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Everything posted by 123lac

  1. $84 AUD for a 100 page book. GW is just asking for people to pirate the pdf version of this.
  2. and are birthed from spawning pools!
  3. Okay there are about 12 chaos dwarf players in the world, representing 0.000001% of the AoS player base Tzaangor are more for Tzeentch players. Beasts are like an after thought for those models, like a "here you go I guess you can play with these", like GW took pity on Beasts of Chaos players and deigned to give them Tzaangors. Skaven have a large range beause they've been around since the 90's, not because GW love them, otherwise they would have a *new* range with modern sculpts. GW forgets they exist.
  4. Oh well. Literally no one plays Chaos Dwarves. Beasts of Chaos players are used to neglect. If anything they are probably still recovering from the surprise of getting their battle tome, herdstone and endless spells. That should tide them over for the next 5 years at least. Skaven I think GW just forgot that they are part of Chaos when they wrote this campaign book. To be fair, it is easy to forget about the rat men.
  5. real living breathing seraphon instead of star daemons
  6. No new sculpts is such a kick in the teeth. Pass on the tome and terrain for me.
  7. The Elves look great. WTF @ Seraphon though, not a single new model besides a terrain piece? They need new sculpts for saurus warriors, knights, kroxigor and slann at a bare minimum. Big disappointment for the lizard bois.
  8. Anyone using the Lord on Karkadrak with their Bloodbound? At 250 points he's very expensive for a mortal hero but I feel like Bloodbound lack having a big general.
  9. I'm surprised how little backlash there was to Cities of Sigmar given how obvious it is that they don't care about supporting the old model lines from WHFB any longer. The tome is clearly a final farewell to the empire, dwarves and elves.
  10. I agree with this. There are no new human factions, only some old stuff that was thrown into cities of sigmar to give WHFB players a bone. Stormcast are super vanilla and uninspiring. Some new and unique human factions that aren't infected by Chaos would be very nice to see.
  11. Yeah I figured. Gotta play what the majority play otherwise no games 4 u.
  12. So are there better systems that people play that can use GW models?
  13. You don't rate the mighty lord of khorne, the priests or the khorgoraths for damage?
  14. Saurus look like they belong in the flinstones cartoons. Very goofy heads and weirdly skinny bodies. Slann are finecast. Kroxigors look like they were designed 15 years ago, a very dated look. Skinks are okay but they could be better. Very static and lacking much detail.
  15. I can relate to a lot of what you're saying. My 'trick' to getting over it is to look at painting as an experience in itself. The more I paint, the more I experiment and learn different things. I'm still not a very good painter but every unit I complete teaches me something that can't just be taught from a video, although watching tutorials helps a lot too. Basically, look at painting like leveling up a skill in an RPG. The more you do it, the better you get, so you may as well get stuck in!
  16. super disappointing if all they get is a book and no new sculpts
  17. Hopefully new sculpts for saurus, skinks and kroxigors.
  18. Agreed. I want to like the Archaon model but Dorghar is so goofy, especially with the 3 heads.
  19. Kind of surprised that Vigilus is so well regarded. I read through Vigilus Defiant over the December break and have started Vigilus Ablaze. For me personally the books get pretty boring beyond the first 50 or so pages. Have not read any of the Psychic Awakening books so I can't compare to that. Considering the price of these book is like $70 AUD each I'd be expecting a bit more.
  20. Seraphon need a new book and desperately need new saurus and skink models. The saurus warriors and knights look SO BAD
  21. This is just a guess but I don't think there will be a wave 2 any time soon for KO, IDK, IJ, Slyvaneth etc. Reason being they still need to replace a lot of finecast and old model kits for Skaven, Seraphon etc. They are also still creating brand new armies like the pointy aelves. Finally, probably the biggest reason, is that GW obviously need to put 90% of their production capacity towards Primaris Space Marines at all times.
  22. After reading some of the recent 40k campaign books I can't help but think they tend to be overpriced for what they provide. Will be looking at Wrath with scepticism.
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