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AoS 2 - Flesh-eater Courts Discussion


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1 hour ago, Honk said:

Looks fast 

I always think three flayers are too squishy, but at 750 they might survive a charge and flee for regen 🤔 the damage output also needs to be considered of course, with 10 direwolves I could block an objective forever

not sure if

regent, 6 flayer, ghouls (690)

might not be better… throw in the lifeswarm to heal before mustering. Sadly 5 pts missing for the chalice 😓



Low points are always iffy.

I agree to run them as a 6. You might also favour Deranged Transformation on the Archregent, to give the Flayers an extra 4" of move. Stick them in Hunters of the Heartlands so they can guarantee to fight twice, and give them the extra attacks from Ferocious Hunger.


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  • 1 month later...

Finally got off my throne and took my inner court out for dinner to an imperial restaurant…

1k: Infernal (Dark acolyte), Regent (Dermal cloak); 6 Flayers; 3 Horrors; 10 ghouls… chalice 

on the menue: Freeguild General; Wizzard; 10 Shooter; 20 Halberdiers; 20 Zweihänder; 5 Horsies; multibarrel cannon


one drop, let them go first… while I gave an inspiring speech from my throne. But suddenly 20 halberds came in from the left and rolling boxcars, clipping into my poor ghouls. His pile in almost stole my home base, impertinent fools…

now it was time to unleash righteous wrath and declare the buffet up for grabs… 0:7 

Time to charge forth and conquer and hope for the double turn. My buffed knights have never failed me.


Deranged transformation with ferocious hunger into his Zweihänders, before they could slice and dice… and with hot rolls on the scream the horsies ran back to greener pastures after a stern look.

Then came the critical roll off for turn two… 😈


Well, that went as it should…

Edited by Honk
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  • 4 weeks later...

Saw that Bill D'Souza did well with Flesh Eaters recently. His list had allied in Gorslav and 40 zombies. This got me thinking down a rabbit hole. Obviously he was using them as the screen/tarpit that Ghouls used to be used for. Cool idea, but it also is kind of sad that he had to go outside our army to accomplish that. Then that got me thinking... can we make Ghoul Hordes great again? Probably not, but we can probably make them interesting. So that got me thinking on a list.

 - Army Faction: Flesh-eater Courts
     - Subfaction: Morgaunt
     - Grand Strategy: Hold the Line
Abhorrant Archregent (245)*
     - Spells: Flaming Weapon
Abhorrant Ghoul King on Royal Terrorgheist (445)*
     - General
     - Command Traits: Savage Chivalry
     - Artefacts of Power: Decrepit Coronet
     - Spells: Blood Feast
Abhorrant Ghoul King on Royal Terrorgheist (445)**
     - Spells: Spectral Host
Crypt Ghast Courtier (70)**
Crypt Ghast Courtier (70)**
30 x Crypt Ghouls (255)*
30 x Crypt Ghouls (255)*
10 x Crypt Ghouls (85)*
1 x Emerald Lifeswarm (60)
1 x Chalice of Ushoran (70)
1 x Charnel Throne (0)
 -  *Battle Regiment
 -  **Command Entourage
TOTAL POINTS: 2000/2000

Two big bricks of Ghouls, and the Archregent can summon another 20. With both the Chalice and the Lifeswarm, combined with the two ghasts, there should be a ****** ton of models coming back. Plus you have the Command ability to have a 50/50 shot at bringing the entire unit back when it's destroyed. Then you have the customary double AGKoT for offense, and they in turn can summon two units of Flayers for fast flying objective grabbers. It actually looks kind of fun, if not competitive. 

What are your thoughts?

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On 3/19/2022 at 7:21 PM, bonzai said:

What are your thoughts?

Bill is cheating… rumor says he knows the opponents list better than his poor victim 🤣 

I failed miserably with a horde approach, but it might be skill, battleplan and opponent. The Ironjawz were delighted to trample over me. 

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17 hours ago, Honk said:

Bill is cheating… rumor says he knows the opponents list better than his poor victim 🤣 

I failed miserably with a horde approach, but it might be skill, battleplan and opponent. The Ironjawz were delighted to trample over me. 

Yeah, 30 wounds isn't a huge amount in the scheme of things. Still, I might have to try it out for the hell of it. 

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15 hours ago, bonzai said:

30 wounds isn't a huge amount

That’s the real trouble with the hordes…

60 zombies are a thing, because after 20-40 die you still hold the objective. And the more competitive lists have gorslav who brings them back with a cp

nurgle hordes have 2hp 5++ and can be buffed to 3hp

ghouls like horrors might be okay in certain matchups, but not in a try hard setting.

(Or you‘ll need the skillz to use them right 😹)

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21 hours ago, Ulfast said:

what advice would you give me?

Good advice 🤔

grab your models and dice and start playing again

things have changed quite a bit, with heroic and monster actions, also with the general commands, like all-out-defense/attack and one single command per phase per unit. Unit Champions can issue commands (feeding frenzy)…

overwatch is a thing now, redeploy too, so a lot to consider while moving and positioning also during opponents phase. CP are very valuable but can’t be bought any more.

archregent , king on gheist and flayers still the strongest and still very squishy 

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On 3/28/2022 at 3:13 AM, Ulfast said:

As a returning FEC players, who has not played any of 3ed AoS, what advice would you give me?

Enjoy our current book while you can with the new rules system. If the trend continues, we are going to get something much more stripped down in our next book. Maybe it will be good, maybe it won't. As someone who also plays Bonesplitterz, it still hurts when I sit down. So don't wait till the new tome to start playing.

Main piece of other advice would be to really think about how the new rules interact with our rules. Like do you want to all out attack or feeding frenzy? Or rally plus normal regen can be clinch for some units. Or just how brutal the Flaming Weapons spell can be on Archregents.

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8 hours ago, Ulfast said:

Just grab som models

If you need to buy stuff…

Two Start collecting Boxes, the Archregent and you‘re good to go

maybe a Flayer box or two 

grots gone wild tournament had a fancy list with four Flayer units, infernal , two kings on gheist and a regent 🧐 worked pretty well, but needs a careful hand

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 1/18/2022 at 1:48 AM, bonzai said:

Been thinking about what I would run in a path to glory league. Right now my starting list would be;


Archregent (general): Hellish orator, eye of hysh, Flaming Weapons 245

Crypt Infernal 130

3 Crypt Flayer 180

3 Crypt Flayers 180

Total: 735

Archregent will summon a Varghulf, so both Flayer units get a babysitter, and 2 chances to bring back lost models. Archregent becomes an absolute monster with Flaming Weapons and his ferocious hunger spell. 

It looks extremely solid to me at that points level. 



My reply is a wee bit late (only about three months) but this is essentially the same thing at lower points than I did in my Path to Glory roster. A Varghulf summoned EVERY game.

The boards are so tight with enough uncanny planning Feast Day was definitively more useful than the beloved Blisterskin with the extra command points saved for combat.

There was so much importance on targeting that Honk is right that three Flayers was a challenge. During AoS 2ed those guys in threes were a disaster, in AoS 3ed at low points they can pull more weight. My tactic was try and hit in one concentrated area at a time to limit my losses. Regen and pick a new spot. There were many times that I was down to one Flayer who needed replacements from the Vargulf and/or Infernal. Oddly a casualty score of ‘1’ is a godsend, that’s when they need to be reinforced. Then suddenly five Flayers are looking pretty mean.

The lower movement on the AR made for some interesting choices. Sometimes he skirted and more often than not I threw him in combat. He almost perma died (at least) twice and entered several battles with unhealable wounds.


If you have any stories to share with how your Warband handled I’d love to read it Bonzai.

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2 hours ago, Evil Bob said:

If you have any stories to share with how your Warband handled I’d love to read it Bonzai.

The Path to Glory campaign kind of died on the vine. Might try and rekindle it with the Thondian campaign though. (Imagine what having an anvil of apotheosis priest with the curse prayer could do for us).

Instead I have been doing a lot of 750 point training games with some new players. I let a new player use this list and I was happy with how it performed. It lost against me playing my Bonesplitterz, but a lot of it had to do with the Wurrgog nuking off the Abhorrent and most of a Varghulf before killing himself. I will be playing this list next against a Night Haunt list. I have been alternating between my this, my Bonesplitterz, Stormcast, and skaven to give them some variety and different army types. It has been a lot of fun and helping to grow my player base.

Edited by bonzai
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On 4/20/2022 at 7:50 PM, bonzai said:

I have been doing a lot of 750 point training games with some new players.

Below 1500 is wonky af 🤣 but I think playing with the open war cards or other things reduces AoS to the fun parts and cuts down the high competitive side.

Arkhan Curse of year bombing, gristlegore GkoTg munching everything, well positioned Sky dwarf armada shooting you to shreds, all part of the game…

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2 hours ago, Honk said:

Below 1500 is wonky af 🤣 but I think playing with the open war cards or other things reduces AoS to the fun parts and cuts down the high competitive side.

Arkhan Curse of year bombing, gristlegore GkoTg munching everything, well positioned Sky dwarf armada shooting you to shreds, all part of the game…

Yeah, I have been using stream lined games. Just simple objectives. Getting the new players used to turn order, using thier command abilities, being able to read and understand thier unit rules, etc. I try not to bog them down with too much. I felt a little bad at first when the Wurrgog Mask or warp lighting cannon blasted something. But they quickly saw the randomness and risk vs reward play out. 

The FEC list I posted above works really well. The arch regent with burning weapons and the Varghulf are a brutal tag team at this point level. I think I may take up your suggestion on feast day. That would also free up my artifact choice and let me grab a grim garland to help my flayers out.

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On 4/23/2022 at 3:22 AM, bonzai said:

The FEC list I posted above works really well.

Varghulf general Dark acolyte


6 horror 10 ghouls 


against low save  (nurgle demons or Soulblight ) horrors can perform quite well. Especially with the kings reroll 

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  • 1 month later...

Can Flesh Eater Courts use this ability in Morgaunt Subfaction, in conjunction with Archregent’s summon a ghoul unit? In other words, does the summoned unit benefit from the subfaction ability, and can a summonsed unit be brought back on 4+? Can’t find anything which says no?



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On 6/7/2022 at 8:20 AM, warhammernerd said:

Can Flesh Eater Courts use this ability in Morgaunt Subfaction, in conjunction with Archregent’s summon a ghoul unit? In other words, does the summoned unit benefit from the subfaction ability, and can a summonsed unit be brought back on 4+? Can’t find anything which says no?

Looks like you’ve already done your due diligence. When the Soulblight Grave Lords came out GW decided to quickly errata in the restrictions we see today. If GW hasn’t slipped a limit in the Errata/Designer-Cometary by now then don’t expect one before the next book or 4th edition.



Edited by Evil Bob
Testing something.
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On 6/7/2022 at 2:20 PM, warhammernerd said:

Can’t find anything which says no?

The „bias“ against summoned units was introduced after the recent FEC book and not extended via faqs…

you‘re good to go

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The FEC white dwarf update will replace the BoK update as the least impactful WD update to date. 


The throne gains an inhibit battleshock immunity within 12.


there's a heroic action to muster on a die roll in 10 inches. 6 dice, 2+ for serfs, 5+ fur knights


a grand strategy that needs 3 summoned units alive at the end


3 battle tactics,

scream something to death

kill a monster that has had less than 5 wounds allocated to it (bonus point for doing it with an abhorrent)

conquer an objective with a serf, knight and courier all together. 


It is no feast, only famine.

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