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Everything posted by Charleston

  1. This and also all thoose releases seem to be dated on the same day, which is way too much tan a usual gw release
  2. Well, that are some Sculpts I wouldn´t hestiate to use alongside my StD Edit: With the SPIEL-Teaser beeing Specialist Games only, when can we expect the next core game studio preview? If I remember correctly, all teased models are in release process right now, which means next teaser wave should be around the corner, right? OBR, Ogors, CoS and Ironjaws are all out soon. Also, do we have any infos about upcoming stuff? We know missing tomes and we can asume a follow up campaign to "Forbidden Power". Missing Tomes btw: Kharadron Overlords (from 1.0 to 2.0) Tzeentch (from 1.0 to 2.0) Seraphon (from 1.0 to 2.0) Slaves to Darkness Also we have several Rumour engines that look quite aelvish and may be a new faction following the Footsteps of the Kurnothi Hunters from Beastgrave...oh, apropo Beastgrave: No new Warbands Teased at SPIEL looks a bit weird, doesn´t it? Or is it only because we already have Wolfriders spoiled and missing in Release?
  3. This sounds like a solid recap. In the Twitch stream were more Information that were shared in the Mawtribe-Topic. Regarding Yhetees and so on: I remember someone said it is confirmed there are no cuts in the book
  4. Yeah I´ve noticed that too in the StormCast-Stream. The Artwork was just so epic it raised high expectations, so I am fully with you.
  5. Isn´t this the point of all the WarCom Articles coming this and the next week? We can assume that all existing OBR Units will receive a Warscroll with a minor update to the Keywords so they align with the new tome. All of your other questions should be answered within the next week, when all the partners receive their books and share some information via yt and co.
  6. Which is quite a sweet buff to the faction in general. While it averages about 1 MW for Infantery and 3MW for monsters, the odds of having a good roll that does much more damage, are not bad. especially with Stonehorns and Thundertusks. To the Leadbelcher-Profile: They are Ogors. They have Canons, yeah, but they are supposed to be eating (new term for close combat to be established soon :D) and then to blast anything in meele between snacks. Their Output in Combats is really good as the cannon serves as a great meele weapon!
  7. Huskards remain Priests and will have their own prayer lore
  8. gw reinstroduces some kitbash tuts Thats cool btw i hope screenshots from official sources are ok on the forum. If not I will remove them
  9. Butcher are now split into Butchers and Slaughtermasters, two new kind of units from the same kit.
  10. I want to know what will be announced tommorrow. Something big? Or Specialist Game stuff? Maybe another new Specialist Game? I am not sure if we can hope for Core games tommorow. I also hope there will be some more infos on the Mawtribe tome in the coming days.
  11. Yeah, that depends. When sharing with a friend or someone new to the hobby, and while you are generous, it´s ok maybe. But meanwhile AoS is an expensive hobby and cold logic says to me: Why subvent another Players army if they are getting the better deal already in terms of new units? From the Esimated GW Price, the two Morghast are alone almost worth about 1/3 of the box. The rest are new sculpts which in general are quite expensive. Meanwhile Ogors get nothing really worthwhile in the box beside the hero and maybe the cannon. If the estimated prices are true, and the Ogor Box is only 1/3 of buy-value, why should be the box split in a way in which you pay for 1/2 of the box?
  12. Aehm. In general 6+ is for no armor, 5+ for light and 4+ for heavy armor. Heroes get a general +1 on their stat. Therefore the Guard with a 4+ is in a row with Sequitors or even Evocators, Chaos/Blood Warriors and so on. Therefore it is an excellent save. Rerollable saves are so, too. About the Tease: Well, I am not sure what to say about thoose teases. Looks like a nice faction but also like another rule overkill...why do we even have battleshock theese days when gw does anything possible to keep it without an impact? I like the command-thingy, looks like a rule that makes them fun to play and very versatile also. But it is a rule that really would´ve worked better with CoS I think. Stalkers having attacks en masse and also that sick +1D +1Rend are really frightening. having 3 4+/3+ -3 D3 and 5 3+/3+ -1 D2 attacks is really...yeah...whatever. Why even bother rolling when in combat against them, why not just directly put the unit away? In the End the unit will rely on other sources of rerolls and just push damage like crazy
  13. It=s not floating in the air, thez just cut out anzthing thez didn=t wanted to show. Zou still can see the cutting edge from photoshop
  14. Wasn´t there an FAQ which said Fight First and Fight Last both cancel each other out?
  15. And how mad they get when GW turns this again in near future :'D Honestly, this is actually quite a weird ruling.
  16. Well, I tried to refer some of the points you noted already And yes, as already stated, this is my personal opinion. The only thing I would like to simply get straight: I never said I dislike flavorfull rules. Flavorfull rules are the best thing about AoS! The point is the lack of drawbacks, required to give your opponent something to handle your stuff.
  17. I didn´t expect GW to do a Studio Preview at the SPIEL as they didn´t one last year. But I actually really look forward as I will attend the fair on Sunday and maybe get the chance to see some cool new stuff live
  18. Btw, as rules state beeing within 1" to terrain that is between our own model and an model our opponent controll grants cover, this mean the mawpot grants also cover, at least from 3 sides. It could be also argued that standing on the pot or howdah does the same, nevertheless it is not required as the fluffy, blue marked area, is the perfect place for a butcher
  19. While Armybuilding in AoS is more restricted and things like Imperial Soup are not possible, yet I for my own prefer the balancing approaches of 40k. Having a fixed turn order in 40k allows a much less chaotic game and prevents that bad feeling of loosing to one roll. Yes, due to shooting having the first turn is a major factor which can give a big advantage, yet it seldom felt to me like turn 1 was gamedeciding. I also prefer Stratagems over Command Abilities. Later ones just feel unfinished to me, with weird wording and stackable command abilities that just feel like straight rule abuse. Also "Inspiring Presence" straightforward disallows any bravery tactics as there is always a hardcounter in each army. Which is so weird as GW keeps pushing bravery debuffs as if they mattered. AoS has much more powerfull rules that often come without a drawback. Especially newer books "suffer" from this. Also, thoose rules often lead to a bad feeling for our fellow players. It is no fun in any game when your opponent is allowed to fight first and twice while you just put your models away with that bad feeling of just having the inferior ruleset. Slaaneshi-Combat-Priority-Sheningans, Nighthaunts Ethereal Rule to ignore rend, Deepkin "Third turn we kill everything in combat", all thoose rules feel just bad to play against. The worst thing is the feeling to be not able to do anything against, which can really spoil the game. Magic and Prayers are quite messy. In 40k Psykers are not perfect, but Perils is a wonderfull mechanic that makes the use of Psy always a risk. Meanwhile in AoS Magic and Prayers are free of any risk in most cases. AoS beeing more Meele Focused leaves far less room for errors behind. For me AoS often feels like how to move my units into the best position to do optimal damage and thats it. Either the charges are cool or units end up beeing stomped. 40k feels more flexible, due to more shooting alone. A unit can be sent to get objective A but used a turn later to move somewhere else, maybe to bind an enemy or to enjoy cover before waiting for a better point in the game for a charge and so on. That are some reasons why AoS is tilting me quite fast, while in 40k the games I play always end up beeing much closer and tense. And for me: Much more fun as a game. Nevertheless I also like AoS, but much more for the models and the lore than for the gameplays sake. But this is a highly personal opinion and critique, which everyone has to decide for themself. And I know that 40k is by far not perfect, with CP defining listbuilding a bit too much, alpha shooting leading to 1-2 Units beeing removed before doing anything with them etc. Edit: This was not meant as a direct contra to undermine your position dear @Overread It was just a post that turned quite fast from "Well, I like 40k more" into a "I like it more, because.." which was quite nice to write for myself as it really helped me a lot to understand for myself what I like about the game and how I could improve my playing experience I posted it in the hope that maybe someone will find thoose toughts usefull, maybe helpfull to understand for themself what some differences of the game are. Some of thoose bulletpoints can be easily turned into possible suggestions what could be changed in AoS
  20. This is also a little bit concerning for me. A 50:50 Split is the usual way to go here where I live, which means for me as Mawtribes Player I am allowed to either subvent other Death Players or explain them why I would like to pay less just to look like a greedy ogor myself...
  21. reroll hit, wound and save rolls of 1 until your next hero phase from what I can read
  22. The 3+ was really annoying as an elite army was loosing half of their attacks on hits rolls alone. I hope the core ogors will have this, too. Also, new names are incoming: Ogors are going to be named Ogor Gluttons. Ironguts remain Ironguts as per Warscroll. Gnoblars are Gnoblars again. I like the Khorne rule on the Mawpot, it is a nice detail. With the Everwinter gone I wonder if Thundertusks will get a bigger rework of if they keep their frosty theme.
  23. Maybe sniffed out by Necroquake? I am also quite interested if Mawtribes allows us to expect different tribe rules, having tribes from different regions and with different traditions and behaviours (and therefore rules)
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