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Everything posted by Forrix

  1. I've also seen this turn new players away from the game. KO and Nighthaunt have were first armies for about half a dozen new players in my area last year. Every single one of them has either quit the game or switched to a different army.
  2. How are people rating Iron Golems? 70 points for 10 wounds with a built in 4+ reroll save looks pretty good. Though no marks is a big draw back.
  3. I've been on the fence about a Slaanesh army for awhile and Fiends being so sub-optimal while being such good models has been one of the things putting me off of it. I love the new Keeper of Secrets but I don't want to buy and paint three.
  4. Yeah, probably will produce less bad play experiences for opponents due to less of a death star while being able to keep up with the new stuff coming out power wise. I'm looking at list for tournaments with 2x20 HGBs.
  5. My thought exactly. I already run 2x15 HGB (since I didn't want to spend all the $$ and then they gets a point hike) and 1 Vulkite unit as my battleline and it does pretty well. Now I get 10 more HGB for a grand total of 60 more points. I think Fyreslayers might actually see their winrate go up in the new GHB.
  6. I'd say its naïve to consider the benefits of Blessed Sons in 2k lists prior to today which was the context of the question...
  7. Why? All your paying for is rerolling 2s on your plague lords aura instead of just 1s. Swap out the Plague Lord for a Blight Lord and you get a battalion that is better in every single way.
  8. At my work we have a web page with a bunch of reports that get updated once a month. I'm not sure how it works but our web guy always gets them updated within a few hours of me emailing him the pdfs and without issue. I've always felt that while GW is a company that does a lot of things very well....It has major issues.
  9. They probably forgot it existed. I get the impression none of the developers are too aware of Maggotkin considering Plague Cyst and Blight Cyst are still the same points value :P.
  10. Upper right hand corner... he's on a 50mm now.
  11. I'm not complaining about those but Nurgle Daemon lists are still pretty much worthless. I don't know what GW sees in GUOs that makes them worth 340 points. I love the models and have 3 fully painted ones that I would love to take out of my display case sometime.
  12. Points updates are new for the Winter FAQ normally its just rules. This is new shift for GW. Depending on what they do this could be bigger than the GHB. Though GW has been going the light touch route for the last few updates. Edit: Its a new shift but they've said for awhile they would look at points, at least for factions released before the GHB but not covered in it or the GHB FAQ (aka Fyreslayers and Slaanesh). So the only surprise is the other armies getting adjusted.
  13. Slaughtermaster. Really hope they update the base guide or the MawTribes FAQ since this is confusing. Butcher is still sold on a 40mm square base.
  14. Awesome though does that mean no points changes for Slaanesh?
  15. According to Warhammer Weekly yes. Though I hope its not till January since then we might actually seem some MawTribes/OBR changes.
  16. So the GW website now has Slaughtermasters being listed as sold with 50mm round bases. Anyone order one recently and can confirm? I working on a proxy one and want to get the base right.
  17. Are you implying that these two are equal tier now or you are thinking Hedonities are about to be heavily nerfed? We do know a nerf is coming but not what it will be exactly.
  18. Really? I missed that, is it just for Mortal Empires or the Vortex too? Its my biggest complaint about the game by far.
  19. We're supposedly getting the Winter FAQ in the next week based on new rumors so this will probably change very soon but off the top of my head and restricted by armies I'm at least somewhat familiar with: S Tier: Slaanesh, Bonereapers (PE) Tier 1: FEC, DoK (Hagg-Narr), Skaven (meta list-Cannons, Plague monks, ect) Tier 2: Idoneth (with eels), Fyreslayers, Blades of Khorne, CoS, Orruk Warclans, Gloomspite Gitz(Git spam/endless spells) Tier 3: Maggotkin, Gloomspite Gitz (not Git spam), Mawtribes, Tzeentch Lolz Tier: Prebook STD I think once the Winter FAQ drops I'll sit down and actually write out a full, thought out tier list predictions. Could be fun
  20. I'm not completely up to date on Slaanesh but how exactly is he generating enough DP to summon Keepers with Horde vs Screen battles? 1 wound models do not generate depravity.
  21. I've been strongly considering picking up some cats (well, frensian wolves) for screening purposes. In the games I've played my Gluttons and Ironguts can do some serious damage but get deleted easily (my meta is not a soft one). Gnoblars are decent but screening a movement 8 unit with a movement 5 unit has caused its own problems.
  22. Yeah, in my experience I know of 1 player that I strongly suspect of cheating in games before and he took some flack and has faded away from the scene. I have had several negative play experiences due to people getting rules wrong but to varying degrees I think those were legitimate mistakes. In general though, I like laid back tournaments and large prize pools (specifically when concentrated in 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place) I feel disrupts that. I also dont like it when tournament entry fees are raised to support these prize pools as being a less competitive player I'm basically just paying to give money to other players.
  23. Might be off topic but this is why I dislike large prize pools. Generally, I don't care enough about wining to go to lengths to make sure my opponent isn't cheating. That said, the top table last game is often a competition between 1st and 4th or 5th place due to scoring. And in the highest prize pool tournament I've been to the 1st place prize was $400 in store credit and the 4th and 5th place prize was $0. So if I lost that game (and effectively $400) because I thought my opponent was cheating (or just misplaying) I'd be extremely upset instead of just rolling my eyes. Fortunately, I'm almost never anywhere near the top tables :P.
  24. For context I don't travel for tournaments and mostly just do 1 day 3 game tournaments and about 1 two day 5 game tournament a year depending on what's going on in my city. I play several armies and when picking one I choose them on the basis of: 1.) Theme- could be squigs, Fyreslayers in general, or a specific model like Archaon. I then build the most competitive list I can adhering to that theme and within the limits of my collection. 2.) Play speed- I try to make sure I can reasonably complete a 5 turn game in 2.5 hours with the list. This means I try to avoid attrition based armies or armies with tons of special abilities. In practice this has resulted in me shelving my Nurgle army and avoiding grot/endless spell spam with Gloomspite (seriously, Netters make stabbas a super fiddling unit). 3.) Competitiveness-I'm not seriously gunning for tournament wins but I really dislike games where I feel like I didn't have a snowballs chance in hell. If a list just can't compete I'll shelve it until the meta changes or I can make the changes to the list to bring it up.
  25. I've been playing Warhammer Total War II and Lokhir Felheart has me eying the scourge privateers. Anyone been running these guys in CoS? Their base warscroll is pretty tame damage wise but scales well with buffs if you give them the extra sword. My main concern being how realistic getting those buffs on them are in practice. They also seem like they'd be about as good as freeguild guard at the chaff role too in units of 10 basically trading +1 save in melee for +1 move and bravery (compared to sword and board guard).
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