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Everything posted by Dreadmund

  1. I would in other events. Sadly the tournament says no duplicate warscrolls between team-members and my Seraphon friend wants cogs for his Slann. So I'd need to roll at least an 8 on my charge roll. I'm also concerned that with such a large group of BKs, Gutrot is easier to zone out. If I know that 20 blightkings are dropping on a board edge in the first turn, I am obviously going to deploy in such a way as to minimize their effectiveness. This way seems more reliable without cogs just because it can't be shut down like that.
  2. I am tempted by something like this: Great Unclean one w/ Bell and Blade, Favored Poxes, Witherstave Lord of Plagues, Rustfang Sorcerer, Blades of Putrefaction Harbinger of Decay, General, Endless Gift 20 x Blightkings 5 x Blightkings 5 x Blightkings 5 x Blightkings Plague Cyst Blessed Sons 2000/2000 The idea is to use a command point to run the unit of 20 Blightkings up the field on the first turn, tag the tree and then have another command point available to re roll the charge. 4 Inch move, +3 from GUO, +6 Run, potentially +2 from wheel and then an average charge roll of 8 (7+1 from musician) makes for a fairly nice threat range. Hopefully they will have blades of putrefaction too. I can place my sorcerer way back in deployment out of unbind range to set that up. Then they try to tag as much of the enemy army as possible with a big, single activation punch. Not going to wipe things off the board, but it will hopefully cause enough damage to slow them down and more importantly it will tie up most of the enemy army for 2 or 3 turns as they chew through 20 BKs with Reroll 6's to hit, 4+ Save, Rerolling 1's to save, 5+ after save. The other 3 units of BKs stand on objectives and try to defend against any small weak objective grabbers like skinks and horrors that might be summoned or fly past the BKs. Probably not the most competitive list, but it sounds like a lot of fun. I would be taking it to a team tournament where I am hopefully more likely to be paired with a list that will struggle to chop through the kings in time to compete on objectives.
  3. In my opinion they would look great as marauders! Them being a little small doesn't bother me, you can just say their growth has been stunted by their various ailments after all.
  4. What's currently the best estimate for that big Winter FAQ we're supposed to be getting? Think it will coincide with the Slaves to Darkness FAQ or will we get it a few weeks later? Is it actually confirmed to be happening?
  5. My concern with lots of summoners is the large drop count increasing the chance of getting alpha strike'd hard. But I suppose with enough cheap screens to defend against that it's a pretty good force multiplier! I'm going to take 1 Gaunt along with Changehost in my list because the value he adds is great for the points and it lets me use the Darkfire Daemonrift endless spell which is basically made for Tzeentch.
  6. Who's the other one in your eyes, out of interest?
  7. Last two years they've announced army updates with a teaser on Christmas Day. That's my guess for the next "big" reveal opportunity. Between now and then I think it will mostly be slaves and warcry cards.
  8. Those who use folding tables to play on, what brand are you using and where did you get it? I need a playing surface that can fold down and be hidden away when not in use for the sake of my partner who does not care for the idea of a gigantic table taking up most of our living room! The current plan is to get 2 folding tables that can be used for dinnerparties/board games individually or pushed together to play warhammer on. I'm struggling to find tables in a good size for that though... The best I've been able to find would be two 6' x 2.5' tables or 6' x 5' when pushed together and I worry that might be annoying to reach over. Although it's nice that each player will have a little 6 inch gap for dice/tape/warscrolls etc. I've also looked into 6x4 tables from places like Urbanmatz, but boy... the cost and shipping charge is ruthless!
  9. Yes! You can roll for each unique source.
  10. It's a shame but I'm going to have to insist on a "no-professional magicians or pickpockets" rule at my table.
  11. Those models don't have consistent base sizes, and some models might look a little silly or just straight up won't fit on 25mm bases, especially the Ogor Iron golem or the larger dudes with more dynamic poses. But you'll need to buy at least 3 double size bozes to make 1 unit of 40 so you will have spares. As long as you're clear what they are with your opponent before the start of the game, it should be fine.
  12. Nooo I was led astray! Still, I have 40 marauders who will love it.
  13. The Pack says no duplicate warscrolls. Just to clarify, does this mean only 1 copy of each endless spell per 6 man team?
  14. Anyone else scope the warscroll on top of the warscroll cards for Slaves to Darkness? Command ability giving Mortal units Pile in and Attack twice. My Blightkings like that a lot.
  15. Anyone fancy doing some wild, totally unsupported speculation on what the Slaves to Darkness endless spells could be? My first instinct is a fissure in the ground in the shape of the Chaos symbol that does mortals and a bravery debuff.
  16. I don't think anyone is disputing that. If I wanted to build the most effective list I could, of course I'd take the best units. We're just lamenting that the models that are doing well for us right now aren't always the ones we wish were doing well or the even the ones that best represent the allegiance's aesthetic. There are probably a lot of stormcast players who wish that their favourite models aren't considered very good right now. But the difference is that the models that are doing well for them still look like stormcast. I faced a really lovely guy in my last event running 140 Marauders and a Harbinger of decay. I loved the list, but it definitely felt more like playing Slaves to Darkness than Nurgle. The "boils to unblemished skin" ratio was way off lol. It's only an annoyance and it could be worse. Imagine we didn't have those options! It would be a rough time for us. Some day in the future, fingers crossed, all the cool models we love will have their moment in the sun eventually! But I'm definitely not holding my breath for a new book any time soon.
  17. This is true. There is a good chance an enemy unit will be able to attempt an unbind though, which complicates things. In my last event I really struggled to get spells off and part of that was bad rolls, the other part was unbinding.
  18. I see what you're saying, but the distinction is less obvious to me. StD warscrolls change if they're marked as nurgle. They worship him. Aesthetically they might not meld as much because their design has to work for all 4 Gods AND generic chaos but the Mortal worshippers of a Chaos god are much more interesting to me thematically. Regardless, I want to use some of those awesome nurgle models that attracted me to the game in the first place but that currently are in a very weak place. Spoilpox, Bilepiper, Beasts, the three Maggoth Lords, Horticulous Slimux, Nurglings... If a Tree sprouts in the forest, but no Nurgle units are around to see it, is it really a feculent Gnarlmaw?
  19. I feel like you knew what I meant... Why are StD less nurgle than Skaven? They have the Nurgle Keyword.
  20. Some day I dream of playing a Nurgle list this promising with Nurgle models in it lol
  21. Yeah this is exactly how I feel. It's annoying that we're soooo close to being in a great place. But I just don't see it coming any time soon sadly. Witnessing the summoning mechanics of some armies I've never played really drove home how bad our summoning is too lol. Everyone I faced was getting points just for doing what they always do (Slaanesh: Deal damage, Khorne: Things die, Tzeentch: Cast spells...). We have to move units into positions that are often strategically disadvantageous, and strike the perfect balance of tree placement between "useful for movement" and "not going to get shut down" without knowing which side of the table we'll start on. Hopefully in the next book, whenever that is, they'll take another look at those mechanics. I do get the narrative thinking behind the rule though: we're supposed to spread and infect the landscape like a plague - so we're incentivised to spread out and "infect" enemy territory with our models, and then multiply. Do you guys feel like that concept is reflected in yours games though?
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