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Destructive Tendencies – Ogorruks Blog - First WIP's

Cowboy Boots Matt

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Forgive me father, for I have sinned. I have a fully painted Chaos army but I have been unable to stop my wandering eye and I have given in to the temptation of Destruction!

Even to my surprise I have decided to start a new Destruction army hence this little Blog. I have been playing Chaos (Khorne and Skaven) pretty solidly since release but something about the new Beastclaw Raiders grabbed my attention, it also did not help that I saw a fantastic version of a Megaboss converted into Blackhand from Warcraft; Warlords of Draenor. These 2 things convinced me to start a new army.

Now, my army will not be a pure Beastclaw Raiders army and will instead draw from different factions within Destruction. Luckily, with my Birthday coming up I managed to pick up the following boxsets:

Icewind Assault ( 2x Stonehorn/Thundertusk Kits, 4 Mournfang, Hunter, 4 Frost Sabres, and 3 Yet’s)

1 Box of 20 Savage Orcs


1 Box of 5 Brutes

I will also be picking up 20 Ard’Boyz next week.

The army is based around how I want it to look on the table and access to spare bitz for conversion purposes. This is not desgined to be a competiaitive at possible army, however I also don’t want it to be a walkover. In 8th edition Warhammer one of my last armies was an ‘Orcogre’ force created for our escalation camping The Slaughtering Grounds. All the Ogre models were heavily converted with Orc heads, weapons and bitz. It was an army I was very fond of but I was ultimately worried about the impact of AoS so I (regrettably) sold it off

My new vision of the army is very much based around Warcraft; Warlords of Draenor, specifically the Iron Horde. This means the main colour for the orc skin will actually be brown, I will be adding a lot of sculpted details to all the models except the Savages to give a more armoured look. The paint scheme will then be dark armour with an internal glow emanating from between armour plates and through grills. I will then be finishing off the army with ice/snow base, I love the theme of them advancing before the storm so I will be following this through to my army as well.

I have my first game with my army tonight against a club mates Witch Horde so I shall be able to report back on my initial thoughts, my list for tonight will be:

- Frostlord on Stonehorn

- Icebrow Hunter

- Megaboss

- 10 Savages

- 10 Savages

- 3 Ogors

- 2 Mournfang

- 2 Mounrfang

- 5 Brutes

- Thundertusk Beastriders

This comes in at 1980 which is beneficial as rolling on the Triumph table is pretty tasty when you can be in combat Turn 1 and all the buffs can have an impact on early combats. This is by no means an optimal list but it allows me to work with the new toys and see if it all gels together.

Watch this space as I report games and hobby progress.

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Nah, good to see another TBS Destruction blog @Cowboy Boots Matt - I'm looking forward to seeing what you can do with theme. Should look pretty good I think.

Army is pretty strong tbh. The biggest weakness, which sticks out like a sore thumb (as we've discussed) is the Megaboss and 5 Brutes. Obviously they are good units and the Megaboss doesn't require buffs to be good, but they lack synergy within the list and the Brutes especially will suffer as a result I suspect. However, that said I know they fit your theme and are awesome models so I can see why you're including them.

Just need @ChippyRick to start one now as well! :P 

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The biggest weakness, which sticks out like a sore thumb

It will be interesting to use them, I am planning to use them as a 'second line' along with the Thundertusk to follow up on the Mournfang & Stonehorns initial charges. I think they will work fine as an isolated part of the army. The Savages and Ogors will be held back to contest any objectives or to ensure my backfield remains empty and/or help deployment vs teleporters. I quite like the unit if 3 Ogors as they can happily sit in a piece of terrain with their small footprint.


Oh, please can you credit me for Oggoruks. Cheers x

No chance! I had included it in my list of names for feedback on.

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And now I want to play World of Warcraft again :)

I like the idea for the converting Ogres to Orcs, I was planning the same thing seems like fun :) I also think we are going to have very similar paint schemes, I'd actually decided to add some Exhaust Pipes to some armor due to the Fist of Gork audiobook. I'll be posting a WIP of my Megaboss later, where you can see the flames and a bit of OSL going on :)

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I am now surprised to learn we have a few WoW Destruction players! I honestly think some of the direction for the new Orrukks may have been slightly influenced by WoW's recent portrayal of them.


I like the idea for the converting Ogres to Orcs, I was planning the same thing seems like fun :) I also think we are going to have very similar paint schemes, I'd actually decided to add some Exhaust Pipes to some armor due to the Fist of Gork audiobook. I'll be posting a WIP of my Megaboss later, where you can see the flames and a bit of OSL going on

I look forward to seeing what you produce, as I say my army is very much influenced by a chap on Twitter who I believe has just completed his army. I want to push myself with sculpting more with this army.

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10 hours ago, Cowboy Boots Matt said:

Forgive me father, for I have sinned. I have a fully painted Chaos army but I have been unable to stop my wandering eye and I have given in to the temptation of Destruction!

Say ten hail Mary's and five Our Fathers!!!

Seriously though, welcome to the pain train... Where waging war is a right you are born to uphold! Knowing your capabilities as a hobbyist, I look forward to seeing how this army unfolds, I can't wait to see your brown flesh warriors develop!

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brown flesh warriors develop!

This sounds utterly dirty!

Game 1 vs Paul B’s Order

As mentioned, I turned up to the regular club night up at the ‘Dorset Doggers’ as I had a game arranged against Paul’s Witch Aelfs. I do not want to cover his list in too much detail as it is surprisingly good and he is possibly using it at a tournament later this year so I don’t want to lessen the initial impact! I slightly changed my list and it was as follows:

Destruction Traits

Frostlord on Stonehorn – Ravager – Brew

Huskard on Thundertusk


3 Ogors with Iron Fists

10 Savages

10 Savages

2 Mournfang, SB and Muso

2 Mournfang, SB and Muso

3 Yeti’s

5 Brutes

The list came in at 1960 which gave me a good shout at rolling on the Triumph Table. We rolled up the Blood and Glory GH scenario and I finished my deployment first. I plonked my Stonehorn in the middle of the board flanked by Mournfang tight either side, the Thundertusk, Megaboss, Brutes an Yeti’s were all in range to pick up the sweet extra +2 roll.  I had 10 savages controlling each objective. Paul deployed a 3 units of Witch Aelfs, support characters, cauldrons, and a few other battline units against me. I rolled up the re-roll wounds triumph, which I duly noted, and then totally and completely forgot about #standard!

I took the first turn and as we were both testing lists out I had decided to see if the alpha strike still worked, a few average rolls still saw the Stonehorn, Yeti’s and both units of Mournfang in combat Turn 1. The Stonehorn and 1 unit of Mournfang picked on a unit of 20 Witch Aelfs and the other Mournfang smashed into a separate unit. The Stonehorn did me proud by deleting 20 Witch’s on the charge but the the Mournfang started taking casualties as he attacked back and we went into Paul’s First Turn. I can’t really report much on the Yeti’s performance as they were fighting units of xbow men which needed 6’s to hit! Paul’s first Turn was an absolute meat grinder and set the tone for the rest of the game, his Witch Aelf’s + formation + buffs went on to delete the Stonehorn in 1 round, the last Mournfang in one unit and then winning priority went on to take off the Thundertusk, Yet’s, Unit of Ogor’s and both units of 20 Savage Orruks!

The Brutes made it across the table with the Megaboss in tow and took out a unit of executioners and xbow men to contest one of his objectives however another double turn saw him buff up a depleted unit of Witch’s to see them off in a round of combat as well! I was tabled and Paul took the win.


I can’t take a massive amount aware from this game due to the extreme nature of the lists, Paul showed that this army can delete anything it touches in combat. I found that as I was being chipped away I was simply unable to cause any meanful damage to his units specially as needing 4+’s to hit reduced my chances of causing significant damage. I found this really hampered the combat potential of the army, particulary the Mournfang. One saving grace was actually the Megaboss and Brutes who (despite some terrible rolls from the Megaboss) were nice to be hitting on 3’s with and were consistently pumping out damage. The key things I learnt were to actually focus on 1 part of his battleline and overwhelm this, a good flank charge would have been more beneficial rather than me being taken apart piecemeal. Also, in this scenario I should have moved up with the Savage Orruks once I had claimed my home objectives, I was too reserved with these.

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Nice write up @Cowboy Boots Matt - you can tag in @Paul Buckler as he is also about on these forums.

Sounded like a suitably messy game what with the two armies being used! I presume you will keep the list the same for a few battles before tinkering? How did the Frostlord + brew perform? Seems so good on paper.

Also, #brownfleshwarriors is now a thing!

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Sorry Matt missed this when you posted it.  Was a great game, when you deleted the Witches first turn charge with stonehorn I thought I was gonna get battered.  Then 20 just took it off in retaliation,  getting the double turn here was massive as I took off the Tusk as well.  The wytches were def better than I had thought, damage output is great.  Agree with your point on Savage boyz, they just needed to charge up and help out.  I could def have deployed deeper and screened better.

Not worried about sharing my list so



Death hag



20 Witch Aelves

20 Witch Aelves

20 Witch Aelves

10 Executioners

10 Darkshards

10 Darkshards

10 Darkshards

Exiled Blood cult


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@Paul Buckler Cheers for posting your list, didn't want to ruin any tricks up your sleeve. It was a tough game for sure, as we discussed I could have chosen my targets better and picked on one flank of your army. Not pushing up the savages was also a mistake.

IMG_6008 (1).JPG

Having a bit of a quiet day yesterday allowed me to finished my first model and get the flesh right:

The base is a place-holder and after a bit of feedback on the  chest bones I am going to rethink these and paint them the same as the rest of the talons/knot bone etc. The overall scheme is pretty set in stone (lolz) as I am closely following the Bleeding Hollow clan scheme from Wow, this includes the chalky tribal warpaint.

Overall very happy with him as this was the second attempt at the skin. Just another 19 of these guys to go!

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I played an Orc Shaman from vanilla all the way through Wrath, where I finally left the game. I totally get the appeal of being a WoW lore lover jumping into GW Orruks (I'm currently doing an Ironjawz army myself!). Find the book "Rise of the Horde" and give it a read. It gets really deep into the culture of pre-tainted Orcs when they lived as a tribal society back on Nagrand. It will really leave an impression on you if you're a big Orc fan.

I love that Savage Orruk and I'm really excited to see more! Cheers mate!

Sent from my Z958 using Tapatalk

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Find the book "Rise of the Horde" and give it a read

Thanks for mentioning this, I've jumped back in to WoW due to my enthusiasm with the army so I will deffo pick up this book for a read.


I love that Savage Orruk and I'm really excited to see more! Cheers mate!

Cheers for saying so, I am very happy with him and ready to get cracking on his 19 buddies!

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Looking forward to see it complete with basing (very interested in what you have planned there),

I'll be going for full-on ice/snow basing, the idea being that I want a frozen landscape (so not that they are running around on glaciers etc! So I will have sanded bases, rocks etc and will then be applying clear nail acrylic over the top, this is something new to be so I will be trying it out on this army. I am also hoping to be able to add ice hanging from the beasts etc.


Are you doing Orruk heads on all of them again?

All the Ogors will be converted with the addition of Orruk heads and the addition of sculpted/plasticard armour to give them the Iron Horde look from WoW. I am also press molding armour sections from the Brutes.

The plan with the army is to plug away at my own pace and not cut any corners, I really want a striking army on the battlefield. This will involve adding a lot of armour to the Stonehorns/Mournfangs. I am using Space Wolf Thunderwolves as my Mournfang (with the addition of Ogor riders) which will have armour sculpted on, I am also planning the same for my Frost Sabres (again, using the Space Wolf Fenrisian Wolves).

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Lok'tar Ogar! Totally dig brown orcs as much as green ones, It looks great dude. I think there is a thread on warseer plogs where someone converted a brute onto a thunderwolf. Also your haft colour is really nice and bright, I love it compared to the dark metal.


Oh how I wish I could afford WoW, the Demon Hunters look so cool...

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warseer plogs where someone converted a brute onto a thunderwolf.

Had a little look at this but it seems there are issues with the links. Nevermind!


Also your haft colour is really nice and bright, I love it compared to the dark metal.

I always appreciate nice comments about my 'haft' :)

I'd tried a few different wood colours with the army to keep a light look opposed to the darker skin.


Oh how I wish I could afford WoW, the Demon Hunters look so cool...

No arguments from me, I haven't pre-ordered Legion yet, but I expect I will!

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3 hours ago, Soulsmith said:

Lok'tar Ogar! Totally dig brown orcs as much as green ones, It looks great dude. I think there is a thread on warseer plogs where someone converted a brute onto a thunderwolf. Also your haft colour is really nice and bright, I love it compared to the dark metal.


Oh how I wish I could afford WoW, the Demon Hunters look so cool...

Warseer is offline and has been for about a month.

Wow is free to play...this thread made me download it again :( I have too much stuff to paint, I can't play WoW :) 

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Wow is free to play...this thread made me download it again :( I have too much stuff to paint, I can't play WoW :) 

Suffice to say I am paid up for Legion and playing again!

I have also ordered my first pot of nail acrylic from ebay today, £5 for 500ml's of the liquid, powder and an applicator. It may seem a bit usual but the youtube video I have seen has me intrigued. You dip the applicator in the liquid, then the powder and it creates a 'mush' which you can apply directly to the base, it dries quickly but you can move it around before it sets clear. I have also seen people using the tips of plastic forms covered in the acrylic to create ice formations.

I am tempted to purchase the new GW bases, paint these, then cover them in the 'ice' for a frozen landscape look (and a bit of snow). 

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27 minutes ago, Cowboy Boots Matt said:

I am tempted to purchase the new GW bases, paint these, then cover them in the 'ice' for a frozen landscape look (and a bit of snow). 

This could be a good use for those bases tbh.

Looking forward to seeing how the nail varnish works out. #emo

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On 8/16/2016 at 2:30 PM, Dez said:

Warseer is offline and has been for about a month.

Wow is free to play...this thread made me download it again :( I have too much stuff to paint, I can't play WoW :) 

I thought it was just to level 20 though? i did that for the hearthstone skin, it took a few hours.

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