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Everything posted by BaronBanana

  1. Question about marks. I can't remember where I saw it, but Marks are chosen during list building, right? Meaning I can have S2D Tzeentch marauders in a tzeentch allegiance? Would they still count as battleline?
  2. Starting off, I could use smaller units to see if I like them in larger games, I've only used them a handful of games in 1k or less and they did decently well. They also look cool too. I also don't play with really competitive people, I'm mostly wanting to get the most out of Archaon
  3. I'm pretty sure the answer is no, but Infusion Arcanum doesn't affect the mount attacks, correct? EDIT :: Here's a list I'm thinking of. I really enjoy the acolytes, the cabal is there to capture objectives by flying, and the army just supports Archaon
  4. I'm thinking of running Archaon in a tzeentch allegiance army to get the destiny dice for his slayer of kings trigger. I've looked over the DoT book, but I can't find a decent way to support him in it. Do any more experienced players have an idea of what I could throw in from either the StD or DoT book?
  5. It gives me a reason to build a fun Norsca list with nothing but marauders and monsters
  6. RIP. The mumakil has always made a decent stand in though. I'll bring my norscan army back if I have to drag its corpse back from hell. Or a tzeentch army, either or lol
  7. Maybe I'm oblivious, but I can't seem to find rules for the mammoth anywhere. I'm assuming it's a no longer made forgeworld model?
  8. Thanks. Using thus logic, I can't pick from a god lore if my s2d army is that mark of chaos in an s2d allegiance, correct? If taking Archaon in a tzeentch army for destiny dice, would that make him a terror if you roll at least 2 6s for DDice
  9. I haven't played with mixed armies much, mostly just playing with a friend's BCR army, so I have a few questions. When choosing the mark of chaos for a specific God, can you then declare your allegiance to be that God and choose any warscroll between the StD and the god you picked book? If the previous answer is yes, can I then choose spells from the god lore for my StD wizards?
  10. I'm considering running two units of iron Golems to take objective markers. I forgot what spell it is, but you can teleport them onto objectives so they get the bonus of rerolling of saves
  11. So here's the list I want to run in casual play with my friends who are also fairly casual Archaon Varanguard x3 -Ensorcelled Weapons -Sixth and Eighth Circles Iron Golems x2 Maybe one of the endless spells, but I have always enjoyed playing Archaon in WHFB even if he was horrendously over costed. Varanguard just seen like fun and iron Golems can be teleported onto objectives. It's probably not good, but I've been starting to look at Archaon led Cabalists as well
  12. I didn't get a good look at the rules for Varanguard, but they still seem rather pillow fisted for being 100 points each. It's there something I'm missing?
  13. Does a unit being set up by a rule, such as SCE teleport or Living City Hidden Paths, count as moving for the turn?
  14. Forgeworld seems stuck in the mindset from the early 00's where they were just THE top of the line for miniatures, and they never seem to move on. Their site seems pretty depressing, from lack of fantasy support to mini painting that is almost always outclassed by a mini on the #PaintingWarhammer IG stuff (The Primarchs are the only "well painted" models for a studio of FW size, imo). Aside from the Primarchs again, there are non-GW and non-FW companies that just put out great standalone models for a good price for the quality
  15. That was an entirely new army from the the ground up instead of an overhaul of an older army though. However, if no mortals make an appearance, GW is going to get some pretty harsh feedback from a lot of people
  16. I just really hope the mortals don't look absolutely stupid. The daemon prince, herald backpack aside, looks incredible and I really hope that aesthetic stays
  17. It's such a good contrast to the other greater daemons. I don't understand the weird "I need tentacles and hentai" fetish. Aren't tentacles Tzeentch things?
  18. Even different hairstyles would be nice. It was like the designer had a deadline, forgot about it for months, got notified five minutes before the reveal and just copy pasted the entire line
  19. When I was first looking into AoS, I wanted to play dwarfs, but they were gone, but I always enjoyed slayer units. When someone told me I could play slayers, got a bit excited then I saw the range. To this day, I still can't tell the difference between the units other than weapons. Lava salamander is cool though
  20. I love everything about the prince except the daemonette on his back. If I do end up buying into this, I'll probably remove her from it
  21. With the success of Total War Warhammer, I assume GW wants to regroup all the old armies under or close to their old names. I can definitely see them regrouping all the kind of factionless (Aelves/Dwarfs/Humans, Ogors, the various Orruks) under one name again to kind of make the transition from TWW to tabletop easier. I really hope this is the case, because as much as I love Empire, I would love human army that isn't Fantasy Marines
  22. That's fair. Unfortunately, I'm kind of in a budget where if I spend money on the army, I need to focus on it rather spend some on "just a taste" and potentially sell it off for cheaper
  23. That's fair, I forgot to take in the 6 to rend into account. Before I maybe splurge out a little, what are the chances they change crossbowmen and/or release a new human army that entirely replaces the Empire/Free Peoples
  24. I was just never a fan of crossbows and rather would have handgunners. I'm not looking to be the most competitive, but are handgunners just not good or is the extra range and extra shot that much better
  25. Question - Are Freeguild just a one trick pony with the 30x Crossbows? Is it really the only way to run them or are there other things to do?
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