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Everything posted by j0lt

  1. Well you should be thanking me, I pleased the dark gods by finishing a legendary campaign with Sigvald and now we get these insane sculpts. During WHFB chaos warriors always looked top notch on the table and delivered now we're hopefully back to that in AoS, I'm excited to see these new dynamic poses up close.
  2. It's certainly affected my spending habits, since Carrion Empire and the Gloomspite box I've spent less than £150 for the reasons below; I feel that because of the constant spam of releases (yes I'm calling it that) I've certainly not spent as much as I would've before and this is because GW are pushing a product that is being touted as "limited" when in reality you could've got the parts seperately before, however you do save money in a bundle.... BUT on the flipside I'm not happy with GW artificially inflating the prices by using single models as justification as to why you NEED to buy Army X vs Army Y box because Dave the Wizard isnt going to be out for a while as an individual model. At this point in the calendar year I'm going to wait for the new xmas stuff to see which I'm moderately interested in, otherwise it'll be the odd purchase here and there but one of my major considerations of an army is now what's the price of the models, what's the variety like and does their SC box hold value - I'm not tight but GW's products are going up in price and there seem's to be no consistency in their releases, it's very scattergun and the "limited" releases definately feel like you'll get model envy if your mate buys Feast of Bones or one of the MANY other boxed sets that's appearing. Not to sound super anti GW, but there are some alternative manufacturers and game systems I'm happily enjoying because of GW's rampant growth (Magic ftw) Warmahordes, Guild Ball etc, heck I've played Airsoft more in the last 5 months than the last 2 years because 2 boxes of GW's "limited" product is the price of a mid range AEG.
  3. Hi @Malakree just wanted to say thanks for this. Lovely breakdown for a none destruction player Hopefully this new rumoured battleforce will have lots of troggs in.
  4. God I love the fact that this army is so rare, me and my close friends are talking about doing a tale of X gamers and calling it Age of Snowflakes, mainly because we all like underrepresented armies or factions we think should still exist, 2k by the middle of next year is the aim according to the dull vibrations from WhatsApp (well dull compared to the dreadquake mortar) now will everyone's favourite angry hattered dwarves get deleted or do I get some lovely fireglaives first 😏
  5. There seems to be some amazing idea's in here! I wonder if multiple SC Maggotkin are worth it, or are Pusgoyle Blightlords that bad? - sounds like an interesting challenge I could set myself....otherwise I need to head to eBay/Trading pages to get that many kings. Can't help but love the idea of a Blightking heavy list
  6. I'm sat with two boxes of BoC and IJ (do not say why not both) in my basket and as much as I like IJ, I think a skirmish heavy, harassing style of BoC would be right up my alley! The question is does the Desolation Battalion work with Ungors and their terribly inaccurate pew pew? If so I can press that lovely buy button 😄
  7. Better hang fire for train to value town then, I hope IJ don't lose too much of their Orruk individuality for the sake of dem weaker boyz
  8. Morning ladies and gents, Just wanted to check a few things from the more experienced players. 1. I'm guessing with the new Orruk tome we're not getting mashed in with them? So I'm not buying an army that's dead by the end of the year. 2. Is there anything in the army that's really lacklustre and should be avoided? 3. Is 2/3 SC boxes still the best way to get bashin dem humies?
  9. I'm not 100% sure how our points changes look in the grand scheme of things, but I am very happy there was some attempts to address our cost issues.
  10. I've recently got back into AoS and initially thought that Deepkin might be the faction for me, but in all honesty their eel only lists make it unbearable to even list for them, so it looks like I'm back on the Duardin train (does it count as never leaving if I played Dwarfs in WHFB? :D) I'm gonna get my hands on an SC box because the discount is still present and Thunderers, Riggers seem cool, as does the small gunboat, obviously I'll need to purchase 2 boxes of arkanaut conpany and a khemist/use the SC guy to make a legal list, I really REALLY want an Ironclad - but I don't know if that's really bad mannered to use at 1000 points! I feel like I've got my hobby mojo back, I guess it helps with all the metallic sprays, would anyone suggest using the fang spray for a Zilfin force or is a metallic all over and picking the blue spots manually better?
  11. Here is the list I'm most happy with, I haven't quite decided if I'd drop the AoSea for a turtle since the model is so cool and specifically what loadouts I should go for on characters, the list is effectively helping me to decide what to buy. Aspect of Sea Isharann Soulscryer Volturnos 2 x 3 Morsarr 2 x 3 Morsarr 30 x 1 Thralls 1820 so far, I don't hate this list as much as the others because I literally don't want to be working on more than 15 Eels at the absolute most. Thoughts would be appreciated 🙂
  12. I've made about 5 lists now and not one am I happy with in any shape or form, I feel like I'm being punished for trying to make a list that doesn't includ e Eels. We really need a GHB fix to allow us to use every model, else it looks like my Idoneth are going to in their box. I planned to purchase this all next month, however I may just wait and jump over to 40k whilst GHB 2019 comes out. Rant over! 🤪😭
  13. To someone returning to the Hobby and having severe "Armyitis" FEC are quite good for the fact you don't need to jump through hoops to get an army. Now how many start collecting boxes do I buy 😂
  14. It's like GW have been listening to my mad hobby whispers, I've wanted to get my Sylvaneth back on track & get into Gitz, RIP my wallet.
  15. You're looking at this the wrong way, the thralls and reapers can be resurrected via synergy with other parts of their respective armies, but you're not willing to give Vulkites the same synergy argument, every army needs some form of blocker/chaff/speedbumb. I actually think Vulkites are decent considering the low investment required to get them to deal a bit of damage AND the fact they get to fight back if wiped out.
  16. Yes, all the reviews I've read have convinced me that they have gone back in the right direction 👌🏻
  17. Love the models and the fluff, but this is exactly why I committed to other projects despite my love for the stunties. Hopefully this release will rekindle the fyre to get the project I planned started again.
  18. So I've picked up some Khorne cheap from a friend, mainly because I was gonna use the Reavers and Warriors for 40k... however as part of a plan to have all 4 grand alliances in my collection, I've decided to go ahead and order the battletome. 1 x Mighty Lord of Khorne 1 x Bloodsecrator 2 x Bloodstoker 2 x Khorgoroth 10 x Blood Warriors 40 x Bloodreavers My only catch is that I'd prefer the mortal Khorne, over the other stuff if possible, could anyone suggest a nice 1k list for me (or if there is a set of must haves for the BoK army) in the interim till my order arrives.
  19. Thanks for the pointers, I'll apply some rule of cool too, but I definitely like the Everblaze comet!
  20. Thanks Mark, it's looking like Anvils of the Heldenhammer for some extra shooting but with my own colours
  21. So I've been roped into (read willingly with a Soul Wars Split) a tale of 6 gamers - with 5 other friends, so obviously Soul Wars will be split, however I would really like to run a defensive sacrosanct list - I've been thinking of having 20-40 sequitors some invocators, ballista/castigors with a scattering of support. I've got the battletome but would love some input from other players, I just want to play like oldschool dwarfs from WHFB!
  22. So because I'm a sucker for models, the Order faction and a deal. I got myself a Deepsurge Raiding Party (nearly got 2) box and a SC box. Initially I'll be playing them because I like the way they look but hopefully the sharks become better value over the eels, but I can shout "Eels" over the table at my opponents like Old Gregg. Has anyone found success with short ranged Reavers at all?
  23. So I was lucky enough to win a Start Collecting Box for KO in a local raffle, so my question would be....are there any units in the battletome (which I'm currently reading) that are absolutely dreadful and should be avoided? Otherwise I need to pickup some battleline units and go from there!
  24. I'm going towards working on a Demons only project and just wanted to know if there are any tricks for what to build out of the Start Collecting DoT box? Can't help but want to paint bright coloured stuff!
  25. I'll probably pull the trigger soon!I read this thread from the very start and found your comments very useful about this so thanks for that, might not be overly competitive but I really like the Khinerai Models 😍
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