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Everything posted by Acid_Nine

  1. I mean, I would happily play against those two warbands, even if they are challenges. The varanguard centered warband seems like it would be an expensive army to field, but it could be fun to play with them. I just wonder why the mist weaver and tanabral shard are not individual heroes you could use? are they still for sale?
  2. You're right! It's 165pts not 160 😉 but, I think it's a fair price. The sorcerer's blast attack is pretty killy, but it can swing wildly being Str 3. and he's not exactly a monster in melee... but, he does have some good support!
  3. Alllllllright, we are getting a nice big pool for allies with the new book, and I am trying to decide what the heck I want for my next campaign game. The GMG review has previews of all the new allies, and I was already thinking on a few ideas for a new list. 1050 points (one dominated territory) Heart-Eater-180pts First Fang-140pts x3 Plains Runners Preytaker with fanged axe -105 Preytaker with sawtooth blade -105 Rocktusk prowler -180 Chaos Sorceror lord (of slanneesh)-160pts -I honestly think that the Beastspeaker is the weakest link out of the war band, just in terms of attacks and damage. never impressed by her, and in the last few games her double wasn't that useful. now, based on what GmG said the sorcerer lord has a great ability that can buff anyone, and the magic attack is pretty much miles ahead of the whip. The other idea idea I had was replacing both the beast speaker and one plains runner with a slaughterpriest, but that will net me with less speed but with a better melee dude.
  4. Oh heck yes, I was looking for an excuse to buy skin wolves! I think I would just use them as spawn anyways, just because they are such great models and would awesome in an untamed beast warband
  5. I always knew that slaughterpriest I got in a White dwarf so many years ago would come in handy! Time to add him somewhere into my untamed beasts and hope it's a good addition. And, this will give my iron golems even more flavor, allowing me to show that they are tzeench aligned and worthy of the blue steel painscheme! now I wonder what fluffy merc I can add to my future splintered Fangs...
  6. it's nice to think we can make Him the fastest dwarf alive on turn 2 with Ironrach (or whatever it's called). he gets the tides, he gets to run and charge turn 2, and as combined with cogs like you said it would be fun! I only hope he's not a limited time release! I got warcry to buy!
  7. I would like more information on some more mercenaries, just to see what else is available for us. As it stands now though, I could see adding a tzaangor to iron golems or some beast of chaos to an untamed beast warband fairly naturally, and i’m Very eager to see how it would turn out!
  8. i'm curious to see if it will be an online PDF or not either! wouldnt have to worry about production of cards then? but I am curious to see how they pull this off. I hope it is not super overpowered in terms of gameplay to have a warqueen or such in your army.
  9. Well I did mean as stand ins for the cypher lords, so I guess it's on the same page! As a counts as, the cypher lords have all the same stuff acolytes seem to have, so i think it would be a good fit!
  10. Noooo gw I go back to school this week! I don't need to spend another 40 bucks! I wanted to spend that money on Splintered Fangs!
  11. I think the closest thing that makes sense to play is the cypher lords. Double is a missile attack, movement abilities could be levitation shenanigans and the like. The other one I could see is possibly the unmade?
  12. I found king to be more versatile than Volturnos personally. I do play Dhom-Hain though so a smaller re-roll bubble is not as big of an issue. he's good, and can rip apart guys on the charge if your opponent doesn't roll well. my favorite set up is Glaive and giving him Ghyranstrike to hit and wound on a 2+, and I give him the born from agony to keep him around a bit longer. pretty much you could build him for damage or for durability, and most games I do not make it to turn 3 for the high tide thing so that isn't a big issue either (Either I am winning so hard or losing so hard)
  13. those may not fit, but if they were theoretically space marine size, then there are endless space marine bits and heads to choose from for these blokes!
  14. I am already searching through puppets war for alternate heads and I am happy to say quite a few are better. I am really sad they got rid of the Ra heads, but a full army of Anubis headed constructs with officers being either baset or a centurion? That sounds a lot better than the stupid smiles we have now.
  15. If these guys didn't have faces, I think it would have worked more. Or at least not a derpy smiling mouth. These guys feel overdesigned to be honest. If they were walking statues like terra-cotta warriors or like the old tomb king guys they would look more intimidating (in my opinion) but as it stands the extra bone spurs and bits just.., just don't do it for me. I may have to see them in person. btw, are these the deathcast eternals?
  16. I think I need to see these guys in person in a better paint scheme before I can like them. The joker smiles on the foot soldiers look.... weird. But I like everything else about them! Even the four armed sword fighters. cant wait to have my idoneth crack them open for their tasty souls!
  17. Also, may I suggest one of these for filming? The constant shaking of the camera really isn't that fun to watch, so something like this would probably be worth it to help (and it's under ten bucks) https://www.walmart.com/ip/Universal-Handheld-Mobile-Phone-Camera-Ring-Gimbal-Stabilizer-Handle-Grip-for-iPhone-Samsung-Huawei-Xiaomi-for-GoPro-Cameras/715039454?wmlspartner=wlpa&selectedSellerId=101002065&adid=22222222227294869044&wl0=&wl1=g&wl2=c&wl3=359285608064&wl4=pla-778621512183&wl5=9018845&wl6=&wl7=&wl8=&wl9=pla&wl10=127819733&wl11=online&wl12=715039454&veh=sem&gclid=CjwKCAjwzJjrBRBvEiwA867bymmM70VUlhVwefCJrdsJ7HfBTm23UvXSUztL9a3mg74ZGtSkHcPMlxoCqV8QAvD_BwE
  18. So, question: would an initiative system like from warcry (roll 6 dice looking for singles) be better than the single dice roll?
  19. Played two games with the IDK myself, and won both as well. The Ishlaen prince is bloody mean, and both picked up the objectives I needed and killed a lot in my first game, and was a bulwark for my second game to tank hits even without the shield. The first turn ability also really ensures a round one engagement with the eels too. Popping that and the 10" movement pretty much made the games I played where I was picking up treasure and hunting down a battle group pretty easy when I was able to swarm turn one my list: ishlaen prince x2 ishlaen guard x1 morrsarr guard x2 reavers
  20. I am getting a very polish winged hussar vibe from the Calvary, and I am interested to see what these guys actually are. Maybe they are the second coming of soulblight? anyways, can't wait to know more!
  21. basic starter set kit. I think it' both the mission and the match up, as my last game I managed to rip apart a x3 drillmaster, x3 bola legionare and a bunch of hammers winning the objective by some lucky rampage rolls. (managed to get two tripples to turn them into quads, and in two turns my heart taker managed to run across the map and kill two iron legionares I needed to kill)
  22. Finally had my first loss with the untamed beasts and the mission really made me split my guys up more than I should have. Fought against legion of nagash and have to say that their double to move a few extra inches is surprisingly powerful. They could shamble three inches or so, get in range of a guy already fighting a friend, and then swing for the fences. Couldn't put damage out enough to fight it, but may have been too agressive.
  23. Miniwargaming has a nice series of videos on "fixing" AoS that are worth a try. Though Matt can be a little frustrating with how controlling of the conversation he is, the talking about hordes is a very good thing to watch.
  24. Yea, they need to be baby-sat by a hero with enough cp's to spend on inspiring presence. The akhelian core does give a chance to roll battle shock, but you need them within 12" of the turtle to do so.
  25. Yea, they can surprise you but unfortunately from what I experienced they die pretty quickly. They won't be the star, but they could surprise you if the dice gods smile upon you. They are not as good as eels as I experienced, but could be fun if you try them.
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