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Everything posted by Televiper11

  1. To address a few of your issues: The new Volley Of Shot command ability is sweet for Fireglaives and makes our shooting more reliable. Bring a Chaos Sorcerer Lord to buff your K'daai and suddenly they are a lot more powerful and less prone to failing saves. They also have the mvt necessary to secure objectives quickly and Kiss Of Fire means your opponent will be shy about getting too close to them. Don't forget the Castellan's command ability, that +1 to wound is helpful. I agree the battalions are kinda meh. The artillery one is the only one I might take with consistency.
  2. Legion Of Azgorh cuz Chaos Dwarfs! And Centaurs! And lots and lots of cannons. Plus the models all look cool as hell. Seraphon cuz my daughters love to point at them and say "Dinosaurs riding dinosaurs!" Order Draconis cuz it is a one-trick pony army and sometimes that is all my brain can handle. Beast Of Chaos cuz I've always loved their models and aesthetic and laying ambushes. I'll report back on the Tempest's Eye army I'm building.
  3. I did buy pre-painted off eBay. With a toddler at home, I just don't have time to build & paint at all. I started a Seraphon army nine months ago that is still only 1/3 painted. I'm def looking into acquiring some Irondrakes as I like a balance of tanky infantry plus shooting and am used to it as an LoA player.
  4. Could be, I've enough Swifthawk Agents to make for an interesting TE combo list.
  5. I saw that but I have an eye toward either going 2K Dispo or making a Mixed Order-Tempest's Eye list.
  6. Warden King, Runelord, 10x Hammerers, 30x Ironbreakers, plus a Steam Tank.
  7. Just picked up 1K of Dispossessed and am excited to play some ME with them.
  8. I'm seeing the potential in a Skroug's based list. Here's a rough draft: Mortal Realm: AqshyBull Centaur Taur'ruk (160)- General- Trait: Grotesque - Artefact: Armour of Bazherak the Cruel Daemonsmith (100)- Darkforged Weapon- Artefact: Chalice of Blood and Darkness Infernal Guard Castellan (120)- Darkforged Weapon & Pyrelock Pistol- Artefact: Thermalrider Cloak Infernal Guard Battle Standard Bearer (100)10 x Infernal Guard Fireglaives (100)10 x Infernal Guard Fireglaives (100)10 x Infernal Guard Ironsworn (90)10 x Infernal Guard Ironsworn (90)5 x Furies (60)- Allies1 x Chaos Spawn (50)- AlliesChaos Gargant (170)- AlliesDeathshrieker Rocket Launcher (120)Magma Cannon (140)Magma Cannon (140)Iron Daemon War Engine (180)Blackshard Warhost (160)Hashut's Wrath Artillery Train (120)Total: 2000 / 2000Extra Command Points: 2Allies: 280 / 400Wounds: 112 Maybe drop the Standard Bearer & the Blackshard Warhost to take some K'daai or Endless Spells but that third artefact is kinda tasty. Could also drop the Chaos Spawn for an extra CP.
  9. Furies are 60pts. I've run them before for their cheap mvt and ability to act as chaff. That merc company is intriquing.
  10. If you do decide to separate any of them out, I'd be interested in your Irondrakes & Runelords
  11. Yeah, I'd hold off until this gets clarified. K'daai would still have their uses, just less so, imo. If they FAQ allies back in, I'll be happy to run them in big numbers again. If not, I'm thinking of rebuilding my list from the ground-up around the Artillery Train + Blackshard Warhost.
  12. I do hope this gets fixed ASAP as I'm sweating my list for July now.
  13. Without the Chaos Sorcerer Lord ally, my K'daai heavy list stops making sense. I have a 2K tourney coming up and without the CSL, I'd have to re-imagine my entire list and strategy.
  14. I'd use the money to build a time machine for Robert E. Howard & Leigh Brackett.
  15. I know the Battletome is still embargoed but are the new points updated in Ayzr or on Warscroll Builder?
  16. Order Draconis: You want to avoid our charges at all cost. Opponents who bring Soulsnare Shackles and/or Prismatic Palisade do well at this. Put a lot of tarpitting chaff up front to bog us down. I usually only carry one ally wizard -- kill him quick!
  17. I like Volley Fire but am meh on the other two. More stuff to remember...
  18. This is particularly true if you have a horde army. Also if I bring my Chaos Sorcerer Lord ally, kill him quick as his spell buffs the Fireborn and makes them truly devastating.
  19. I'm playing in a ME tourney on Sunday. Will report back.
  20. Best tactic against Legion Of Azgorh? Forfeit immediately! (jk) In all seriousness, take out our artillery stat.
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