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Everything posted by GrimDork

  1. Definitely Gotrek, by a mile. His mortal wound shrug for one thing. Eltharion will die so quick to mw’s (unless he has a shrug we don’t know about?). Plus Gotrek’s exploding D6 mw output and his rerollable hits to fish for 6’s is just plain crazy.
  2. Thanks! It’s quite simple. All over a white primer. Step 1, stormhost silver on all armour plates (might need 2 thin coats) Step 2, Approx 1:1 coat of Talassar blue(contrast paint): contrast medium Step 3, 1:1 nuln oil: Lahmian medium painted directly very sparingly into the deeper recesses Step 4, Edge highlight of stormhost silver on edges and top of armour ridges.
  3. If I’ve worked it out correctly he could potentially do 36 normal wounds + 8 mortal wounds in a round of combat. I know, never gonna roll that, but still that’s insane! Really hope we don’t have to wait long.
  4. Love the concept, very well executed! Look forward to seeing more.
  5. Thanks man. Yeah, I’ve not really given it much though yet, just thrown some texture on and a light drybrush. I tried a few splodges of green wash to mix it up a bit. Will probably put on some tufts after I’ve varnished. Open to any suggestions!
  6. So, finished a test mini for my deepkin. Im pretty happy with how it turned out. I might tweak the colour on the leather boots on the next one but I’m happy with the highlight placement and texture. For deepkin I have a start collecting box, 10 reavers, king, allopex and eidolon (I’m a bit daunted by painting him). Been picking bits up cheap on eBay over the last year. I’ve not opened some of them yet, trying to keep focused and not be a hobby butterfly. Thanks for looking, C&C very welcome!
  7. In May, I hope to get some more Namarti Thralls painted. I’m a very slow painter so I’ll aim for getting 4 done (this might be a stretch for me tbh, depending on other commitments, but I’ll try my best).
  8. I’m a bit late on this. I easily assembled my Namarti Reavers in time. Won’t bother posting pics of grey plastic, but man! what beautiful models to assemble! And this evening just finished my Thrall test mini.
  9. Plus rules for Lumineth in warcry! Definitely going to be picking up this WD
  10. Eorek’s blog Not sure if you’ve seen this in the P&M section. A great take on the soul scream bridge.
  11. You can totally take all the models and not pay the extra for the battalion. Obviously you won't get the battalion ability, but depending on the ability it may or not be worth it. I'm not too familiar with Seraphon battalions/list building. I'm sure someone with more exp can weigh in on the Seraphon specifics. Generally speaking the pros of taking a battalion is; the battalion ability itself, the battalion can be set up all together, thus reducing your number of drops. Whoever finishes setting up units first gets the choice to go first or second. There can be tactical advantage to having fewer drops in your army list, you get an extra artefact for each battalion you take, you get an extra command point at the start of the battle for each battalion you take. Despite these benefits, some battalions are just not worth taking. Either the battalion cost is too high, or the cost of the units needed to make up the battalion is too high. Like I say, not sure on the specifics of Seraphon, you can always try some lists out and see how they work for you. Hope this helps
  12. The salamander is 80 points, this includes 1 salamander and 3 x skinks. And, yes the Freelance Templehost battalion is 160 points. The battalion cost is always paid on top of the model cost. I don't have the Seraphon battle tome so just checked the point costs on Warscroll builder. I've not used the AoS mobile app for list making, but I've heard that it is not always correct and/or updated quickly. Warscroll builder tho seems to be pretty reliable.
  13. This looks wrong! What is he doing to that squig hopper 😳😆 Love the cities of squigmar idea!
  14. I would think it’s a typo and the chart should say 4+
  15. DoK tome was quite a while ago now tho(2 years + IIRC). So was MoN tome who got a warband fairly recently. Saying that, I’m not sure if the BCR warband was before or after Mawtribes tome, so maybe I’m off base with my rationale?
  16. Thinking some more on this, it’s weird that they would release new minis so soon after the Seraphon Battletome. If it’s an underworlds warband then they always have a warscroll to run them in AoS, but now it’s too late for that to be included in their tome. If it’s for Warcry, so far they haven’t released any new minis for existing factions? Only repackaged existing minis with cards in some cases or just the card packs. Maybe it will be a re-sculpt of an existing mini/minis in plastic. I reckon later in the year there will be a battlebox with a new plastic Seraphon hero, in much the same way as last year Gitz got their tome, then a few months later Looncurse came out with the new boss on giant squig.
  17. Oh and you still get the bonuses from clans!
  18. This is totally possible to mix units from different clans like this using the skaventide allegiance (tho I don’t think rules for the mortar exists any more). The only thing you will need to make the army legal is 3 x battleline units, which for skaventide is either clanrats or stormvermin. Most people opt for 3 x 20 clanrats, which is the cheapest way points wise to fulfill their battle line requirement.
  19. A bit of wishlisting/speculation but currently stormvermin are only available to buy direct order from GW. I wonder if they will make them available in a skaventide SC box? I know we have a clan Pestilens box but I think it’s about time we had a proper skaventide one. My dream contents would be 20 clanrats, 20 stormvermin and a verminlord (probably way too much to hope for value wise). What would you like to see included in a skaventide SC box?
  20. The alt build of the hammer guys kit will be dung beetle helmets and big poop shovels.
  21. @Kirjava13 Agree with the comments made by others, sorry you’re finding it tough at the moment. Not sure if you’ve seen Mengel’s blog post from last week, some interesting thoughts, similar to those already shared but worth a read Linky
  22. Pronunciation confirmed on WarCom, SIN-ar-ee CATH-ull-arr
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