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Broken Netcode

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Broken Netcode last won the day on April 7 2019

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  1. You know what, fair enough! There is a lot of RNG in this game and I simply passed it off as how the dice are and never really thought of it as luck.
  2. I dont believe luck is really a factor here, more player skill. Dispossessed being a very good hammer and anvil army just means we will need to play in a very offensive way to make sure we get our way on the field.
  3. I dunno mate, im sure that at least 80% duardin can be competitive. Its just working out what the best list is.
  4. I’m gonna be doing a mock up on paint or gimp soon, I’ll post it here when it’s done!
  5. I think the best thing we can do is compare things at face value rather than their old iterations. Granted, I still dont know why I would take any Ironweld artillery outside of gyrocopters w/ steam guns over celestar ballistas unless im taking the greywater battalion.
  6. Im doing the same idea but as a Celestial Hurricanum! Im gonna use the Frigate but with the levitation orbs removed, the Hurricanum satellite as a sort of gyroscope on top of where the engine bay is, and then helicopter rotors im going to make out of plasticard so that it can match the 6 gyrocopters im going to be using in all my lists. The lore for mine is that the Kharadrons gifted one Frigate to the Greywater Fastness after the Dwarfs saved their bacon in some scenario. The Dwarfs then decided that levitation orbs are magic, and turned the Frigate into a mothership gyrocopter.
  7. Right, ive checked and the Hurricanum does indeed buff Stormcast units! Hurricanum is a go! Allegiance: Greywater Fastness Mortal Realm: Ghyran Leaders Warden King (110) - General - Trait: Ghoul Mere Ranger - Artefact: Ghyrstrike Runelord (90) Runelord (90) Battleline 20 x Hammerers (280) - Retinue 20 x Irondrakes (300) 20 x Irondrakes (300) Behemoths Celestial Hurricanum (220) War Machines Celestar Ballista (110) Celestar Ballista (110) 3 x Gyrocopters (180) - Gun: Steam Gun 3 x Gyrocopters (180) - Gun: Steam Gun Total: 1970 / 2000 Extra Command Points: 0 Allies: 0 / 400 Wounds: 124 Copied mostly from the last post: So the Runelords are there to give each separate Irondrakes unit an extra -1 to their guns, while the Warden King allows them to run and shoot with the general trait, adding much needed movement to the army. Hammerers are there as a mortal wound output and also as counter combat unit. Im sort of tempted to replace them with 30 shield longbeards to buff the Irondrakes even more. The Warden King would probably benefit more from 'Betty's Magnificent Magnifier' for that extra command point on the first turn to help with adding +1 to hit for the Irondrakes when needed. Gyrocopters get +3" on their steam guns, so I thought this was a no brainer. The Celestar Ballistas are still way better than the fixed artillery choices from Ironweld Arsenal. Taking 2 of them with the Hurricanum gives a lot of good backfield ranged power. The Hurricanum can also pop off Mortal Wounds very reliably which is a big bonus in an army with little MW output. Fluff wise, I intend on using my Organ guns as the Ballistas as they match pretty evenly in the fact they both shoot lots of shots. Also, I intend to make my own Dwarven Hurricanum using the Arkanaut Frigate as the base, Hurricanum satellite as a sort of gyroscope, and then swapping the levitation orbs for helicopter rotor blades. The main issue im seeing with this list is 1. Command Points are lacking apart from the 1.5 generation a turn, and 2. Dwarfs are slow. Ive tried to mitigate this as much as possible. Lemme know what you guys think!
  8. Oh absolutely! Zhufbar Air Corps ride again! My current thoughts are in order of most probable: - A Celestial Hurricanum IF their +1 to hit ability works on Stormcast CoS units. That way I can buff the Celestar Ballistas and have some pretty good mortal wound output -20 Handgunners (will just use thunderer models) and an extra command point, as they would benefit from the Greywater buffs. -A General on Griffon, because Karl Franz is still awesome (albeit leading dwarfs) and the statline is pretty good for the price point despite not having any synergy with the allegiance or units.
  9. Right so after writing a few lists, I think ive come up with a decent gunline dwarf army (yes I know, not competitive because of objectives but theres a grudge book thats not been written off yet). All points have been adjusted with the new book. Here goes! Allegiance: Greywater Fastness Mortal Realm: Ghyran Leaders Lord-Ordinator (140) Warden King (110) - General - Trait: Ghyran Mere Ranger - Artefact: Ghyrstrike Runelord (90) Runelord (90) Battleline 20 x Hammerers (280) 20 x Irondrakes (300) 20 x Irondrakes (300) War Machines Celestar Ballista (110) Celestar Ballista (110) Celestar Ballista (110) 3 x Gyrocopters (180) - Gun: Steam Gun 3 x Gyrocopters (180) - Gun: Steam Gun Total: 2000 / 2000 Extra Command Points: 0 Allies: 0 / 400 Wounds: 125 So the Runelords are there to give each separate Irondrakes unit an extra -1 to their guns, while the Warden King allows them to run and shoot with the general trait, adding much needed movement to the army. Hammerers are there as a mortal wound output and also as counter combat unit. Im sort of tempted to replace them with 30 shield longbeards to buff the Irondrakes even more. The Warden King would probably benefit more from 'Betty's Magnificent Magnifier' for that extra command point on the first turn to help with adding +1 to hit for the Irondrakes when needed. Gyrocopters get +3" on their steam guns, so I thought this was a no brainer. The Celestar Ballistas are still way better than the fixed artillery choices from Ironweld Arsenal. Taking 3 of them with the Lord Ordinator gives a lot of good backfield ranged power. Fluff wise, I intend on using my Organ guns as the Ballistas as they match pretty evenly in the fact they both shoot lots of shots. The main issue im seeing with this list is 1. Command Points are lacking, and 2. Dwarfs are slow. Ive tried to mitigate this as much as possible. Lemme know what you guys think!
  10. Thats excellent! Im absolutely doing an army with 2 units of 20 Irondrakes with a runelord following both then! 20/40 shots if static hitting on 2's, with -2 rend will put out a lot of pain a turn. And being able to run and shoot makes an amazing 24.5" threat bubble. Just need to work out whats going with gotrek at this point, and its looking like its gonna be hammerers with the fact im taking 2 runelords! I think my list is going to look something like this: Allegiance: Greywater Fastness Mortal Realm: Ghyran Leaders Runelord (90) - General - Trait: Ghyran Mere Ranger - Artefact: Betty's Magnificent Magnifier Runelord (90) Gotrek Gurnisson (520) - Allies Battleline 20 x Hammerers (280) - Battleline if Dispossessed General 20 x Irondrakes (300) - Battleline if Duardin General 20 x Irondrakes (300) - Battleline if Duardin General War Machines 3 x Gyrocopters (180) - Gun: Steam Gun Celestar Ballista (110) Celestar Ballista (110) Total: 1980 / 2000 Extra Command Points: 0 Allies: 520 / 400 Wounds: 104
  11. Cannons are not all lost though! The Blacksmoke Battery lets us take them still, and with our new Gyrocopters thats even better! One question ive been wondering, is if you can take 2 runelords and do the extra rend prayer twice. Having 2 units of 20 Irondrakes, running up the board and then shooting with -2 rend guns is bloody brilliant in my mind if its possible!
  12. I love them! They totally fit in with the khornate feel. I kinda wanna get that overhead axe guy myself now.
  13. Okay we have a simple solution to all this whining which is happening again. If you wanna play in a tournament/ competitive setting, dont bring khorne. If you dont care, bring khorne. Simple! Can we go back to not whinging again? We had a really good week before FAQ and now its all rushing back. No one needs to fight, and no one's opinions are solid fact. We need to band together on this. Ill start us off. What does everyone think of the Skulltaker? I love him since hes an absolute beast in combat and Id even go as far as to say hes one of if not the best non monster combat character in the game! Lemme hear those opinions!
  14. 🎶 When you try your best but you don't succeed... 🎶 Genuinely though, I'm surprised that there isn't any outrage at all! Cannon spam isn't very thematic anyway so I'm glad that its been nerfed.
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