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Everything posted by TeddyMadeMeDoIt

  1. @Fisher KIng I think endless spells are going to be great and the fact our Arachnarok Spiders can cast 2 spells per turn puts us in one of the places to use these. I suppose it depends on how you play too, endless spells can be very tactical if you want to win but if your playing for fun then massive spiders riden by magic goblins sending firey skull spells around the table... We rule!!!
  2. Although I usually love to do my own thing getting this guy primed and setup I had a real urge to stick to the box art so I've been doing my Fungoid Cave Shaman...
  3. Thanquol, fantastic, just gave me another reason to read it as far as I'm concerned
  4. Mohawk is a great touch! What's the green stuff mould on the floor?
  5. Yes I see what you mean, it's missed opportunity (I can put skulls on Stormcast anytime) would be better to have the size and scale of a Stormcast but with that ornate bone armour that looks great on the Death minis I'm loving the hype to be fair, whatever comes it's great to be excited about new GW products again, I'm kind of addicted now to Warhammer TV (thank you amazon prime!!) and been a great new era for the company
  6. What an awesome thread, hard not get inspired by it The Ogor/oruk conversion stand out but the Khorne guys take he win for me, brutal and very gruesome indeed (what more would want from Khorne!)
  7. Love the colour scheme, the blue absolutely makes sense for the whole tone of the mini and in a works filled with elves and goblins we need some things to make sense Great, great mini, a whole army of these are to look amazing. Looking forward to next update already
  8. I was one of the guys who was really disappointed when we started to see the human faces for Stormcast. I loved the initial,buzz around 'oh what do they look like' and I always had them down as ethereal, to the point where my little Stormcast collection where all going to have skull headswaps so I could paint them ethereal and represent that So to me this may be great news indeed, finally my ethereal Stormcast!!
  9. I think those are some of my favourite Stormcasts out there, great job The Skellies too really stand out, it's good to see bright colours on them as everything I was thinking will be dark, the colours really work well Again great job @Turragor
  10. For me the Dark Elves always suited the Pirate theme best (in the old world at least) I'd love a Death vs Dark Elf boxed set! Where do Dark elves sit in the full these days, I know thy are order on the websites etc so it would fit the bad vs good theme that most boxed sets have. It's seems an unlikely couple to have a boxed set but GW are provided getting bolder and bolder these days... Didn't I also hear somewhere that the teaser was Morathi???
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