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Tropical Ghost General

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Everything posted by Tropical Ghost General

  1. When they roll well they are great but when they fluff, my god they fluff hard, maybe it's the weight of dice that do nothing 😂. But ultimately I think the question we need to be asking isn't what units shall we fit into our lists with the new points changes, it's what options can we use to deal with Teclis, with shooting lizards, with resilient OBR, etc...and I can't see harridans as being part of that solution unfortunately, in fact I've had a vision of the future..... "what is it that your future eyes have seen?" "Grims. Grims as far as you can see. At first I thought it was 2018 again, but no, it was 2020 and grims had come around full circle to once again be spammed, with every NH list taking a minimum of 90, and some as many as 150."
  2. @dmorley21 the main issue with harridans is:- - 1" reach makes units of 10+ redundant - no inbuilt reroll ability, which they need hitting on 4+, so in order to function they need to be babysat by a torment or similar - their -1 to hit ability affects about 4 units in the entire game. I use them all the time and can not remember the last time that the -1 actually came into effect - not battleline and don't fit into any useful battalions I love them but they need to just give out a -1 to hit regardless of bravery.
  3. A fair few of the scenarios score extra points is the unit holding the objective is either battleline or near battleline. Same goes for leaders and for Focal Points, behemoths. So instead of scoring say 1VP for holding your objective you score 2VP. Over the course of the game this small bonuses all add up. Grims are easily are best battleline unit when in blobs of 30 and possibly our best unit in the game, as they don't rely on squishy heroes supporting them in order to function, they are really self sufficient. Stick in a vamp lord ally and things get silly really quickly.
  4. The issue with these aux. objectives is that most of them are 'if you are winning, win some more'. Some like 'Mass Panic' are ****** stupid, how do you score that against gloomspite or OBR or Skaven. Also as they have to be revealed at the start of the game, your opponent can decide to deny you scoring incredibly situational ones, like 'Mass Panic', very easily. We also lack the punch required for the ones that need you to delete a unit(s) or heroes. As most event will be using the aux. objectives differently, until the best formula is found, I don't foresee these being a useful tool to help us win tbh. Overall the change to the missions giving boons to battleline is good for us, but Focal Points giving bonuses for behemoths sucks serious plums. Overall how we fair is really going to depend on the FAQ. Tbh I had a 36 myrmourn list pre-GHB20, using a WD battalion. That list got changed to not include the WD battalion once the battalions weren't in the GHB20. This list is now likely to change again to 2018 style mass grim spam, because battleline offers so much bonuses to so many of the scenarios.
  5. until
    This is the first Bristol AoS event since the covid crisis began, so we are keeping it nice and casual and making sure that the venue, the TO and the player's safety is paramount. The event will be 1000pts, using the latest GHB20 battleplans. In addition to your normal army, each army will be able to field a custom hero, their own Realmwalker, using the new Anvil of Apotheosis rules from GHB20. These custom heroes will be capped at 20 destiny points. I will be working on a proper player pack over the next few days, and will update this event page as well, once the other info is all sorted out. Tickets aren't currently on sale, but we will be taking reservations. I'm aiming to keep this as cheap as possible, so budget for around £15 per player. All players attending will be given a free face mask to help with overall personal safety. The event is currently maxed at 18 players, due to government guidelines. If there are any changes to this, we will inform you instantly.
  6. Event Title: Micheal Jackon's Realmwalker pt.1 Event Author: Tropical Ghost General Calendar: Events UK Event Date: 08/30/2020 10:00 AM to 08/30/2020 06:30 PM This is the first Bristol AoS event since the covid crisis began, so we are keeping it nice and casual and making sure that the venue, the TO and the player's safety is paramount. The event will be 1000pts, using the latest GHB20 battleplans. In addition to your normal army, each army will be able to field a custom hero, their own Realmwalker, using the new Anvil of Apotheosis rules from GHB20. These custom heroes will be capped at 20 destiny points. EDIT: The tournament pack is now finished and available for reading. Tickets will be officially going on sale on Tuesday 21st July. I'm aiming to keep this as cheap as possible, so tickets will be £15 per player. All players attending will be given a free face mask to help with overall personal safety. The event is currently maxed at 18 players, due to government guidelines. If there are any changes to this, we will inform you instantly. Micheal Jackon's Realmwalker pt.1 Micheal Jackson's Realmwalker 01.pdf
  7. We played a similar form of Blade's Edge quite a lot at a narrative night I ran pre-covid. The main difference we had, was that whoever lost the priority roll got to remove the objective. The the other player decides to go 1st or 2nd. It opened up the balance and decision making a lot more and didn't put all of the power in the hands of the priority roll winner, as they could play with the intent of choosing to go 2nd and then also remove the objective, which we found was what happened. (FYI - I love the priority roll in case my above statement might say otherwise 😁)
  8. + great looking models, that are getting better and better + AoS is a fun game when both players take well rounded/garbage lists, as it truly creates combats that last more than a single player turn + narrative side of gaming + the general player base and online content from various heroes of the hobby (honest wargamer, aos shorts, etc...) + the wide range of available armies to play ----------------- - rules for matched play have been a steadily increasing 'one up manship', which is fine except when older factions aren't updated, it creates a serious case of 'haves' & 'have nots' - unwillingness to change warscrolls, which are free to access. Most players would prefer updated warscrolls than outdated books - limited content (WD battalions, boxset battalions, anniversary models) being given matched play points and then removed from matched play not long after. For example it's not difficult to reprint the battalions in GHB20, but taking away something that is limited, that people have built armies around is just unnecessary - auto kill units. By this I mean that the power level of stuff to auto delete it's intended target is ridiculous and leads to un-interactive games where all you do is remove your models
  9. These battalions are limited because it's published either in limited edition boxsets or in a limited print run monthly magazine. Just because people have taken pictures and put them up on the Internet, it doesn't matter, as that content is the legal IP of FW, and unless they themselves have published that full content that everyone can get access to, and access at anytime, then the content is limited. Yes it's frustrating, yes it could be handled better, yes I wish it wasn't the case, yes I want the battalions to stay, but going on last year's experience of how GW handle non-GHB content, it's incredibly foolhardy to assume that it's going to be included. I have already sent an email to rules team, asking these questions. Did it on the Monday after general release. Have encouraged other. NH players to do the same (more voices = more attention, etc...). I am fully behind wanting to see NH supported as a faction by GW, but considering the magic and shooting heavy dominance of Lumineth, lizards, CoS, Tzeentch, KO, mixed Order, we honestly needed more than a pathetic scattering on points drops to rarely uses units and certainly didn't need our best battalions (WD ones) removed from matched play. Going forward, when events start up again (which is happening August time) hopefully our win rate at events will drop low enough that some fixes will take place, but then again look at the treatment that Slyvaneth got from this GHB20.
  10. Fyreslayers were the first WD battalions that had matched play points. That was the June issue. None of them were in GHB20. Citing that NH WD battalions might he included because they were printed in December, after the CoS book, but ignoring the fact that the fyreslayer WD battalions were left out is sticking your head in the sand.
  11. Regarding Warscroll Builder. It's been updated with the information currently available to everyone. So WD battalions are still in and mercenaries are currently out, because the FAQ hasn't been released to confirm either one's existence yet. Current Lumineth points have been included because they have been published in the limited edition battletome. Once the FAQ is out, it will get updated again.
  12. Fyreslayers WD stuff isn't in the GHB20 and that was June. Cos book was October iirc. So 🤷🏾‍♂️
  13. The situation around the GHB release has been poorly done though. 40k has already had FAQs and it's not released until 25th June. The GHB is the big main update to the game we play, and yet they've abandoned the app, not bothered with the points releases for the 8 factions needing them, offered no news or other insight as to what is going on. We all have moments in our life's where we are busy and struggle to commit as much as we'd like, but even during those busy times we still have time to send a quick message to say 'hey, we've not forgotten about you' which GW haven't done for AoS at the moment.
  14. With regards to the AoS app. Listening to Monday AoS Honest Wargamer and they mentioned that the team behind the app have said that they are focusing on the 40k app and will come back to Azyr app. I've never paid for it, only used the free version, but I'd personally be cancelling my subscription if I was paying for a product that the manufacturer has admitted that they aren't bothering to update, especially during a critical period for the game (GBH release). Truly poor show on GW's part. And honestly the whole GHB feels like a damp squib of a release. Very little previews, very little focus from the community site. If gargants aren't dropped before the end of the month, it's truly a sign that AoS is the unloved step child of their franchise 😂.
  15. OK team. I know that point changes are inbound, so this all might change. But how would you run an all gutbuster list at 1k?
  16. Not quite true. This is from the first page of the points book of GHB20. It says if you have no faction rules then use grand alliance. Then the tables at the end each grand alliance points show the various different factions, where grief isn't listed.
  17. Mannfred is my personal favourite in the Slyvania Families range
  18. No points in the GHB20. Currently anything published prior to GHB that doesn't get points values in no longer matched play legal, it's what made the mortality glass guardian of souls redundant. It's been announced that anything published from Cities of Sigmar, or later, will get an FAQ update. And while CoS was released in early October, and the WD with the NH battalions was published in December, many have stated that this means that they'll be included in the FAQ. The issue with this is that Fyreslayers had the first WD battalions with matched play points, and that was published in June WD, so 3-4 months prior to the CoS book release. Yet Fyreslayers points in GHB20 don't have any of the WD battalions mentioned with points values, so therefore they aren't matched play legal. It's probably been done due to 2 reasons. The first being limited access, not everyone can access the information (at least not officially) so it creates an unfair advantage for those who have been able to access it (similar reasons to why the mortality glass wasn't given points and removed from matched play last year). The second being that certain WD faction stuff has been stupid *cough, cough, Slannesh, cough, cough*, so it's a good chance to remove a stupid content of this nature. And the mortality glass being given points in the compendium is a low blow. Compendium can't be included in the army even as allies, only if you take Grand Alliance rather than NH. It may be that some TOs allow it, but it's going to be solely down to the discretion of the TO and event organisers. The other slight concern is the lack of legion of grief in the list of Death armies. Each GBH has a list of all the factions in a grand alliance, which has an updated list of the allies for each faction. They've listed all of the separate legions for legions of Nagash, of which grief is a weird step-child version of one of them, yet it's not been included. Again this might not be an issue but not being mentioned is not a good sign. Anyway, this is just my own musings and I am hoping that I get proved wrong.
  19. It's been a long time since I've been on this chat. What's everyone doing now that the WD battalions are no longer matched play legal?
  20. @Greasygeek that table is 👌👌👌. What's the paint formula used?
  21. To further illustrate the point above. First pic is the royal family battalion. None of the unit entries are in bold. But the battalion description has Courtier in bold, meaning that the bonus applies to any of the courtier options (varghulf, crypt ghast, crypt infernal & crypt hunter). Second pic is the attendants at court battalion. In the battalion bonus Abhorrent Ghoul King is in bold. This means that the bonus applies if your general is any of the ghoul kings (GKoZD, GKoTG and regular GK). The royal family unit requirements does not allow the 2-6 ghoul kings to be any of the options, because it's not listed in bold and the entry above also clearly shows the ghoul king on various mounts.
  22. This only applies when the unit is written in bold type. The royal family battalion clearly states that the 2-6 regular ghoul Kings and is not written in bold type. (See attached pic from Khorne book as reference. )
  23. Currently working on 36 myrmourns, which have been removed from their scenic bases (as much as possible). Also finished (minus the basing) a mini resculpt of Garkorr, to be used as a vamp lord ally. (Top pic is in darker lighting for showing paint job. Bottom pic is under normal lights for showing bling bling chrome of the paint job. I'm not a good painter by a long shot, but chuffed with how this looks.)
  24. @Vasshpit those are gorgeous. What sculpting putty are you using? It doesn't look green, so assuming it's not greenstuff.
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