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Everything posted by JackStreicher

  1. Yes! Imo the sweetspot for warriors would be 80-90 pts and a big horde discount if someone is willing to play 30 =}
  2. Imo it would be easy to spam 120 Marauders, but it is unfun, unwieldy and yeah.... painting my 40 made my back hurt for three days (painted within 24 hours) the other points are fine though you can easily use Bloodreavers (rebase!) as Marauders, for a cool horde!
  3. Not in this case as you can easily see that Ardboys are all around better: better allegiance abilities for their army, easier better buffs, better magic - oh AND they cost less WHILE being better.
  4. Except you lost money while the CW are as they are, no money lost. Also I considered internal balance that‘s where my argument is coming from, in other words „they are okay in CW but bad compared to other armies“. I‘d argue that they‘d have been a solid battleline unit about a year ago, just as much as Liberators were solid about 2-3 years ago. Yet the power wheel turns and CW were updated as being already out of date again. however, let‘s wait for the campaign book, shall we?
  5. True. it should be ardboys < Liberators == Chaos Warrior. Liberators need a 3+ 3+ hit profile on all their weapons and they‘d be fine. Chaos Warriors need special weapons ardboys should lose rend and go up by 10-20 pts
  6. Excelsis would have a good change of surviving if the new Orruk Battletome wouldn't be as overpowered as it is Edit: This might explain why Excelsis is not part of the Cities of Sigmar
  7. The issue isn't the Chaos Warriors directly but the abundance of better Battleline units in other army books - battleline that performs better and costs less (ardboys for example). The way the warriors currently are is a slow rather easy to kill deployment zone objective holder... and then again they lack mass of models to really defend any objective. Imo a rend of -1 on their wepaons or a 5++ (against everything) would make them a hell lot more viable.
  8. I didn't mean it in general but concerning new rules and their effects on the game (also balancing)...
  9. Once you‘ve been in the hobby as long as some of us you‘ll realize that GW and carefully crafted and reflected upon rules and or balance don‘t work together at all: for a lack of trying and also no interest. The rules are nothing but a way to promote their miniatures. Just think about how often they forget a „once per phase/turn“ phrase for command abilities, they‘re just sloppy and uncaring. I am also shocked by the sudden stomping of the good S2D rules but I am not surprised.
  10. So before the FAQ which means he propably played a nurgle bomb.
  11. 1. Ardboys 2. Warchanters (though it‘s more a combination of stats and point costs) edit: *exaggeration off*
  12. Yes they can be buffed by spells. (Have a look at the FAQ) =}
  13. The damage is good, but only okay for 180 points ^^
  14. Our killing power (apart from marauders) is pretty bad though. We might be able to hold objectives, but not take them. what‘s interesting: compare the S2D unit costs and profiles to Orruk Warclans, then compare the Allegiance abilities. Yes! Your eyes do not deceive you! They‘re better at pretty much everything while being cheaper and having stronger Allegiance Abilities 🤣😂
  15. Duuuh! It was obviously designed to make a subpar unit even worse for more points! - Such good Game design has to be admired! 🤣😂
  16. He rolled a ton of 2s I think it was: Nagash, 10 Mortek, 20 Mortek, harvester, 5 deathriders, Boneshaper, Bird-Spell, Stalkers edit: Archaon was: Archi, sorcerer, 2x 3 Varanguard, 40 Marauders, Chaos Lord on foot, Iron golems Cuties of Sigmar: hard to tell, the army was heavily converted and only partly painted: hurricanum with mage, 1x outriders, 1 Great cannon, Helblaster, 20-30 Handgunners, 2x10 irondrakes?runelotd, cogsmith, 20 hammerers
  17. I am usually pretty upset when playing against the big waagh! While my opponent never understood why. So I made him a promise: „I bet I can win the next tournament with a single list, without even knowing the army in and out“ I made that promise come true this weekend and scored 3:0 in all three Games, tabling my opponents twice by the end of round 3 except for no errätst, they still had 10 Mortek Guard left over. I used this list: Guess what.pdf Tactics: Absolute board control. The warchanters keep buffing the ardboys, the weirdnob is in the center providing magical support and teleports. The megaboss stays behind my key unit(s) making it immune to battleshock. The gore gruntas keep my heroes save or sprint for objectives. I won‘t be killed or even threatened (a blob of ardboys has 50 wounds so...) Scenarios: 1. Falling Stars 2. Focal points? (The one with the objectives that grant VP equal to the turn number) 3. The one in which every „stolen“ objective grants additional vp The way the games rolled out: iirc I had 20 Waagh points at the start of turn 3 every time, making my entire army hit and wound on 2s. And then I just killed everything. And I killed pretty much anything getting close to me starting with turn one. Highlights: - 13 Ardboys killed Petrifex Nagash in one go (Warchanter buff) - 11 Ardboys killed Archaon in one go (Warchanter buff) Quickest game vs tempest‘s eye (might have been Greywater fastness). I got the second turn and he tried to shoot out a Warchanter with a great cannon and a helblaster (he failed, the chanter still had 1 wound left xD), the rest of his shots were scattered into the ardboy screen for which I made some high rolls (~ 5“ movement each time). I charged him in my turn one with 2 Warchanter buffed ~ 20 Nodel Ardboy units and by the end of turn 2 (I had the double turn) he was pretty much tabled. Resume: I doubt my opponents had much fun. Sure it was fun seeing them explode (esp. Archaon), yet this is a game for two, not a single player. Imo the Warchanters need to get a immense price hike or their buff needs to be nerfed.
  18. @drcrater interesting, I wonder if StD can work without Nurgle (my least favorite god) ^^
  19. My only issue with the review is the lack of actual „closing thoughts“.
  20. If it was Asgard Aelves I‘d throw my walket at GW‘s Headquarters
  21. Imo it comes down to exotic materials that can create very hard hitting bows and crossbows, and there is ofc the cultural aspect. plus it is a vast world where a singular trend might take hundreds of years to be adapted by all peoples. (Also it‘s fantasy and therefor not 100% logical)
  22. In my experience S2D are rather hard to play and too reliant on certain spells and abilities. yet they‘re great fun to play =}
  23. Sure, there you go: https://www.shapeways.com/product/WKSZSTDS6/barbarian-round-shield-strom-shield-mongolian-a?optionId=138556508&li=shops
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