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Everything posted by Charlo

  1. Do they still get allegiance abilities?
  2. What makes them so good in the FAQ?
  3. A nice change to give Tzeench some real identity! Super defence against both regualr attacks and mortal wounds from spells.
  4. I think that makes sense, personally. It was probably never intended to have a weird big Skaven hanging out under the thrall of Be'lakor, especially to double dip on a particularly spicy artefact.
  5. Snufflers ability happens at the start of the movement phase, so the idea is to use it then fire off the buffed unti into the enemy, which with something like Squig Riders of Boingrots is possible! Especially with the +3" move CA from the Giant Squig Boss etc.
  6. Just to chime in, I think the Ogor book is deceptively strong and also pretty varied. A lot of good players out there are using varying builds to great success both casually and competetively. It's very no-nonsense and honest, but the power is in there if you look for it. I think the new Gitz subfactions from WD are decently good too - Jaws of Mork seems dangerous.
  7. Wow, I've never noticed that before. What an odd one!
  8. This makes me very happy. Thanks for letting me know!!
  9. This is really interesting and some great insight! Any info on what the rest of the list looked like, the damned legion used, marks & units etc?
  10. I think people need to drop the idea of cultists getting marks, it doesn't even fit the narrative! They follow Chaos in a much more unrefined way. The best argument you can make is undivided but even then they aren't that far along the path to damnation to understand that.
  11. I think the allegiance has legs, but its very specific. Untamed Beasts with the charge bonuses will tie things up very quickly and be a good chunk of wounds for your opponenet to chew through while your hammer units get into position. Probably some nice combo with Belakor to stop those harrassed by the beasts from doing anything. Alternatively, battleline Iron Golems to sit on objectives is cheap as chips and useful. Maybe there is room for Splintered Fang with their mortals too. But like people say, these guys not having marks means they cannot be buffed by prayers so? Who knows. S2D are all about buffs and making the Warshrines leaders and having two prayers that go off on a 2+ is rather tasty. They can do extra objective stuff in a lot of battle plans while providing very reliable boosts to friendly units. You could focus on undivided and hand out re-rolls to hit, wound and charges to two units - while making anything nearby get a 6+ DPR and immunity to battleshock - I think there is definately something in that! Gresh could also feed into this giving +1 to hit too for a CP. Like all S2D stuff, its not outwardly powerful, but there is a lot of moving parts and buffs to take into consideration. No artefacts is a total oversight though I feel... but going chamon and ignoring rend -1 on your warlord warshrine is a decent option!
  12. Hey guys, sorry if it's been discussed before... But how do you feel about a Mega-Gargant inside Mawtribes? Is it worth it? Which type is best? Do they fit into the army well enough? Any tricks or tips?
  13. Depends heavily on meta. It will probably get shot up if its that kind of place, otherwise its a fun core!
  14. I mean, when you put it like thaaaaaaat! I think they're like... Okay, to be able to throw a fairly okay missile weapon around. Deffo should've been a premium option with some rend though imo.
  15. Woof that's nasty. Empty throne is really cool - big unit of Varanguard with that can do crazy things. Especially when you combine with 3" no retreat, you can tag a lot of stuff with that then stop them from running away.
  16. Just to note, you get the Badmoon and all those allegiance abilities too. The trogg stuff is in *addition*
  17. I guess you just have to be 2 drop if going full trogg then
  18. You really had me in the first half 🤣
  19. TROGG MOB RULES in the latest WD Looks very cool! If you give your army the keyword you get these allegiance abilities in addition to the normal Gitz ones (so you still have moon etc) Allegiance abilities are: Regen buff (+1 to the roll) CA to give one Trogg unit within 12" of a hero spell ignore on a 4+ Trait is an extra CP on 4+ each hero phase Artefact is 5+ against Mortals Loonshrine gets a ressurect Trogg units at half strength on a 4+ ability Battalion: 1 Trogboss, 3-9 Dankhold, Fellwaters or Rock Guts in any combination, 0-2 Aleguzzlers Gives *everything* in the battalion the ability to retreat and still shoot/ charge 😮 160pts Could be very fun!
  20. So the points drop are a little bit mental, eh my bloody brothers and sisters? This dumb list is now legal: VLoZD - Mistform Palanquin - Saccharine Goblet (maybe this on the VLoZD) Coven Throne Neferata 3x5 Blood Knights Bat Swarms Command Point You could even drop the swarms to upgrade the Dragon to Vhordrai and take an endless spell. Just run forward with quite possibly a buff for every occasion. With Vhrodrai's command ability, killing a hero to Proc "a Fine Vintage" is a very doable prospect!
  21. It looks so damn fun! Very much a hit and run game. The only thing I'd suggest would be a Spellshield on someone, so you have at least an attempt to deny something big.
  22. I'm not so sure on this point. It's certainly the easiest way to play S2D and probably a little more fleixble (one hero covering multiple units and viceversa) but I think multi-god is ultimately where the power of the faction lies. You basically get to choose your buffs depending on a units role. Big block of unshiftable warriors to grind people down? Shields with Mark of Nurgle! Really make those Chariots hit home? Khorne! Want to make a unit faster and double down on extra hits? Slaanesh! Playing the endless spell game and don't want to be hit by them backfiring? Tzeench! It takes a little more planning, but the Warshrine also feeds into this by having a very flexible buffing structure too, being able to target any of the marks with any other blessing. Basically, if you play mono-god, yeah... Just go play that Battletome and miss out on Cultists and Monsters - but multi-god has some great flex.
  23. Has anyone tried Legion of the First Prince yet? I'm half way through a game on TTS using the below: Belakor VL Corruptor - Fourfold Blade 20 Bloodletters 20 Daemonettes 20 Plague Bearers 10 Pink Horrors 6 Blood Crushers 3 Seeker Chariots My opponents list isn't very hard (200 Clanrats, Thanquol, Screaming bell with grey Seer, a few Claw Lords) but we're on the first half of turn three and it's going okay. The Corruptor is understandably bonkers. Crushers felt incredibly weak to be honest and the Chariots whiffed hard and died before I had a chance to Regen the unit. I built the list to try and take advantage of the Belakor buffs but it feels quite hard to get all four gods in range at all times and it slows Belakor down, having to stay within range of them. Giving up a command trait is tough (the 5+ shrug aura is amazing). Do you think it's worth ignoring the reroll buff to Belakor and instead focus on units of multi wound models for his CA instead?
  24. You could take one of the Endless spells and a Command point? Any of them would be decent.
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