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What will the next narrative advancement be?


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Im sure many of you have started to spot the new preview for next years arcanits. (If not go look in the rumor thread!)

My question is what people think the next step in the narrative will be?

Here is my vague theory.

Since Arcanites have been shown im going to assume they will get a release first.

I think the wake of the ALL Gates the Arcanites will make their move starting at the realm of metal.

We will get a book or two featuring the Arcanites and in particular them pushing the Stormcast and other order armies back (Or tipping the scales atleast)

One of these books will end with a victorious or winning Arcanite army. However before it finishes we get a teaser of something decending from above the clouds.

Enter steamheads to turn the tide.

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6 minutes ago, Shane said:

I think you may have it there.

Then we'll get Alefs vs Slaanesh in the following story arc.

But what of Death?

Im on the fence with slaanesh atm we will have to wait and see. but i hope so.

I think death will be reboxed and armies re ordered so tha they are less of a mess. But i dont think we will get a new release for some time.

They really need to sort Aelfs out first so that they finally have a "complete" setting.

Perhaps a Death vs "Normal Humans" would be a possibility in the future?

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I think Aelves might get a release like Sylvaneth but a little doubtful on Slaanesh being part of that. Kind of feels like GW does one Chaos god at a time and might not visit Slaanesh until 2018 or later. 

I agree with the general guess in the OP and think there will probably be some faction out of nowhere too like Ironjawz last year, not really key to the story. 

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I feel the story progresses almost like a game of Cards, with each God showing their hand one after another.

At the start of the story, Khorne had his hand on the table and Sigmar revealed his play (Bloodbound and Stormcast releases at launch).

Consecutively, Grimnirs (apparently Dead) remaining cards where gathered up (Fyreslayers as mercs). Three Alliances showed their Aces (Everchosen, Extremis Chamber, Ironjaws and particularly Gordrakk) andAllarielle was able to enter the game proper (Sylvaneth).

Now it seems to be Tzeentchs turn to play. This should be a major Gamechanger, the God of Change and Plotting making his move. This should kick of the next big storyline, Tzeentchs initial play, the frentik reactions of others and Tzeentchs prepared countermoves.

In this setup, we have three gods (Grungi, Tyrion and Malerion) in Order who have yet to enter at all. The original self-titled Age of Sigmar book had at least hints of Grungi and Malerions possible factions, but on Tyrion, we actually know nothing.

Nurgle and TGHR are in an interesting position. The story has treated them so far as having all their cards on the field (mostly in Gyran) and yet they had no release since the Endtimes and no faction in a "complete" state compared to similar factions. Nurgle is treated as all but beaten and the Horned Rat is treated like a cartoon villain so far, foiled at almost every turn, only to shake its ratty little find, shout curse you and be back to serve as generic villain for the next episode.

I think both still have a role to play, but that is far of.

That leaves up to four "Wild Card" Gods.

The big one that has already been seen influencing the storyline is Gorkamorka. The big green is less a player and more the big belingerent guy one table over that throws breadcrumbs over and calls the players Nerds. Destruction releases can happen at any time, and when they do, they are bound to upset all plans currently in motion (case in point, Ironjawz release and their role in All-Gates).

Minor wildcards are Morathi and Slaanesh. It is impossible to tell when, if and what role they will play. But it will hinge on the role and releases for Malerion and Tyrion.

That leaves Nagash. He is a major player, who, interestingly, is treated as all but beaten and represents the only one whose ace (Deathlords) was released pre-AoS and on the table from the start. The Lord of Death is bound to play a long game and him making his real play is bound to be as much of a gamechanger as Tzeentch's. So my venture is, if the Realmgate Wars where the story where Sigmar changes the field and next years this is Tzeentchs role, my guess is Nagash should be the heavy for 2018. That would mean no major (Stormcast, Bloodbound sized) release for Death in 2017, though I could see a faction release on the scale of Fyreslayers, Ironjaws or Sylvaneth, as Nagash makes a minor play to upset all other players. Or maybe Manfred does something unforseen while Nagash continues to gather his strength and waits for the right time.


So with all this, what can we guess for the next storyline and releases (as the two are so closely linked).

First, the forces of Tzeentch do something drastic, that changes the balance of power on a comparable level of Sigmar Stormcast invasion. Further releases/story developements show those who are affected and who react. Tzeentch's base of power is Chamon, which also seems to be Grungis homeground. This suggests a Steamhead release following the first Tzeentch Wave. Sigmar is bound to react, so we could see the opening of another Chamber, the release/promotion of Lord Commanders (the so far unclaimed rank above Lord Celestant. Vandus and Gardus are prime candidates) or mortal Order humans. Silver Tower suggests an interest/ connection between Shadowkin/Malerion, so he could be next in line. Maybe a Tzeentchian plot opens the Realm of Ulgu as a battlefield, forcing the shadwoy dark aelves into the light.

This leave out unforseen participants. As I have stated, I think there might be a smaller Death release proper (and there better be, Death fans might get a bit unruly with two years of nothing). But my personal bit of speculation is that there will be a role to be played/a release for Spiderfang Grots. The little madcaps have had a surprising amount of appearences in last years material, but they are to small (ha!) for a Bonesplitterz/FEC Battletome. They are also unique to GW and have a cool centerpiece Monster, so I have the distinct feeling GW has something in store for them.

Of course the Chaos Gods can't ever let one of their own have something nice, so Nurgle Khorne and TGHR are bound to get themself involved.

I wouldn't expect any major involvement in the next storyline from Allarielle (still isolationistic and centered on Sylvaneth and Gyran), Tyrion (no hints at all, propably a major release), Slaanesh (any news would be big enough for its own Storyline) or Nagash himself (a single Mortarch may though).

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I just hope it's not more of the contrived "And then the noble Stormcast Eternals showed up and saved the day" kind of stuff like the early fluff/narratives.  It was basically Chaos getting their butts kicked all across the realms constantly by all the forces of Order.

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52 minutes ago, Ollie Grimwood said:

I think the Tzeentch may be the splash release because they have had a prominent role in the 40K narrative at the moment so I think it may be possible they are sculpted at the same time as it was prudent to do. I don't think they'll do a Tzeentch narrative for 40K and AoS so close to each other. 

Well, Thousand Sons had a day in the limelight, but nothing more, the story seems to be quickly moving away from them. That is very different from the major role Khorne and Nurgle had in the Realmgate Wars.

I think it is more that 40k TS where the splash release ahead of a big AoS Tzeentch wave, as I don't see GW releasing one of the monogod mortals factions without bringing them up to Bloodbound level. And Bloodbound are a very big faction by AoS standarts.

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18 minutes ago, Rogue Explorator said:

I feel the story progresses almost like a game of Cards, with each God showing their hand one after another.

At the start of the story, Khorne had his hand on the table and Sigmar revealed his play (Bloodbound and Stormcast releases at launch).

Consecutively, Grimnirs (apparently Dead) remaining cards where gathered up (Fyreslayers as mercs). Three Alliances showed their Aces (Everchosen, Extremis Chamber, Ironjaws and particularly Gordrakk) andAllarielle was able to enter the game proper (Sylvaneth).

Now it seems to be Tzeentchs turn to play. This should be a major Gamechanger, the God of Change and Plotting making his move. This should kick of the next big storyline, Tzeentchs initial play, the frentik reactions of others and Tzeentchs prepared countermoves.

In this setup, we have three gods (Grungi, Tyrion and Malerion) in Order who have yet to enter at all. The original self-titled Age of Sigmar book had at least hints of Grungi and Malerions possible factions, but on Tyrion, we actually know nothing.

Nurgle and TGHR are in an interesting position. The story has treated them so far as having all their cards on the field (mostly in Gyran) and yet they had no release since the Endtimes and no faction in a "complete" state compared to similar factions. Nurgle is treated as all but beaten and the Horned Rat is treated like a cartoon villain so far, foiled at almost every turn, only to shake its ratty little find, shout curse you and be back to serve as generic villain for the next episode.

I think both still have a role to play, but that is far of.

That leaves up to four "Wild Card" Gods.

The big one that has already been seen influencing the storyline is Gorkamorka. The big green is less a player and more the big belingerent guy one table over that throws breadcrumbs over and calls the players Nerds. Destruction releases can happen at any time, and when they do, they are bound to upset all plans currently in motion (case in point, Ironjawz release and their role in All-Gates).

Minor wildcards are Morathi and Slaanesh. It is impossible to tell when, if and what role they will play. But it will hinge on the role and releases for Malerion and Tyrion.

That leaves Nagash. He is a major player, who, interestingly, is treated as all but beaten and represents the only one whose ace (Deathlords) was released pre-AoS and on the table from the start. The Lord of Death is bound to play a long game and him making his real play is bound to be as much of a gamechanger as Tzeentch's. So my venture is, if the Realmgate Wars where the story where Sigmar changes the field and next years this is Tzeentchs role, my guess is Nagash should be the heavy for 2018. That would mean no major (Stormcast, Bloodbound sized) release for Death in 2017, though I could see a faction release on the scale of Fyreslayers, Ironjaws or Sylvaneth, as Nagash makes a minor play to upset all other players. Or maybe Manfred does something unforseen while Nagash continues to gather his strength and waits for the right time.


So with all this, what can we guess for the next storyline and releases (as the two are so closely linked).

First, the forces of Tzeentch do something drastic, that changes the balance of power on a comparable level of Sigmar Stormcast invasion. Further releases/story developements show those who are affected and who react. Tzeentch's base of power is Chamon, which also seems to be Grungis homeground. This suggests a Steamhead release following the first Tzeentch Wave. Sigmar is bound to react, so we could see the opening of another Chamber, the release/promotion of Lord Commanders (the so far unclaimed rank above Lord Celestant. Vandus and Gardus are prime candidates) or mortal Order humans. Silver Tower suggests an interest/ connection between Shadowkin/Malerion, so he could be next in line. Maybe a Tzeentchian plot opens the Realm of Ulgu as a battlefield, forcing the shadwoy dark aelves into the light.

This leave out unforseen participants. As I have stated, I think there might be a smaller Death release proper (and there better be, Death fans might get a bit unruly with two years of nothing). But my personal bit of speculation is that there will be a role to be played/a release for Spiderfang Grots. The little madcaps have had a surprising amount of appearences in last years material, but they are to small (ha!) for a Bonesplitterz/FEC Battletome. They are also unique to GW and have a cool centerpiece Monster, so I have the distinct feeling GW has something in store for them.

Of course the Chaos Gods can't ever let one of their own have something nice, so Nurgle Khorne and TGHR are bound to get themself involved.

I wouldn't expect any major involvement in the next storyline from Allarielle (still isolationistic and centered on Sylvaneth and Gyran), Tyrion (no hints at all, propably a major release), Slaanesh (any news would be big enough for its own Storyline) or Nagash himself (a single Mortarch may though).

Not that AOS needs to follow suit but in WHFB the humans, Dwarfs and high elves were the "big three" in terms of order so im hoping that once tyrion and Grungni get there butts in gear the narrative my shift around a little bit more in terms of who the "Main heros" are in otherwords not focusing on stormcase all the time.


As for Nagash the deathlords were not his wild card in my oppinion as at the conclusion of "lord of Undeath"  . . . .


Nagash is in the process of contructing some sort of Black Pyramids. Nagash has something up his sleeve . . . . .

While any of the chaos factions would be a good opponent for the realm of light i would have originally guessed Tzeentch. Simply because they seem to parody each other in the way that Nurgle does for the realm of life.

Namely the idea that the realm of light is meant to be a realm where everything has hidden meanings and symbolism it does sound like something Tzeentch would love.

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2 minutes ago, TerrorPenguin said:

I'd take a small release of Death. At this point I'd love a Deathrattle battletome but would be happy with some new batallions and small releases.

They can't do nothing for death, it would put them so far behind everyone else.

Considering someone said it will be a new take on battletomes I think this is the reason why Death has not been done yet since I feel they suffer similar problems to tzeentch. Now narrative wise? I expect tzeentch to follow into slaanesh and the alelves considering in a short story a tzeentch champion was helping a slaanesh warband to find slaanesh for some reason. 

Also tzeentch got slaanesh captured in the first place but of course the slaanesh warband caught on that he was a tzeentchian and killed him. 

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7 minutes ago, KHHaunts said:

Not that AOS needs to follow suit but in WHFB the humans, Dwarfs and high elves were the "big three" in terms of order so im hoping that once tyrion and Grungni get there butts in gear the narrative my shift around a little bit more in terms of who the "Main heros" are in otherwords not focusing on stormcase all the time.

I think Stormcast will always be the most used protagonists. However, GW seems willing to change around the Protagonists of their Storylines quite a bit. The main Protagonist of the Ghur element of All-Gates is Badrakk Grotkicker of the Ironjawz, even though there are Stormcast present (as extras).


11 minutes ago, KHHaunts said:

As for Nagash the deathlords were not his wild card in my oppinion as at the conclusion of "lord of Undeath"  . . . .


Nagash is in the process of contructing some sort of Black Pyramids. Nagash has something up his sleeve . . . . .

Deathlords aren't Nagashs wildcard, but his Ace, the ultimate GA leadership faction, like Everchosen with Archaon and Ironjawz with Godrakk.

I am certain the skeletal Deathpope is planning something big and nasty, worthy of its own Storyline. I don't think it will go of in 2017 though.

15 minutes ago, KHHaunts said:

While any of the chaos factions would be a good opponent for the realm of light i would have originally guessed Tzeentch. Simply because they seem to parody each other in the way that Nurgle does for the realm of life.

Namely the idea that the realm of light is meant to be a realm where everything has hidden meanings and symbolism it does sound like something Tzeentch would love.

True, but GW doesn't really seem very specific in what they want to do with Hysh and Tyrion yet. And I think Chamon is a even better fit for Tzeentch, as the Lore of Metal was one of Alchemical Transmutation, which clashes quite well with Tzeentch's irrational Change.

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15 minutes ago, shinros said:

Considering someone said it will be a new take on battletomes I think this is the reason why Death has not been done yet since I feel they suffer similar problems to tzeentch.  

I thought I saw there was a "death rattle" starter paint set coming out early next year. Makes me think a Deathrattle rebox battletome might be on the way.

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13 minutes ago, Rogue Explorator said:

I think Stormcast will always be the most used protagonists. However, GW seems willing to change around the Protagonists of their Storylines quite a bit. The main Protagonist of the Ghur element of All-Gates is Badrakk Grotkicker of the Ironjawz, even though there are Stormcast present (as extras).


Deathlords aren't Nagashs wildcard, but his Ace, the ultimate GA leadership faction, like Everchosen with Archaon and Ironjawz with Godrakk.

I am certain the skeletal Deathpope is planning something big and nasty, worthy of its own Storyline. I don't think it will go of in 2017 though.

True, but GW doesn't really seem very specific in what they want to do with Hysh and Tyrion yet. And I think Chamon is a even better fit for Tzeentch, as the Lore of Metal was one of Alchemical Transmutation, which clashes quite well with Tzeentch's irrational Change.

Yeah i have to admit the suspense has been built up quite well.

I get what you mean about the stormcast. Like you say im not expecting them to be completely removed from loads of stories.

But id like to get to a point where a series of books can focus on a Wanderer or Aelf hero and Aelf warriors and just have the Stormcast pop up in places like the space marines do.

Especially froma human perspective.

A good example is if anyone has red the eisenhorn novels (About an inquisitor) I cant remember which book. but at one point Eisenhorn come face to face with a chaos marine and a Deathwatch space marine at different points in the story. And then both spacemarines end up having a major brawl. And every scene these SINGLE marines are portrayed with such awe and fear (The big bad inquisitors nearly wet themselves) that it just serves to put them in a much cooler perspective rather than there just being this endless stream of them.

Im sure it will happen eventually but thats what i really waiting for. The narrative to open up and allow writers to write anything from epic realm shattering battles to some witch hunter routing out some corruption within the confines of azyrheim (With the aid of a random stormcast at somepoint!)

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1 hour ago, Rogue Explorator said:

Well, Thousand Sons had a day in the limelight, but nothing more, the story seems to be quickly moving away from them. That is very different from the major role Khorne and Nurgle had in the Realmgate Wars.

I think it is more that 40k TS where the splash release ahead of a big AoS Tzeentch wave, as I don't see GW releasing one of the monogod mortals factions without bringing them up to Bloodbound level. And Bloodbound are a very big faction by AoS standarts.

I'd like this 

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5 hours ago, KHHaunts said:

Im sure many of you have started to spot the new preview for next years arcanits. (If not go look in the rumor thread!)

My question is what people think the next step in the narrative will be?

Here is my vague theory.

Since Arcanites have been shown im going to assume they will get a release first.

I think the wake of the ALL Gates the Arcanites will make their move starting at the realm of metal.

We will get a book or two featuring the Arcanites and in particular them pushing the Stormcast and other order armies back (Or tipping the scales atleast)

One of these books will end with a victorious or winning Arcanite army. However before it finishes we get a teaser of something decending from above the clouds.

Enter steamheads to turn the tide.

Close I think.  I agree that Tzeentch is the first release.  We know from the lore that Chamon is his stronghold (realm of metal) and that when Sigmar went to look for the Duardin there, he only found empty/abandoned holds.  We also know from the lore that twinkling lights have been seen in the skies of Chamon.  

So my called shot is a Tzeentch release followed closely by a Steamhead Duardin release.  The narrative will be the Grungi's Steamhead Duardin, emboldened by the other victories by Sigmar, will swoop down from the skies of Chamon where the duardin retreated onto airships after Tzeentch's invasion.  I think we'll get this narrative launch in the first part of this year.

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Wasn't there also talk of the Spiderfang having created some sort of "webway" between the realms with the help of their Spider Patrons? I'd be interested to see how this develops. Mind you I'm on Book 9 of the Realmgates War and haven't finished the series yet.

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This ones more of just wish list but something else im hoping for is for one of the other factions taking the role of "Badguy". So far both death and destruction has come off across as more anti heros than anything with lots brawls between them and order but not much else it all comes back to chaos.

Hopefully if an when chaos stops having dominanace over the realms we will see some major story arcs (Not intros) for death and destruction. Like Vlads invasion of the empire or Gorbad ironclaws. and it wont all just be "Us and Chaos"

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6 hours ago, Rusty said:

Wasn't there also talk of the Spiderfang having created some sort of "webway" between the realms with the help of their Spider Patrons? I'd be interested to see how this develops. Mind you I'm on Book 9 of the Realmgates War and haven't finished the series yet.

I feel like this is Destruction's "Skaven Maneuver". The way they get from one realm to another without controlling a Gate.

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