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Looks like the other allegiances charged head-on and now they are trapped inside Shyish haha and seems like both skull and eye could still benefit Death. Victory seems so close but at the same time I can't see GW letting Nagash (the big baddie this time around) win. Anyways, what do you guys think we should go for this week?

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Hm, I did suspect that no matter the outcome, our master would benefit. In retrospect, it seems logical that amassing the necessary numbers to raze Nagashizzar would alert our master to the movements of the living.

Skull would obviously most benefit us, but if not Skull, then Eye would do just as well for thinning the numbers of those who dare to oppose our lord and master.

Drake may not necessarily be to our detriment. To enter the Underworld of the Great Oubliette, well, there is no guarantee they will succeed in freeing their fellows. They may lose even more of their numbers.

Still, Drake should be avoided if possible. The only question, then, is whether we are more likely to coax the other Grand Alliances to choose Skull or Eye.

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I think what we ultimately pick needs to depend upon where the tallies are next week.  Drake is clearly the biggest threat, it could allow a second attempt at assaulting Nagashizzar.  Eye has the potential to weaken our enemies even further.  Whilst Skull could bolster Nagash's forces - though we know Nagash is not a forgiving God so those who opposed him may find themselves serving Nagash in a new form...

I reckon we may see the Eye stay as the lowest this week, based on the choice last week most of our opponents see that Nagash is the biggest threat to them so are unlikely to suddenly decide to backstab their enemies and ignore the threat.  Skull is risky but for them the slightly better option and hope that Nagash sees the potential in having armies of the other realms under his banners rather than just taking their souls.

Of course we do have another 6 days, so anything could happen

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I mean, its kind of obvious that the Skull is a supreme victory for Nagash, at the expense of servitude for any one else but Death; and for us servants of Nagash, I feel a little conflicted, as almost none of our options actually represents what we would actually choose. We wouldn't have to parly, we wouldn't attack Nagashizzar, nor would we surrender to ourselves.

Regardless, I think the induction of our enemies into our ranks will be most welcome! I already have a few Chaos Warriors converted into Vampire Lords, and a whole unit of Undead Aelfs, Skaven, and Freeguild.

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10 hours ago, smucreo said:

Looks like the other allegiances charged head-on and now they are trapped inside Shyish haha and seems like both skull and eye could still benefit Death. Victory seems so close but at the same time I can't see GW letting Nagash (the big baddie this time around) win. Anyways, what do you guys think we should go for this week?

Well that depends. Obviously the unspoken rules of storywriting demand that Nagash can't succeed completely in, you know, taking over the universe but at the moment GW are clearly building up to something. I don't think the end of Dread Solstice is going to be the end of Malign Portents. They're still building heat for Nagash.

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I told myself I'd actually get involved in this campaign and then life got in the way a lot and I have yet to do anything...


Looks like it's time to paint some snakes and my darkoath warqueen this week so I can get us some points for the skull or eye ;)


Better late than never eh? :P I hope that we get at least 1 completely new army this year, the teaser released looks very nighthaunt but it would be nice to see something akin to KO or Deepkin with a nice really unique and different flavour. Order's getting 2 battletomes this year so I'd like to hope we get a couple more since it's supposed to be our year.

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1 minute ago, Arael_Greywings said:

Do you think that GW will actually bring in new modells based on the end of the campaign? That would be immensly awesome.... All in all I too didn't really have time to contribute, but I can't stop from gleefully reading how Death is currently rising^^


Short-term we might see one or two hero type models.  GW has a production cycle of roughly 2 years and although they've done some models with under 2 month turn around (e.g. 30th anniversary marine), it's very rare.

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Hitting GW after work today. Have 4 units worth of painting to cash in (heroes, like banshee and wraiths, helps with this) for the skull. Hoping to see if there's anyone around for a game to pump another point in or two.

You can all thank me when we win by a point at the end of this :P

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It is interesting how the voting has developed. From Skull to tie between Skull and Drake, only for Eye to catch up, and now Eye is in the lead with Skull slightly behind Drake.

Still, upon reviewing the Eye option again, I must wonder. When it speaks of luring rivals into the same trap to ensure they fare even worse, I suppose our own forces are not included? I suppose it is possible they could try to trick us into falling into our own trap, however unlikely it would be. I hope it will not backfire on us.

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That just seems to make no sense. Trap undead in Nagash’s forever trap of traps? Uhhh okay. I think we are built for this sort of traps. Plus, I can only imagine more souls in Nagash’s oubliette can only be beneficial to Nagash.

Registered what I could today for the skull in hopes of another surge. But honestly as long as Drake doesn’t win it would be a victory for our alliance right?

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24 minutes ago, Keldrek said:

That just seems to make no sense. Trap undead in Nagash’s forever trap of traps? Uhhh okay. I think we are built for this sort of traps. Plus, I can only imagine more souls in Nagash’s oubliette can only be beneficial to Nagash.

Registered what I could today for the skull in hopes of another surge. But honestly as long as Drake doesn’t win it would be a victory for our alliance right?

Pretty much. Eye is pretty much trying to mess over as many people as you can because the battle seems "lost" skull is clearly nagash while drake is trying to salvage the situation. Anyway eye is in the lead at the moment. 

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Hm, Eye was in the lead, with Skull and Drake about equal for a brief time, but now Drake has overtaken Skull, with Eye still in the lead. At this point, it probably would be best to cut our losses and switch to Eye, widening the margin between Eye and Drake further if possible.

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35 minutes ago, Itherael said:

Hm, Eye was in the lead, with Skull and Drake about equal for a brief time, but now Drake has overtaken Skull, with Eye still in the lead. At this point, it probably would be best to cut our losses and switch to Eye, widening the margin between Eye and Drake further if possible.

I am of the same mind, eye looks to be leading the way. 

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Interesting but also frustrating, considering this is the start of Nagashs rise you'd think he wouldn't lose a massive amount of trapped souls.

Although from what I read last week he wasn't using these souls for power, he was simply enslaving and torturing them. 

At least Nagashizzer hasn't fallen, and the other alliances hvnt stopped the realmstone (grave sand) from getting to the centre of Shyish. 

I do feel that it makes death seem a little weak (again) and it's a lame excuse to infuse the stormcast with more and more powerful souls (sigh).

Hopefully the new death release will showcase Nagash releasing his own new secret weapons, Super Ghosts!! 

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