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Lucky Snake Eyes

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Everything posted by Lucky Snake Eyes

  1. I myself have a Slaves army (though i'm currently using it as the basis for a slaanesh army until darkoath drops) but between their less than stellar start collecting set, prices of their other kits, unfamiliarity with being a new army (where as aelves and slaves are based in older armies with nostalgia from WFB) and yes awkward transportation (been dealing with that with my mortis engine lately) they where a hard sell to players with only so much money to spend, my self included as i considered them for my first army, throw their sub par rules on top of that and i can see where many people would be turned off from them.
  2. A good tournament player can get results with almost any army, a lot of the competitive players in my area switch armies all the time to challenge themselves. But from what I can tell, there aren't many casual players running them, none in my area and none in the local areas of any of the folks i talk to outside my area. Both of the hobby shops i go to tell me they don't sell either.
  3. I would hope that any rewrites include changes to battleline because I was tempted to start them as my first army for AoS but as a broke college student at the time I decided against it as there kits weren't exactly the cheapest and their start collecting had no battleline in it.
  4. I'm still banking on slaanesh being in soul wars so i'd have to agree with sylvaneth vs fyreslayers or maybe something with darkoath vs somebody since that will probably just be a big Slaves/everchosen overhaul similarly to carrion empire
  5. KO could do with a larger overhaul than most factions, they need more infantry choices and battleline in general. There ships could use some retooling as well so I wouldn't be surprised if we had to wait longer for a larger update for them.
  6. So a thought occurred to me regarding the upcoming soulwars release... The entirety of the aelf races are quite literally built around souls stolen from the mortal coil by first slaanesh and then the new aelf gods. So what if instead of stormcasts and death again we got a soul wars box that was death vs slaanesh or death vs aelves? Or slaanesh vs aleves? I haven't gotten around to reading the soul wars books yet but it was started by nagash being pissed over sigmar taking human souls from the mortal coil to make the stormcasts right? Then wouldn't slaanesh and the aelves doing the same also instigate another theater of war in the soul wars?
  7. Well given the past few battletomes and the updates to skaven and FEC, they seem to want every army to have a terrain piece and endless spells, so even if we don't get a straight up new battletome i wouldn't be surprised if for the next soul wars installment we got a suppliment of some sort that gave us endless spells and maybe terrain pieces for soulblight or legions graveyards.
  8. Huh, fair enough. I've personally only used soulblight for a path to glory but even then dropped it for legion of blood in a subsequent campaign due too having better options. Well with flesh eaters getting an update maybe we can expect to see soulblight, if not LoN entirely get a makeover, Nagash knows we need new battalions and some rebalancing on certain units.
  9. I've seen a few people run a ghoul king to summon ghoul fodder, seems like a decent idea since we lack reasonable fodder of our own and don't want to blow too many points we could be using for more bloodknights and vampire lords.
  10. Not to mention it's also part of one of the weirdest battalions we have (not that it means much when we only have 6 of them), a melee and movement based battalion that works off of proximity to this weird non-coven throne that buffs a mortarch you don't normally want in battle anyways? What's the point? Sure extra movement on vamps is nice but it's not like neffi get's much benefit from the rerolls since you can't stack chances for her instant kill and while ebon claws are nice they aren't quite the murder weapons VLoZD has.
  11. I wouldn't be surprised if we got another traitor legion codex when that happens, it'd be kinda neat to get a month of slaanesh where we got hosts battletome and emperors children codex all in one go.
  12. Someone breaking an NDA is on the individual bound by the contract, once the info is public there's no stopping it from spreading. Besides, where's the fun in stopping absolute madmen from throwing out there nerdy wishes, half-truths and straw grasping hopes for all to discuss? Also, i'll admit to owning beige pants...
  13. Hello wargamers, lore nerds, dice fiends and 'that guys'. I figured I'd open up the first post to this blog by talking about something I hadn't put much thought into until recently, player morale. Naturally we nerds like to share our hobbies with others and love to see more people get involved in our not so little game of toy soldiers, but sometimes people lose the enthusiasm that keeps us going through those downtrodden times of broken armies, sub par battletomes or lack thereof. My local wargaming community is pretty casual. Most people play for fun and like to try goofy lists, a lot of us proxy frequently to experiment with neat army ideas and instances of 'that guy' syndrome are few and far between. We've got our competitive players that only roll up for tournaments and our casual players that play whenever they get the chance, but we've also got a few people who just can't seem to catch a break. For example we've got a gaming lounge in my town that I frequent for AoS and occasionally 40k. Naturally the owner and the employees are all a bunch of nerds who enjoy warhammer, D&D, magic etc. but don't often get many chances to play since, well they have a business to run. One of the employees, the owners brother, is an ironjawz player. Nice enough guy but is kept busy by work and doesn't get to put his army to the table often. I was asked by a friend (stormcast scum) to come in and fill a spot for a 2v2 game because I play Legions of Nagash and my partner was a Vampire Counts player from 8th edition WFB who missed the AoS train due to a prolonged stay in Japan. So me, the ironjawz player, stormcast scum and vampire weeb sit down for a 3000pt 2v2 (1500pts per team member). My partner had brought a lot of vampires and bloodknights to the table so I showed him legion of blood (he was using grand host originally having not looked into the 3 sub legions) so he made his VLoZD his general, gave it the walking death command trait (6+ automatically damages without wound or save rolls) and then proceeded to roll hot dice all day and demolish 1700pts in units with just the VLoZD... His VLoZD got into combat with some brutes turn 1 and proceeded to mulch all 3 units of brutes the ironjaws player had over the course of the game (with a little help from my skeles in round 2) We where using realmgates so come round 2 the ironjaws maw crusha was warped to the opposite end of the board to deal with some skeletons moving on an objective. By round 3 all the ironjaws player had left was his maw crusha while this VLoZD was sat there belly full of orruk with 4 wounds left. Me and stormcast scum where mostly at each others throats all game over a center objective with my Arkhan taking the heat of the ballistas off of weebs VLoZD. Me and stormcast scum are used to defeats as we face each other almost weekly having a good laugh trying to one up each others lists, but our ironjaws friend was feeling pretty down having just his lonely maw crusher by the end of round 2. None of us had particularly competitive lists that day but apparently ironjaws has been on a bit of a losing streak. That paired with how infrequently he gets to play, it seems like he's losing interest in the game despite how much he seemed to enjoy it when I first met him. Weeb was loving the game at least. Always glad to see someone get back into the hobby, especially when they join the objectively best grand alliance (totally not typing this while painting the masque of slaanesh) Anyone else have stories to share about discouraged players? Ever been a discouraged player yourself? Anyone have any ideas on how to help raise the spirits of players feeling down on their hobby?
  14. Tried doing a 30 day challenge over the holidays, figured it would be a good way to make progress on my Emperors children army for 40k. It was mostly builds for the first 5 days and the rest was painting, a hellbrute here, terminator there. Figured at least for days i didn't want to do any serious work i'd just paint a marine to keep the streak going, but between my other hobbies (mainly weekly D&D games i run), work picking up again with my contract renewal and my last semester of college starting, I lasted 19 days before life sapped me of the time and willpower to put paint to plastic. Good thing most of my friends don't give a ****** about unpainted models but here's hoping I'll find the time to finish my backlog of paint projects... doesn't help that I keep adding to that list... hosts of slaanesh here I come...
  15. I do wish they'd take this as an opportunity to diversify legions of nagash a bit more. Make each legion a bit more unique by making sacrament more reminiscent of TK, blood a proper soulblight army and keep night as the VC representation.
  16. @Honk Now if only prince V had the right keywords... That's seriously broken tho, may give me good reason to run neffi again, Arkhan spell bombing has been my bread and butter lately but of I can get even more mileage out of my vampire lords then i may just go for a face smashy bravery bomb.
  17. I thought only the bloodlance/sword was affected and not the mount portion of the profile. Seems silly for a VLoZD to get extra attacks with it's claws and maw...
  18. Malal more or less feeds off of pure chaos itself, as long as chaos exists so does malal. He exists as the manifestation of chaos' self destructive nature, think about it, the end goal of chaos is the ruination of all, but since living beings are the source of chaos it's a self destructive goal. Malal represents and feeds off of chaos' march to it's own destruction.
  19. Malal has been swept under the rug and rewritten so many times i'm not sure what the current "official" description is, but he's essentially the antithesis or pinnacle of chaos, he represents chaos' inevitable end as it turns in on itself in self destruction. The chaos gods are a fire given life by the universe and malal is the flame sputtering out in a sense.
  20. Why not kitbash a mix of stormcast and slaves to darkness bits?
  21. Hey fellow legionaries of totally not tomb kings! I recently took our favourite tongueless bootlicker to a local tournament and ran away with 2nd place! (ended up with a by in the first round due too uneven numbers) All battles where in chamon. Here's the list I brought: Lords of sacrament battalion: Arkhan (general, soul harvest) necro (black gold bracers, decrepify) necro (spectral grasp) mortis engine VLoZD (Vile transference, shroud of darkness, lance) dire wolves X5 dire wolves X5 skeletons X30 (swords) grave guard X10 (greatblades) corpse cart (goad, lodestone) Glaivewraith stalkers X4 (drummer) Purchased command points X1
  22. Sorcerer is our only non fw wizard option aside from the manticore variant, oracular vision and dark power can turn a couple of units into a bigger pain for your opponent. As for marks on knights i'd suggest khorne for sword knights and slaanesh for glaive knights
  23. I like the idea of the rebranded army being called godsworn but then you can't really toss in everchosen since archie kinda hates the chaos gods. Maybe if it was straight up called "The Undivided" or maybe "heralds of the end times" (sorry for those still sore about the death of fantasy). That way you could thematically take archie the champion of chaos undivided, in the undivided army (the fact you can't already do that is a load of bull). I would like the darkoath stuff to replace the old marauder line with darkoath berserkers, hunters, wolf chariots, etc. I would also like to see a proper return of mammoths and the incorporation of some of fantasy's norsca stuff like a warshrine mammoth, skin wolves, etc. I agree with the notion that warriors are fine but have dumb poses, but i would like to see a new chosen kit or maybe aspiring champions as there own unit. Either way I would like to see some form of juiced up chaos infantry that is as beefy if not beefier than stormcasts, I still find it silly that chaos warriors are smaller than most stormcasts but are about the same in stat profiles. Also there was mention of varanguard being chosen but aren't they supposed to be lords? I do agree that they should get a foot variant, since the current profile for chosen doesn't scream "heavy infantry" the same way units like retributers do.
  24. the up to 3 bit seems crazy, so as long as you can fit 1 you're good. But this also means that you have the option of getting more coverage in more open spaces. and that you can just cover the opponents deployment zone with them with the free wyldwood at the start of the game, provided you get the deployment choice of course. the only way to deny objectives from being covered is to get first turn and hope you can run guys up to them first which seems difficult for slower armies like LoN. Now i see why so many people find sylvaneth to be super competitive
  25. Hey all, I'm not a sylvaneth player but a new AOS player has recently joined my local AOS group and no one in the group can seem to agree on how spawning wyldwoods works. The new guy is under the impression that each time he summons wyldwoods he gets to place 3 of the wyldwood terrain pieces on the table, that seems a little ridiculous to some of us given the size of the damn things so I wanted some clarification from people who have more experience with the army.
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