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Everything posted by JackStreicher

  1. Since most people can‘t get where I am coming from: As a 3D Artist you try to recycle assets since it saves time. So let‘s say you have one base-mesh for a human body which you re-use, but then you redo parts of it (face mostly). Same goes for smaller assets which mostly stay the same. usually you change those base models to suit your client’s needs and to give your client a unique model. What you are seeing with the flesh eater Courts is just randomly placing already made assets, mostly not even changing them (I assume each of that models took about 3-4 hours in average. The throne took longer since the bones had to be placed, the goblet took shorter since you can do that with one array modifier...). I am already counting in the time it took to make them 3D printable. You simply would not do what GW did, it‘s insolent, lazy and just cheap. they‘re a 2 Billion GBP Company which uses cheap „tricks“ you would expect from a shady Chinese business. Bow after knowing that and also hugely disliking the way it looks I am also aware that they will sell it for the usual price since they sell „premium“ products (what exactly was premium about those FeC spells again?). so what do I expect: premium Products, which this isn‘t and there is no justification for it. this is somewhat insulting to me especially since I didn‘t expect that from „new GW“.
  2. If it was spamming I would. but thanks for pointing that out good Sir
  3. Doubt it. They recycled 80% of the FeC release. We didn‘t get anything new really but the BT. DISSAPPOINTEEED
  4. 🤷🏼‍♂️ It‘s just art. I don‘t have any hopes at this point. In fact they destroyed FeC for me with that unfitting „Throne“ accident and the heavy recycling of 3D Sculpts. Srsly their self-made terrain was way better than this...disappointment. (Especially since FeC are the most kit-bashed faction ever) The throne doesn‘t even make sense at all. „Yeah they carry/summon a throne on half of a wall to each and every battle, SOUNDS GR-wtf?)
  5. Which won‘t happen in years since we just got an „update“ FeC are done for the next 2-3 years. They won‘t add anything which isn‘t in the BT
  6. Same. Especially since I find most of their Crypt-Horror kitbash Units utterly boring and quite uncreative. as long as this faction doesn‘t at least get 3 new units (not counting heroes) I won‘t buy anything of it. the throne is story-wise and style-wise the worst (who the heck carries half a wall with a throne on in to EVERY battle?) - Huge minus in GWs reputions imo.
  7. It is how that works. I am a professional 3D freelancer. They simply recycled the 3D sculpts. Which is cheap in many ways.
  8. Fence corpses: corpse cart (as well as pretty much all the corpses they used) Fence: GW Graveyard Horses: Nighthaunt horses. the bone chalice: spirit-magic thingy of the NH hourglass. it‘s pretty much 80% Recycling. why the heck do FeC carry a Throne-House around? the more I see it the more I dislike it.
  9. Mhm... most of the FeC spells and scenery consists of recycled sculpts. They won‘t get more new models according to the WHC posting. the throne is just ugly and lacks creativity.... compared to Skaven the FeC really got the short straw. hard pass for me... and a missed opportunity for GW 😞
  10. Mhm... most of the FeC spells and scenery consists of recycled sculpts. They won‘t get more new models according to the WHC posting. the throne is just ugly and lacks creativity.... compared to Skaven the FeC really got the short straw. hard pass for me... and a missed opportunity for GW 😞
  11. Put a Slann on any kind of huge, sturdy/aggressive dinosaur. Done.
  12. Wasted opportunity if they don‘t bring in Balthas(ar Gelt) they already get the shield rerolls?
  13. Calm down guys. At least this thread is now about rumours again. 😉
  14. a.) It's an example b.) It's supposed to be a "crude" guide. It's not only concerning tournament play.
  15. Body and soul are two separate things, sigmar filled his body the moment KF died.
  16. This might use a crude power approximation so new players know what they‘re in for if they choose for example Kharadrons sth. Along the lines of: (very weak, weak, medium -, medium, medium +, strong, very strong) power approximation KO - weak Bretonnia - Very Weak LoN - Strong SCE - Strong FeC - Medium DoK - Very Strong Seraphon - medium + Beastclaw Raiders - medium - IdK - Strong etc.
  17. Are there any Stories with: DoK or IdK as the protagonists?
  18. This is a high fantasy setting now so we will get strange new things. (Which I am not opposed to). conservatism is the end of progress.
  19. Imo some kind of cavalry is a must (Chariots don‘t even make a lot of sense underground...they‘re way too clumsy to deal with difficult terrain)
  20. Do you have a Link? I can translate it for you =}
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