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Eyes of the nine

Red Drake

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10 hours ago, Biboune said:

I think this kind of plan would work better for SG or Skavens: they both have a ploy to ressurect their minions, so loosing the Warden or Skritch is not preventing you to earn glory with key like upgrades. Skaven also have Expendable; very good upgrade combine with keys.

While this is true, I'd say the blue horror has built I'm expendable and resurrect, as his first death nets no glory and flips himself. More over built into the faction we have some great movement options in bond of fate and deceitful step allow for some fancy objective grabbing foot work in the later turns of the game with those keys. 

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1 hour ago, riddlesworth said:

Supremacy, Our Only Way Out, Bind the City, are all solid scores for them because of the ability to deploy the blue horror in enemy territory and grab an objective there

But not against Guard, Nighthaunts or Gitz. They have so many figures it's hard to find an open starting space in the opponents half, let alone an open objective.

I tried a number of different deck styles pre-ban and had great success against Skaven, Goblins etc but struggled against Cursebreakers, Nighthaunts. Post ban deck needs more plays but I'm more optimistic now

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This is my current eyes of nine deck that i've been having quite abit of success with. Only loss of 9 games has been against farstriders that were using a very banned/restricted list, but i knew ahead of time i just wanted to see if i was up to the challenge. 


upgrades are set in stone

Ploys i might drop hidden paths or frozen in time for another movement card like side step.  Hidden paths i'm finding it alittle too restrictive to use early. While frozen in time is very powerful, but obviously very random. 


objectives: Summoner is weird as its tough to get early. Master of war feels clunky as general the only turn 1 glory is from a spoils of war/ghoulish pack tome of glories or from the few immediate that i have. Ideas on another awesome 1 glory cards that wouldn't be too tough to score would rock. 

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I'd be tempted to add a couple of higher value objectives. Superior Tactician should be a reliable scorer. I'd rather have Extreme flank than Destiny to meet. It scores more and earlier, Keep them Guessing is possibilty if you dont want to make that switch. These should generally be more valuable than the rare occasions you ended up drawing either for a Shifting Map score. 

I think Centre of Attention is a very flexible alternative to a sidestep or distraction. 

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6 hours ago, Skellisquad said:

I'd be tempted to add a couple of higher value objectives. Superior Tactician should be a reliable scorer. I'd rather have Extreme flank than Destiny to meet. It scores more and earlier, Keep them Guessing is possibilty if you dont want to make that switch. These should generally be more valuable than the rare occasions you ended up drawing either for a Shifting Map score. 

I think Centre of Attention is a very flexible alternative to a sidestep or distraction. 

Hmm those are some good idea. I dont love extreme flank as it doesnt work well with eyes of the master when you consider one of your models could die within 4 activations, so thats3 or 4 guys who would struggle to score both. 


Keep them guessing doesnt work with how I play them as I spend alot of my activations drawing power and objective cards rather than doing too much with my models. So the card is kind of like "draw 2 less cards score a 2 pts." Which I mean nets out well enough as drawing 2 fewer 1 glory upgrades is an even trade. So then it's that rare occasion were keep them guessing is the last card and i lose a glory from shifting map, versus the ability to have 2 extra glory early on. I think this one is well worth a test to see how it pans out. Probably gonna put it in over skirting danger.


Centre of attention! Perfection works really well with the blue horror summon and with using the acolytes 4hex move. It's 100% going in. Think it might take hidden path's spot as the card just feels so low value as it's only good for either vortemis to get out of danger of the tzaangor to get into kill range, but since I have no tzaangor upgrades it is kind of meh. 

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17 hours ago, mmimzie said:

Hmm those are some good idea. I dont love extreme flank as it doesnt work well with eyes of the master when you consider one of your models could die within 4 activations, so thats3 or 4 guys who would struggle to score both. 

Well, and how much diffirent it is to combine Eyes of the Master with Skirting Danger than with Extreme Flank? :) Actually, Extreme Flank is a better Skirting Danger in most ways.

Extreme Flank you can score if your two fighters on opposite edge on your territory, even when on neutral or enemy territory your fighter was pushed away from edge hex, you can't do that with Skirting Danger. Eyes of the Master is really easy to destroy. Any push or kill on enemy or neutral territory and it's over. Looking that Extreme is easier to do and give you 2 glory and Eyes of the Master give 1 glory and is much harder to do, I would faster drop Eyes of the Master than think if it doesn't work well with Extreme Flank :)

It's not worth building deck around Shifting Map. It's only 1 glory at 3rd end step. If you put 2 glory objective and you score at least one of it, you are already ahead (cuz, you can play upgrade from that glory). If you score two of them or objective with 3 glory, you are a lot ahead. 

And your fighter with Shifting Map can be killed. I would drop that Map and if you really want 3rd end step glory from upgrade i would take Hero's Mantle instead.

I mean, look what building around Shifting Map makes you to do: You don't play objectives that give more than 1 glory (even when many of those objective with more than 1 glory are easier to score), you can't play to many immediately cards to not cycle all objectives, you can't discard to many objective and draw new one as your action, And all that for one card to make it to work like worst Slumbering Key (1 glory at 3rd end step - but you need at least one objective card in deck!).

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To add to what @Reggi said, Shifting Map is just one upgrade out of ten and one card in a twenty-card power deck. If you don’t mulligan your opening hand and don’t draw cards at any point during the game, then the odds of pulling Shifting Map at all are only around 75%; if you do mulligan your opening hand, you almost certainly did so because you drew four or five upgrades, so the odds that you threw away Shifting Map in this scenario is over 40%. The value of the card doesn’t justify gimping your objective deck. 

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On 11/24/2018 at 10:11 AM, mmimzie said:

This is my current eyes of nine deck that i've been having quite abit of success with. Only loss of 9 games has been against farstriders that were using a very banned/restricted list, but i knew ahead of time i just wanted to see if i was up to the challenge. 


upgrades are set in stone

Ploys i might drop hidden paths or frozen in time for another movement card like side step.  Hidden paths i'm finding it alittle too restrictive to use early. While frozen in time is very powerful, but obviously very random. 


objectives: Summoner is weird as its tough to get early. Master of war feels clunky as general the only turn 1 glory is from a spoils of war/ghoulish pack tome of glories or from the few immediate that i have. Ideas on another awesome 1 glory cards that wouldn't be too tough to score would rock. 

I think this is the start of a solid deck for Tzeetnch... but I'm just not a huge fan of passive decks. Sitting around, drawing, and running away just isn't how I want to spend a tournament.


That said, I don't really know if any other Tzeentch builds are much stronger. I tried an objective/flex type build last week and found it quite poor. Objective play feels really weak on a warband that only has limited ressurection and no extra move economy. I feel like, if I'm going to play Objectives, they don't really bring much over Guard, Thorns, Gitz, or Skaven other than an extra OOWO, Determined Defender, and Formless Key, none of which are gamebreaking.

Aggro is a possibility since K'Charik is strong and Vortemis has good shooting once he gets going... but again, very squishy, and not really as killy on the level of other warbands that do the same things but, imo, better. For fast killy, I don't feel like they do much over Skaven or Khorne other than trading melee damage output for ranged. Which is reasonable, but idk.

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11 hours ago, Tutenkharnage said:

To add to what @Reggi said, Shifting Map is just one upgrade out of ten and one card in a twenty-card power deck. If you don’t mulligan your opening hand and don’t draw cards at any point during the game, then the odds of pulling Shifting Map at all are only around 75%; if you do mulligan your opening hand, you almost certainly did so because you drew four or five upgrades, so the odds that you threw away Shifting Map in this scenario is over 40%. The value of the card doesn’t justify gimping your objective deck. 

I dont really agree I draw more or less all of my power deck every game as @Requizen said its a very passive deck. Most of my actions are drawing power or objective cards. 


It is true I dont discard my opening objective hand, but with no end of third turn cards I have no reason to. 


I did though incorporate both keep them guessing and extreme flank in the deck. Replacing fired up and shining example. I also added duel of wits to make up for the minus 1 or 2 draw I cant make when I have a keep them guessing turn. 


I still have shifting map in the deck as well.  It's about a 1/6 chance I pull a none 1 glory card, and near the end of the game I've drawn all or most objectives and i can make a good statistical guess on if it's worth playing the shifting map. 


Just did a game against a more competitive friend's zarbag's gits. And score 17 pts, and he scored only 6 due to unlucky dice rolls. If had he made those dice rolls we looked and saw he would have still only have had 12 pts.


Its a great deck but its maybe bad for the meta as you have little to no dice rolls. Where this war band beats the others in this sort or deck is:

Unlike guard and skaven you dont give out nearly as much free glory. 

Further more, effectively the blue horror has expendable equipped at all time, and basicly has "reaction play there are always more"

Silver tether is a 2nd formless key. 


A blue horror with the tome of glory can activate it twice in one turn should the blue horror die. 

I think the deck is quite strong as you have a very consistant glory score you get every game.

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Here is the deck that I use




im looking for ways to make it more reliable. It either wins hard or loses hard it seems to me, with very few “doing well/okay” games. 

Perhaps that’s just how this warband works, but I’d like to at least not fail miserably when I do fail. 


The ploys are a mix of damage spells, extra action, or movement, as I find the warband very good at “poke” damage, and tends to benefit a lot from The large movement ploys, and having the two useful fighters fighting out of sequence. Infinite riches is in there to get extra uses out of potion of rage and faneway Crystal. 

the upgrades are spell helpers, unranged +damage, or defensive upgrades, as there are a lot of ranged attacks, so the unranged damage boosters help a lot, and the warband is VERY squishy, so needs all the help it can get defence wise. 

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Given the extremely low chance of successfully casting Sorcerous Insight, you might be able to make the deck more consistent by replacing Infinite Riches and Sorcerous Insight with Determined Effort and Spectral Wings. You'll get extra movement and extra dice (a.k.a. reasonable facsimiles of Faneway Crystal and Potion of Rage) without any of the dice rolling.

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Sorcerous insight I can likely do without, but when it does go off, getting 2 ready for actions or what have you is incredibly useful.

and infinite riches is relatively easy to cast so I’m not too worried. Especially with the two lightning spell aids. 

Plus they help with casting spells for objectives and inspiring the tzaangor. 

I will definitely consider those two cards as replacements tho if I find the spells lacklustre

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5 hours ago, Gordon said:

hi, I think Masterstroke would be quite good in your deck: both Trap, Pit trap and Mirror of Spite can trigger them (but the last one is up to your opponent: unlickly to happen). Eidetic Memory can trigger it and may find a place in your deck.

I think Centre of Attention can be good with Mighty Swing (moreover if you make a room for Ready for Action), Total Offence (as you can't use it during a charge) and the Tome of Disease. It won't fit in your game as it is not focus on spell, but it is nice with Rend the Earth (+Damning Pact+Sorcerous adept)

Do we agree that Pit Trap, Trap, The Mirror of Spite and the Tome of Disease won't score The Bigger They Are and Finish Them?


For the moment i am playing a deck focus on Vortemis, free attack action and spells:


It worked quite well so far. I need more games to figure out if it is robust. May be I'll switch Deathly Fortitude for Mirror of Spite or Faneway Cristal: My main goal is to keep Vortemis alive but with both Sudden Growth and deadly Fortitude he won't move anymore. So Faneway Cristal can help him to run away, in other hand Mirror of Spite can do some damage if he is taken down.


Ready for Action works with Spoil of Battle and Goulish Pact, My Turn works with Goulish pact and Damning Pact to provide some free actions. Empowered Sorcery, Arcane Familiar help to cast Rend the Earth, Warcked Change (and Abasoth's Whitering) and Piercing Bolt attack. Potion of Rage, Total Offence help to cast the basic Vortemis' spell attack.

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58 minutes ago, Tutenkharnage said:

Total Offence adds attack dice, not magic dice. It won’t help Vortemis cast spells. 

There is an official errata for this card stating: " When this fighter makes their first Attack action in an activation or power step (other than an Attack action made as part of a Charge action), you can choose for that Attack action to have +2 Dice. If you do, this fighter cannot be activated again this phase "

I understand it as equal to Potion of Rage without being a reation (so you can play both for the same action) and  adding "place a charge token" effect.


I am thinking about some changes in order to rely less on Vortemis. There is options avaliable to take him down fast like Saek/K'charik, Side Step/Spectral Wings, Twist the Blade/Trap (for example, there is more)

As K'charik is the other good fighter in the band, including ploys like Mighty Swing, may be Centre of Attention and Haymaker and upgrades like Light Armor can turn him in a revelent plan B.

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Anyone tried running ‘ Charmed Life’ with these guys? If the Blue Horror takes 3 or more damage then it will qualify for this objective provided the Brimstone Horrors don’t also die. This should be especially good if it has been upgraded to have more wounds since it both guarantees 3 wounds will be removed when it flips and it makes the Brimstone Horrors harder to kill. Plus once they kill the Blue Horror you can run the Brimstone Horrors away and hopefully be safe until the end phase. It is reliant on the opponent killing it, but if they leave it alone it is great for scoring objectives so it is doing something useful either way. Worth it even just as a deterrent to attacking the Horror? Or too unreliable to be worth including?

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  • 1 month later...
On 12/9/2018 at 10:55 PM, Tutenkharnage said:

The fighter card clearly states that it the brimstone is considered to be the same fighter. 

 So we will easely be able to score the new objective card Longstrider (making a second move action with the same fighter)? I hope we will have a FAQ: I am not sure all my opponents are going to accept that.


I think the Blue Horror upgraded with Disturbing Presence, Blessing of Argentine (or/and Mirror of Spite, Binding Shard, Tome of Disease and some more) can be very useful against both aggro and objective decks.

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Hi all

I was hoping to get some pointers.

I've recently started playing & fell in love with Eyes of the Nine off the bat. I immediately decided to stay away from traditional objective grabbing due to how squishy these boys can be & instead have focused my game on Vortemis' finger guns & T'Charik's cricket bat...which has been paying off...

Where I'm stuck is that I'm wondering if I'm missing out on any spells that are too good not to run, as more often than not I'm just slinging Bolt of Change. The deck I'm running at the moment is this...


Thanks in advance :)

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  • 3 months later...



strategy of the is to transform the blue horror into a mobile attack turret whose purpose is to shoot at anything that moves and, together with vortemis, to close the opposing models between two fires with k'charik guarding vortemis and with the possibility of using it to deliver the coup de grace to resistant enemy models.




the deck is thought to be something totally opposed to the obj control strategy.

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