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Hedonites of Slaanesh Discussion


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Well that round of point adjustments is a big disappointments for Hedonites!Go Fiends and Slaangor I guess? Blissbarb archers I was expecting to go up again but once again increasing points on blissbarb seekers and slickblades. Epitome and masque didn t deserve these increase. At least painbringers are back down after much complaint for them going up in the last battlescroll

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On 9/6/2023 at 7:33 PM, zombiepiratexxx said:

I love these, it's just sad that, once again, we have a cool unit locked behind a very expensive box set as it's the new season starter set for Underworlds. Especially when so many of the cool Underworlds warbands still aren't available in their own kits. They'd made fantastic Viceleaders. 

How expensive are we talking? They're such gorgeous models! 

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6 hours ago, Big Kim Woof-Woof said:

How expensive are we talking? They're such gorgeous models! 

Wyrdhollow the current Underworlds starter is £65 from GW direct, obviously, you can save on that via 3rd party sellers. Wouldn't surprise me if the new season went up but if you only want the Slaanesh models that's a big spend for them if you can't move all the other parts to recoup some of the initial outlay. 

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I will almost always run a KoS, but that is mostly cos I like the model more than it ever being the actual correct choice.  It's pretty much only useful for the double activation to try and ramp over a depravity threshold, and it might occasionally work as a distraction if your opponent assumes it's scarier than it is.

6 attacks for 400pts ain't it, chief, the best thing it's doing in combat is roaring for the most part.

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They are a few good underworld warbands. They usually have a hero and a retinue. The Slaanesh warband may be 3 heroes that you have to take together but are independent? That would be cool!

It ll be bad if its just a unit of 3 3w models

We ll know soon I guess

$110 for the underworld starter set in the USA is too expensive for sure

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I think they're doubling up on 'seasons' these days, so it's more like a starter boxes every six months or so?  But either way, yes, they don't tend to release the boxset warbands separately for a very long time after the box is out, though it's not normally that tricky to find the models on ebay or whatever if necessary.

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Has anyone had any joy with Dexcessa? At all? Its a gorgeous model, but I'm yet to field it. I can't imagine how to get it into combat before being shot to shreds. I'm vaguely tempted to try including it in an army with Sigvald... he typically draws so much fire that maybe Dexcessa will make it to where I want it before getting royally twanged. Am I dreaming? 

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13 hours ago, Big Kim Woof-Woof said:

Has anyone had any joy with Dexcessa? At all? Its a gorgeous model, but I'm yet to field it. I can't imagine how to get it into combat before being shot to shreds. I'm vaguely tempted to try including it in an army with Sigvald... he typically draws so much fire that maybe Dexcessa will make it to where I want it before getting royally twanged. Am I dreaming? 

I did enjoy it with a bigger piece like a keeper of secrets or glutos but it s really not competitive

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2 hours ago, AronQ_ said:

Where did you see warscroll? Can you share please?

They are in the app. Interesting mechanic with the Indulgencr points, but not sure for 170p. One of the this demons is a mage, but not a hero, so he can be targeted with range attacks and with only a 5+ save and 3 wounds each, it doesn't seems survival enough to do anything.

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22 minutes ago, Beliman said:

They are in the app. Interesting mechanic with the Indulgencr points, but not sure for 170p. One of the this demons is a mage, but not a hero, so he can be targeted with range attacks and with only a 5+ save and 3 wounds each, it doesn't seems survival enough to do anything.

It s terrible. A mechanic that puts a 9w 5+ save in harms way to get a cp for the unit or +1 to cast a spell to improve your charge and can only be cast on the warband? What a waste!

At 170pt they really make Slaangors look good at 50pts less if I was to compare them with something from the faction

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8 hours ago, azdimy said:

It s terrible. A mechanic that puts a 9w 5+ save in harms way to get a cp for the unit or +1 to cast a spell to improve your charge and can only be cast on the warband? What a waste!

At 170pt they really make Slaangors look good at 50pts less if I was to compare them with something from the faction

Yeah, I tries to be positibe but whatever...

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Yeah... I saw the warscroll. It sucks. I really hoped that leader will be hero, but GW said nope. Anyway I will proxy Vexmor to be lord of Hubris or Lord Of Pain (same base sizes) it will be much better than this ****** rules. And use another to heroes to be heralds, but it is problem with their base size

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