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Everything posted by Charleston

  1. Valkia the Bloody if looking for the most sexy (chaos tainted) female. Real beauties have blood on their plate and the heart of their enemies dripping hot blood in their hand ❤️
  2. So, I was a fan of the Dark Elves look for a long time and always liked the underdogs and WHFB-Factions. Thus, the in-lore-destruction, and the sweet priced box with the Dragon and 20 Footwarriors made me curious about a Dark Elves centered Cities army. And yes, I checked Har Kuron and Misthaven and Anvilgard looks most sweet for me. My biggest fear is ending up with an army painted and converted with love that is an auto-loose in each game, without the shadow of a chance. How bad is it about Anvilgard? Any chance to stand a fight? My meta consist of Gloomspite, Seraphon, OBR and Fyreslayers mostly, sometimes a game vs IDK and Sylvaneth. My Plan includes currently a pure DE-Focused Army made with the SC!-Box and 2 of the new Boxes. I concidered building the Hydra as the Buff of the Dreadlord pushes them nicely. Also a Sorceres Duo with an Umbral Spellportal to provide Support on the Board seems nice, especially with Acidic Spray and 2 -1 to Hit Modifiers. I would go for 20 Darkshards and 20 Dreadspears as Battleline, together with a Hydra (Kharybridis looks cooler but Hydra beeing Serpentis works better with the Dreadlord-CA). Also I love the Dragon Sculpt, especially as Dragons became rare in the setting lately, and the Dreadlord is quite frightenig concidering he also is affected by his own CA and can be easily build with a 3+/5++ for durability. So far it looks like an cool army which heavy relies on magic support to keep up with the enemy, as most core units seem really really bad on their own. Still it seems like Anvilgard offer so much precious rules: Ignoring Battleshock through the CA, powerfull Spells and Synnergies (Bladewind and Acid Spray for example look really nasty) and all in exchange for some models that you have to sacrifice. Can I have you opion on this approch? Or maybe someone has some Battlereports to share (Anvilgard ones seem quite rare)?
  3. I would enjoy such things with care. There are different teams working on AoS which don´t communicate much. It could be that one day we receive a new bundled kit and the week after the models are taken out of range. CoS and Mercenaries were an worst case example: GW Provided a brand new battalion for Cannons and Ironwelds only for the models to be removed from the game a quite short time afterwards. There was a post yesterday somewhere that confirmed it with a quote from the broken realms website. I don´t know if it was an early change or a mined entry.
  4. @Inferno You can see that thoose are very similar, but yet different bits, by looking at the handle. One is on a chain, one has a broader handle and a ghastly hand grabbing it
  5. Yeah, here in Germany the same. I hoped to get some hobby time after I finish my thesis but now...well I will have at least the time to complete my backlog. As for Broken Realms: I am curious about thoose new City Rules. I could imagine one of them to have access to DoK Units, which would allow to play something close to old Dark Aelves. Or to set up an Army of DoK with other battlelines than Witch Aelves
  6. @zilberfrid Looks like Artwork that was new in the current battletome. I would check the page but I sold my army few days ago Talking about the new book: How many of the StD players have assembled the new named Hero multiple times already by accident and now have multiples of them around ? I have to admit that I am cautious about Narrative Campaign books. Especially PA felt rushed and like it invalidated itself with the drop of the new edition. Meanwhile, I really enjoyed Malign Portents on the other side, while the Wrath of the Everchosen felt for myself like an unnecessary moneygrab as it came directly behind the new tome...I don´t know what to expect Narrative Wise, there is quite room for them. I like the current dynamic of story telling, it makes AoS feel like a living world.
  7. Gosh I now have to imagine the CitadelTM Laser Cutter, sets you just 2.100$ back!
  8. I always asked myself how to physically achive this
  9. Any Rumours about Christmas Army Boxes? I´ve read speculations on Mawtribes, OBR, SCE and something else but nothing reliable. At what time did we got the informations last year?
  10. I wonder why there is no lube on preorder with the handle. I imagine a bundle of both could sell well.
  11. I use an Ikea Kvissle Box with a sever machine bag for my armies. It´s a reasonable priced option:
  12. Great Post and a wonderfull to tackle the topic from the other thread from a positive perspective! From my personal Experience: Hobby Clubs that are not tied to a commercial background (like a LGS or GW) are often a better environment to get a "cheaper" approach on the game as there is less stress to buy new stuff and also a second hand market tends to flourish better. Depending on your situation it may be even easier to create a club on your own. Many places offer space for regular meetings for free, sometimes even with storage place to store terrain etc. Depending on your country there may be several possibilities for this, like asking at a youth center or library f.e. Sometimes it may be enough to create a small community using social media or whats app. People communicate and trade differently in such an environment compared to ebay, craigslist etc Trade Deals are also worth concidering. Like, trade a part of your backlog against the backlog of a friend, or someone from your local group. Don´t focus on GW Stuff. There are differernt cheaper paints, hobby materials and even great tabletops.
  13. Some Points on Bravery and Battleshock from my experience: Bravery has such a low impact that many players in my playgroup forget it exists. It gets negated by spending a CP. As you can spam Command Abilities, you can spam Inspiring Presence, thus making your Army immune to BS It feels like the Rule is so far off from what one would expect it to be, that it often feels strange in the game. It reads like a rule that helps you to break and overcome thoose big blobbs of horde. Instead in all Games it had impact it were small elite units like Chaos Knights, Mournfang Riders or Troggoth that lost models to it as the big chunks of horde had always CP to save them planned in. Warscrolls, Artifacts and Spells that Affect bravery are often an automatical pass, at least in my local meta. It often just feels bad to even concider thoose rules. It´s nice StD have several -1 Bravery effects, but...who really cares about them? Especially as most spells or artifacts that care for bravery don´t stack with the modifiers. It feels always like a dead rule on the Warscroll. All in all bravery and battleshock feel annoing in many points. It has potential to become an important part of the game, but currently...it doesn´t feel that way
  14. Had today my second game since march. Went up against OBR and even won. The mission was the one with 3 diagonal objectives that can only be scored by heroes. I had the advantage of 4 Heroes against 3 of the OBR. The game was tense and a lot of fun and my first win ever against OBR. MVP of the Game was a Soul Grinder that had hilarious save rolls which allowed me to stop the OBR Countercharge of some Cavalos-Units by a turn, allowing me to get hold on the objectives. The game ended turn 3 as from this point I was able to outscore him as he only had a last lone hero left.
  15. Well, I am playing the game on a budget and made different experiences. To put them in a short summary: New Releases feel more expensive. Althrough Quality got up, I often can´t reason the higher pricing, which is why many brand new factions like idoneth or lumineth are in a point where I can´t reason the expanse for myself. This comes also by the fact, that due to the death of warhammer a load of old stock is around on second market for quite cheap and affordable prices. I already had the opportunity twice to buy out some miniatures from buds who left the hobby. Also, I play in a local group that is not tied to a lgs or gw store and to be honest, the second market is flourishing. Also Trade deals often are worth it. I was already able to cut half of my necron force for a whole FEC army of comparable size! Meanwhile I also noticed that there is often that hype and desire to always build and play something new. Nevertheless, this can easily lead to financial exhaustion and also fatigue when you don´t have time to play with all that stuff.
  16. My only fear for 3rd is that GW starts that weird wording sheningans like they did for 40k.
  17. I also noticed that the stuff of the Lord of Pain is a bit off center. I assume it was just glued in a weird way by the studio. Nevertheless it bugs me somehow. I am curious about the Narrative. My bet would be: Slaanesh is about to get loose soon after Archaons intervention. Moriathi wants to drain Slaanesh of it´s powers. Other Aelve-Deities are against it. Aelven War happen over who decides how to proceed with Slaanesh before it get´s loose War empowers Slaanesh until the cage breaks. Moriathi takes the chance and drains as much of Slaanesh as possible Slaanesh escapes, weaker then before, but finally free. Moriathi Ascends. Meanwhile, Sigar is Distracted as Godrak attacks Azyr. Rest of Chaos and Nagash won´t propably be a big spotlight after the last releases. Maybe some sideplots around.
  18. The Moriathi book looks like the start of a Psychic Awakening Like Book Series for AoS. Would match the expected next edition to come next year so there will be plently of time for some more Broken Realms books
  19. Several Rumour engines solved. Mace and boot of the Lord of Pain and the Melusai Ironscale staff is another one. The box feels a bit weird. 2x5 Snakes and 2x5 Mortal Slaaneshi Riders feels like they really hod no idea what to put inside. I wonder what the price will be. As the content is above the usual boxes, I would asume the same price as the 40k Box of Aeldari vs Aeldari
  20. LUMINEETH WAVE 2 ?!-...oh no, just an underworlds warband. Fine
  21. I am not sure if this isn´t a bit hard of a judgement. Actually Knights with Lances work as quite nice as a hammer if you manage to use them right. Althrough I have to admit that they need a ton of support. My usual support package is: Lord on Mount/Karkadrak for Charge Reroll and +1 to Hit Khorne General Aura+Mark for 1 to hit reroll and +1 to wound. optional: DP of Khorne with CA to prevent countercharges. optional: Bloodsecrator/Bloodstroker Buffed this way they have a solid 2 Hits 3+/2+/-2/2 with a reroll to hit of 1. In addition Ponies also hit better.
  22. Haha yeah, my Seraphon buddy still tries to convince me that Chaos Warriors are the best unit of the game Well, you can alter from game to game as you like it. If you want a decent caster, Belakor does actually more with his 2 casts
  23. This is a thing that really mades me mad at any single game against Seraphon. They have all of the mentioned at a reasonable point cost, have access to flat D5 Weapons on their lizzards, have shooting, chaff, mobility, morale sheningans. Short said: They are a jack of all trades, having no downside. StD are quite narrow in what they can do (mostly you are tied to a gameplan due to the sublegion you choose) and it feels like many units were paing a premium for...what exactly? Nevertheless, it is great that you picked up the game and made the best out of it! Your army looks fabulous and the rep was a goof read! I don´t get the point here. You can use the Puppeteer-Ability when he is not you general, so what would be the difference in making him a general? But yes, the Ability is awesome!
  24. Had yesterday a 1000pts game against warclans. I´ve learnt that Mawkrushas are really a paintrain, having a double movement + chage + High Damage Output. The Krusha deleted my Sorcerer on Manticore and a half unit of Knights turn one. But then I got a sweet charge with another full squad of Khorne Lance Knights with LoCoDM Buff and I have to say that this is quite of a nice hammer unit. Havin a 3+/2+/-2/2 Profile with rr 1 to hit is damn satisfying, especially with like 11 attacks. I was a bit sad that there was no Bloodsecrator around for +1 Attack, or LoC for Double-Combat. Also guys, you won´t belive it, I rolled on the Eye of Chaos table! Yeah, it really happened! First time since the book dropped. And it was a great feeling I got a useless protection against spells but hey, I got something from the gods! Next game it will be ascension!
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