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Everything posted by dirkdragonslayer

  1. They went to the Gloomspite school of fighting. If you can't win fair and square, use copious amounts of DRUGS to overpower them (or overdose trying). I do like the idea of a pirate haven living on a flotilla of ships.
  2. I (mostly) liked the Ork PA book. I think Ragnar beating Ghaz with a chainsword was pretty ham-fisted though. I expected Ghazghkull to lose (we Orks are made for fighting and losing), I just thought we would lose to someone with a narrative connection with Ghaz like Grimaldus, Helbrect, Dante, or someone who fought on Armageddon. Throwing Ragnar at him feels like they chose his opponent by spinning a roulette wheel of Space Marine captains. All the other narrative events and the special upgrades were pretty nice and fluffy. I liked the Speedwaaagh of Leckides where the Waaagh energy was so oppressive that the Wolf Priests had their heads explode in their helmets or the battle of Brakhutos where the wolves fought Squigs and Franken-Orks. They had some good stuff there, but it seemed like they had to force Ragnar and Ghaz into the book (they barely get a mention despite being the focus of the book). Luckily, judging by the index page it seems this book was written around Morathi instead of random lore snippets with Morathi thrown in at the end like Saga of the Beast.
  3. His leaked price seems to be 25 Euros, which for Americans would be 35-40$.
  4. I am betting on Be'Lakor. I know some people think it's a sail, but this looks like Be'lakor's wing to me. Skulls on chains are pierced all over his wings, and that looks like a daemon wing to me.
  5. Praise be to Jakkob Bugmansson, heir to the Bugman family legacy! Neither grobi nor orruk nor aelf nor End of the World stays this family from their ale brewing craft. I don't play KO, but this is super tempting to grab as an Admiral to start. Bugman's Brewing Barges, with the arkanauts painted in the old blue and red of Bugman's Rangers. Also this is the first KO without their helmet which is pretty neat. Also I really appreciate that he isn't christmas themed. I loved the Red Gobbo model, but I had to do a lot of kitbashing and sculpting to make him fit with my 40k Orks.
  6. I think Gloomspite fans got pretty lucky as well (or at least I feel lucky). They are basically the Night Goblins and Trolls from WHFB but pumped up to an even more cartoonish level of tomfoolery (which I love). They lost some seriousness (less torture for cruel fun, more trying to steal bottles from chaos worshippers) which some people I know don't like, but I love it. The new Dankholds and Boingrots were things I never knew I wanted but now couldn't see them without. I love my big derpy purple boys. I know some people who were pretty mad normal goblins got squatted and the night goblins stayed around instead, but honestly I didn't care for the normal goblins (except for the Doomdiver and Pumpwagon). I like the goofy shenanigans of the hooded loons.
  7. I don't know which book he is talking about, but I remember FW was going to have a book to update them (and Fimir) during 8th edition WHFB, then that book was canceled when End Times production started. Prototype models that were shown off at Warhammer World were Fimir Matriarchs (a massive fimir similar in scale to the Dankhold Troggoth), Fimir Nobles (eventually released in AoS, but discontinued two years later alongside Fimir), Fimir variants with different weapons, A giant K'daii Destroyer for Chaos Dwarfs (repurposed to be the FW Greater Khorgorath by removing most of the armor, changing the head, and adding Khorne symbols), and more. Here is the Chaos Dwarf K'daai Destroyer with the helmet and without the helmet. The K'daii Destroyer wasn't ready to be released for Throne of Chaos so they were repeatedly postponed until 8th, then eventually scrapped. I am having trouble finding the images for the fimir atm.
  8. I am just imagining an Avatar of Grimnir, a big duardin-shaped stone golem with magma flowing through cracks in the stone. In it's head are ur-gold runes that gives it false life, imitating their ideal form of Grimnir.
  9. The objective kicking is probably my favorite part about the SoB at the moment. It's just a simple but very unique mechanic, and it's pretty funny to imagine you looking at your opponent and going "Actually we are going to play bloodbowl now." As a Gloomspite player I am still confident that I could play the objectives with my hordes of Grots, but I can see low model count armies like Idoneth Eels having trouble fighting for objectives against SoB. Maybe this will indirectly shift the meta towards people playing the objective instead of trying to delete as much of the enemy's units in 1-2 turns. It's kind of funny that the army people expected to be a wrecking ball of destruction is actually good at holding and manipulating objectives.
  10. In the old world, Giants were super inbred after they devolved from the Sky Titan, and this inbreeding (as well as the effects of chaos) made them prone to mutation. Because of this the giants had some pretty mutated bits to them. If you look at the Mancrusha Gargant models, some have 3 toes, 4 toes, normal hands, hands with 3 fingers (and a thumb), hands with 2 fingers (and a thumb), hooves, horns, and more. I guess the Mega-Gargants may be similarly inclined towards mutation.
  11. Looks like Mollog with the small legs and huge arms. Maybe he finally found a nice place to nap and grow.
  12. Look at the wee little lad! It's funny since I usually see the Dankhold next to my grots or some DnD figures and he looks huge, and this photo makes him look like a toddler.
  13. You can use the Kraken-eater's net to kitbash a Troggoth Hag. My idea would be based on a Dankhold or Fomoroid Crusher (she would be a petite girl compared to the resin model, more like the total war version in size). Have her ride on a palanquin held up by other troggoths, or on a large chariot pulled by Squigs to get the size right.
  14. One thing I noticed about AoS releases, they always like to leave a door open in the lore for expansion in a later edition. They talk about or show a group within a faction that is mostly non-existent in the army, leaving the possibility that they will be added later. Sylvaneth have the Kurnothi, Gitz have the Gitmob, Lumineth have the Tyrionites, Kharadron have vessels that have only been described, Slaanesh has their mortals, etc. There are even Stormcast chambers that have only been mentioned like the Ruination and Covenant chambers. Heck, maybe in a few years there will be a Gargant Chieftain kit the same way the Imperial Knights got Knight Castellans, after all the hints about even bigger gargants.
  15. Those are some solid predictions. I would love a Doomdiver since I want some Gitz artillery (or at least make a plastic Squig Gobba), though I would bet on a Scuttleboss and maybe some Grot Scuttlings. The Scuttleboss is the only GS model that looks Old/Ugly, and the Spiderfang part of the army is the smallest.
  16. Harlequins/Deathwatch got their update in a White Dwarf since their factions are on the bottom rung of popularity in 40k. The rumor was that they didn't think they could sell enough PA books focused on the two factions, with many third party retailers saying those two armies sell the worst. I would not be surprised if 9th edition has Harlequins get absorbed by the Craftworld, like when the Black Templars and Legion of the Damned got absorbed by the standard Marines. I am not sure if their treatment is comparable to what we see in AoS white dwarf armies. the AoS updates seem to be focused on adding flavor to existing armies, not updating them like with Deathwatch. The Fyreslayer and Nurgle one only came out 2-3 months after their battletome iirc. Also as a Destruction/Xenos player, I don't really expect to get an updated book every year. Or stuff tends to be once an edition, sometimes with rules in campaign books like Vigilus. Yeah the book is a little out of date, but the Gloomspite tome came out last year, it wasn't that long ago. I see the Jaws of Mork and Glogg's Mob stuff as something to encourage different army compositions without needing to print a new book, since the battletome allegiance abilities in the book kind of favored Moonclan (with the Loonshrine abilities and Stabba respawning)
  17. Has anything come up about the Snotling Blood Bowl team release date that I missed? I know it isn't AoS specifically, but I want to use them for some Gloomspite conversions. I need that Pump Wagon in my life.
  18. Old World is definitely going to be a factor in all this. Kind of like Custodes or Mechanicus having 30k models in 40k, I feel that the Old World will be used to update some older kits. From what we have seen, it seems to be focused on the northern Old World, so I expect things like Empire soldiers, Dwarves, and Chaos Marauders are on the table (as well as new Kislev). GW loves their dual game kits like Daemons, Tzaangors, and Warcry Cultists.
  19. That explains why Genestealer Cults have gotten so much love recently. I imagine the designers had tons of ideas that kept getting shot down, and they just stockpiled them until recently when GSC was given the green light.
  20. Gives me time to sit down and finish a bunch of conversions that I have been putting off for being time consuming I guess. Already made more strides on a converted Big Mek today than I have in months. I just need to fill some gaps and make one little hydraulic-looking piece. After that, it's off to making little houses for my Gloomspite army using a bunch of Easter eggs, gauze, twine, and tape, like this guy made. I think I will add little chimneys and rude graffiti, Stay safe everyone, be nice to your fellow person, and get some hobbying done.
  21. One thing of note is that Sneaky Snufflers come in multiples of 6, not 5, so you would really have two squads of 12. In the battletome it says 5, but it was FAQ'd shortly after. Here is the FAQ.
  22. To me it looks like the rumor engine is upside down. It looks like an aelven staff with a moon on the top. It's doing a sweeping motion with magic coming out of the crystal moon and the charm on the twirly bit. The moon looks a bit crude, but it's too thin and the non-crystal parts too well made to be grots, so my bet is Lumineth or some other moon wizard.
  23. Doesn't really bother me. Sites need to be funded one way or another, and a free forum is going to need ads to stay running. As long as we don't get malicious pop-ups I am fine.
  24. They have left space for some factions to be expanded on in the future while not creating new armies too. The Gloomspite have the Gitmob both listed in their battletome and in Underworlds. If they ever wanted to have a new release for them they could have new Gitmob or more Spiders. Sylvaneth have the Kurnothi and possibly Wanderers to expand with in the future. Kurnothi seemed to be popular and have a strong and unique aesthetic that pairs well with the Sylvaneth. While not present currently, we know normal Orruks still exist in the mortal realms alongside the Ironjawz and Bonesplittas. Ardboyz are normal Orruks who want to mimic Ironjawz, and Bonesplittas are normal orruks who go crazy, so the standard ones have to exist somewhere. Ogor Mawtribes have the Suneater tribes that the Firebellies come from, as well as Maneaters that they could expand on. Stormcast have a chamber or two unexplored. I think it's called the Ruination chamber? There has been a suspicious amount of Dispossessed pieces in newer kits, from Gloomspite trophies and weapons, Skaven terrain, and now as a piece of scrap in a rumor engine. I am not saying anything will happen with them, but designers seem to really like using their bits. Many newer AoS factions like Ironjawz and Idoneth don't have many unit options, and are likely to get stuff eventually. etc, etc, etc. I think the faction bloat will slow down eventually. Either that, or we will start seeing the smaller factions combined in the future a la Gloomspite/Skaventide (with things like Duardin Realms, Aelven Conclaves, Legions of Nagash 2.0, etc).
  25. I think these are the Light Aelves that were rumored, not a full remake of classic elves, no Tyrion involved. Otherwise there would be an excessive number of Aelf factions. I mean, more Aelves than humans. Currently we know of; • Idoneth - Sea Raider Aelves. • Daughters - Aelf Cultists with a focus on Khaine. • Sylvaneth - Not Aelves in a tradition sense, but crafted by an Aelf goddess using the souls of dead aelves, sometimes in Aelven shapes like The Revenants. Took the place of the Wood Elves. • Kurnothi - Half elf and half deer, could be argued to be paired with the Sylvaneth if more Kurnothi are introduced. • CoS Aelves - All the Old Standard Elves. • Pointy Aelves - High Elf replacement created by Teclis, but most likely not what people expect. I wouldn’t be surprised if they didn’t look similar to the Hysh Warcry warband. • Rumored Dark Aelves - Unknown currently, other than Mistweaver Sai and that other Warhammer Quest Hero. It is a lot of Aelf factions, and I don’t think Tyrion will have his own separate one. Grungni currently is follower-less so having no worshippers is a possibility, and as far as we know there is a chance Teclis made these pointy Aelves for Tyrion or is sharing as twin gods.
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