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Mighty Skullcrushers: changes that would make them less meh


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When I read the warscroll and compare them to other Calvary riding monsters I can't help but feel like they are a missed opportunity.


Sure the other Calvary cost more but I would gladly pay more points for something that does more damage or is tougher.


Right now they feel like pricier blood Warriors with a slight move increase that don't have no respite.


How would you up the wow factor?



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any of the following.

  • Give them an extra point in armour & Give them a retaliation thing for armour saves,
  • make the mounts do like d3 damage on the charge or something, with to hit rolls of a 6 doing mortals
  • make the hand weapon rend 1 and 2 extra attacks, with the glaive rend 2 on the charge doing 3 damage on a 3+3+

they're great hulking things of metal, and they hit like a wet tissue. 

saying that. tbh at 160 points they arent that bad, just a decent % of their points never see use. as currently magic is a joke, so khorne is wasting alot of point value, most people just cast defensive spells rather than offensive ones as the impact is greater hopefully they try an fix magic so taking units such as the crushers who have a spell shield becomes more viable. 

if they add one of the three things id say 180 points is fair 

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any of the following.
  • Give them an extra point in armour & Give them a retaliation thing for armour saves,
  • make the mounts do like d3 damage on the charge or something, with to hit rolls of a 6 doing mortals
  • make the hand weapon rend 1 and 2 extra attacks, with the glaive rend 2 on the charge doing 3 damage on a 3+3+
they're great hulking things of metal, and they hit like a wet tissue. 
saying that. tbh at 160 points they arent that bad, just a decent % of their points never see use. as currently magic is a joke, so khorne is wasting alot of point value, most people just cast defensive spells rather than offensive ones as the impact is greater hopefully they try an fix magic so taking units such as the crushers who have a spell shield becomes more viable. 
if they add one of the three things id say 180 points is fair 

Those are exactly the sorts of things I am talking about.

Options 1&3 are the ones I like best.

Option 3 would be my pick because rend 2 are mortal wounds are very hard to find in the bloodbound list and a very smashy unit is a gap I would love to see filled.

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Think that there are some nice possibilities.  Certainly they should be hitting like a train - each model should ideally be causing impact hits rather than just the unit (or maybe D3+x).  The shield is simply a bit meh in my opinion (and is very much a Slaves to Darkness option). Personally I'd rather have a save re-roll (representing the armoured hide of the juggernaut and shield) and/or a mortal wound save.

What I think would be a nice rule (at least in my head), is that on the turn they charge, if they kill 50% or more of the unit, all units in combat are at -1 to hit the rest of that phase to represent the carnage it causes.

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They're OK in a Brass Stampede though, right?... right?... [emoji52]


Heck they could even be reasonably argued to be roughly pointed correctly.

I just feel that they seem underwhelming. d3 mortal wound and a smattering of 1 damage attacks just doesn't feel scary enough for how awesome the models are.

And thing that moves 8" is a pretty sad niche for them. Everything else in the book hits harder and is about as tough point for point.

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Well unless they get another formation that makes them much better, the only ongoing changes are going to be to the points costs in Generals Handbook V2 and onwards. We have seen a few changes in points, hopefully they are going through every army lowering costs of undersused troops and increasing it for the ones that are dominating the tournaments. Would expect something like increase in points for Bloodsecrator, Wrathmongers, Skullreapers, Sayl++, and lowering the cost of Skull Cannons, Mighty Skullcrushers, Blood throne, things that dont get much love.

But that won't make them any better or fitting of their awesome look, it will just make a mediocre unit cheaper to the point where maybe it is cost efficient.

Although I have a couple of Stonehorns and Thundertusks, the balance would benefit from +40 pts cost each, just much too effective against elite high cost armies. Tomb Kings are pretty good but Brettonia are pretty weak so I'd like to see them cheaper to make them viable as well.

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We actually played them wrong for a couple of games with the shield working for all wounds... they turned into serious tanks during those games. Then we re-read the warscroll and discovered the embarassing mistake. Ahh... the good old days of having a useful shield...

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52 minutes ago, Wotyn said:

Would expect something like increase in points for Bloodsecrator, Wrathmongers, Skullreapers, Sayl++

I actually think that points wise those units are pretty well priced (apart from Sayl who is quite cheap for what he brings).  They're expensive enough that you think about taking multiples but not so expensive that they don't make it onto the table.  Bloodsecrator is a powerful unit but he brings a pretty essential synergy to an army.

For what they offer, I think 140 points would be about right for a unit of 3 Skull Crushers.  120 would feel a bit too cheap and 130 right on the edge of potentially becoming spammy.

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4 hours ago, TrexPushups said:

Stormcast eternals just got a new book that changed multiple warscrolls.

I expect that Bloodbound will be along soon and if they wanted to do it the SE precedent shows they are willing to change warscrolls that aren't what they want.

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the book litterally changed onlt two warscroll, and one was very minor

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the book litterally changed onlt two warscroll, and one was very minor

I don't think it is likely that they update the skull crushers warscroll but I can't rule it out 100%.

I would love it if they fixed their terminal boringness. If they don't bother then I will have to put on my big boy pants and deal with it.

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1. Change the D3 mortal charge to per model rather than per unit skullcrusher. So theres a difference between 6man unit and 3man unit

2. Make glaives and juggernaut attack has some effect in their first charge

3. Need extra attack for both weapons (rend for juggernaut). Make the axes has more attack since glaives will have extra something in the charge.

4. Change shield to the chaos runeshield like chaos knights (or upgrade it with : chaos runeshield+if the wounds come from magic, increase the roll to 4+)

5. Old juggernaut are praised for being hard to kill, lets make the armor to 3+

6. Need special weapon rules per 3model. Seriously, the box has the 2-sided axes but dont have a different rule at all?

i guess thats it. I would gladly pay more points if they are feared like in the old days. For a £10 a model it should at least do this much. This is the problem with almost all chaos. the rules-points wise is balanced, but those rules arent suitable for those beautiful, expensive models. Easiest example, you see treelord, stonehorn/thundertusk, and BT/LoC. Have similar points, the rules are almost equal. Good, right? Now lets see the prices. £37 treelord, £36 stonehorn vs £70 greater daemon. Do you guys seriously thing this is equal? GW did a good job for balancing rules-points. Now its time to move to the next level, making the points-price ratio all the same. I mean, whatever model/unit/army is out there, £100 means 1000 points army. 

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