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2 hours ago, Gitzdee said:

At first sight it looks like an orruk skull. But it seems like it has tusks? I would love some more feral orruks with tusks. Could it be something new? New Warcry warband maybe?

Would be nice if that’s a surprise Bonesplitterz refresh with a boar-tusk change for both that Wereboar spell and to show the Beast Energy from Ghur is changing them for being so spiritually connected to it.

Then Seraphon, Bonesplitterz, Cities and FEC have all gotten the long awaited model updates they’ve been needing with AoS4 poised to give Skaven their due.

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If we are lucky we will see the contents of the CoS armybox or atleast more CoS. It seems that CoS will be the next big miniatures release for AoS after Seraphon. So I don't know if it is very plausible that they will show lots of mini's for another battletome. Maybe more single mini releases?

Idoneth only received a single character with their new battletome. Ironjawz don't even have their own battletome anymore. I think (fear) that Ironjawz are done.

Ironjawz were one of the first releases for AoS. If the rumours are to believed the original intend was to just do a lot of different small armies with a couple releases each, which would never be expanded, so small armies that could easly be mixed with each other to make a bigger army with very simple rules and which would become obsolete after x time. Luckly they quickly realized that nobody was happy with that and AoS evolved to what it is now. 

Edited by Tonhel
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Wow, wow, easy. Ironjawz aren't going anywhere. Even if they're souped in Warclans, you still have rules for them. And 2 limited edition event minis of the last years were Ironjawz. I know, they were limited edition, but that still proves GW is still willing to produce Ironjawz minis. 

They're not done. The army still has potential and I think GW knows this. There's always more room for bruttish Orcs. It's just, with the last releases, AoS has been quite busy and maybe they haven't found the time to go back to IJ. There's still so much that needs to be done in AoS !

And if we as a community, are vocal enough about it, GW might de-soup the Warclans and bring separate BTs back. But that's another story.

Edited by The Lost Sigmarite
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33 minutes ago, Baron Klatz said:

Would be nice if that’s a surprise Bonesplitterz refresh with a boar-tusk change for both that Wereboar spell and to show the Beast Energy from Ghur is changing them for being so spiritually connected to it.

Then Seraphon, Bonesplitterz, Cities and FEC have all gotten the long awaited model updates they’ve been needing with AoS4 poised to give Skaven their due.

I don't even know if I'd want a bonesplitterz refresh. I've got an army of them, with about 2000 points painted, but honestly all the plastic stuff still looks fine, and even some of the finecast stuff looks like, even though the quality of finecast is awful.
I'd much rather just see an expansion, revamp a couple of the heroes, add in some bonesplitter brutes, maybe a unit of wildboyz or something that have taken on some beast aspects, a "gobbapalooza" style unit of shamans/seers/leaders/etc, and a proper centerpiece. Narratively they have a really strong identity they just need to push a bit harder on it, and make the rules match. Playing bonesplitterz should make you feel like being a hunter.



7 minutes ago, Tonhel said:

Idoneth only received a single character with their new battletome. Ironjawz don't even have their own battletome anymore. I think (fear) that Ironjawz are done.

Ironjawz were one of the first releases for AoS. If the rumours are to believed the original intend was to just do a lot of different small armies with a couple releases each, which would never be expanded, so small armies that could easly be mixed with each other to make a bigger army with very simple rules and which would become obsolete after x time. Luckly they quickly realized that nobody was happy with that and AoS evolved to what it is now. 

Ironjawz aren't going anywhere, they're very popular, with a really well defined playstyle.

They were doing a bunch of small releases in early AoS, and while a bunch of those armies feel like they could/should have expansions or are missing something, they really hit IJ out of the park and they feel pretty complete as a faction. The sylvaneth release showed they're willing to expand on some of those early armies too.

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I am not saying they will be removed. Nothing will removed that was released for AoS since it started. But each year the list of battletomes that needs a second wave grows, that combined with the need to bring out new armies to expand the setting. Which also need a second wave means that some armies will probably never get a second wave.

This combined with the new approach of GW to diverse their products / rule systems more just means that there is even less capacity for it.

It's absolutly not fun and certainly not for the people that loves those factions. I would love to see a second wave for Idoneth, Kruelboyz, Fyreslayers, Ironjawz, Kharadron but with each year passing the chance becomes smaller.

Edit: and imo waiting 5+ years for a second release for your army is not fun at all and bad business decision, but sadly it happens.

Edited by Tonhel
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Shouldn't it more be the opposite ? With each year passing, you see which factions had minis released for them, which tells you these ones have the least amount of old minis to replace/expand upon, which means they're "done" for the time (except Lumineth in 2nd ed but they broke that mold in 3rd), and tells you that the other "releaseless" factions are more likely to get new models now that the others are out of the way. 

GW can't make a morbillion releases for AoS ; we would want it to, but it's impossible. They have the bigger fish 40k to tend to, and a botload of specialist games that need some form of attention. They have to prioritise, which means armies take turns getting upgraded. I see this as a queue : once an army gets upgraded, the queue moves forward, etc.

As for "some armies will probably never get a second wave" never say never. Seraphon fans were desperate for the better part of a decade about their range ; guess who's getting refreshed now. The ways of modern GW are shroudy and anything could be on the table. 

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34 minutes ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

Judging by the teases, and what has already dropped or we know is coming (StD, Seraphon) it looks like 2023 will be a big AoS year despite 40k 10th ed dropping ! 

That kind of fits the pattern, when 9th ed got released we got the Lumineth and Sons of Behemat released not long after it, and I think Hedonites were initially planned to release in 2020 but the pandemic hit and we got them in early 2021 instead.

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I’m sure Ironjawz will eventually get a new wave. They’ve been writing about them a lot in the stories(besides being front and center in the Hamilcar animation).

We got Gordrakk’s story from December and the White Dwarf Flashpoint campaign has been going since 2021 to now of Ka-Rokk rampaging through Lendu from the top of the continent all the way down building up to the siege of Everquake city.



newest flashpoint article btw:


Over in the Mortal Realms, there’s more from Flashpoint Rondhol and the Great Stomp, with new campaign rules for fighting in the Land of Living Peaks. Part two of our Waaagh!-sized feature on collecting and painting Orruks also appears.”

(if you can’t read the story: 

Continues the Lendu flashpoint, from what I can read zoomed in Ka-rokk hasn’t reached Everquake city yet, is trying to going through a Sigmarite settlement called Harm’s Way that’s half-swallowed by the Lendu’s chasms but survived and he can’t there yet because the leader of the Kraken Blades  Stormhost reforge exploded in the mountains causing a landslide that blocked his Waaagh off. 

The Ogor captain Targug looked like an obstacle for Ka-Rokk but was hunting down Tzeentch’s forces that sunk and mutated half his force and when he ate the flesh of the Tzeentch-spawn it changed him causing him to sail who knows where under the light of Gnorl.)

Interestingly there is also Bonesplitterz rules for it:



Edited by Baron Klatz
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16 minutes ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

Shouldn't it more be the opposite ? With each year passing, you see which factions had minis released for them, which tells you these ones have the least amount of old minis to replace/expand upon, which means they're "done" for the time (except Lumineth in 2nd ed but they broke that mold in 3rd), and tells you that the other "releaseless" factions are more likely to get new models now that the others are out of the way. 

GW can't make a morbillion releases for AoS ; we would want it to, but it's impossible. They have the bigger fish 40k to tend to, and a botload of specialist games that need some form of attention. They have to prioritise, which means armies take turns getting upgraded. I see this as a queue : once an army gets upgraded, the queue moves forward, etc.

As for "some armies will probably never get a second wave" never say never. Seraphon fans were desperate for the better part of a decade about their range ; guess who's getting refreshed now. The ways of modern GW are shroudy and anything could be on the table. 

Yes, you are right. Maybe never is to strong of a word, but if I started with Idoneth in 2018 and than finally you get an updated battletome, but it only has 1 new mini, it does feel like never. ;-). So here is hoping that Idoneth will receive a new battletome + a second wave with AoS 4, but if we are realistic the chance is small.

@Baron Klatz, sorry but what is mentioned in fluff / stories is not the same as what will eventually be released in miniature and certainly not if it is in WD. It was like that with Warhammer the old world, it's the same with 40k and sadly it is also the same with AoS.

Also if an Old World army is a bigger finanical succes. I.e a Kislev army release compared with an AoS new army release than as a company listed on a stock exchange they will react on it.

Lol, after reading my posts it certainly sounds pessimistic. 😮 So let's hope that they blow us away this weekend with fantastic AoS and Warhammer the Old World previews.

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23 minutes ago, Tonhel said:

@Baron Klatz, sorry but what is mentioned in fluff / stories is not the same as what will eventually be released in miniature and certainly not if it is in WD.

Not true! In fact they like to lock a lot of secrets behind WD.

Like before the big Cursed City & Soulblight reveals in 2021 the December 2020 White Dwarf talked about the Shyishian God-beast Hrunspuul, Guardian Hound of the Cairns which was apparently spreading it’s own vampire bloodline.

Then a few months later the Cursed City and Vyrkos were revealed and now we’re up to our necks in werewolf-vampire hybrids who confirmed Hrunspuul was the progenitor of their animal-blood line.


On other examples the 2016 Beastclaw Raiders battletome namedropped NightHaunt who were summoned by a necromancer woman in a “soul boat” which yeah- we got both now.

And then the 2018 Corebook talked about both light aelves in locked away Hysh and the Sons of Behemat’s origins that we got to see in full glory in the same year of 2020.


And I don’t think I have to say anything about all the Chuardin & Gholemkin lore hints we’ve been getting. xD 

Edit: oh yeah, in 2015 there was also the AoS Starter book mentioning “Steamhead Duardin” and a later book with the Stormhosts searching Chamon for allies as “strange lights flashed in the clouds above” that eventually was revealed to be Kharadron.

The 2015 Realmgate Wars novel with Mannfred leading the Ironbulls stormhost to Nagash had him bargain with a host of ghouls for safe passage he couldn’t control with them White Dwarfs hinting at a “hungry host” on the horizon that was revealed to be the Flesh-Eater Courts.

And the 2018 Legions of Nagash battletome talked about souls vanishing from Nagash’s grasp and him vowing to find the thieves before it was revealed to be the Deepkin who launched several months later.

GW does like to do build ups.

Edited by Baron Klatz
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50 minutes ago, Baron Klatz said:

Not true! In fact they like to lock a lot of secrets behind WD.

Like before the big Cursed City & Soulblight reveals in 2021 the December 2020 White Dwarf talked about the Shyishian God-beast Hrunspuul, Guardian Hound of the Cairns which was apparently spreading it’s own vampire bloodline.

Then a few months later the Cursed City and Vyrkos were revealed and now we’re up to our necks in werewolf-vampire hybrids who confirmed Hrunspuul was the progenitor of their animal-blood line.


On other examples the 2016 Beastclaw Raiders battletome namedropped NightHaunt who were summoned by a necromancer woman in a “soul boat” which yeah- we got both now.

And then the 2018 Corebook talked about both light aelves in locked away Hysh and the Sons of Behemat’s origins that we got to see in full glory in the same year of 2020.


And I don’t think I have to say anything about all the Chuardin & Gholemkin lore hints we’ve been getting. xD 

Edit: oh yeah, in 2015 there was also the AoS Starter book mentioning “Steamhead Duardin” and a later book with the Stormhosts searching Chamon for allies as “strange lights flashed in the clouds above” that eventually was revealed to be Kharadron.

The 2015 Realmgate Wars novel with Mannfred leading the Ironbulls stormhost to Nagash had him bargain with a host of ghouls for safe passage he couldn’t control with them White Dwarfs hinting at a “hungry host” on the horizon that was revealed to be the Flesh-Eater Courts.

And the 2018 Legions of Nagash battletome talked about souls vanishing from Nagash’s grasp and him vowing to find the thieves before it was revealed to be the Deepkin who launched several months later.

GW does like to do build ups.

Lol, and now list the stuff that was mentioned in WD or books that never had any miniature release. 🙂  Again, it's more the rare exception than the rule.

And the soulblight release was a single miniature release that was with the new Soulblight battletome and to make it worse it is a special character locked to the Vyrkos dynasty. Fantastic mini! Luckly Soulblight had a big update just before 3rd edition so they are miniature wise in a great place. Only a new grave guard plastic set and the army is in a very good place for a long time.

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21 minutes ago, Tonhel said:

Lol, and now list the stuff that was mentioned in WD or books that never had any miniature release.

I mean there’s lots of cool stuff not manifested as models yet but GW also works 3-5 years from idea to design to production so a lot can still yet to be seen.

Take the current Gnarlwoods for example. That started off as just a brief mention in the Ironjawz 2016 battletome they’ve since built on over the years and now are going all in on the setting. 

Phil Kelly has a great vid on it with concept sketches shown off at the end to show the work they had to do over the years.

Nothing’s off the table when a 2016 Battletome lore blurb evolved into a 2021 Warcry setting that’s pulling other systems into it.

31 minutes ago, Tonhel said:

And the soulblight release was a single miniature release that was with the new Soulblight battletome and to make it worse it is a special character locked to the Vyrkos dynasty

Just to clarify you know I was just using her as a recent example right? There’s lots of other werewolf-hybrid heroes and units Hrunspuul spawned before her I could’ve pointed to from the actual 2021 release.

The new hero just shows how much that’s overflowed now from back when it was just a new entry in the Zodiacal God-beast listings.


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Yes, thanks to cursed city and their first battletome with sizeable miniature release Soulblight is in a good place if and when it receives a new grave guard kit and maybe a couple more generic miniatures for characters.

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Honestly Idoneth just need a couple units for Wave 2 but other Factions deserve prority. Idoneth dropped but 5 years ago, its a shame they havent gotten a second wave but the entire range is brand new.

Its more disheartening when Factions such as Ogors, Skaven and Beasts of Chaos get passed over when almost their entire ranges are 20 years old or more and are almost entirely WHFB sculpts.

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23 minutes ago, Twisted Firaun said:

Unless that happens to be a ghoul from the Nightmare Quest box, it looks like we're getting FEC wave 2 this weekend!!! 

Judging by the stormcast on the right, it looks more like the Nightmare Quest cover.

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