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3 minutes ago, madmac said:

Really? You don't remember when Ogors when gonna get souped with SoB? Dwarfs souped for sure this time? Every other time it was curtains for BoC? I can't remember a single time he was right about anything that wasn't common knowledge in this thread, IE Whitefang rumors and the like.

You could be right, but I don't recall those instances specifically, but it could have been speculation rather than actual rumour.

But I trust him on a lot of stuff. For instance, he said in early Dec when everyone was expecting it to drop that battlescroll is being pushed back to LVO, on the 18th.

He said a few weeks back that there will be army book unit entries without corresponding model releases in old world. We will be able to see those are true in the next few weeks. 

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3 minutes ago, Garrac said:

Tbh the only rumour sources I trust are whitefang and valrak. Dont see any reason to put some confidence in anyone else.

Valrak doesn't really comment on AOS stuff though. A bit of old world but thats it other than 40k. He gets stuff wrong too though. Its all speculation and rumours until its shown at the end of the day.

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9 minutes ago, CommissarRotke said:

really? the foot knights fit in fine with the old models to my eyes. the only issue for Snarlfang in AOS is that there's no other goblins aside from the old Gitz kits to compare to. For TOW O&G I don't think there will be anything new except for characters and maybe non-metal trolls

yeah, I really dislike them. They also don't fit with new resin characters. Also a lot bigger. For me they feel like canned AoS designs. I will buy all the other new stuff, but those I will avoide. A waste of a plastic production slot imo.

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Just now, The Brotherhood of Necros said:

How do we summon Whitefang these days; is it the Sotek way, the Orion way, or like a Bretonnian calling back his hunting falcon? 

Whitefang has retreated to the old world forum these days. He is now an oldworld lore guy.

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1 minute ago, The Brotherhood of Necros said:

How do we summon Whitefang these days; is it the Sotek way, the Orion way, or like a Bretonnian calling back his hunting falcon? 

🤔 Sacrifice a new forum member?...

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1 minute ago, SirSalabean said:

Valrak doesn't really comment on AOS stuff though. A bit of old world but thats it other than 40k. He gets stuff wrong too though. Its all speculation and rumours until its shown at the end of the day.

Valrak has some shady stuff, but he definetely has an inner source, Bro was the only Guy that predicted the whole Leviathan box, the Tyranids release, and the contents for the current KT boxes. Alltho, you can really feel about what does he care...

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Just now, mawhis117 said:

The Full video in question here:


Just FYI he also said earlier in the week that bonesplitterz are prob being squatted too.

Tbh I already have a huge BoC army, and would love a bonesplitterz army. But I feel like I'm back in 2022 again starting a new phoenix temple cities army. We all know how that turned out.

I should have listened to Rob then. Now I'm waiting to offload them to an old world grognard for peanuts.

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3 minutes ago, Jagged Red Lines said:

You could be right, but I don't recall those instances specifically, but it could have been speculation rather than actual rumour.

But I trust him on a lot of stuff. For instance, he said in early Dec when everyone was expecting it to drop that battlescroll is being pushed back to LVO, on the 18th.

He said a few weeks back that there will be army book unit entries without corresponding model releases in old world. We will be able to see those are true in the next few weeks. 

Both Forces of Fantasy and Ravening hordes will have unit entries that hadn't miniatures in a very long time. I.e Priests of Ulric and Chaos Warhound Handler (25 year ago 😮 ). So yes, if that is what he meant he is correct.

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53 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

BOC are not going to be squatted. Chaos have 2 Factions that need updating. Skaven and Beasts. I would not be suprised if Beasts get updated at the end of 4.0.

Maybe they get updated when the faction is released for TOW? Considering how many units we get per box in TOW it would mean they release the same units, in many cases, with more minis and cheaper in comparison. Which would be weird for AoS.

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This is just a personal view, but I think with AoS 4 fast approaching and with the launch of The Old World, 2024 is the time for some lingering band aids to be ripped off and for AoS to be finally freed up from previous fantasy lines. 


Grand Alliance Chaos - Blades Of Khorne, Disciples of Tzeentch, Hedonites of Slannesh, Maggotkin of Nurgle, Slaves to Darkness and Skaven are 6 clearly definied, setting specific factions that allow for ample creative freedom. With Skaven all but assured to be getting a full faction overhaul with the Launch of 4th, Beasts are the only real hangover from Fantasy.

GW have been very clear that ToW isn't a setting rife with demonic armies. Skaven are also not a significant force, but Beasts are listed as one of the main core factions. It's almost been completely spelled out by GW that this is what is going to happen. The only real question is how Beasts as a "faction" will be approached in AoS, will they be completely reminaged (With a new AoS name and minis or "rolled into" the exisiting Chaos factions with God specific units)  


Grand Alliance Death - Flesh Eater Courts, Nighthaunt, Ossiarch Bonereapers, Soulblight Gravelords are once again, clearly defined setting specific factions, with it being spellied out, once again, that Vampire counts are NOT apart of ToW setting. Tomb Kings are the Undead faction of the Old World. No cross over...


Grand Alliance Order - This grand alliance is almost 90% "AoSified" with only Cities of Sigmar holding onto a handful of Dwarf units that are confirmed to be in ToW (My bet is they will not be in CoS 4 Battletome). It has been stated clearly that Dark Elves WILL NOT be apart of ToW and I think it is pretty clear that we will be seeing Malekith and his accompanying emo-elves appear in AoS, retiring or picking up some of the old Dark Elf units (My bet is these will also NOT be apart of CoS 4). Seraphon are an AoS faction now, 100%. Lizardmen have been stated to NOT be apart of ToW. Sylvaneth are already pretty far away from Wood Elfs and with the potential up coming Kurnothi it will further drive that distinction between them (Woodies have plenty of existing kits to draw from for ToW)


Grand Alliance Destruction - I think Ogors are on the AoS "refresh block" (and once again it has been made clear they are not apart of ToW) and I think we might see new AoS Goblins and the removal of Savage Orukks from AoS (to both be ported over to the Old World


So this is how I see it. Lizardmen, Ogors, Dark Elves, Vampire Counts, Skaven are not coming to the Old World. The PDF's are throwing the mouthy minority a bone. Dark Elfs, Dwarfs, Goblins and Savage Orks are going the way of the dodo. Beasts of Chaos are getting moved to AoS and there will be a plenty of kits that will be removed entirely and sent to the GW vaults. 


A final point, I think doing this (and perhaps even more) would be a VERY GOOD thing. I would love to see some genuinely NEW factions and ideas in AoS. I'm not a fan of everything having to stay around for ever and people screaming bloody murder because a model isn't being supported 20+ years after it was first released. I have said it before, but I would advocate a continual culling of the bottom 10% of AoS on a YEARLY basis. Keeping the game, models and factions fresh. Like pruning a tree. 


Edited by Hollow
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26 minutes ago, The Brotherhood of Necros said:

How do we summon Whitefang these days; is it the Sotek way, the Orion way, or like a Bretonnian calling back his hunting falcon? 

As he has been seen in the Old World thread I would say the Settra way.

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2 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

Maybe they get updated when the faction is released for TOW? Considering how many units we get per box in TOW it would mean they release the same units, in many cases, with more minis and cheaper in comparison. Which would be weird for AoS.

Yeah, very good points.

It seems that Skaven will be updated big time in a couple of months and for TOW they counts as a legacy army. Which could mean that not everything from Skaven will be updated. I do hope so, but Skaven would need a lot of new kits to make this happen. There would be zero room to make new AoS Skaven units.

For BoC it would mean that every single miniature needs to get an AoS update. I can't see this happen very soon with the massive Skaven update on the way. So canning BoC from AoS at the start of AoS 4th edition isn't maybe so unlikely at all and than with 5th it makes a big entrance with a complete set of new mini's featuring the 5th edition starterbox.

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15 minutes ago, Gitzdee said:

Gitmob needs to be AoSified into Frazzlegitz with Grotbag asap.

It’s already the case : « According to the Moonclan, the grots of the Gitmob worship Frazzlegit » 

so we already have 3 unit of gitmob : snarlfang riders , rippa snarlfang and the gobbapalooza frazzlegit model.

Edited by Grunbag
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For some reason when saying that no faction can exist in both AoS and TOW simultaneously, nobody brings up how Warriors of Chaos are going to exist in the Old World at the same time as Slaves to Darkness in Age of Sigmar. And they're literally the exact same faction, they share pretty much all of their units (Chaos Lords, Daemon Princes, Chaos Knights, Chaos Warriors). 

Also the fact they heavily implied we will be getting Daemons of Chaos for TOW at some point, its just that they're not around at the setting's starting point:


When Asavar Kul rises to become the 12th Everchosen, the power of Chaos will build again, but we won’t see daemonic servants of individual gods for a while yet


Edited by BarakUrbaz
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1 minute ago, BarakUrbaz said:

Nobody brings up how Warriors of Chaos are going to exist in the Old World at the same time as Slaves to Darkness in Age of Sigmar. And they're literally the exact same faction, they share pretty much all of their units (Chaos Lords, Daemon Princes, Chaos Knights, Chaos Warriors). 

Good point, but I honestly think StD are going to see their old sculpts rereleased for TOW and those be used there.

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2 minutes ago, BarakUrbaz said:

For some reason when saying that no faction can exist in both AoS and TOW simultaneously, nobody brings up how Warriors of Chaos are going to exist in the Old World at the same time as Slaves to Darkness in Age of Sigmar. And they're literally the exact same faction, they share pretty much all of their units (Chaos Lords, Daemon Princes, Chaos Knights, Chaos Warriors). 

I agree, they would share the games, but I don't think they would share so many minis. The TOW one would go for older versions of the minis. S2D got quite a nice overhaul and it is supposed to be getting new Darkoaths soon, so maybe that differentiates the range completely.

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9 minutes ago, Hollow said:

This is just a personal view, but I think with AoS 4 fast approaching and with the launch of The Old World, 2024 is the time for some lingering band aids to be ripped off and for AoS to be finally be freed up from previous fantasy lines. 


Grand Alliance Chaos - Blades Of Khorne, Disciples of Tzeentch, Hedonites of Slannesh, Maggotkin of Nurgle, Slaves to Darkness and Skaven are 6 clearly definied, setting specific factions that allow for ample creative freedom. With Skaven all but assured to be getting a full faction overhaul with the Launch of 4th, Beasts are the only real hangover from Fantasy.

GW have been very clear that ToW isn't a setting rife with demonic armies. Skaven are also not a significant force, but Beasts are listed as one of the main core factions. It's almost been completely spelled out by GW that this is what is going to happen. The only real question is how Beasts as a "faction" will be approached in AoS, will they be completely reminaged (With a new AoS name and minis or "rolled into" the exisiting Chaos factions with God specific units)  


Grand Alliance Death - Flesh Eater Courts, Nighthaunt, Ossiarch Bonereapers, Soulblight Gravelords are once again, clearly defined setting specific factions, with it being spellied out, once again, that Vampire counts are NOT apart of ToW setting. Tomb Kings are the Undead faction of the Old World. No cross over...


Grand Alliance Order - This grand alliance is almost 90% "AoSified" with only Cities of Sigmar holding onto a handful of Dwarf units that are confirmed to be in ToW (My bet is they will not be in CoS 4 Battletome). It has been stated clearly that Dark Elves WILL NOT be apart of ToW and I think it is pretty clear that we will be seeing Malekith and his accompanying emo-elves appear in AoS, retiring or picking up some of the old Dark Elf units (My bet is these will also NOT be apart of CoS 4). Seraphon are an AoS faction now, 100%. Lizardmen have been stated to NOT be apart of ToW. Sylvaneth are already pretty far away from Wood Elfs and with the potential up coming Kurnothi it will further drive that distinction between them (Woodies have plenty of existing kits to draw from for ToW)


Grand Alliance Destruction - I think Ogors are on the AoS "refresh block" (and once again it has been made clear they are not apart of ToW) and I think we might see new AoS Goblins and the removal of Savage Orukks from AoS (to both be ported over to the Old World


So this is how I see it. Lizardmen, Ogors, Dark Elves, Vampire Counts, Skaven are not coming to the Old World. The PDF's are throwing the mouthy minority a bone. Dark Elfs, Dwarfs, Goblins and Savage Orks are going the way of the dodo. Beasts of Chaos are getting moved to AoS and there will be a plenty of kits that will be removed entirely and sent to the GW vaults. 


A final point, I think doing this (and perhaps even more) would be a VERY GOOD thing. I would love to see some genuinely NEW factions and ideas in AoS. I'm not a fan of everything having to stay around for ever and people screaming bloody murder because a model isn't being supported 20+ years after it was first released. I have said it before, but I would advocate a continual culling of the bottom 10% of AoS on a YEARLY basis. Keeping the game, models and factions fresh. Like pruning a tree. 


STD are also a core faction in TOW and they're not going anywhere in AoS. TOW is a specialist game that cobbled enough of a budget to put up three cheaply made plastic models for it's big game debut after five years of development. The idea that TOW is this huge mover and shaker in GW land that is actively driving massive development decisions for AoS, the much bigger and more established game, is, frankly, bananas.

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9 minutes ago, madmac said:

STD are also a core faction in TOW and they're not going anywhere in AoS. TOW is a specialist game that cobbled enough of a budget to put up three cheaply made plastic models for it's big game debut after five years of development. The idea that TOW is this huge mover and shaker in GW land that is actively driving massive development decisions for AoS, the much bigger and more established game, is, frankly, bananas.


No. Warrior Of Chaos are a core faction in ToW. STD is AoS. They are different and you will likely see just how more different they become. ToW is a specialist game that has received more investment and resources than any other specialist game (Outside of LOTR) in GW's history. It's "Game Debut" is over 20 products with nearly 100+ products ear-marked for release over 9 different factions. 

I am NOT saying that ToW is driving AoS development. It's literally the other way round. AoS development is driving ToW's. 

Edited by Hollow
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I fear that GW will sell two different versions of Chaos Warriors and knights for StD and WoC. I am an AoS StD player and I just looked at my StD Chaos knights and it seems almost impossible to rank them on a 30x60. So StD is not in the same boat as BoC.

Edit: The old Chaos knights were difficult to rank up at 25x50, but will work fine with 30x60. The newer Chaos knights will not rank fine on 30x60. They need atlead 40x60 and preferable 40x70.

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1 minute ago, Tonhel said:

I fear that GW will sell two different versions of Chaos Warriors and knights for StD and WoC. I am an AoS StD player and I just looked at my StD Chaos knights and it seems almost impossible to rank them on a 30x60. So BoC is not in the same boat as StD.

At the rate TOW is going, they aren't going to get around to releasing BoC for probably years anyway. And the AoS BoC models are mostly fairly recent by WHFB standards. If they're willing to dust off those ancient TK skellies and the old metal treeman for wood elves there's really nothing stopping them from pulling out some really old beastmen models if necessary. If AoS BoC gets even a modest update with some updated -gors and heroes then all the easier for them.

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17 minutes ago, Grunbag said:

It’s already the case : « According to the Moonclan, the grots of the Gitmob worship Frazzlegit » 

so we already have 3 unit of gitmob : snarlfang riders , rippa snarlfang and the gobbapalooza frazzlegit model.

I mean they should leave the Gloomspite tome and be their own new thing. They are amazing models that are completely out of place in the Gloomspite line imho.

Edit: i also dont believe anything about squating Beasts or any other faction. Just dont see any reason why they should do that at this point. 

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1 minute ago, Gitzdee said:

I mean they should leave the Gloomspite tome and be their own new thing. They are amazing models that are completely out of place in the Gloomspite line imho.

I feel like gitmob and grotbag will replace spiderfang . Spiderfang received nothing yet and gitmob just got few models already but not enough to make a subfaction . I wish the story moves to chamon so we could have a chance to see grotbag coming . 

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