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AoS 3 - Nighthaunt Discussion


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I think I've landed on my first 3.0 list with NH. It feels like a balanced list but I dont know if can compete with the top tier. It has enough MSU to get 2 to 4 charges off when you need to kill something, but it also has some defense with the GG block. 

Anyone have CC or think this could work?

Emerald Host:
Lady Olynder, Mortarch of Grief       340
Seal of Shyish
Guardian of Souls     150
Master of Magic - Midnight Tome    
Krulghast Cruciator       150
30x Grimghast Reapers      480
10x Chainrasps      110
10x Chainrasps     110
3x Spirit Hosts      125
3x Spirit Hosts      125
10x Bladegheist Revenants    175
10x Bladegheist Revenants     175
Emerald Lifeswarm      60
    Total:    2000
Edited by Warbossironteef
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Just got back from my game vs BCR.

Opponent conceded after Turn 2, lul. Here's how it played out:

Three Stonehorns charge my right flank, two Mournfang charge my middle, two other Mournfang charge my left flank. He kills a few Chainrasps, puts a few wounds on my Lord Executioner, kills some Harridans and Spirit Hosts and kills a few Grimghast Reapers. I had Discorporate and Seal of Shyish online, since he gave me first turn. 

On my turn Olynder uses her once per game ability and brings back about 11 Chainrasps (multiple units), 3 Harridans, 5 Reapers and 3 Spirit Hosts (multiple units). She then sucessfully casts her WS spell and Shademist and blasts his Frostlord on SH with 6 mortals (5+1 for terrified). My Spirit Torment with Arcane Tome casts Seal of Shyish and my GoS (MoM) casts Soul Cage on his second Frostlord. Then everything retreats and charges him. I roll a 12 with my 20 blob of Reapers so now both his Frostlords fight last. I get a lot of -1 saves off and use the Lightshard that my GoS holds. In this combat phase I kill both Frostlords and all his Mournfang cav. Meanwhile my army has only lost a single unit of 10 Chainrasps. He concedes since he now only has one BCR on SH, a Butcher and a Huskard on TT.

Olynder ate like 4 commands of his and brought back so many wounds that I honestly felt a little bad for the poor guy. But on the other hand, had he gotten the double turn I would have been in a lot of trouble. 

Another highlight was my Lord Executioner pumping 10 wounds in his Frostlord, lol. Thanks to WoT he was effectively -4 rend and his Spirit Host bodyguards also did work. 

Seriously, I think with just one or two 8+ charges many of our units can suddenly punch waaay harder than their warscroll would suggest. Even my Spirit Torment punched 4dmg into a Stonehorn and my Harridans just blenderised two Mournfangs. 


The secret to my success was essentially the very same strategy that I used against Ironjawz. Castle up in my buff/debuff bubble, laugh diabolicaly as my Krulghast drains all their damage and then just murder them on my turn. Against these fast and hyperagressive armies this seems to work really well. I have to see how I fare against other armies that aren't as fast/aggressive and that have more quantity than quality attacks.

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33 minutes ago, Warbossironteef said:

I think I've landed on my first 3.0 list with NH. It feels like a balanced list but I dont know if can compete with the top tier. It has enough MSU to get 2 to 4 charges off when you need to kill something, but it also has some defense with the GG block. 

Anyone have CC or think this could work?

Lady Olynder, Mortarch of Grief       340
Guardian of Souls     150
Master of Magic - Midnight Tome        
Krulghast Cruciator       150
30x Grimghast Reapers      480
10x Chainrasps      110
10x Chainrasps     110
3x Spirit Hosts      125
3x Spirit Hosts      125
10x Bladegheist Revenants    175
10x Bladegheist Revenants     175
Emerald Lifeswarm      60
    Total:    2000

What procession? Which spells?

You've got a lot more than 2-4 charges here, since you want to charge with heroes now in the new book, and everything retreats and charges for free. The only thing I'd warn about is the 30-block of Reapers. It's nice to have, but you'll have a lot of them hanging around doing nothing. I'd break them into a 20 and a 10.

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2 minutes ago, EnixLHQ said:

What procession? Which spells?

You've got a lot more than 2-4 charges here, since you want to charge with heroes now in the new book, and everything retreats and charges for free. The only thing I'd warn about is the 30-block of Reapers. It's nice to have, but you'll have a lot of them hanging around doing nothing. I'd break them into a 20 and a 10.

Opps! It's Emerald Host and Seal on Lady O and Shademist on GoS.

I do agree 30 is not optimal for getting all in combat and buffs, but I truly believe, with how much dmg there is in the current meta, some matchups you'll need 30. I think most NH lists will need a decent anvil unit, and if you go up against armies with enough shooting, magic and combat, 20x GG wont last. Especially because you wont always get Shademist up due to our lack of bonuses to cast. 

Against some melee armies, which lack magic control and cant get around Cruciator, sure 20xGG will be more than enough but going with 30 gives me a bit more TAC feel to the list. At least that's how it seems in my head and based off my experiences with other armies. 

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1 hour ago, Causalis said:

Just got back from my game vs BCR...Then everything retreats and charges him. I roll a 12 with my 20 blob of Reapers so now both his Frostlords fight last.

Were you applying the WoT result from a single charge roll to two target units? If so, you can't do that.

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2 hours ago, Warbossironteef said:

Opps! It's Emerald Host and Seal on Lady O and Shademist on GoS.

I do agree 30 is not optimal for getting all in combat and buffs, but I truly believe, with how much dmg there is in the current meta, some matchups you'll need 30. I think most NH lists will need a decent anvil unit, and if you go up against armies with enough shooting, magic and combat, 20x GG wont last. Especially because you wont always get Shademist up due to our lack of bonuses to cast. 

Against some melee armies, which lack magic control and cant get around Cruciator, sure 20xGG will be more than enough but going with 30 gives me a bit more TAC feel to the list. At least that's how it seems in my head and based off my experiences with other armies. 

I say give it a shot and see how it plays out. I'd like to see the result.

Though I really hope that 20+ incoming damage before any chance of healing is a very niche problem for you to deal with.

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The match up I'm most concerned with is Kragnos and an incarnate combo. It seems to counter a lot of what Nighthaunt do. They get to be the ones charging since they roll 3d6 a lot of the time and then we can't retreat... Incarnate in particular is a worry to me because we can't kill it in one turn and must grind it down without any WoT to help us.

If anyone has a battle report about their experiences and how they countered it, it would be good to know what strategy they implemented

Edited by Rors
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4 minutes ago, Tinniez said:

Looking for some feedback on my list for a local 2000pt league.
List is due this weekend and I have a practice game against Lumineth lined up.


Did you mean to use a different battalion? You have too many artifacts currently and too many heros to be a one drop.

The only other thing I'd note is reapers do better as a unit of 20. Because rasps have a smaller base size, in 10 you get just as many attacks for cheaper.

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Hi @Rors, I think you are mistaken about the batallions. Warlord is what is granting me the extra artefact and Battle Regiment lets me keep my drops down to 5, which will hopefully give me choice of turn in some match ups. 

I understand Grimghast are better in a block of 20, I just only own 10 at the moment. 

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11 hours ago, EnixLHQ said:

I say give it a shot and see how it plays out. I'd like to see the result.

Though I really hope that 20+ incoming damage before any chance of healing is a very niche problem for you to deal with.

Definitely needs testing. I usually try to think about things like, if I get doubled would this unit have a chance of surviving? This list is high drop so I think it might be necessary. Turn 1 hopefully get shademist up and move some rasps onto objectives and GG up aggressively. Then you should be in an okay spot if you get the turn or get doubled, but I'll have to see it on the table! 

Edited by Warbossironteef
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1 hour ago, The_Dudemeister said:

You're right. They are 160!

The warscroll-builder site doesn't give me a way to contact them so they can fix that. Does anyone know how to contact the team?

They're the proper cost in the AoS app, if that helps.

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18 hours ago, EnixLHQ said:

Though I really hope that 20+ incoming damage before any chance of healing is a very niche problem for you to deal with.

Played DoK last night. Beefed up Sisters of Slaughter hit like a sledgehammer now. I had 2 GG left from a block of 20 with Shademist and Seal of on them. Brought 14 of them back and went back into the fight, wiping the Sisters out. I'm pretty happy with 20.

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16 minutes ago, Evil Bob said:

Thank you for sharing EnixLHQ.

 I had to close it after the Nighthaunt player decided to bring a Spirit Torment and no Chainghasts. His force had no composition or thought, it made my head hurt. XD

Then you missed out on the ending. All in all it did well to highlight our new strengths even though they (admittedly) didn't know all the rules or what to focus on when filming. I think it's pretty valuable, especially from a new-to-the-army point of view.

Edited by EnixLHQ
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On 6/1/2022 at 2:14 AM, Rors said:

The match up I'm most concerned with is Kragnos and an incarnate combo. It seems to counter a lot of what Nighthaunt do. They get to be the ones charging since they roll 3d6 a lot of the time and then we can't retreat... Incarnate in particular is a worry to me because we can't kill it in one turn and must grind it down without any WoT to help us.

If anyone has a battle report about their experiences and how they countered it, it would be good to know what strategy they implemented

Sure i have an answer since i clapped this combination last week(i will still come with some reports on my other games… sorry guys). The answer is spirit hosts, kurdoss, lord executioner, awlrach. Kurdoss is the Kragnos counter, with spirit hosts around you blink the initial damage on your spirit hosts when you hit back you’ll be hitting with -3 rend + WoT procs. Executioner can -1 to wound them, WoT can fight last them and also -1 to hit them. You could even put a throwaway chainrasp unit in front if you want. Awlrach can pull away anyone, they can refuse you to retreat, they don’t care, you pull them away with awlrach. Kurdoss and Lord Executioner combo have the ability to 1 shot kragnos of the field. Goodluck. The positioning is harder because of the domination aura, but always have something like a hexwraith unit on the flank so that you can have your WoT procs in on your own turn.

Edited by That Guy
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