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14 minutes ago, EccentricCircle said:

I don't think its a case of saying we want regular goblins instead of night goblins. I personally like both. I'm keen for them to bring back regular goblins because they don't currently make them, and to be fair I have quite a lot of Night Goblins already.

I think Moonclan has a nice iconic design but i always liked the less goofy Gitmob and Spiderfang more. Hope they get more love during this edition.

Edited by Gitzdee
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1 hour ago, Vasshpit said:

My opinion is that, believe it or not, a lot of fans just want regular old grots (goblins) and not goofy shroom addled loons or mutated arachnid worshippers.

These fans would have to be well over 40 now to remember regular old grots. For me, the Night Goblins were the regular goblins - and that was in the late 90ties. 

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7 hours ago, EntMan said:

Do we know for sure that we're getting a Christmas Day reveal?

There's been no advent calendar, or any build up I'm aware of. And no specific mention or hype for it on WarCom unless I've missed something?

I'll be honest: I hope we don't get a Christmas Day reveal. the GW workers deserve that day off with their families. Maybe if it's just an automated post, but otherwise I think we're all fine waiting an extra day or so.

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1 hour ago, Flippy said:

These fans would have to be well over 40 now to remember regular old grots. For me, the Night Goblins were the regular goblins - and that was in the late 90ties. 

Not to disregard your feelings but they wouldnt be called "night" goblins if they didnt have a unique theme setting them apart from just "goblins".

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28 minutes ago, CommissarRotke said:

I'll be honest: I hope we don't get a Christmas Day reveal. the GW workers deserve that day off with their families. Maybe if it's just an automated post, but otherwise I think we're all fine waiting an extra day or so.

It's always been a automated post, never a full preview show. 

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48 minutes ago, Vasshpit said:

Not to disregard your feelings but they wouldnt be called "night" goblins if they didnt have a unique theme setting them apart from just "goblins".

No, no - these were already different groups at that time. It’s just that the “regular” goblin minis were so old that the newer Night Goblins were used as the basic troops for the goblin part of O&G. Were the regular goblins from the 80ties ever refreshed? I don’t think so.







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7 minutes ago, Flippy said:

No, no - these were already different groups at that time. It’s just that the “regular” goblin minis were so old that the newer Night Goblins were used as the basic troops for the goblin part of O&G. Were the regular goblins from the 80ties ever refreshed? I don’t think so.







Ah the wonderful Kev Adams Greenskins. 

I almost have every goblin sculpt for my 4th Ed Warhammer Orc & Goblin army. 

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47 minutes ago, Jetlife said:

There's a good chance the advent calendar was supposed to be Slaves to Darkness. Maybe due to it getting leaked they just decided to do away with it. 

Well the tome was dated I think either September or October 2022 so actually it was probably delayed and was suppose to have been released much earlier

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5 minutes ago, CommissarRotke said:

Am I thinking of New Year's reveal then? I could've sworn there was a preview that pulled Adam and Eddie away from a holiday, thought it was Christmas.

I think there use to be a New year day opener event at Warhammer world but that was pre covid 

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6 hours ago, cyrus said:

I think it is weird that they release new wolf riders ( which were discontinued few years ago together with all git mobs) instead of a resculpt of a scuttleboss or loonboss with great cave squig or a mad cap Shaman. 

We don't quite know what the new book will look like, but they could squat both the madcap and loonboss with great cave squig and they wouldn't really be big losses.
The fungoid is basically an updated madcap anyways, and the loonboss with squig is just a holdover because of skragrott. just the loonboss on cave squig, & loonboss on foot is probably enough.

Would be a shame to not get an updated scuttleboss, although I think it would be better in a kit like the pusgoyle blightlords or dracothian guard where you can also build a unit out of it. Spiderfang could use the extra unit.

I'm all on the wolf train though, I'm really hoping there's a hero and another 1-3 kits to build a full force out of them.

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I mean I hope they’re at least a brand new hero that comes out with the Snarlfang. 

and this is not the one time GW decides to become inconsistent with how they release stuff.

Fans: can we get more units for some of these book release, why is it always foot heroes?

GW: sure thing Fam, monkey paw curls you get the new unit instead of the hero model.

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