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Everything posted by kenshin620

  1. I can't find the image of the page but GW explicitly stated that all the units you get in the Starter Set are all usable in LoN as normal non ally units, and Chainrasp Hordes clearly have the Battleline tag (unlike some of the other units that say Battleline in a Nighthaunt army).
  2. You could also use Chainrasps, those are also battleline for LoN.
  3. Its included, much like all other summoning....yes even friggin seraphon x4 engine Meme Lists.
  4. I just thought of an interesting fluffy but probably not really useful army. Tamurkhan's Horde sub allegiance as a count as Pestilens army, using Plague Ogre battleline that are Pestilen versions of Rat Ogres, then filling in with the usual plague monks, verminelord, etc.
  5. I am actually curious on just how prevalent Chain Guard will be in LoN armies. While NH may offer the most synergy with NH models, it seems that Chainguard would be an ok way to get artifact and cp since you're taking battleline units and a decent caster (granted he normally can't get the NH spells but with LoS he can technically get the LoN spells unless they FAQ that away.)
  6. Oh no doubt. Stormcast for example seem to really like the Comet endless spell. And it seems like every other list no matter the faction uses Cogs and/or spell portal. for magic shenanigans.
  7. I think that you can have a much fairer army if you went more face smash seraphon (rather than sit in the back and vomit out more skinks) and resisted the temptation to bring God Engines. This could have all been avoided if they just stayed Mortal!? Anyways speaking of which, does anyoen have any comparison size and quality pictures of the Privateer Press boardgame Widower's Wood Gator minis next to Kroxigors? They look like they might be an ok stand in but I hear hit or miss stuff about PP's plastic minis.
  8. I am pretty surprised how much wiggle room of points you have if you went "full meme mode" with summoning seraphon. 1 slann, 1 astrolith, 4 engine of the gods still leaves 700pts at 2k.
  9. I think thats the point of the rule, whether its meant to lower reliance on allies or meant to promote MSU armies rather than huge hordes. Look at the "wholly within RANGE" rules which also seems to promote MSU.
  10. Legacy ruling from AoS 1.0 where modifiers could affect "critical" effects. Newer stuff are now on unmodified rolls.
  11. Horus Heresy. Last I remember people say that despite all the crazy options, its relatively balanced (for FW rules anyways) since its like 85% space marines with a sprinkling of Ad Mech and normal humans. But yea the new Black Coach is amazing looking.
  12. Nah I'd say its more of they don't really know exactly how to balance FW things when they're not doing HH. For example they made 2 completely new Khorne models for AoS...and yet they have always been meh game wise other than one of them making Khorgoraths battleline (and I dont think he does that anymore). Meanwhile they have buffed the Chaos War Mammoth despite the lack of having it available for purchase....
  13. Lots of bizarre choices were made at the beginning of AoS, and for battletomeless armies, its not gonna change. For crying out loud, Skaven turned into 6, SIX, factions. One of which only has Leaders! And even the battletome they have becomes overshadowed by the fact that they are also nurgle units and can be taken in nurgle armies...
  14. I'm pretty sure theres no rounding up so you must have at least 4 units per 1 ally.
  15. Tamurkhan's Horde is now a "subfaction" of Nurgle, much like the newer books such as Daughters of Khaine or Stormcast Eternals where you get additional rules on top of the Nurgle allegiance (such as bile troll battleline) but you must also first use the Tamurkhan artifact. HOWEVER I just found a hilarious RAW error. The actual Tamurkhan's Horde text refers to the Maggotkin of Nurgle allegiance. There is no Maggotkin of Nurgle allegiance much like there is no such thing as a Blades of Khorne allegiance. So RAW, you can't actually use Tamurkhan's Horde allegiance! Not only are new players confused that the chaos tomes aren't the name of the allegiance, but FW as well! (RAI, They meant to say Nurgle allegiance)
  16. I think that then answers the question, you can take nurgle marked slaves as a nurgle allegiance units. So slaves -> nurgle mark -> nurgle unit -> nurgle ally for pestilens(?). Someone can correct me, I always get my allies twisted up.
  17. Pestilens are Nurgle models and can be a part of a nurgle army but if you had a pure pestilens army, it would be a pestilens army and not a nurgle army. Its kind of like having a Slaves army that was all marked nurgle, but taken as a slaves allegiance rather than nurgle. So all squares are rectangles but not all rectangles are squares kind of thing. Edit: Oh wait you mean a slaves army taking petsilens as allies? That I can't remember!
  18. The problem is that Brayherds have no "point" mechanic for summoning like what seraphon or the various chaos gods have and GW didn't really feel like giving a non battletome army an overhaul.
  19. The issue is the new 2.0 Battalion rules/FAQ that can go either way depending on how you interpret it. This rule has been posted a number of times around the chaos forums.
  20. I think they both apply for Matched play? So you can't have like 4 normal units then take 4 wizards?
  21. Can take an artifact and if the vampire is a general, then he can take a Trait. Plus you can always take both!
  22. Pretty much everyone is confused about how the Everchosen battalions work now, currently people think RAW the everchosen battalions can only be everchosen. For power, could use a chaos war mammoth. Though since its a tad hard to find normally, its probably easier to convert a LOTR Mumak.
  23. While this would certainly make Darkoath unique, I am getting Beasts of Chaos -> Beastmen transition flashbacks, which I think people are still a little sore about. I mean I'm sure theres people who still have Pestigor or Khrongor models for AoS! I think there should be some Darkoath unique units and more Darkoath unique synergy, much like the difference between Legions of Nagash and Nighthaunt. Yes you can use many Nighthaunt units in LoN, but there are also many that are Ally only. Plus many Nighthaunt models only buff other Nighthaunt and also rely on the Nighthaunt Allegiance.
  24. Well at least today its perfectly acceptable to actually use FW! Not like 6 or so years ago when people usually universally banned FW due to things like autocannon chimeras and dreadnought drop pods.
  25. So has anyone actually had any game time with Seraphon summoning?
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