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Everything posted by Battlefury

  1. Guess there is the mistake, that the player did. I can't remember that the casting was within wholly within 12" of a hero... . Gotta check that. Thank you for the advice!
  2. I would not have thought, that any army would "outperform" the DoK, but Slaanesh does...totally broken army asfaik imo. Playd them several times with several armies...not fun at all.
  3. Technically I want to get him into combat with any manners and beat up stuff with him
  4. Hello ladies & Gentlemen! I am thinking about an army composition for 1000 points, that would have Gotrek as the core piece. Technically he can be an ally to any order faction, but he could also be a regular unit in a duardin army, as I see. Does anyone have an idea how such an army would look like? Cheers///
  5. The list, that was brought to the tourney was: 1 Gaunt Summoner 1 Tzaangor Shaman 10 Pink Horrors 10 Pink Horrors 6 Tzaangor Enlightened on Discs Within a few turns there where a fu** ton of blue horrors on the table, so they just claimed all the objectives by just spawning there.
  6. Hey there! Does anyone hav an idea how to actually deal with Tzeentch? Is it correct, that they gain points for each spell, that has even been atempted to cast? Or is it just successfull casted spells? What can we do to prevent them from gaining those points, where they just spam units one after another? It is so annoying havnf good spells, but those will make you lose your otherwise good game... . #frustrated
  7. Thank you very much, that made it absolutely clear
  8. Can Allies use the endless spells, that are included in their book, when they are part of an army, that is not that allegiance? Example: In an allegiance army of Kharadron is an auric runesmiter, from the fyreslayers, as an ally. Can that army then include endless spells from the fyreslayers?
  9. Good morning mates! After a few month of experience in my local meta, I would like to share my experience and conclusion with you. Having ranted a lot and gave it a chance over and over again, here I am again, telling you that the book isn't woth a penny in my local meta. The meta in my local area is playing armies and compositions, that battered each single approach in every single game but literally 1. Might be, that it behaves better in other areas, as well as on tournaments, but not here. Having tried the most promising combos like Tyrants, Pilgrims,Lords and a lot of the "smaller" and unconvenient battalions, the result was all the same. I hope you can perform better with it and wish you all the luck! Watching the lists in several tournament myself, I saw that the vast majority of lists played all through the different armies is absolutely differen than, where I am here. So my conclusion, to avoid further more furstraion ( wich I have been through since release of AoS, with the exeption of the first BoK book, that was good at the beginning, but went errate'd to pieces ) I will just not play the army anymore. Hopefully, in the future, the book will be reworked to keep up with the other new book for all the armies, that are being released yet. Seeing, how the new books are designed, i see even less benefit in playing BoK, because all those armies are just better designed from my subjective perspective. Guess I am gonna read, what is written here, but I really have no faith at all in our book and the designer of this army. Wish you all the best & thank you for all the advice and help, that was put into the topic! Cheers///
  10. Looking at the different "unique" rules setups, I don't know if GW is intentionally bringing those new rules into the Battletomes consistently. Sometimes it feels like: "Oh we got a new idea wich rules we could create...let us just do it for those new books now." Wich absolutely will create Power Creep for sure, because they would not update old stuff until the next release.
  11. Absulutely agree. It feels a little like "copyright over design", wich IMO isn't a good way to create a game, exept you really make a good way between the both, wich I sometimes dom't really see.
  12. Thank you very much, I have found your post I would have one question: What does the Branchwraith make better than the Branchwych? I do also own a Arch Revenant from the Looncurse Box, wich I would use to buff the Hunters. But taking him would mean to drop the Spirit of Durthu from the list. Therefore I could take another Branchwyh, but don't know if it is worth it. Spirit of Durthu is a wrecking ball, so i guess he would be great.
  13. I am not really into the game, but for the purpose of getting the new cards, I would like to show you a way: Even if you play on tournaments, the most TOs accept your personal safety copies of the originals cards that you have ( wich you have not to prove ). I'd suggest you just find someone who ahs the cards in your local community or via google. Most likely there will be a source to hand you the cards for your personal purpose, if you understand what I mean. To generally wrap the cards into those plastic seals should be a good way to go...even for your copies.
  14. Is Anvilstrike still a thing? Or did another list built replace it yet?
  15. The more I read, the more I like this army I am currently looking for a 1000 points list and I will most likely face: Nighthaunt Flesh Eater Courts Tzeench Slaanesh Ironjaws Idoneth Deepkin Until now I do have: 1 Spirit of Durthu 1 TLA 30 Dryads 5 Tree Revenants 3 Hunter with Bows 3 Hunters with Swords 1 Branchwych Would you have any suggestions, what would be in good use at 1k points? Thanks in advance!
  16. Sry for the redundant post, question already answered.
  17. For my taste GW is creating vastly not interesting models right now. The level of Fantasy coming from WHFB was totally fine IMO. When stuff gets so much exacurated it kind of becomes "funny" and loses its claim to portrait an alternative world, as it more and more becomes a comic. I know, that since WHFB was neglected, that some designers went away and took their license for several armies with them, not giving those to GW. These are the armies, that are totally drawn away of the game right now, such as Bretonnia etc. . Overall it was a mistake, how GW went with the design of the miniatures and the rules. Why wasn't it just done like in 40k, to create a new rules set for the existing world / lore / model range and then remake the existing models and release new stuff for existing armie. Don't get it wrong please, I am not a whiner of WHFB, since I have never played it an totally understand the issues with that system. But exacurating the style now in that way they do is not a go to target IMO.
  18. I just gt one box of the Crypt Flayers / Crypt Horror for a good price and wonder what to do with them. Until now I don't have anything else from the army. What would you suggest? Looking for a possibility to take on even heavier infantery, so I'd suggest the Flayers arer better for that?
  19. Infinity did it pretty well for me:: Base indicates the outer silhouette of a model, that is supposed to being in move anywhere on is base. The hight of that model is determined by a certain characteristic. Bases block the sight to bases, that are behind it. A unit is only visible, if you can see a part of it that's at least 3mm big ( size of a head ), arms, legs and equipment doesn't give sight to the model. It is in cover, who touches a terrain object with its base and is at least partially covered by it, looking from the active shooter. At least 51% of a unit have to be in cover to gain cover for that unit. No shooting through tiny little holes or even between the legs of a model.
  20. Anyone intel on how Skarbrand actually performs on the board? Due to his numbers he should be ok, but I am wondering if I should really take him into my Tyrants list, or maybe just another BThirster.
  21. People in my community where just wondering, if it could use battalion. But as I see, the Legion of Grief is part of the Legions of Nagash Allegiance ( Battletome ) and can not form a battalion, since there is no battalion in the book, that would allow the keywords to be used, that potentially could be used with all the Nighthaunt stuff. Could you confirm, that the Lgion of Grief is part of the Legions of Nagash Allegiance / Battletome?
  22. @AHexInScarletRed Here you go, it is the collection of the lists of GT London. http://tabletop.to/page-offline.html
  23. So did I interpret it correct, that the Legion of Grief itself can not include any battalion?
  24. Not really, but it seems that there are some absic combos in use: Aborrhant Arch regent & Crypt Horrors & Terrorgheist Several Terrorgheists and Zombidragons with Ghoul Kings, supported by Crypt Flayers The army supports many different play styles, that do not need to be mixed wthin itself, that's what I like atm. We can clearly go for "fleshed" out plans to play the strategy. What really rally really buggs me is, that the f**king Aborrhant Arch Regent has not yet been released as a single model, but is very important as a hero for the army. And we can not tell, if it will ever come... . Such as the Bombardier ( Skaven ) didn't, the Arch Revenant ( Sylvaneth ) didnt...Khorgoraths ( Khorne ) didn't since release of AoS and even more models. Guess GW shouldn't have to wonder, when 3D printed versions pop out of the "realms" soon.
  25. @GwendarWhy did you sell your FEC army? EDIT: Read the Batrep, answer already given. Question redundant now.
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