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I keep looking at that Sylvaneth box... Looks such good value and I've always fancied this type of army.

However the warscrolls aren't brilliant and I'm not sure how I feel about being reliant on Wyldsood scenery. Can anyone recommend them as an army? 

I might try them as a painting project at some point all the same :)

For info, until the General's Handbook (or those sneaky Podcasters! :)) reveal more info, or SCGT pools get updated I suppose I could work them in with some fluffy Wanderers.

Edit: Impaling Talons is the only real trick in the book with the Treelords (not even heroes!?) suffering from the damage table pretty quick... Travelling among Wyldwoods is good but 9" is a hell of a charge.

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You need to boost the army with a little creative magic. The lore master of Hoeth and the sisters of Twilight really help. Allows you to bounce back wounds that you save. The treemen have good saves so it's quite a nice mechanic. My list has four trees, and possibly two dragons. Bit gimicky, but after seeing the five Stardrake army I think it will be fun (and easy to pack away and move about!)

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You will certainly need to pair them up with another faction, because as they are they are limited in their choices. The Dryads for one are very nice when taken in numbers but need some support from the Branchwraiths in order for them to be more resillient.

The Treelords are great monsters although a bit slow. They sport a great 3+ save and do solid damage. What the Sylvaneth lack though is shooting solutions and it is there that the Wanderers come into play. The Waywatchr and Waystrider are very good ranged options and the Glade Guard are solid too.  Also the Sisters of the Watch are a great choice especially if you face frequently chaos opponents... ;)

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I am running my list right now with 3 Treelord Ancients and Durthu, with Dryads. I used the original deep striking formation but was pretty unimpressed with Dryad performance. I've considered leaving them off the table and summoning them later for objectives or holding them back and being aggressive with the 4 Treemen.

I have a Celestant Prime counts as I haven't used with the list yet and picked up a couple Wanderer options (Sisters of the thorn and eagles so far).



One thing I haven't seen many people talk about and I question, the scroll for Sylvaneth Wyldwood says "2 or more Citadel Woods per Wyldwood". Do people put down 2 citadels woods per wyldwood as the rules state? I have 6 citadel woods now... which is only enough for the formation (2 woods) and one summon. I need more woods kits.

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When it says one is 2 woods what does that actually mean? My wife is building up sylvaneth and we have no idea what these woods are.

So 2 separate woods is one giant wyldwood? Do they need to be close to each other to count as one?

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1 hour ago, Malakithe said:

When it says one is 2 woods what does that actually mean? My wife is building up sylvaneth and we have no idea what these woods are.

So 2 separate woods is one giant wyldwood? Do they need to be close to each other to count as one?

Two Woods next to each other count as one large wood.

Basically, look at how large the Treelord is. That thing needs to fit comfortably inside of a Wyldwood, which it can't do all that well with one wood (it will fill most of it up!)

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I would imagine a little distance between the bases wouldn't hurt (especially if you put leaves on the trees so getting them base to base would be difficult). As long as you can look at it and think "yea, that looks like one wood", then you are fine.

I suppose what you consider to be reasonable is the best way to do it. I mean, I can't see why you can't just use one wood for one wyldwood if your opponent is ok with it. Technically you can have 10 of the models making up one wood (since the rules say two or more citadel forests), but that probably wouldn't be reasonable.  

Either way, if you are a Sylvaneth player, then you will likely want to make sure you get at least 2 per wood (or appropriately sized proxies), since you rely on them for a lot of your abilities.

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On 5/11/2016 at 11:58 AM, ProvokedTree said:

I would imagine a little distance between the bases wouldn't hurt (especially if you put leaves on the trees so getting them base to base would be difficult). As long as you can look at it and think "yea, that looks like one wood", then you are fine.

I suppose what you consider to be reasonable is the best way to do it. I mean, I can't see why you can't just use one wood for one wyldwood if your opponent is ok with it. Technically you can have 10 of the models making up one wood (since the rules say two or more citadel forests), but that probably wouldn't be reasonable.  

Either way, if you are a Sylvaneth player, then you will likely want to make sure you get at least 2 per wood (or appropriately sized proxies), since you rely on them for a lot of your abilities.

Right, I have been playing it as 2 woods min... and only using 2 woods (not more) for reasonable use.

I have 6 citadel woods at the moment... with the formation and Durthu that is deployment plus one more summon. I would like to get at least 2 more for 2 available summons of woods.

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On 5/11/2016 at 1:57 AM, Stevewren said:

Brad, from what I've seen in the UK so far you can get away with a single wood as a wildwood. 

The rule is 2 or more though. That's like bringing a single Liberator when the scroll says units of 5 or more.

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I know. I wish we knew what would happen throughout the year. My wife plays sylvaneth and we have been waiting for them to get an actual full force that can hopefully be standalone and compete with the others. As of right now being 100% reliant on terrain is pretty crappy and limiting so hopefully they get a full force of gap fillers like ranged, speed, non-****** infantry...

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I love how Alarielle is rocking the old Orion spear! Thats a nice touch. 

I've got a game this week and am taking the following list: 

Screen Shot 2016-05-16 at 21.24.10.png

I'm not overly sure what it will do. It doesn't have much in the way of synergies, but the plan is to try and mob targets with the trees and the dragon so that you don't have the issue of the opponent picking on an unwounded tree lord and taking it down. Orion has a bit of fire power, and there is some ranged attacks with the strangle roots. We'll see how it goes...

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