12.5 inches. I was so excited for this Belakor and then my husband told me that he had ordered the current Belakor to be custom painted for me as a birthday present... (my graduated warhammer rulers top out at 12 inches.)
  19. I really like the occasional mirror match. I like large armies, so every mirror match I've ever played has been dividing my army in two and playing against my husband. It can be a very balanced game.
  20. I mostly play matched play games and I think we have the language needed. I usually (and now due to COVID, only) play my husband and we usually decide beforehand if we want to use a "competitive" or a "fun/fluffy list". Sometimes we are even more specific, as Beer and Pretzels mentioned above. We have decided to play games that are 2500 pts including 2 Behomeths, or a 1000 point list with a Behometh added afterwards. The language is there, you just have to communicate with your opponents before list building so everyone can have fun. It is a game. Games should be fun.
  21. The command abilities each cost 1 command point and you can use them when they say they can be used. For example, Inspiring Presence from the core rules states "You can use this command ability at the start of the battleshock phase." so you can use it at the start of the battleshock phase of either turn. All-out attack, all-out defense and volley fire are the command abilities from the General's Handbook. The important details to pay attention to are whether or not it is "the" or "your" phase. The ones that happen in the hero phase, are usually "your hero phase". The other detail to pay attention to is whether or not it is "at the start" or "during" a phase. The command abilities that can be used at the start of the phase, have to be used at the start. For example, you can't pause in the middle of combat and decide to use all out defense.
  22. I was able to buy a used DoK army, and I got it on the table this weekend for the first time. I was playing against Idoneth and it was a really fun game. I was inspired to bring it out and play it when they announced the new battletome. It needs some repairs and some painting, and I was saving it as a project for another day but I wanted to play before the rules changed. I’m looking forward to the new battletome. I have a Shadow and Pain box and now I’m glad that I haven’t built anything out of that box because now I can wait to see what the new rules are. I enjoyed how the army played and rolling 80 dice for the witch aelves was fun, although I only got to do that once!
  23. I wash all my plastic models before priming, but I wash them on the sprue. I think Army Painter has a pamphlet that tells you to wash before priming. As for having too many models, I’ve paid a local player to build and paint several of my models. And for inspiration, my husband and I occasionally schedule a “mega-battle” with all painted models a couple of months out. And then we focus on those armies, trying to build and paint as much as possible.
  24. It will definitely depend on the price!
  25. I started building my Seraphon army about a year ago. I loved the idea of lizards riding dinosaurs that came from space. (Ironically, since the new book came out, I mostly play coalesced.) However, when I started and building and painting, it was with the thought in mind that the Slann Starmasters had summoned the Seraphon from a physical place in outer space and that when they are brought to the battlefield, they bring a bit of that space with them. With that in mind, I went searching for basing bits and a picked a necronic rolling pin from Green Stuff World and some purple and blue crystals, because that seemed like a magical out in the galaxy thing to me. I was surprised when I started playing in a FLGS to find out that "Necrons" were a 40K army. Even more surprised to find that green crystals seem to be a Necron thing. Well today, GW announced spaceships just for my Seraphon army. I wonder if I should get them and use them as terrain?
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