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Skreech Verminking

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Everything posted by Skreech Verminking

  1. No sorry I have never played them before, but I always enjoyed playing against them.
  2. Mmh I do like bonesplittaz But was thinking of building an Greenskinz/Ironjaws army. (Mixed destructioned) (i really love the old times when the big Whaaaaaaaag with GRIMGORE was still a thing) and Than Boc came back from the dead. anyways are there any new rumors of some new/old army coming out soon/getting some kind of battletome or beeing updated?
  3. I read some of it but may have missed the most important bits thanks for replaying.
  4. Mmmh i don’t really necessarily think so. the Greenskinz rather fit very well in a Ironjaws army in my perspective. why should an Ironjaw army only consist of heavy armored very elite orcs? i think combining the boys, boys on pigs something.....? and the orruk warboss with the Ironjaws, would be a great combination. this would also give you the feel back of beeing able to finally field a green tide on the battlefield, which was with a only Ironjaws army almost impossible. it would also fit very good with the Ironjaws fluff. also there probably won’t be a too big problem with the competitive side, since Gore grunted would still be and stay one of the best Calvary in the game, even after boys on those pigs-things are a part of the army. the same goes with Ardboys and normal boys. ardboys are still much better then the normal boys, even if they cost 160p. but having the option of fielding some boys instead of Ardboys as meatshields/canonfodder/diefor Mork(or was it Gork?)things would fit the fluff much better. also isn’t it the same fluff with the greenskinz (normal old Ork faction) and the Ironjaws, that both of them get drawn to the mightiest champions of Gork (or was it Mork?)? (ps:everything written hear is just how i feel about the greenskinz Ironjaws etc.. every argument against it is happily welcomed)
  5. Hi, it’s great to see some people still playing the French talking army in aos. I still find them to be one of the best looking army’s which has ever existed in the Warhammer worlds. (including aos) (just after the skaven faction of course). its a shame that they aren’t produced anymore.
  6. And misinformation kills-kills Yes-yes i know-see everything.? And yeah it would have been great sadly though for some reason the Orktober was reserved for only 40k?
  7. Didn’t they do a similar poster with the skaven race.?? still waiting for that ratty release but yeah green-things desperately need some attention. Makes me happy to see that they might get some attention.
  8. Yeah, how should I put it. Models with the legend warscroll don’t have and probably will never have a point value for matched play.? you still can use him in narrative or if your friend doesn’t mind it, if you play him with your army
  9. Thanks for you’re report, it was asome. in my ratlike heart, you are the true Winner of the tournament. Just wondering how many plague monks you used.
  10. Will, do. i’ll start as soon as I come back from my holidays, take-stealing the rest of the bearthings City burrows in chamon.
  11. I quit the game when it just came out and went on to 40k. the problem with aos at the beginning was the lack of a point system (very frustrating when your local clubs instead takes wounds as a game currency) i got back to the hobby when the ghb 2016came out.
  12. Foolthings, those were definitely skaven fooling the lesser god Slaanesh.
  13. Yes, definitely. i played ones around 320clanrats/giant rats and a warlord 2plague priest. played against Ironjaws. He lost both in the objective and killing game.
  14. Yes-yes Chaos Dragons perfect material to make-forge hell pit abomination. all captured-needed for experiments. now you know why they haven’t shown themselves in aos
  15. Played a game of 1250points with my BoC army against Nurgle maggotkin. i myself was using the gavespawn greatfray, giving my Beastlord the +2damage weapons. lets Start with the summoning mechanics. they weren’t really used to often, but were a real gamechancer in the last 3turns. summoning ungors/Gors etc. To take objective marker which your Enemy has left alone, really helped big times. the beastlord with the artifact was also very interesting to use. dealing 3whole damage per blow, made it easy for him to slay hero’s in 1roumd of combat. bestigors were also amazing tearing a unit of 30plaguebeares with a -2to hit down- in a single combat phase. Gors weren’t that impressive to be actually true, but with their 4+save in combat they held their own against the brutal combat unit of blighdlords. (they still died though after 2rounds of combat) after all I find Boc a great faction with a potential of being very competitive and in the same time fun to be played against and with them. Also Tzaangors enlisting enlightenment are a great unit, if you keep some kind of meatshields in front of them. in such a way that they’ll be taken into the combat if a charge was made against the meatshields. Then.they will punish those foolish things, that dared to challenge your might. nothing is worse then to get hit by a full squad of enlightenments which can reroll literally everything. those guys will tear trough units like they were nothing. afterall there aren’t to many units who can bystand an attack that deals on average 20-30wounds per turn.
  16. Well the cygor is great if you don’t have any wizard in your army that can umbind, or if you want some kind of a support through shooting. as for combat you’d probably be better of with the Ghorgon.
  17. Chance the name to “age of the horned one”. Yes-yes our time has come. Manthings, chaosthings, Aelvethings, beardthings, Lizardthings and all not mentioned fool things, shall Die-die soon.
  18. Yes you can take all banners and musician option for your unit of plague monks. as for the champion, I would give him the scroll. the book isn’t that great since it only those a mortal wound for every enemeny unit within range on a 4+. this 1mortal wound won’t do you any good, and the scroll gives every friendly unit attacking that unit you have chosen reroll to wound of 1s.
  19. First sea elves, now vampirates and seazombies, and what’s next? Searats?!? arrr, Clan scurvy is best, Yes-yes foolthings shall die-Die
  20. Yeah why not, try it out. and have fun, win for Skreech, Yes-yes posterthings shall die-Die
  21. Don’t know yet. i’ll be taking my 1250p army tomorrow to the table. but from paper it looks very interesting, and can probably perform average to good at the battlefield.
  22. Max. Out your twenty rat strong force of plague monks, and take for your left over of 70points, a warpfire weapon team, or a unit of 5Gutter runners. thise guys can go for objectives, directly, even if your not interested to sacrifice a great number of your monks, for the following charge of your enemy. in other words you can stay behind your lines, without having to fear, to see any witches in your enemy’s 1st turn in front of you, killing and destroying (our so beloved) plague monks the warpfire thrower is great to dish out a good number of mortal wounds, perfect in killing or heavily wounding your opponents heavy hitters, or anything that is Stormcast and Ironjaws. as for warpgrinder weapon teams. they aren’t bad just that you don’t really get a assurance, in what turn your unit will come up, is something I really find it a bid to expensive for. it still can be good and with a unit of 40plague or clanrats you can take full two objectives under your controll, turn one. and if your worried in loosing both of them don’t worry, they did they’re job by holding objectives, protecting your frontline and dying, good meatshields should do. yes-Yes let straitor things Die-die Pestilence shall take-steal glory.
  23. Well it looks interesting. dont know though if the warp grinder team is worth the pointcost. Anyways good luck my friend, the rest of your army seems to fit the synergy of a pestilence army very well. It’s just sad to see that, you won’t be using any clanrats ?.
  24. Hi, ill be trying my beasts of chaos army against a friend of mine out. we’ll be playing 1250p. didnt have enough units to fill out the points, so I went with some endless spells.
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