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Best units in death


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Thread proposed in  "the worst of Death". So let's see if there will be better consensus about what is the greatest in our mighty Alliance.


Some loose suggestions from the mentioned thread to start with : Mourngul ,Spirit Hosts, Grave Guard,   Settra, Mortis Engine


I think it is good to focus on universal stuff. Unit that is just underpriced for what it does can be much better than sth potentially overpowered but needing very specific list or chained combo synergies.

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Necropolis Knights are very likely the strongest unit in GA: Death, and the strongest cavalry unit in the whole game. They are already very good on their own for 160 points, and they combo beautifully with all buffs we have access to. Give these guys a try, and you will be amazed.

Settra is also extremely strong. Not only is he fast and has a high damage output, but he is also very tanky (8 wounds, 3+/5+/6+) and has a great movement boosting buff. On top of this, his command ability synergizes greatly with about a third of GA: Death, and decently with the rest. Build a list around him, and your whole army will be on steroids as long as he is alive.

Edit: Forgot to mention that Settra allows other Mummy heroes to use their command abilities, which is huge.

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+1 for Settra. Haven't tried my Mortis Engine much, might give it a go today. Also Grave Guard are very good, especially if you get Settra to give them +1/+1 to Hit and Wound, then they're swinging for 2+/2+ with Dam 2 on a 5+ to Wound. A mob of them will chop down pretty much anything that ails you. :)

Necromancer is also popular for Vahel's Danse Macabre and general wizardry, and the Vampire Lord on Zombie Dragon is a real bruiser as well. (Personally wish I could have one on Terrorgheist, but c'est la vie.)

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Outside the compendiums, here's my observations:

- Summoning in Spirit Hosts is an extremely powerful pressure tool. They're flat out amazing for their points, both with regards to survivability, potential damage output and contesting objectives (particularily in Blood And Glory).

- The Mortis Engine. It does so much, for such a cheap cost. Once you learn to use it properly, odds are you're wanting to add a second rather than drop it.

- Vampire Lord on foot with wings. Possibly the best command ability in the army list, if you run him alongside Neferata or Mannfred, you're giving yourself a really massive combat boost.

There's the obvious choices like Mourngul and Morghasts, but everyone knows about those anyway.

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6 hours ago, Broken Netcode said:

Should I copy this one too or will I be getting a lawsuit soon haha

There is no trademark :)

After we make the lists for every alliance they should be merged together and put as important thread in general AoS discussions.

Beta version, with corrections

1) Settra

2) Necropolis Knights

3) Mourngul

4) grave guard (2handed)

5) necrosphinx

6) spirit hosts

7) mortis engine

8) morghast archai

9) vampire lord on zombie dragon



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Have tooled around with the mortis engine i'd agree it's really good. The ability to get a free AOE arcane bolt. If you hit 3 targets with that you've paid for the thing.  Though on top of that it heals your guys. SO 2 or 3 of your guys and 2 or 3 of the enemy is amazing. Then it has a decent damage out put extra attack, even if it's all bravery 10. Problem though is enemy death stuff you lose that spike damage, but i think it's still very solid.

SPirit host are also great. They are better than a walking Arcane missle for 120 points. Getting a decent average of 3 mortal wounds, and being really hardy.  9 wounds at 120 points is nice with a 4+ save that can be removed. 

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I also like the harbingers for summoning and necropolis knights for power versus price.

I also really like Neferata mostly due to fluff but also for her command ability and summon vampire lord ability (although that only really works in free/narrative play now).

I like Vlad and Isabella combo for fluff rules as well. Vlad's command ability is also excellent and Isabella's points are very cheap.

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I'd throw Spirit Hosts in around spot 4-6 as well. 4 in a Settra list, 6 otherwise - they are superior to Archai in damage output, and in mortal wounds instead of rend -2.

I'm also not sure if the Mourngul should be above the Necro Knights, but I don't have any experience playing with it yet. It's on my assembly table :D

Intetesting to note is how excellently numbers 1-6 combo (assuming Spirit Hosts are there, and Archai is number 7). You can really not go wrong with Settra and a few of the units following him on the list, Mourngul included.

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1 hour ago, Broken Netcode said:

Necrosphinx should be higher on the list imo. Its almost as powerful as a mourngul if paired with a wizard.

So how do we rearange places 4 to 9?

It looks like the top3 is unquestionable but it gets too crowded around 5th place.

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I would prefer not to. I feel like 9 is already too much, to be useful such threads should count only extraordinarily powerful units, and not just units good enough for competitive games.

In the worst of death, there are  only 6.


Maybe skeletons are too situational for this thread. I mean new player may read that skeletons are in top5 ( it is the main intent of those threads to help newbies) while you can too easily go wrong by fielding 10 of them with spears... So as for now, they can give their 5th place for Necrosphinx if you value him so high. Grave guard with shields lose a bit, but they are still highly playable.

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For me, it's a big unit of Zombies.


The masses buff them selves, have a vampire, corpse cart and Necromancer in the vicinity, and laugh yo' butt off when they slaughter anything. The thing is: this only works once on a single enemy: once they know what Zombies can do, they'll become their primary target and they will die fast.

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