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Everything posted by RuneBrush

  1. I think this may be related to doing this on a mobile device - I didn't do any mobile testing on the designer 😂
  2. As @someone2040 says the editor supports HTML, so for bold enter it like this: <strong>KEYWORD</strong> and italic <i>some text</i>
  3. It's a timing issue. The points will be updated but GW's in-house app team is getting the 40k app ready for launch. Warscroll Builder has been updated though
  4. I wasn't suggesting we bring it back. The point I was sort of making was that the percentage system did help to prevent the issues you can on occasion get with games at small points where people bring the most powerful unit possible and dominate a game. AoS is a different beast to WHFB so the old system certainly wouldn't work verbatim - but I do think that small games would benefit from something a little better than what we currently have.
  5. As with all things, if we embrace it and advertise the fact that we're using the rules then there's a higher chance we'll see it taken forward in the future. Things like this thread are a great start - let's keep this rolling beyond the honeymoon period and we'll see what comes out of it.
  6. ^ this Seems to just be a way of collecting together a lot of the stock they're forecasting there will be an issue with.
  7. +++ MOD HAT +++ And that's enough of that. I've just removed a number of posts where a few members were taking swipes at each other. This is not what we expect from our members. Always read what you're about to post before posting it - if it comes across as personal or rude then don't post it - this includes "learn to play" or suggesting a member should "leave the hobby".
  8. Interestingly a global increase in points is one of the things that has just been done in 40k and I wonder if we're going to see this in the next edition of AoS. This will make games smaller (thus quicker) to play and actually increases the granularity in points which is something I feel we're losing with each set of points changes. For AoS the challenge is ensuring that you can take that big centrepiece miniature without it dominating the game (personally I like the old percentage based limits on unit types from WHFB 😉)
  9. You'd be quite limited if you used local storage as it's fixed at 5mb. You could feasibly upload each time, but that would get tedious pretty quickly. Everything is pretty much clientside too - the only server side bits is saving to your Google account 😊
  10. Thanks! Character portraits are something I'd love to add, especially when I get round to updating the style to the version 2 warscroll as it's got a gap for them. It's not a particularly easy job though as they have to be stored somewhere (which ultimately costs money), plus you need some form of protection to prevent people uploading lewd pictures 😂
  11. Absolutely not approved or condoned in the slightest! I have used graphics that I've taken from warscrolls generated by GW, so completely understand if you want to stick to just the template they've provided (which I actually missed that they had done!). I know GW's policy is generally keeping all their tools and resources being supplied by their own team, so it doesn't surprise me they produced their own template.
  12. You say stats, others may say narratively written rules 😉 Besides, we all know that red ones do indeed go faster
  13. Sadly not. The more modern metal clippers have an integral spring so no way to repair. If you're able to, I'd take them along to a store to see if they'd exchange them for you
  14. I'm guessing the outcry that came along with "what? you want me to paint my models in a specific colour to gain the benefits from a rule" probably put the kibosh on developing the various stormhosts for a while 🤨😉
  15. I'd agree that I think there is going to be a massive amount of regional variance. Partly due to the differing countries attitude and partly due to people's personal feelings. For me personally, I've written 2020 off now from a hobby event / gaming tournament perspective. I don't believe we're "out of the woods" so to speak, and within the UK different regions have vastly differing infection levels, so I'd not feel comfortable going to anything where it's necessary to be in close proximity with somebody else. This might seem pretty drastic, but let's be honest when you hear that events in the past have had to put antiperspirant into the toilets to ensure everybody stays "fresh", I really don't hold out much hope for people keeping face coverings on and sanitising. That's before you consider the generally lacking toilet & hand washing facilities in many venues*. It only takes one infected person to infect the entire room. * hand sanitiser on it's own isn't enough, you should still be washing your hands for 20 seconds every couple of hours.
  16. Let's be honest, one of the reasons Indomitus sold so well is because the pricing of it was reminiscent of the price of models in 1990... If you deduct the £40 rulebook, each force works out at £42.50. That's lower than a start collecting box and significantly more models. It's no surprise they sold out as quickly as they did, because people were afraid that somebody would realise what a good price it was and bump it up! Over the past 5 years or so, £125 isn't perceived as being "that" expensive anymore either (especially when you may spend £80 on one model), so it won't have needed a huge amount of thought to pick it up - especially if (like myself) you intend to split it. It was also a scalpers / bits company dream product. Super cheap but containing lots of really good content. Even selling the characters at £10 each, you've pretty much broken even! Starter set wise, I wonder if we're going to see something that is aimed at an introductory level, where if you're an existing collector it's not that desirable. So, easy to build miniatures that already exist, with a cut-down version of the rule book. Perhaps with a more realistic price point too - somewhere around the £50 mark. It wouldn't surprise me to see this appearing outside of GW stores too - bit like you used to have when you could pick 2nd ed 40k up in Argos (can't see cardboard scenery making a come back though)
  17. Could well be because the the design team who write the FAQ aren't in yet or running on a skeleton crew. I don't know what their work loads are like - I can't imagine they've reduced over lockdown. I may have missed something, but what are we waiting for in the FAQ that's stopping people playing (whilst socially distancing and taking necessary precautions)? The date for the FAQ is the same as it has been for the past two years too, all being well it'll be available in July.
  18. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2018/01/29/warhammer-age-sigmar-faqs-new-model/ Still got a couple weeks of July left folks. You're talking about GW as if it's a small three or four person company, where everybody has a hand in everything. People involved in 40k are different from those involved in AoS. We don't currently know what the situation is at GW either - the design teams may not even be back in the company yet. I've not seen anything that stated we'd be getting the FAQ when the new handbook dropped?
  19. Cut them some slack! As I've just posted above, GW aren't fully back to work yet and going to be playing catch up for a while. Expecting them to be producing content at the rate they were before lockdown isn't realistic. The GHb release was always going to be a difficult one as not many people can actually play games due to Covid-19 - pretty rough to have a massive celebration showing what a great update it is when you can't even hug your gran let alone play AoS!
  20. Don't forget that when AoS 2 got released 40k went without any major releases for a decent chunk of time - we even had the whole of a Warhammer Fest pretty much dedicated to AoS! I'm pretty sure that had GW been up and running fully, we'd have seen something exciting happen for the anniversary, but they're currently not all back to work yet. I know the WarCom team are working shifts to keep the number of staff in the building down and guess that the rest of the company are in a similar boat. Makes it pretty difficult especially as they're now running 3 months behind.
  21. I play AoS for my Warhammer fix 😉 It's a significantly less daunting game system to get into than fantasy battle, the community is great and the miniatures are amongst the best that GW have ever produced.
  22. Yeah, the columns bit is handled by your browser which tends to be a bit wibbly when you start typing ☺ If you carry on, it'll generally sort itself out.
  23. Last time I heard anything, there was only one in-house team developing GW's own apps (that includes the paint app too) MOD ANSWER: Two reasons. Firstly because posting photographs of copyrighted material is actually illegal regardless of where you found it*. Secondly because it clearly says not to do so in our forum rules which everyone agreed to comply to when they signed up to TGA. * if you look at the front of a GW published book you'll see a bit that says the contents may not be reproduced without prior permission of the publisher
  24. I think it's important to remember that AoS and 40k are two different beasts. Within 40k, datasheets and points are already behind a paywall in the form of having to purchase a book (or a box of models). For AoS warscrolls are free to download and points available through warscroll builder. The 40k app now allows you to "unlock" codexes from the physical copy and then automatically merges errata and chapter approved changes into them. The army builder includes popups for core / universal rules and is inherently more complicated than AoS with a lot more granularity (down to weapon level points). My own thought is that the AoS app will get an overhaul at some point. Likely incorporating battletome unlocking. I can't see the army building tool changing much. AoS is GW's way of introducing people to wargaming, you literally just have to pick up a box of models and all the rules are available online - I can't see that being changed as it works really well. I'd wait on the european cost until it's out. Most mobile apps don't use a regular conversion rate - in game purchases are a good example of this where the GBP and EUR/USD numbers are often the same. In the UK we pay £5.99 for Disney+
  25. We don't know yet! I'd imagine they slot into your army like a regular hero, so giving them a factional artefact and trait wouldn't be an issue.
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