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King Taloren

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Everything posted by King Taloren

  1. Yeah a big one I think needs to be covered: Don’t charge your units into the big buffed up super unit you opponent placed in front of you. Followed by: Don’t spread your army out in a single line on deployment. Seen way too much of those even at tournaments.
  2. It’s like arguing with the choir who is agreeing with you @Kramer This could be a fun collaborative effort to revamp things and try to create a new Tactica resource. I say collaborative because depending on how people want to break it down it probably be too much for one person. Is this just a general rules idea or getting into the nitty-gritty of each individual army?
  3. Definitely looks like a hatch on a tank/vehicle. Could be freeguilds related but that is bout the closest to a sigmar relation I could see it being.
  4. To be fair though FEC didn’t really need much more to begin with. Hey are about on par with number of units/choices in some of the other 2.0 armies. It could be that GW is using this time while they are building the new factory to get all the factions to 2.0 and then when construction is finished start adding units to armies that need a little more variety. This could also be a reason why certain armies are not being discussed for updates yet, waiting to see how long it takes to open the new place so they can bring models out with the newer books. Holding out as long as possible before putting out a placeholder book if it comes down to that.
  5. Oh I’m sure lizards are on for a update soon. My guess is they will put seraphon and another (possibly chaos army) in a double update like FEC and Skaven since outside of a couple of model updates and endless spells lizards don’t need much aside from a small 2.0 balancing and putting Kroaks smashed abilities in the rulebook instead of FAQ.
  6. I found them! Look at the back of an American Dollar Bill! What do you see? A Pyramid! Who lives in pyramids? Tomb Kings! The All-Seeing Eye! Magic! Tomb Kings use magic. If you count the bottom number of bricks there are 13 of them. 13 is an unlucky number, the Tomb Kings were very unlucky to not be included in Sigmar. The dollar is US. The United States won independence from England. England is where Games Workshop is based. The Tomb Kings will win independence from Nagash! It all makes sense now! I know there are more clues hiding! Excuse me. I’m off to steal the Declaration of Independence.
  7. Half Life 3 is on the horizon! I swear it’ll come out with Tomb Kings, the mighty GabeN has promised such. (Though really it feels like Kings are the Half life 3 of sigmar) Less joking aside really hoping more Warcry is talked about in coming month. Looms like it’ll be an excellent skirmish game to play. At least crossing fingers since it’s supposed to be more like kill teams .
  8. Still need that sarcasm font I think. Anyway now that it is not unsavable I wonder how that interacts with Morathi since before she couldn’t save against it and took all 8 mortals.
  9. that pictures kind of reminds me of the Creepy Crawlers toy. That easy bake oven for guys that was kind of cool but still not as fun as easy bake cause we couldn’t eat our creations, though never said it out loud cause easy bake was too girly.
  10. It’s not really 240 points it’s 680 because of the buffs needed to make it happen.
  11. This could be a huge contributor in many peoples’ frustrations. Even in real battles losing a great deal of soldiers is disheartening and causes low morale. But sometimes it’s the focus of the objectives that is more necessary than the survival of most of your troops. If the enemy is one you know you can’t wipe off the map or not face without severe casualties, it is better to take the mindset of accepting that many of your troops aren’t going to survive and instead focus on making sure that the enemy doesn’t take the objective and make it the Helm’s Deep scenario. You just have to hold out til Gandalf and the Riders of Rohan arrive.
  12. That isn’t what kind asked. I asked you to show a command ability that explicitly states it does not stack in the books that isn’t placed in an afterthought FAQ.
  13. @Isotop swear how I read what you say is just trying to pick apart everything you possibly can just to show your superior attitude... Seems you only show your face around when you don’t like what I say. Show me a rule that says when it stacks or not in the rules. Please. Most of the rules being discussed are still from 1.0 before command points and stacking and GW has only stated whether a few of them work at all. And then there isn’t really a rhyme or reason hat can really be deferred from them.
  14. I don’t believe it is stackable because it is an effect that simply gives a -1 to all enemy units in her range. There isn’t anything in there faqs to say no explicitly. (Really GW needs to print out a list of every ability that stacks...) Ruleswise there isn’t really a precident on which abilities are stackable or not. Lords of tide is stackable and waugh but not certain other abilities. Though in most cases it appears that things that don’t stack involve saves, modifying dice and similar abilities that change results.
  15. Looks like the altar is going to replace Gore Pilgrams with its abilities. So guessing one battalion that is going away.
  16. I don’t actually lose games. I’m just luring my opponents into a false sense of security so that when they believe a final victory is at hand I will then crush them and show that they were playing by my whim all along. *evil maniacal laughter*
  17. Yes but also note a couple of the Enclaves do require certain things to run them. Morphann Tidecasters can only know the Freezing Mists spell instead of any of the other spells from the Lore of Magic.
  18. I haven’t seen anyone say it yet so I am going to. (Didn’t mean to post again so soon but had a thought) It is perfectly alright to be frustrated. There is nothing wrong with having frustrations during a game especially if have a competitive spirit and game. But think about what kind of frustration you are having. Are you just feeling like you can’t do anything because of how powerful your opponents models are? Is it frustrating that you aren’t making good moves or getting countered to quickly? Would switching things up help? Swap forces for a game or two. See if you can find flaws with how you play your army by playing against them. I pointed out a couple of other thing me in my last post that might be cases. Frustration is fine and if it’s only during the game or even little after a crushing defeat it is perfectly fine. Long as it isn’t becoming something you have an issue with when you aren’t playing, talk to your friends and see if they have any suggestions. Maybe there is an unit you can ally in to counter their tactics or make the game more interesting
  19. Something to also think about is your tactics. Are you charging a unit into an disadvantaged fight? Are you making sure you are making the optimized moves for your army and using the abilities to fill advantage? Is your luck really horrible? How bad are the dice you use? Do they roll below average considerably? Maybe they aren’t properly balanced to be rolled for the game. Chessex dice are horribly unbalanced for rolls. Or you are having a really good moment with luck and it turns over halfway through. Another good thing is to just accept the possibilities of defeat or things going wrong. It happens to everyone. Find some humor in how badly it goes wrong. Of course I rolled six 2s when I can reroll 1s, Captain Lightbeer’s squad is drunk again! And another alternative is to go play a very violent video game and just enjoy the slaughter imagining its all your opponents models.
  20. Generally unless rules like this specifies something like the Combat or shooting phase or melee/shooting weapons it works for all wound rolls
  21. You are doing it right. Random movements always add another D6 because it does not change the randomness of the movement. you always move each unit with separate d6 rolls for each unit.
  22. I’m fairly certain the rules that named characters are not allowed to have traits extend to even the mounts since they are all still the same model. You pay to have the named characters abilities so you don’t get to enhance anything with another trait even if it doesn’t go on the hero persay.
  23. It appears that the moon moves random distances as well though only one direction. At least that is what I am getting infered from Skragrott’s warscroll Command ability. So could be a chance that the moon might not make it from complete corner to corner. whichc for grots random movement just more par for the course.
  24. I think that requiring you to vote for (insert controversial political party choice) to get bonuses to casting and to hit rolls will really unbalance the game. I mean I can’t really stand (insert political person here) in the first place. (Oh yeah i went there. I’m shameless in controversial comments against (controversial party here)) There is good discourse to have over potentially problematic situations but let’s not all jump th gun and proclaim anything is the worst rule until someone shows us in print what the rules really say. No problem with saying oh god this looks like it could be a hard game to play against or unfun.
  25. Then obviously not reading what I said. I’m at least using the actual FAQ and rules to back up what I am saying. MUST is not an optional thing. You MUST attack after pile in. It states it over and over in the corerules. There is no other place in the rules that MUST is not a firm requirement without a warscroll overriding the rule. Sorry you think im hostile but you haven’t backed anything you have tried to say in this conversation with anything from the rules or faqs. A unit that fights piles in and attacks. There is not just pile in or just activate and not attack. The rules say it plainly that fight is pile in and attack. Choosing a unit to fight must be able to attack. The eligibility to fight is to make sure someone doesn’t pile in a unit that did not charge or is within 3” of an enemy unit. Without this you could pile in attack with a unit that did not charge but could pile into range with weapons from 3.1- 4” away. It doesn't say a unit can fight and not do anything that is in the fight phase such as pile in and attack. And thepoint is is kind of moot because the wording posted here was wrong and it is fight not attack still doesn’t mean you can activate a unit that cannot attack.
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