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AoS 3 - Fyreslayers Discussion

Clan's Cynic

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On 8/3/2022 at 3:42 PM, Clan's Cynic said:

So what Stormcast units do we think are worth potentially allying in?* It's a bias question, because I've a mind to paint up some of the plastic I've been hoarding as Anvils of the Heldenhammer.

*Stormdrake Guard aside, at least on my part.

My first though was also Stormdrakes 😅

Incantor for auto-unbind?

The Prime?


10 Judicators with Boltstorms to blast a few shots out?

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  • 1 month later...
On 9/9/2022 at 11:00 AM, 5kaven5lave said:

Where’s everyone sitting on HGBs as battleline Galletian Vets after a couple of months? Any thoughts? 

I just bought a painted Fyreslayers army so haven't played with them yet....but sure seems like that would help the HGBs out quite a bit in most cases.  The extra damage output in Bounty Hunters would help them achieve the 1 or 2 Battle Tactics vs other Galletians more easily.  I'd probably put the regular Vulkite guys into Expert Conquerors w their shields on the flip side.

I've been wondering what Cities allies from my Dispossessed and Ironweld Arsenal units would be best for the Lodge that lends their Runic effects?

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9 hours ago, Lord Krungharr said:

I just bought a painted Fyreslayers army so haven't played with them yet....but sure seems like that would help the HGBs out quite a bit in most cases.  The extra damage output in Bounty Hunters would help them achieve the 1 or 2 Battle Tactics vs other Galletians more easily.  I'd probably put the regular Vulkite guys into Expert Conquerors w their shields on the flip side.

I've been wondering what Cities allies from my Dispossessed and Ironweld Arsenal units would be best for the Lodge that lends their Runic effects?


One of the best units in the game.

especially now since the elf-things archers got worse 

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Oh good, I have 20 of those!   Is it necessary to bring a Runelord though and thus only 10 Irondrakes?   I didn't get the tome yet (dude couldn't find it when I picked up the models). 

I read somewhere there's something that lets a Rune get used twice during a game, so maybe that's something to take when going with lord of the Duarddazhal or whatever that's called?  

I like the idea of many Priests, since it's very uncommon to see prayers getting shut down like spells do.   Runelords have served me well with unbinding for sure but the Drakes have also done so with blasting away 

guess I'll need a Magmaforge too.  

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On 9/13/2022 at 2:37 AM, Lord Krungharr said:

Oh good, I have 20 of those!   Is it necessary to bring a Runelord though and thus only 10 Irondrakes?   I didn't get the tome yet (dude couldn't find it when I picked up the models). 

I read somewhere there's something that lets a Rune get used twice during a game, so maybe that's something to take when going with lord of the Duarddazhal or whatever that's called?  

I like the idea of many Priests, since it's very uncommon to see prayers getting shut down like spells do.   Runelords have served me well with unbinding for sure but the Drakes have also done so with blasting away 

guess I'll need a Magmaforge too.  

A rune-lord biffing your draks is nice, but the extra shots aren’t bad either.

whatever you prefer more I guess

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More shots is probably better....though I do love that +2 to unbinding the Runelord gets.

There's a 20 person tournie in November.  Thinking about using all foot Dwarves.  I'll pick up the tome this weekend or next week, but is that feasible with what I have?:

10 pick/shield Vulkites

10 axe/shield Vulkites

10 Poleaxe HGBS

10 Broadaxe HGBs

2 Runesmiters

1 Runemaster

1 Battlesmith

1 Keeper of the Flame

1 Runefather (I have the Magmadroth on sprues so could build that guy)

1 Grimwrath Berzerker


(Cities Allies in my collection)

20 Ironbreakers

20 Irondrakes

30 Longbeards

2 Runelords

1 Warden King

I also have 2 Gyrocopters and 2 Stormdrakes converted from Gyrobombers to look Dwarfy, but of course, not on foot.

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Figured this could be a fun and different type of playstyle for myself, reminiscient of my Bonesplitterz days but with more thinking caps required.   Read up on the new tome on Goonhammer (hopefully can make it to the FLGS to get a tome this weekend).

I'll give this a whirl next time I play Sigmar (this week is Horus Heresy week).

Looks like either the Irondrakes or Gotrek are the best uses of the Lord of the Duardrizhal. 

Was wondering if Gyrocopters would be good allies too, as they could benefit greatly from the Searing Heat Rune if there were enemy hordes to be blasted...probably want to take the a Priest as the general though with Master Priest CT, which would mean I'd need either more Vulkites or a minimum Auric HG as my 3rd battleline.  Auric HG really stink now, I'd rather convert them into more Broadaxe HGBs easily.


Fyreslayers Greyfyrd Foot list v1.JPG

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  • 2 weeks later...
23 hours ago, Hannibal said:

Hi all,


I thought I had read a rule that Gotrek in a Fyreslayers army profit from every Fyreslayers rule. But I can´t find it. Am I mistaken here?

There’s a command trait (leader of the duardrazhal) that lets any allied duardin use the ur gold runes- that would work on Gotrek as well

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Had a fun first game with my Greyfyrd Lodge yesterday vs Vyrkos Soulblight.   2K points, In the Presence of Idols, and we both forgot to pick our idols.  LOTS of bodies all over the place, some of which turned into wolves and zombies.

He gave me first turn so I picked the extra move Rune (got no enhanced Runes despite having the Spirit of Grimnir CT for the 5+ enhanced effect).  I got all 3 objectives there and flung my Runic Wall as far as I could (invoked it with a further-back Runesmiter, d'oh! but still worked for me throughout the game).  The Runemaster had the Volatile Brazier so I was able to really throw the Infernoth long and that thing was tossing out MW all over the place all game, never rolled a double for the move.  I'll be using that every time I use my bearded-ones.  The only downside is it's random move and cannot fly.    The Flamespitter did okay helping to plink away at things, but I was too crowded so had to cast it sort of behind my starting deployment, and the Runemaster had to linger back to make it work.  But it worked and never disappeared.  

His skeleton block is among the better tarpits I've ever seen, but I finished turn 3 with 2 Vulkites left.  By then I had de-wolfed his starting forces, killed his VLoZD w the pole-axe HGBs who rolled really hot turn 3 for MW.  The zombies and Grave Guard got mulched, and mulched again, and again by broadaxe HGBs and the Runefather w Axe of Grimnir, plus assorted runes and the Berzerk Hero Action for enhancement striking in the hero phase once too and using that Dauntless Assault of the Retinue to great effect along with the Fierce Counterstrike to strike first with both units.  The Infernoth was the one taking care of the foot Vampire Lord and Necromancer.  We called it end of turn 3.

Sure wasn't the strongest army I faced but wow there was a challenging amount of things to remember for both of us.  Fyreslayers will re-plasticize our brains.

Auric Flamekeeper was pretty pointless though.  Guess he racks up the dead tally better with Vulkites....but then he's near only Vulkites probably to buff only them, who already kinda stink.  The shield guys can hang in there okay, but they don't really do anything with 1 attack, or even 2 attacks, or even when they attack upon dying.  

Auric Hearthguard were decent enough for plinking extra damage from heroes, but I think allies could do that better, or just an allied wizard.  I did miss having magic strength (only had the Arcane Tome), but the Nulsidian Icon and Ash-Cloud Rune come in handy.  I think I'd trade the Flamekeeper and Auric HGs for maybe a Runelord and Battlemage or something.  But I found a real Magmaforge at the GW store where I played so SCORE!  





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Hi! I decided to join the ranks of faithful of Grimnir! Bought the battletome and 2 boxes of hearthguard.

Im aiming at 1000 pts, and maybe explore the shooting side of FY:


Allegiance: Fyreslayers
- Lodge: Greyfyrd
- Grand Strategy:
- Triumphs:
Auric Runemaster (125)
- General
- Command Trait: Master Priest
- Artefact: Volatile Brazier
Auric Runesmiter (135)
- Runic Iron
Grimwrath Berzerker (105)
- Artefact: Draught of Magmalt Ale
10 x Auric Hearthguard (250)
- Reinforced x 1
20 x Vulkite Berzerkers with Bladed Slingshields (320)
- Reinforced x 1
Zharrgron Flame-spitter (50)

Total: 985 / 1000
Reinforced Units: 2 / 2
Allies: 0 / 200
Wounds: 77
Drops: 5

What do you think? Are the auric so so bad?

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I think you will have problems with your damage output. There is only 1 unit that can put good damage in the grimwrath. 

The aurics are fine in combination with runes miter but not at the 1k level. You essentially put 40% of your list in reserve to drop on a backfield objective. This will lose you some games without even rolling the dice. 

I would split the Vulkites and gave one unit double handaxes. Gives you more board presence and more damage

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On 10/2/2022 at 2:58 PM, peasant said:

Hi! I decided to join the ranks of faithful of Grimnir! Bought the battletome and 2 boxes of hearthguard.

Im aiming at 1000 pts, and maybe explore the shooting side of FY:


Allegiance: Fyreslayers
- Lodge: Greyfyrd
- Grand Strategy:
- Triumphs:
Auric Runemaster (125)
- General
- Command Trait: Master Priest
- Artefact: Volatile Brazier
Auric Runesmiter (135)
- Runic Iron
Grimwrath Berzerker (105)
- Artefact: Draught of Magmalt Ale
10 x Auric Hearthguard (250)
- Reinforced x 1
20 x Vulkite Berzerkers with Bladed Slingshields (320)
- Reinforced x 1
Zharrgron Flame-spitter (50)

Total: 985 / 1000
Reinforced Units: 2 / 2
Allies: 0 / 200
Wounds: 77
Drops: 5

What do you think? Are the auric so so bad?

I would recommend taking the Infernoth instead of the Flamespitter.  Basically the same points, but you can fling the Infernoth 24" with the Volatile Brazier on the Runemaster, and it jams up the enemy big time, causing massive amounts of mayhem when 2-3-or 4 enemy units are all bunched up near enough to it.  Good stuff.  Been the MVP of my first two games with Fyreslayers.

I would also recommend going with 10 HGBs instead of the Grimwrath and 10 Hearthguards.  Either version is good but I like the Broadaxes actually.  Less swingy in damage output.  20 Vulkites w shields won't win combats but they might be able to really hold an objective if they have a ward save going and AOD.  Might split them into 2x10 though.  However they sometimes just die as easily as the double-axe guys anyways, so more attacks and charging to do more stuff is probably better.

Yeah I am going to convert my 5 Auric Heathguard to HGBs w Broadaxes; the Auric HGs just don't do anything.  Really disappointing nerf there.    And I'm considering converting all my Vulkites as well to HGBs, or at least with double hand axes.  I played vs Stormcast today and it did not go well.  The Vulkites w shields failed to hold their ground very well, and they certainlly cannot kill ANYTHING.  

Mission was Battlelines Drawn, which is table quarters as objectives.  Really a pretty good mission for Fyreslayers but there was a giant tall rocky terrain piece right in the middle splitting off my zone from one of the quarters, and it was Deadly.  We need to keep pretty clustered up especially running all foot dwarves.

I had all Greyfyrd foot: Runefater/Axe of Grimnir/Lord of the Duardrizhal, 2 Runesmiters, Runemaster, Battlesmith, 2x10 shield Vulkites (1 picks 1 axes), 10 HGBs w Broadaxes and 10 Poleaxes, 10 allied ironbreakers w a Runelord, all 3 invocations.

He had Stardrake, Imperitant, 5 liberators, 5 vindictors w spears?, 2x3 annhilator grandhammers, 4 tempestors (NASTY UNIT), 3 birds, and I think that was it.  Deepstruck annhilators behind me drawing in my poleaxes and axe Vulkites for a time but the poleaxes cleared them out bottom of 1.  His tempestors deepstruck to my right far quarter and shot me up good the whole game also on Unleash Hell and tore me up in combat.  Just horrible.  They killed like 20 Vulkites and 10 Poleaxe HGBs.  If they weren't 440 points I'd get them for allies.  I'll do 2 Stormdrakes next time, as most of the Cities dwarves are just gonna benefit enough from the Runes (besides maybe 20 Hammerers).  And I think the Stormdrakes are still better than the Hammerers.

I got the Broadaxes and Runefather in it with the Imperitant and Stormdrake and some Vindictors, and the Runefather successfully died and Honorable Death WOOT!  Also got Head to Head there with the HGBs vs Vindictors.  The Dauntless Assault effect is awesome, plus the enhanced Rune hero action, plus prayer of Grimnir's Fury.  That's the special sauce I want all the time.  Vs other stuff besides Stardrakes, probably works every time :P

Priests did their work well, never had trouble invoking or praying with them.  Runelord failed 3 times on his stuff with the Ironbreakers and then got Annhilatored.  I guess I did get my Grand Strategy with the Infernoth remaining on the table right?!?

Trading 20 Vulkites for a Magmadroth....probably worth it.


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I got some HGB bits on the way, planning to convert all my Vulkites into HGBs, or at least 10 of 20.  Vulkites (mine have shields) just never do anything, not even survive very long.  I'll have less bodies but I think ultimately they'll perform better, or at least die trying!  Here's my new list for Greyfyrd then:

Runefather/general/Spirit of Grimnir/Axe of Grimnir

Runeson w axes/Draught of Magmalt Ale

Runemaster w Volatile Brazier

Runesmiter/Runic Iron/ Arcane Tome

2 Battlesmiths (1 w Nulsidian icon)

(2 Command Entourages for 5 total artefacts w Greyfyrd)

2x 10 HGBs w Broadaxes

1x10 HGBs w Poleaxes

2 allied Gyrocopters for swift sneaking and/or horde control/Unleashing Hell.....though I could double reinforce an HGB unit to 15 as well.

Infernoth and Flamespitter invocations (figure the Runic Fyrewall is less necessary with the HGB wards and 2 Battlesmiths).

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  • 3 weeks later...

So here’s an interesting one. I’ve got a tournament this weekend and I’m looking at the round 1 matchup and trying to imagine how it might go.

the battleplan is The Prize Of Gallet
my opponent is running the following Fyreslayers list
Allegiance: Fyreslayers
- Lodge: Lofnir
- Mortal Realm: Ghur
- Grand Strategy: Guarded Lineage
- Triumphs: Bloodthirsty
Auric Runefather on Magmadroth (360)*
- General
- Command Trait: Blood of the Berzerker  
- Artefact: Draught of Magmalt Ale  
- Magmadroth Trait: Flame-scale Youngblood
Auric Runefather on Magmadroth (360)
- Magmadroth Trait: Coal-heart Ancient
Auric Runeson on Magmadroth (320)*
- Ancestral War-axe
- Magmadroth Trait: Lava-tongue Adult
Auric Runeson on Magmadroth (320)*
- Ancestral War-axe
Auric Runeson on Magmadroth (320)*
- Ancestral War-axe
Auric Runeson on Magmadroth (320)*
- Wyrmslayer Javelins
Core Battalions
*Battle Regiment
Total: 2000 / 2000
Reinforced Units: 0 / 4
Allies: 0 / 400
Wounds: 96
Drops: 2

im very interested in seeing how this goes as this is the type of list I’ve always wanted to do with Fyreslayers.

the list I’m running
Allegiance: Stormcast Eternals
- Stormhost: Tempest Lords (Scions of the Storm)
- Grand Strategy: Draconith Defiance
- Triumphs: 
Karazai, The Scarred (550)
- General
Krondys, Son of Dracothion (550)
- Spell: Chain Lightning
Knight-Relictor (120)*
- Artefact: Fang of Dracothion  
- Universal Prayer Scripture: Heal
2 x Stormdrake Guard (340)
- Drakerider's Lance
5 x Vanquishers (110)*
5 x Vindictors (130)*
1 x Stormstrike Chariot (165)*
Endless Spells & Invocations
The Burning Head (20)
Core Battalions
*Battle Regiment
Total: 1985 / 2000
Reinforced Units: 0 / 4
Allies: 0 / 400
Wounds: 92
Drops: 4

im curious to know what people think about this game is going to go?

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I will bet that the Runefather could go head to head with a dragon whilst all of the lava spewing could take out the other one if they held their fire for a turn.   Stormcast are tricksy though.  I've never won a game with them even when I had all stone horns.  I only have Greyfyrd foot Fyreslayers myself.   

How DID the game go?!?

I've been wondering for my guys should I build two more Auric HG units with a Runesmiter general to net them as my three battlelines and then have the two HGB units not be Galletian Vets......OR should I just make another Broadaxe HGB unit for my third battleline along with my poleaxes and other Broadaxes?  

The extra damage vs Galletian Vets is just ridiculous these days and really hurts the HGBs w Runefather general    but Auric HGs stink bad.  However using the same Rune twice trait for a runesmiter general is boss.  But triple HGBs is pretty spicy too.   

OR should I just accept the terrible two units of shield Vulkites I have as battleline, and convert my Auric HGs to five more Broadaxes?

I like to run at least a Runefather, Battlesmith, and Runemaster for the Volatile Brazier to summon the Infernoth.  Haven't tried Gotrek with Lord of the Duarddazhal yet either.  

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14 hours ago, Lord Krungharr said:

I will bet that the Runefather could go head to head with a dragon whilst all of the lava spewing could take out the other one if they held their fire for a turn.   Stormcast are tricksy though.  I've never won a game with them even when I had all stone horns.  I only have Greyfyrd foot Fyreslayers myself.   

How DID the game go?!?

I've been wondering for my guys should I build two more Auric HG units with a Runesmiter general to net them as my three battlelines and then have the two HGB units not be Galletian Vets......OR should I just make another Broadaxe HGB unit for my third battleline along with my poleaxes and other Broadaxes?  

The extra damage vs Galletian Vets is just ridiculous these days and really hurts the HGBs w Runefather general    but Auric HGs stink bad.  However using the same Rune twice trait for a runesmiter general is boss.  But triple HGBs is pretty spicy too.   

OR should I just accept the terrible two units of shield Vulkites I have as battleline, and convert my Auric HGs to five more Broadaxes?

I like to run at least a Runefather, Battlesmith, and Runemaster for the Volatile Brazier to summon the Infernoth.  Haven't tried Gotrek with Lord of the Duarddazhal yet either.  

The exact specifics are lost to me now, but I kept the 3 Draconith units in the sky and deployed the rest on the board. he chose to go first for some reason  and moved everything up (he deployed all 6 Magmadroths fairly close together). I won priority and double turned him. Turn 1, I dropped all the dragons, breathed fire on some Magmadroths, and all 3 made successful charges. During the course of my turns 1 and 2, I killed 3 Magmadroths and had a fourth on 2 wounds left. Unfortunately for me, in his turn 2 he was able to get the 3 Magmadroths into me and as I expected was able to kill all my dragons

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Here's a silly list, true hero-Hammer smash time!

Greyfyrd of course:

Runefather (Spirit of Grimnir, Axe of Grimnir)


Runemaster (Volatile Brazier)


Battlesmith (Nulsidian Icon)

3x5 HGBs w Broadaxes

8 Grimwrath Berzerkers

Infernoth/Runic Fyrewall/AND the Flamespitter

Of course I'd have to make 8 unique looking Grimwraths.  Or would it be better to have 3x5 Auric HGs as battleline w the Runesmiter as general and take the trait to use a Rune twice?  Two turns of Awakened Steel would be spicy, though the enhanced effect on a 5 from a Runefather general is also spicy.  Guess I'd probably go with the HGBs but that's my slightly noob instinct perhaps.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I managed to cobble together 3 different Grimwraths from some HGBs.  I've revised my list to include the mightiest of the Duardin, Gotrek himself!  Going with Lord of the Duardrizhal so he can use the Runes.  Next time I play AoS I'll give this a try:

Greyfyrd Lodge.

Runefather (general, Lord of the Duardrizhal, Axe of Grimnir)

Runemaster (Volatile Brazier, Heal)

Runesmiter (Grimnir's Fury)

Battlesmith (Nulsidian Icon)

Runeson (w Ancestral Axe)


3x5 HGBs w Broadaxes (retinues for Runefather and Runeson)

3 Grimwrath Berzerkers (the run and charge oath, the ward save oath, and I can't remember the other options but if Gotrek counts as an ally, then maybe the hit/wound bonus near him?)

Infernoth and Flamespitter invocations

I'm thinking for battalions to not go Command Entourage, and take a Vanguard for the one Grimwrath to run 6" and charge for free once and toss the Runeson in there and maybe 2 Bounty Hunters for the HGBs and Grimwraths, the latter of which are not Leaders thus I think could go into Bounty Hunters.  Though I suppose if battalion quantities aren't limited to 3 in 2K points like I'm thinking, then might as well take a Command Entourage and get an Arcane Tome on the Runesmiter or Manticore Venom on a Grimwrath.

Will it perform at all?  I have no idea, but should be a glorious battle nonetheless.

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Any fellow Lodge members have experience fighting the Kruelboyz?  I'll be facing them with my Greyford foot hero-smash list above.  Not sure what they besides have poison shooting crossbows.    I'm thinking proper Rune-use will be key, and wondering if I should instead of Bounty Hunters do a couple Battle Regiments to get low drops.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 11/21/2022 at 1:49 AM, Lord Krungharr said:

Any fellow Lodge members have experience fighting the Kruelboyz?  I'll be facing them with my Greyford foot hero-smash list above.  Not sure what they besides have poison shooting crossbows.    I'm thinking proper Rune-use will be key, and wondering if I should instead of Bounty Hunters do a couple Battle Regiments to get low drops.

This Forum sadly cooled down a lot. But Im interested please Tell us how it went. I've Not played against kruleboyz yet. I also think Its quite funny that we Love and Play the Same armies. I've seen you in the past on the Legion of azgorh subforum and if im Not mistaken you Play ogors and all Kind of dwarves (fs, KO and cos). All those are armies of me aswell

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Yeah it's weird because FS is doing reasonably well in events from what I've seen.  Oh well.  I'm thinking about selling the rest of my FS to pay for other things, but still have my Cities.  No KO yet, but I might need a couple units to go in my airforce :)

Sold off my Ogors, but bought into Troggoths!  

Anyways, my Hero Smash was doing fairly well the first couple turns, until Gobsprakk hopped over and Nasty Hexxed Gotrek, who then died to the Bolt Skewer crossbow Boyz.  The Mirebrute walked up and ended up smashing his way handily through the center, whilst the Runefather mopped up Hobgrots but then got speared by Gutrippaz badly after they made some amazing amounts of 6+ armor saves.  The Grimwrath Berzerkers tried to help out, and one ended up nabbing the far left objective (this was the Presence of Idols mission).....and then top of turn 5 Gobsprakk again hopped over and took care of that guy.  But it was much closer than I had thought after Gotrek died, 16-24 with a Kruleboyz win.  Wow they can dish out TONS of MW!  They're slow but have amazing spells.

The Hero Smash did fairly well actually, and had Gotrek not died (too bad the Nulsidian Icon didn't work on him) I think I could have grinded out a victory, cuz he would have charged deep into the shooty guys and mulched everyone presumably.  Also my rolls for the Infernoth and Flamespitter were not very impressive this game.  Oh well.  Onward and upward!

I think if there ends up being a City w Fyreslayers coalition allies I'll get whatever is best then, but I'll use my spare HGBs to make some K'Daii Fireborn for funsies.

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  • 5 weeks later...
On 11/16/2022 at 10:09 PM, Lord Krungharr said:

I managed to cobble together 3 different Grimwraths from some HGBs.  I've revised my list to include the mightiest of the Duardin, Gotrek himself!  Going with Lord of the Duardrizhal so he can use the Runes.  Next time I play AoS I'll give this a try:

Greyfyrd Lodge.

Runefather (general, Lord of the Duardrizhal, Axe of Grimnir)

Runemaster (Volatile Brazier, Heal)

Runesmiter (Grimnir's Fury)

Battlesmith (Nulsidian Icon)

Runeson (w Ancestral Axe)


3x5 HGBs w Broadaxes (retinues for Runefather and Runeson)

3 Grimwrath Berzerkers 

I'm thinking a lot about Herohammer Fyreslayers and these are some questions I can't answer myself. What do you think? 


1) Krondspine incarnate. It literally gives half your army all out attack for just 1 cp. Nice model too. 

2) Runefather OR Runeson on Magmadroth. Sure, you can't put the additional relics on them and they won't get +2 ro their wounds characteristics, but you gain a fast beatstick that you're otherwise missing. You can still give the free Relic to them and they will still get a mount Trait. 


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