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AoS 2 - Blades of Khorne Discussion

Gaz Taylor

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On topics of conversions because I want to use the curseling model but don't really play tzeentch I was planning to do some head swaps, weapon swaps, and shaving down sigils to turn it into a khorne foot hero, like a blasphemous khorne version of a curseling to basically give the middle finger to tzeentch like 'hey look, we can make half possessed people too and they're cooler than your smelly wizards'. This would also give me a fun model to use for gorechosen focused lists and a path to glory warband. However I am wondering if anyone has suggestions on which melee foot heroes (besides priests which I already have models for) can be worth taking for fun games. I was thinking of doing them as an exalted deathbringer as for 90 points they look adequately choppy, though they also prefer not being generals which I'd prefer to have this model work well as a general but also totally open to running them as not the general. I'll probably make an Anvil of Apotheosis version of them too for friendly narrative games but I like to have options to use models as legal warscrolls too :)


I havent had chance to get many games in with Khorne (or in general tbh) so it's hard for me to tell from warscrolls alone whether a unit is actually going to be useful or just feel like a bit of a waste. I don't play tournament level either so I'm fine with not having like only the best options in an army I just like to have units that aren't a detriment hahah.

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So, I ended up deciding to use some spare blood warrior bodies for my skullreapers as some of my alternative attempts ended up too small. Need to do a few weapon swaps for some more demonic looking ones and find some iconography if I can but otherwise im happy with how the poses came out especially with the use of some skullcrusher arms. These guys have the proper armoured look I felt was missing from the actual skullreapers.


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Cool! Yeah when you think of skullreapers you imagine dudes in armor. Other cool ideia was to use some slaves to darkness chosen. But I like your idea! I can’t tell what base size they’re in but don’t forget that skullreapers have 40mm bases. Keep up the good work!!

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10 hours ago, Wrathful said:

Cool! Yeah when you think of skullreapers you imagine dudes in armor. Other cool ideia was to use some slaves to darkness chosen. But I like your idea! I can’t tell what base size they’re in but don’t forget that skullreapers have 40mm bases. Keep up the good work!!

The 32's were just for whilst I was working on them and now they have some funky demony weapons!!20230603_100813.jpg.9c8ce69f7663b8632315cd7301a90caa.jpg

Since this I have sourced some 40mm for them too.20230603_103441.jpg.96af5c7a6fa5572b14c9dc92ff561eab.jpg

Im pretty happy with them!!

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  • 3 months later...

I'm getting back in the blood bath again; Slaves to Darkness is just not my jam.  Gonna start with Bloodthirsters, because I have 2 little old metal ones, and a ton of the Bloodthirster bits, so they're gonna get ginormous axes!  Making a Wrath and Fury thirster...then if I find another little one I'll make the Rage Thirster.   And when I get an old He-Man torso/waist part or similar cheap bits, I have legs and arms and heads plus armor to make a Skarbrand.  

Then I'm thinking Flesh Hounds for battleline, since I'm partial to Daemons. 

To round it out, I saw a list on Goonhammer that had a Slaughter Priest, Realmgore Ritualist, Skar Bloodwrath, and also 3 Skullcrushers.  Does that sound good? 

To limit how many more models to buy, I could rebase and add bits to make my Chaos Dwarves priests into Slaughter Priests, short ones...but piles of skulls could compensate.   I do have 2 Karkadrak Lord conversions that could be good Skullcrushers since they're more mortal looking, and the Lammasu is actually the right size (and the wings I could use to augment a little Bloodthirster). 

Not sure about Skar Bloodwrath though, anyone think he'd be more worth it than a Cockatrice?  (I have a Cockatrice).  It's a Blood Tithe point, just not a recurring one.   

I also have 10 Chaos Dwarf Bloodbowl Chosen which I could use as Skullreapers.  However I'm not sure if they would fit into a Bloodthirster-centric list.  Anyone think they could work in there, or do Skullreapers need more mortal support?  Would be fun to have a mortal Khorne Chaos Dwarves segment, then the Thirsters w Hounds. 

And do I need/want the invocations and Altar?  

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I finally found an altar for a decent price!  Looks like the Judgements are still out of stock 😛  

I'm going full Bloodthirster now, with 1 of each type, including Skarbrand, then 3 units of Flesh Hounds, and since it's all Daemons, 2 Bloodmasters.  Then looks like I can fit Hexgorger Skulls and the Wrath Axe in there too.  Saw a guy running a similar list at a tournament this weekend, and he clobbered Kroak & Co, and won at least 1 other game.  I think he might have had all regular Thirsters, and some Bloodletters instead of the Hounds, though I suppose those could have been summoned.


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What is the best subfaction for a Skarbrand/3 Thirster army?   Reapers of Vengeance or Baleful Lords?  All but the Rage Thirster hit on 2s already and w AOA and Titanic duel, is the Reapers buff really that necessary for them?  Seems like the top bracket is best for all but Skarbrand....on Goonhammer thought their description of the subfaction says it didn't apply to Skarbrand? but I don't have the tome yet. 

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Baleful lords specifically excludes Skarbrand in the rule.

The most popular sub factions I’ve seen for an all-bloodthirster list is reapers of vengeance, not just for the +1 to hit against enemy heroes but also the extra blood tithe point you get when a hero dies. 

I’m building mine that way, though haven’t tried it out yet. Tbf I’ll probably go blood lords to start as I have load of bloodletters.

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Guess if there are hit debuffs going on the Reapers would be good for the Thirsters.  Top bracket all the time is good though especially over the battle.  I'll practice and see what averages out to the best performance.

I'm waiting for good deals on the old metal Bloodletters of various sort before I do the Bloodlords.  Sorta like a daemons of Khorne museum army.  I have 2 of the 2nd edition ones as my 2 Bloodmasters.  The 1st edition ones are for sure the worst but I kinda like their silly weirdness, and I can totally see the inspiration behind the current plastic ones in them.  The 3rd versions are pretty cool actually, very goaty but still with properly daemonic faces and BIG AXES.


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Yeah and if course it affects all daemons units. From what I see, there’s a lot of activation shenanigans with blood masters and blood thirsters, so having multiple units with +1 to hit and some with +1 to wound, all attacking one after the other is quite powerful. 

the shenanigans are one of the things that appeal to me.

That sounds cool.  I went for the daemon combat patrol as it was good value for a core of units I’ll use in every game basically, adding to a box of bloodletters and flesh hounds I had already. It’s quite repetitive building and painting them now to be honest, so try and mix in the heroes and bloodcrushers in between, plus the bloodthirster. I had a metal one but I think I must have sold it in error because I was sure I kept it. 

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I'm still lacking the Battletome and can't find the judgements anywhere for a decent normal price. But that's alright because I only have the hounds built anyways.  

I tried my 4 Ogors custom Chaosy looking Ironblaster army yesterday and am not convinced theyre the best use of my cannons....and it looks like I can fit all 4 as skull cannons with the three normal Thirster and hounds, a blood master, and wrath axe.  I think I'll have to give that a try before committing them.  Seems viable especially with Reapers of vengeance.    

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  • 1 month later...

My Baleful Lords fought Brian Parisi 's Reapers of Vengeance tonight in the Icefields. 7 Bloodthirsters died in this game and at the end 2-3 Wrathmongers and nearly 20 Blood Warriors, and then my 5 Flesh Hounds (which I summoned) were left alive.

Only my sneaky use of MurderLust (Skaven brain kicked in) to lock his Wrathmongers into combat with my Bloodmaster, so they couldn't go Reprisal on my Flesh Hounds that killed his general, gave the Baleful Lords the victory, as it denied him 2 points on the BT. Otherwise I think we were dead tied, including of course from Slaughter of Sorcery.

His Rage-Thirsters went BOOM a whole bunch, and the Reapers + Titanic Duel and AOA neutralized my Unfettered Fury aura very nicely. Great game and so close. Wrathmongers are way better than they used to be. Need some! They'll go great with my Skullreapers; gonna use them instead of Skarbrand next time.







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  • 1 month later...

New thoughts for a New Year.  Not sure how it would fare at any tournament, but with skillful use of the Khorne tech, may be able to hold its own?

Saw that Khorgoraths have the Bloodbound keyword, so they get the charge/strike-first thing from Skullfiend Tribe.  Always liked those things; I hope Khorne does for blood what OBR does with bones in their next tome.

Allegiance: Khorne
- Slaughterhost: The Skullfiend Tribe
- Grand Strategy: Slaughter of Sorcery
- Triumphs:

Bloodthirster of Insensate Rage (310)
- General
- Command Trait: Firebrand
- Artefact: Halo of Blood
- Prayer: Killer Instinct
Skullmaster, Herald of Khorne (120)
- Artefact: A'rgath the King of Blades
Bloodmaster, Herald of Khorne (110)
- Prayer: Unholy Flames
Bloodmaster, Herald of Khorne (110)
- Prayer: Bloodbind
Bloodsecrator (120)
- Artefact: Banner of Blood
Skullgrinder (80)

10 x Bloodreavers (80)
- Meatripper Axes
10 x Bloodreavers (80)
- Meatripper Axes

10 x Skullreapers (380)
- Daemonblades
- Reinforced x 1
1 x Khorgorath (90)
1 x Khorgorath (90)
1 x Khorgorath (90)
1 x Khorgorath (90)
1 x Khorgorath (90)
1 x Khorgorath (90)

Endless Spells & Invocations
Wrath-Axe (70)

Total: 2000 / 2000
Reinforced Units: 1 / 4
Allies: 0 / 400
Wounds: 145
Drops: 15

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  • 4 weeks later...

Completely random question but does anybody on this earth happen to run a more than min size unit of claws of karanak leaving them with an extra pack leader they might part with? I've wanted to convert a khornate beastlord out of it forever but can't justify the whole kit for one model. Slim chance I know.

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