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Tzeentch Release Speculation


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What are the details/rumours that we know about the hopefully soon to be upcoming Tzeentch release?  I believe it has been all-but-confirmed there will be a Lord of Change coming.  It is highly suggested there will be some boxed releases of Tzeentch units first seen in Silver Tower.

As such, the overriding question to mull over is: what battletome are they actually going to be releasing??  

My initial expectation was simply Arcanites, to expand on the mortals, beginning with the Kairic Acolytes as the marauder/bloodreaver equivalent and hopefully releasing some Tzeentch warriors etc.  However with the LoC incoming, will he/it just be an associated release without being part of the battletome?  Will the new release be Tzeentch Daemons only?  Or will there be daemons in the book as well as the mortals (which would be a MAJOR departure from not only Bloodbound, but all Battletomes thus far).  And lets not even begin to mention Tzaangors, which ARE arcanites according to the Silver Tower warscrolls, but not mortals... This begs another question: are Tzeentch keyword abilities likely to reference mortals (the way Bloodbound works) or arcanites or just keep it very non-specific Tzeentch?

TBH I'm hoping they keep things in the same mold as they have done with Bloodbound (though adding the post GH style abilities of course) and release an Arcanites battletome (since this is the faction that needs the models), even if it does mean we won't be seeing boxes of blue horrors any time soon. xD

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The key wording with chaos is my biggest grief with the alliance, in fact the entire game.

Some units are mortal, others daemon,, some celestial, undead, etc etc.

Then, there are the others. The nothing. Beast men for instance, are mortal. They are born, they live they die. Where's the mortal keyword.


The greater daemon will be tied into 40k, so expect probably new blue horrors also as they both are use able in both AoS and 40k.

The silver tower stuff will be released as buyable units, as they already work as the units for tzeentch, though I'd like to see a more elite melee troop also added, a dual kit option, it's a shame they discontinued forsaken as they'd have worked so well as devoted tzeentch models with new rules. 


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Well they did give the Tzaangor's the Gor keyword, so at least they have the potential to play well with other beastmen (as well as general Tzeentch). No "Mortal, Gor" however.

I suppose if they're calling Stormcast "Celestial, Humans" then they should be calling chaos Warriors "Mortal, Humans" to keep the consistency. This convention fits Seraphon nicely "Celestial, Daemon" but not chaos daemons (Just "Daemon"). 

Anyway, the kit I want to see the most is a Tzeentch chaos warrior unit (blood warrior equivalent).

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My thoughts were that GW intended the tzaangors to function as the "blood warrior equivalent."  Instead of murderizing stuff like Blood Warriors or Blightkings, I feel like their mediocre to-hit and wound profile will land them as 2-wound bodyguards for your Gaunt Summoner.  

The Arcanites are described as few in numbers and manipulate foes to avoid most conflicts, so I see it as Tzeentch-y fashion to have an army that relies heavily on HQ/wizard reliance.  

Khorne already runs the rend/melee party, Nurgle troops are all about regeneration and attrition, and Slaanesh has the fastest stuff in the game, so it's fun to think about what they'll cook up for this release.  I can't imagine it overlapping with what the other Gods bring to the table.

I just hope they don't throw in a bunch of slaves to darkness units and go "here's the tzeentch army you've been waiting for lel"


oh yeah and pls make the vortex beast playable

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Yeah interesting, I wondered about the Tzaangor's being the (maybe battleline) melee unit.  As much as I LOVE the Silver Tower models of them, the OCD part of me that likes to see patterns between the multiple chaos gods (ie all having Greater Daemons, lesser daemons etc) wishes these were some form of mortals.  It also makes the chances of Khorngors etc less likely any time soon if the specific beastmen are going into the mortal factions.

Regardless, this is all nitpicking and on current form I'm sure they'll knock it out of the park when it releases.  I do like my metal LoC so this new one had better be tops!

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On 9/11/2016 at 0:48 PM, Arkiham said:

The greater daemon will be tied into 40k, so expect probably new blue horrors also as they both are use able in both AoS and 40k.

I would be surprised by a new release of blue horrors since they're already plastic. They're also nice models that fit the theme of the army.

I think the LoC is a definite because they would take it from finecast to plastic. Games workshop love their big models at the moment as well. 

Aside from that; I might be in the minority here but I am more interested in the rules/battletome to go with any Tzeentch release than any new models. Everyone recognizes that the rules of 1 destroyed Tzeentch demons' spell casting abilities; a battle tome that gives us additional spells, formations and items would go a long way to making Tzeentch a multi-dimensional army.

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58 minutes ago, Bowlzee said:

Hopefully Tzeentch will get more than 6 spells, given how magically orientated they are. Or two lore books. One for minor spells that can ignore the rule of 1, and major spells that can only be used once.

I have a feeling the 8 winds of magic will return and be partially available.

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I'd love to see a combined pink/blue horrors box, and brimstone horrors added to the new Tzeentch kits in a similar way to Nurglings in the Plaguebearer set.

A big mortal unit on 40mm bases similar to blightkings and wrathmongers would be great.

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A big mortal unit on 40mm bases similar to blightkings and wrathmongers would be great.

This would be great. Big bird things or something bestial and mutating. Maybe moon faces, although I can see that looking very silly. Or what about Tzaanbulls? Tzeentch bullgors to go with the tzaangors. A Tzeentch themed hooved army would be great!

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1 hour ago, hobgoblinclub said:

This would be great. Big bird things or something bestial and mutating. Maybe moon faces, although I can see that looking very silly. Or what about Tzaanbulls? Tzeentch bullgors to go with the tzaangors. A Tzeentch themed hooved army would be great!

I almost get the sense that mortal tzeentch and parts of beastmen are going to merge. The ogroid, tzaangors, and dressed down acolytes points to that particular style.

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As an owner of a moderately large amount of Tzeentchy daemons, I'm very excited by this one.

Hoping for the other stuff already mentioned: Blue horrors, blightking/wrathmonger equivalent, general arcanist jibbery-hockery-magical-pockery.

Perhaps even new daemon types? Maybe forge world style such as plague toads, something moderately creative that is plausible within the sphere of the god that can reasonably be suggested to have existed all along.

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22 hours ago, hobgoblinclub said:

This would be great. Big bird things or something bestial and mutating. Maybe moon faces, although I can see that looking very silly. Or what about Tzaanbulls? Tzeentch bullgors to go with the tzaangors. A Tzeentch themed hooved army would be great!

I see them doing something very tall and slender, with very ornate armour and lots of mutations. Lots of options so that you could assemble 2-3 boxes without replicas ala the blightkings.

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Since no one has any facts I'll contribute my dreams.

Kairic Acolytes are really cool.  I'd like to see some version of them legal in matched play.

Tanzagors - though lacking in the keywords to play with many of the other mortal Tzeench units they could get a hero and a maybe a battalion to go with them.

Speaking of Kewords I'm kinda new to the game, but I'd like to see the Tzeench alegance get a set of shiny command / artifact boons.  This way you can mix Slaves to Darkness with Demons with Arcanites and not have to fall bak on chaos Alegence abilities.

Kairic Acolytes imply some sort of Cult of the Fateweaver.  That would be a neat battalion.

I'd also like to see some sort of flying infantry thing sort-of akin to the Prosectors unit for Stormcasts - fast harriers.  Though clearly with more bird-like features.  While were's at it we can have a Hero version too.

If the battalions are flexible enough to include Chaos Warriors / Knights / Chariots then I don't see a strong need for Tzench only versions of those units.

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Honestly? I kind of think that if you take everything under the Tzeentch Arcanites Keyword, you've very nearly got a workable faction. The average size in warscrolls for a faction seems to be in the low teens. Using the Bloodbound - the equivalent group of mono-god-dedicated mortals - as a guide, maybe another infantry variety, a monster (possibly the portal beast will get folded into this faction?), and a couple of special characters, and you'd be set.

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