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Well look who's reacted to my little "thoughts on gunpowder" post. More water for the rumour mill...

A flintlock sniper is strange. Idk why, but between the Boltboyz and before them, the Raptors all the way to the OG Jezzails, it seems like GW has expanded the "sharpshooter with long range precision weapon" archetype in AoS. It would be fun if Cities hopped on the bandwagon with a bunch of dudes with sniper muskets. I'm not saying they're gonna happen, but it'd be funny if it did. 

Edited by The Lost Sigmarite
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1 hour ago, Grimrock said:

Apparently I'm in the minority here, but I kinda hate skinny ogres like this one or cursed city. The model looks great, don't get me wrong, but why call it an ogre? The gut is and has been a defining trait for Warhammer ogres back to their first battletome (which was my first Warhammer Fantasy army) and has been intrinsic to their lore. An ogre with no gut is both figuratively and literally wrong and should be saved for gorgers. It's not like guts are all fat and if only an ogre ate better and lived in a proper society it would go away, it's a critical part of their biology. It's not fat, it's a huge slab of muscle that helps with their prodigious digestive capabilities. It isn't like living in a city for one generation just suddenly changes a creatures whole biological makeup. I get the desire to give them a distinct appearance for the human armies but getting rid of the gut is absolutely the wrong way to do it. 

I agree mate. Im actually concerned for 4th Edition Mawtribes now. Update those core units and while doing them make sure they retain their massive size.

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1 minute ago, KingBrodd said:

I agree mate. Im actually concerned for 4th Edition Mawtribes now. Update those core units and while doing them make sure they retain their massive size.

For 4th ed Mawtribes, I think looking at the Bloodpelt Hunter and the Tyrant would be a better metric than the Cities Ogors, as far as new minis go.

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34 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

That model is epic. It truly looks awesome. For the first time in model form we have true scale Ogors!! This is the size in terms of height they need be!!

I kind of life how they look different but at the same time I cant help but feel...use a different race?

I dunno Im torn!! Ogors in AOS are defined by their guts and I understand its a different breed per se but I dunno it doesnt look 'Ogory' enough? And instantly to me cant be used alongside regular Mawtribes unless you are proxying a Gorger. (For me it doesnt fit)

It also has me anxious that Mawtribes wont be updated with new Gluttons, Ironguts and Leadbelcher next edition.

Honestly if they do give COS this guy and a new unit and DONT update Mawtribes Ill step away from the hobby for a while. Im that anxious about it.

In summary;

Great Mini but hard for me to call it an Ogor.

The whole point of giving the "order ogor" no gut is a stylistic choice that makes sense imho.
They wanted to bring back the pre-6th edition ogor look to make them distinguishable from destruction ones.
Brutogg was the first "clue" about this and i like the idea because makes both types of ogor "different" without going too much away from the gw ogre history.

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2 minutes ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

For 4th ed Mawtribes, I think looking at the Bloodpelt Hunter and the Tyrant would be a better metric than the Cities Ogors, as far as new minis go.

Its probably not the actual size of the Ogors Im worried about, as they were pretty specific when detailing why the Cities Ogors are thin, more so the idea that they dont update them at all.

Skaven, Beasts and Ogors are the last major holdovers from WHFB with each having more than 90% of their units from there. Mawtribes only have 2 minis from AOS.

So long as they get updated Ill be fine, as I said before if they snub Mawtribes and give Ogors new units in Cities Ill have to take a break from the hobby.

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5 minutes ago, Snorri Nelriksson said:

The whole point of giving the "order ogor" no gut is a stylistic choice that makes sense imho.
They wanted to bring back the pre-6th edition ogor look to make them distinguishable from destruction ones.
Brutogg was the first "clue" about this and i like the idea because makes both types of ogor "different" without going too much away from the gw ogre history.

Oh the mini is insane I think it looks incredible and I love that Ogors are getting some love.

Honestly Im just jealous that a range that needs updating sorely is getting update through another Faction.


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Love the fact that cities is getting their own Mirebrute version. Missed chance on the weapon, should have been a lance. Then if Death and Chaos also get one they could host a jousting tournament. 

I wonder if they are around the same size.

Edit: Actually glad they dont look anything like Destruction Ogors. Makes me feel less bad about Order getting new Ogors before the Destruction ones.

Edited by Gitzdee
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19 minutes ago, Gitzdee said:

Love the fact that cities is getting their own Mirebrute version. Missed chance on the weapon, should have been a lance. Then if Death and Chaos also get one they could host a jousting tournament. 

I wonder if they are around the same size.

Edit: Actually glad they dont look anything like Destruction Ogors. Makes me feel less bad about Order getting new Ogors before the Destruction ones.

Its more like a Cities of sigmar édition of Warboss in mega armor with the little grot and his gun than of the mirebrute ^^

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So far, so...Better than I dared to expect. I was initially a little scared when the developers said that it would  also be a console release, but the control scheme the game has does seem to allow a great amount of battlefield control for a console.

Edited by Captaniser
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keep in mind that all of this is made up so questions of biology don't hold up. I agree it makes much more sense as a curse from the Great Maw, than to make it an aspect of ogor biology--because now we run into this issue where GW wants to come out of the corner they wrote themselves into. But part of AOS seems to be breaking out of entrenched Fantasy tropes, and in some way Warhammer's got one with ogre guts. This is a good move, even if it does step on recent AOS lore to do it. Fantasy has needed to stop essentializing its races for a while (thanks D&D) and this feels like a good step towards it.

...Now bring on the Death orruks and Destruction Aelves 😜

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40 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

Its probably not the actual size of the Ogors Im worried about, as they were pretty specific when detailing why the Cities Ogors are thin, more so the idea that they dont update them at all.

Skaven, Beasts and Ogors are the last major holdovers from WHFB with each having more than 90% of their units from there. Mawtribes only have 2 minis from AOS.

Think about it. We get a Destro update every edition. 1st was Ironjaws. 2nd was GSG and SoB. 3rd was Warclans with KB, with a second wave of Warclans coming this Fall. 4th will have one too one Destro upgrade too, very likely. 

It's gotta be Mawtribes. Last leftover from WFB, and I don't think GW wants to jump into 5th edition (by that time late 2020s) with a range that includes either plastic from the early 00s (Bulls, Ironguts, Leadbelchers), resin (the ugly Butchers) or metal(!) with the Yetis. 
And we've seen the new AD with the AoS Ogors with the Bloodpelt Hunter. Still big and girthy with visible fat, but less overweight than the WFB ones. Where the WFB Ogres looked like overweight Americans at Walmart, AoS Ogors look more like strongmen and powerlifters. 

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2 hours ago, Grimrock said:

Apparently I'm in the minority here, but I kinda hate skinny ogres like this one or cursed city. The model looks great, don't get me wrong, but why call it an ogre? The gut is and has been a defining trait for Warhammer ogres back to their first battletome (which was my first Warhammer Fantasy army) and has been intrinsic to their lore. An ogre with no gut is both figuratively and literally wrong and should be saved for gorgers. It's not like guts are all fat and if only an ogre ate better and lived in a proper society it would go away, it's a critical part of their biology. It's not fat, it's a huge slab of muscle that helps with their prodigious digestive capabilities. It isn't like living in a city for one generation just suddenly changes a creatures whole biological makeup. I get the desire to give them a distinct appearance for the human armies but getting rid of the gut is absolutely the wrong way to do it. 

I’m on the other end of this. This City Ogre is the first time Ogres caught my attention - any attention. The “fat Tatar” aesthetics never worked for me.

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14 minutes ago, Captaniser said:



So far, so...Better than I dared to expect. I was initially a little scared when the developers said that it would be a console release, but the control scheme the game has does seem to allow a great amount of battlefield control for a console.

I like the soundesign too. When the Stormcasts move and shoot, you hear lots of metallic clangs as their big armors move. That's neat little worldbuiding.
Also they took the time to fully translate. That's amazing !

Edited by The Lost Sigmarite
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8 minutes ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

Think about it. We get a Destro update every edition. 1st was Ironjaws. 2nd was GSG and SoB. 3rd was Warclans with KB, with a second wave of Warclans coming this Fall. 4th will have one too one Destro upgrade too, very likely. 

It's gotta be Mawtribes. Last leftover from WFB, and I don't think GW wants to jump into 5th edition (by that time late 2020s) with a range that includes either plastic from the early 00s (Bulls, Ironguts, Leadbelchers), resin (the ugly Butchers) or metal(!) with the Yetis. 
And we've seen the new AD with the AoS Ogors with the Bloodpelt Hunter. Still big and girthy with visible fat, but less overweight than the WFB ones. Where the WFB Ogres looked like overweight Americans at Walmart, AoS Ogors look more like strongmen and powerlifters. 

THANK YOU!! This is how Ive always felt they were intended. Not overweight but Powerlifting monsters!! And it  does make sense to update the last Faction of an Alliance that needs one especially as unless they bring in a new one its the only one needed!!

Thanks for this reply mate and I apologise for dampening the mood on an eventful day.


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1 hour ago, KingBrodd said:

That model is epic. It truly looks awesome. For the first time in model form we have true scale Ogors!! This is the size in terms of height they need be!!

👆 This.

1 hour ago, KingBrodd said:

It also has me anxious that Mawtribes wont be updated with new Gluttons, Ironguts and Leadbelcher next edition.

I can sympathize. There's definitely a few absolute nopes that if happened to my favored things I'd have to take a step back. 

With that being said you're absolutely right about size and he looks to be on a 50mm (maybe even a 60mm) and IF this is the new ogor size going forward then an "update" would need to be more of an "overhaul" as I couldn't see these being sold in a box of six as gluttons are now. They'd be in threes I'd imagine. And if the rockgut kit is anything to compare to then it'd be packed with options!

Imagine your armies stock battle line is on 50mms my guy!! 50s!! This would truly put them on the correct scale!

Don't lose hope just yet my fellow destro fan!!


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2 hours ago, Nezzhil said:

The problem is that with the actual Ogor lore, which is more extreme than the 6ed Ogres (not 7th), the need to eat is not a curse is an instinctive and part of their nature. If they can control their hunger, these Ogors are stoic monks who can manage their nature. It is so extreme that it is too silly to me, a very poor excuse to include Ogors in Cities that are not bounded to their race.


The endless hunger is their nature now. It is not a curse or something like that, it is like dogs need to sniff or cats scratch their nails


I see your point here, I agree that that is how they are written in AoS. I just finished the Grombrindal novella that features some Beastclaw Raiders more prominently than Grombrindal himself, and it's emphasized a lot there.

But then again, surely there can still be some physiological variation once we start to explore the ogres in more depth. To compare, take another example than the dwarfs: AoS elves. You have eyeless elves, snake elves, beast elves (kurnothi), and so on on top of the the more physiologically standard ones. AoS in general seems to open up for a lot of mutation and variation in this regard - the realms all seem to semi-mutate various groups to fit them. (Perhaps AoS magic superpowers evolution?) Some thinner order-aligned ogres could easily fit right in, IMO.

Edited by Dawi not Duardin
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1 hour ago, Snorri Nelriksson said:

The whole point of giving the "order ogor" no gut is a stylistic choice that makes sense imho.
They wanted to bring back the pre-6th edition ogor look to make them distinguishable from destruction ones.
Brutogg was the first "clue" about this and i like the idea because makes both types of ogor "different" without going too much away from the gw ogre history.

Having Cities Ogors be thin does a few things that I appreciate. For one, it reaffirms a commitment that AoS has had since the start, in my opinion: That the mortal realms are big and in some corner of them, you will find stuff that breaks any established rule. All Ogors are perpetually hungry and that makes the unable to live civilized lives, but still there are some that are able to control heir hunger just enough to live among humans. I like this because on thing that I always found difficult with Fantasy and 40k was how constricting the lore is at times. By contrast the mortal realms are a setting where anythinb is possible somewhere.

Also, how nice is it that the Cities of Sigmar are willing to just take in Ogors? Not just as mercenaries but as part of their regular military.

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26 minutes ago, Vasshpit said:

👆 This.

I can sympathize. There's definitely a few absolute nopes that if happened to my favored things I'd have to take a step back. 

With that being said you're absolutely right about size and he looks to be on a 50mm (maybe even a 60mm) and IF this is the new ogor size going forward then an "update" would need to be more of an "overhaul" as I couldn't see these being sold in a box of six as gluttons are now. They'd be in threes I'd imagine. And if the rockgut kit is anything to compare to then it'd be packed with options!

Imagine your armies stock battle line is on 50mms my guy!! 50s!! This would truly put them on the correct scale!

Don't lose hope just yet my fellow destro fan!!


Thanks mate!! I would love for them to get a massive growth spurt and be the monsters from Lore we love!! All the artwork has them tower over humans at 8-10 feet tall yet eveb Fyreslayers are almost shoulder height!!

If we get units of 3 of these monsters in their Mawtribes build Ill be so in love with the faction.

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1 hour ago, KingBrodd said:

THANK YOU!! This is how Ive always felt they were intended. Not overweight but Powerlifting monsters!!

Yep. Also, I wouldn't mind GW ditching away some of the Tatar/Mongolian vibe of the Ogres (a bit offensive in 2023... even I don't like it anymore. Feels a bit on the caricature side) for what we've seen from the Bloodpelt : something more primal, more prehistoric in appearance. Basically, go from overweight steppe nomads to powerlifting Neanderthals. 

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Just now, The Lost Sigmarite said:

Yep. Also, I wouldn't mind GW ditching away some of the Tatar/Mongolian vibe of the Ogres (a bit offensive in 2023... even I don't like it anymore. Feels a bit on the caricature side) for what we've seen from the Bloodpelt : something more primal, more prehistoric in appearance. Basically, go from overweight steppe nomads to powerlifting Neanderthals. 

As any wrestler(folk, freestyle, Greco-Roman, WWE), Hockey, American Football player can tell you, there is nothing quite as terrifying as a large man moving towards you at breakneck speeds. ESPECIALLY if he’s hungry….

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I always felt that the identity of the Mawtribes is both tied way to heavily on their Old World design, and to being second banana to the Greenskinz.

The Beastclaw Raiders were a step in the right direction, but their veneration of GorkaMorka still makes me feel like its a missed opportunity.

Gloomspite are way more tied to the Bad Moon then they do to the Twin-headed god, and looking at their religion in the Old World would make them staunch Naturalists; their gods are a crater and a volcano in  Fantasy.

The Maw-tribes' culture lack an identity in the Grand Alliance that could be easily dealt with by them not worshipping the Green-God. Let their gods be the very realms themselves. Death-Ogors worshipping the Nadir, Beast-Ogors venerating the Beastgrave, etc.

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1 hour ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

I like the soundesign too. When the Stormcasts move and shoot, you hear lots of metallic clangs as their big armors move. That's neat little worldbuiding.
Also they took the time to fully translate. That's amazing !

A game called Realms of Ruin better include Skaven

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1 minute ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

Yep. Also, I wouldn't mind GW ditching away some of the Tatar/Mongolian vibe of the Ogres (a bit offensive in 2023... even I don't like it anymore. Feels a bit on the caricature side) for what we've seen from the Bloodpelt : something more primal, more prehistoric in appearance. Basically, go from overweight steppe nomads to powerlifting Neanderthals. 

You have described...

giphy (1).gif

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