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Everything posted by GeneralZero

  1. I don't see new death army but rather one of those 2 cheaper solution: - LoN 2.0 with ES, decor, and eventually a new hero (maybe in the dual army box vs Ogor) or - LoN Extended, with ES, decor and an extended subfaction like soulbright or deathrattle with few new units but still using several existing Death units (something like NH did but with fewer new units).
  2. Only 4 month (technicaly 5 but december rarely shows new things) for the promised Chaos missing tome of 2019, which is presumably the StD one. That means that in only one trimester max, we will know.
  3. To me, and I have a big chunk of chaos warriors/knights/gorteck chariots/manticores not yet assembled, I just have the feeling that those new warscrolls are just there to (pseudo)justify the versatility of the warcry miniatures. As a (very) long term player (3+ decades), I have now a simple policy when it comes to non mainstream miniatures: take them ONLY if you fancy them, but for the main games, do as if they didn't even exist. They won't have entries in BT or official armies and experience shows that their time in the main games is limited. PS: I was also tempted to buy 3 days ago the kroot sniper from blackstone fortress for my new tau army but for the very same reason, I'll pass.
  4. I know that. But now that we (will) have a battletome, I'd like to optimise/complete my army in this thematic way with the final rules and points.
  5. I'd like to build a 100% human powder based army: in fact, completing competitively (a bit) my actual human force to have a sort of Napoleonic army in front of monsters lol. This will be a super themed army. (and I guess it'd be efficient if the gunline kill enough things before close combat) I'd do the same with dwarves where the cavalry is a sky force full of KO ships. For the first one, my hope is high. I don't bother more than this for the second one. (wrong thread initially in rumor one)
  6. I'd like to build a 100% human powder based army: in fact, completing competitively (a bit) my actual human force to have a sort of Napoleonic army in front of monsters lol. This will be a super themed army. (and I guess it'd be efficient if the gunline kill enough things before close combat) I'd do the same with dwarves where the cavalry is a sky force full of KO ships. For the first one, my hope is high. I don't bother more than this for the second one.
  7. TBH, I think that they did this tome to get rid of most unreferenced-in-battletome mini. Now, everything is in a tome, and even can invite to buy the -old- miniatures of free people/dwarves/elfs. I don't expect much. And I'm confident that nothing will be updated. At most, we'll have a new hero in a random dual army box someday...
  8. I just had a flash in my flat out sleepy brain: if there is a dual army box which one half is Ogors as teased, what if the second one is free people OR orrucks, in fact one of the 2 factions that got a brand new battletome? It makes a lot of sense to me and you don't have to be Einstein to see that it is relevant to push the sales.
  9. There are many specific things about what can be done with free people especially with powder weapons (guns, rifles, canon, missiles, tanks etc....). I am more than happy to see that there will be not only a battletome for Free people but many builds/synergies with other races even some have a battletome on their own (sylva & KO). I have a big bunch of old minis of those free people, most are 20+ years old (from WHFB, 2nd release I think...), many are in metal including 2 tanks. But lets be honnest: most of the actual range of free people start to show their age. (and this is an euphemism). I'd be glad to see an update for few troop choice (infantry and cavalry).
  10. They are old. They are a pain to assemble. But man, they look pretty damn cute on the table, especially in horde of spear models. Love them. Skeleton warband looks pretty good to and you can mix match them with skellys for more variety. TBH, no need of new skeletons footmen. But a skeleton machine (catapult, charriot, etc...) or big monster (giant bone?), it is an insta buy for me.😍
  11. Won't happen. No way. Dual army box is...2 different armies, just to be more pappealing for more people. Otherwise, it is just GW shooting his own foot. There is a patern already here: the tease is done, then presentation of the new character, the one or 2 army(ies) are presented. But, NEVER a new army. More of this, each time we see an army in such a video, only minis in the box are in the video AND ALLL mini in the video ARE in the box. Last but not least, the content presented is consistent in value to one half of the box (one army side) : ogors, leadbelchers and an ironblaster plus the brand new Ogor tyrant (all in platic and full options kits).I bet this box will come VERY soon (I won't be surprised to see it in august or beginning of september)
  12. Guys, I'm with you for StD as I am too waiting for a long time to get my StD something. But I'm confident now about seeing the so long awaited book soon. Did you notice that in the whole range of AoS miniatures on GW site, the only ones that are not yet in a battletome are the Ogors and StD? With the yesterday reveal of ogors, I think that an Ogor+beastclaw tome is pretty much sure. That means, only StD/Everchosen are remaining without a tome: GW clearly want all his mini under a tome ASAP. I'm happy to beleive we are (almost) next for sure.
  13. Don't be so naive guys. GW just had to finish ASAP all factions in AoS 2.0 and get all their mini at least in a battletome. Then they can do whatever they want. To do so, they arbitrary push together several groups into soup battletomes (hence the Orcs one today, and the free cities) and to avoid update and give more build fredom, we can soup...oups...mix even free cities and KO or Sylvaneth ;-). All of this is purely arbitrary and driven by BUSINESS, not lore. Lore is then adapted. So, now, I don't give a damn, I'm happy to see those 2 new tomes as they refresh my 20+ yo miniatures. For the rest (ogors, death) , who knows... My bet: ogor=> same Orc (from today) treatment with mixing beastclaw. Death, dunno. Maybe half new army to have something new on the AoS front...
  14. So, giving that the last video (the tithe part1) is just few draws of necropolis, I remain on my initial staement and interogation: only ONE reveal of new miniature (the ogor tyrant)? PS: don't take me wrong: I'm super happy to see 2 BT of my old armies (freshed up then, even my 2 old metal tanks hahaha), ogors on the way in dual army box ho yeah, and probably news for death (btw, I don't see NEW death faction, but update to LoN with ES and a new hero in the dual army box)
  15. So, that's it for today? I mean, news is great; I love those new tomes but only ONE reveal of new miniature (the ogor tyrant)?
  16. Lets have a closer look the the feast of bones video. We see 3 units (ogors, leadbelchers and an ironblaster) plus the brand new Ogor tyrant. If it is a half of dual box army, it is consistent with the previous ones (looncurse etc...) where we have something like this in value for each army, joined by a brand new character. This half (ogors, leadbelchers, ironblaster, ogor tyrant) is a superb army starting point as you have almost everything in it. Take 2. Just add few heros, a SC! beastclaw and you got way more 2K... Want it. Right NOW !
  17. If you got 20K points, it took you a lot of time. Knowing this: Only ONE group of miniature will remains without a tome: StD. Pretty sure now that the chaos remaining battletome is StD/Everchosen/whateverChaosFromWarcry battletome. You are not in such a hurry so close to the goal, about max 3 month from now...
  18. So, this is actually 2 destruction BT and 1 order, all more or less soup. Only ONE group of miniature will remains without a tome: StD. Pretty sure now that the chaos remaining battletome is StD/Everchosen/whateverChaosFromWarcry battletome.
  19. What a soup!!!!! Soup forever!!! Eat soup make war !
  20. KO+free cities not allies but part of the same army!! lol can't wait!
  21. BTW, this soup manoeuvre à la LoN is a good news for StD: there are only 2 groups of miniatures left witout a tome: StD/everchosen and Ogors. So, for the chaos BT left for 2019, StD is pretty much confirmed 😋
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