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Why does Nurgle not like the Horned Rat and other fluff related questions

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1 hour ago, DarkWingDuck said:

There are multiple routes to godhood. The most reliable appear to be to either be an incarnate of one of the winds of magic or to "merge" with the essence of an existing god.

Nagash has done both. He has devoured multiple god's (and goddesses') essences and he was the incarnate of the Winds of Death.

I recall reading that Nagash has taken on some of the aspects of the Gods he has devoured, so there might be some side-effects to swallowing/merging other gods into your being (namely you lose a bit of your agency/free will).

Archaon was never an incarnate, nor has he devoured any God's essences.  Either he's never had the opportunity to steal a god's powers, or he has passed on every opportunity.

Alarielle was the Incarnate of Life, she also merged with the Wood Goddess Ariel (consort of Orion and an Avatar of Isha) during the End Times. As Everqueen of the High Elves, she was also the representative of Isha (the Earth Mother). So she's always been holy/chosen, but became a god as her story progressed.

Teclis is not a god, he's the most power Hoeth Loremaster of the High Elves. Comparable to the old Slaan in power level (I'd guess). He's also the twin of Tyrion, and they are psychicly connected somehow. Tyrion is a god. He was resurrected by his brother and forced into being the Incarnate of Light. 

Malekith is also a god. He was the Incarnate of Shadow. He was also the rightful Pheonix King which made him the earthly representative of Asuryan (iirc).

It's not clear if Hashut should be counted as a God or just some daemon prince with delusions of grandeur.

The gods (and goddesses) in the Old World (World that Was) tended to never show their faces. Only Ariel/Isha and Orion/Kurnoth walked amongst their people (although during the End Times, you find out avatars of Vaul and some of the other High Elf gods have been hiding out with the Wood or High Elves). 


Thanks on that, fills in a lot of gaps. As the later fluffworks got so luacrisly expensive I had rather trouble on reading up on those. So let`s sum up....and ask some new questions :D


The current gods are Khorne, Nurgle, Tzeentch, Slaanesh, the Horned Rat on the chaos side. They are the "default" chaos gods. We`re not sure of Hashut being a god. Archaon currently seems to be the oldest...yeah, well what is he? Just a chaos champion who has been alive for a really, really long time? I since it HAS been quite a while since the Endtimes, which would make him one of the oldest living beings, just like...


...Teclis, who is also not a god and as an Elf/Aelf even older than Archaon, who was/is a human. Tyrion, Malekith, Allarielle, Nagash, Sigmar are incarnations of the winds of magic and therefore god, right?


What are the dwarven/duardin gods and Gorkamorka (Gork/Mork) then? There is eight winds of magic if I recall correctly. Who are the other incarnates? I also take, that there can be more wind of magic incarnated gods of one or multiple winds of magic?


You know....Archaon and Teclis REALLY lived long if they are not gods...the only guys I know of so far who lived equally long are out of the current new fluff, some of the Nurgle characters, like the Glottkin, and some of the undead characters, like Manfred. Makes me wonder if the actually remember the world that was and if the deem it as unimportant with the new vast worlds, as the World that Was, was just a tiny fraction of what we have now as worlds.

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53 minutes ago, DinoTitanedition said:

What are the dwarven/duardin gods and Gorkamorka (Gork/Mork) then? There is eight winds of magic if I recall correctly. Who are the other incarnates? I also take, that there can be more wind of magic incarnated gods of one or multiple winds of magic?

They could be gods (or like in Sigmars case, they lived very long times ago and were warshiped as gods later).

I haven't read the endtimes books yet, still missing Nagash and having the other books for just one to two weeks (still trying to complet my collection).

In the Endtimes Book Archaon the other incarnations were Grimgor Ironhide (Beasts), Balthasar Gelt (Metal)   and Caradryan (Fire).

In case of Sigmar, he wasn't the orignial incarnate. Karl Franz, the last emperor was, but Sigmar was reborn in Karl Franz body after Karl Franz died in Battle.

When we search in lexicanum there are two incarnates for metal and fire. In case of fire Ungrim Ironfist for the god Grimnir before Caradyran got the role (in his case the god Asuyran) and in the case of metal it was Thorgrim Grudgebearer (for the god Grundni) before Balthasar Gelt got the incarnate.

1 hour ago, DinoTitanedition said:

...Teclis, who is also not a god and as an Elf/Aelf even older than Archaon, who was/is a human. Tyrion, Malekith, Allarielle, Nagash, Sigmar are incarnations of the winds of magic and therefore god, right?

An interesting point here is, that even Morathi (Malekiths mother) should still be alive.

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1 hour ago, AthlorianStoners said:

Regarding gods, I think it stands: 

  • Nurgle 
  • Khorne 
  • tzeentch 
  • Slanesh 
  • Great Horned Rat 
  • Sigmar 
  • Alarielle 
  • Nagash 
  • Grimnir 
  • Grungni 
  • Malerion 
  • Tyrion 
  • Teclis 

Arguments could also be made for 

  • Hashut 
  • Khaine
  • Kurnoth 
  • Dracothian 

While Tyrion is not, as we`ve discussed o the previous page. Are both, Grugni and Grimnir still alive? Didn`t one of them die in a battle with the "mother of the magmadroths"?

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13 minutes ago, DinoTitanedition said:

While Tyrion is not, as we`ve discussed o the previous page. Are both, Grugni and Grimnir still alive? Didn`t one of them die in a battle with the "mother of the magmadroths"?

Tyrion is considered to be a god, Teclis is not.

Grungni is still alive.  Grimnir should be dead (the Ur-Gold should be the remains of him).

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1 hour ago, EMMachine said:

Tyrion is considered to be a god, Teclis is not.

Grungni is still alive.  Grimnir should be dead (the Ur-Gold should be the remains of him).


2 hours ago, DinoTitanedition said:

While Tyrion is not, as we`ve discussed o the previous page. Are both, Grugni and Grimnir still alive? Didn`t one of them die in a battle with the "mother of the magmadroths"?

I see the potential for Grimnir to be returned to life in a future event, which would be cool. I might start a separate thread for a discussion on AoS gods?

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3 hours ago, AthlorianStoners said:


I see the potential for Grimnir to be returned to life in a future event, which would be cool. I might start a separate thread for a discussion on AoS gods?

In fact, I believe I saw discussion about a new Gotrek novel coming out, which implied he is still alive because he carries a part of Grimnir inside him, thus leading to the possible resurrection of that god.

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Now, regarding the major gods and their representation in game; only two have appeared on the field of battle in the 'flesh'.    It is doubtfulwe  will see models for the chaos gods themselves or Sigmar, since they are already represented in game through their avatars.

So which of the remaining will likely see it into plastic?  I think the chances of Malerion, Tyrion/Teclis and Grungni are quite high.  Grimnir is dead (but what if the Fyreslayers collect all of dat ur-gold?).   I am unsure about Gorkamorka  - I don't think that Gordrakk counts as an avatar of Gork?  But I feel that seeing a model for Gorkamorka himself (themselves?) seems unlikely.





Sigmar  --> avatar:  Celestant Prime

Gorkamorka --> ?avatar




Tyrion / Teclis


Greater Chaos Gods:

Khorne --> avatar:  Bloodthirster

Tzeentch --> avatar:  Lord of Change

Nurgle --> avatar:  Great Unclean One

Slaanesh --> avatar:  Keeper of Secrets

Great Horned Rat  --> avatar:  Verminlord

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  • 3 weeks later...
28 minutes ago, xking said:

Tyrion is the Incarnate.  Not Teclis.

Yes, that is correct. But in End times Teclis tried to contain two winds of magic after balthasar gelt was killed. He couldn’t contain that much power and was destroyed. You could argue this eventualy did turn him into a God, even though he wasn’t techically an incarnate.  It could also be argued that teclis en tyrion share such a bond that they became Gods together. After all teclis did revive tyrion as the incarnate of light. So maybe tyrion returned the favor in a way? 


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