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Lord Krungharr

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Everything posted by Lord Krungharr

  1. I'm thinking Gorebeast Chariots might have a good role within the Ruinbringer Warband. I like that we can fit all our battlelines in there (if we have enough Knights and regular chariots), but also I think that would make the Gorebeasts roll 2D3 mortals for each unit within 1" after charging. That's pretty good damage before combat begins I'd say. Seems like single chariots are always the way to go isn't it? To max out that charging damage? I guess they won't do much by themselves in actual melee, but let's say you have 3 or 4 separate ones vs one unit, maybe they smash into a horde unit, do their mortals, then the big horde has to either focus on one or two, maybe killing one or two, but then after the others get to strike anyways. A big monster would probably spoil such a use but given my lack of wanting to paint tons of more minis, seems reasonably viable? Never used chariots before of any sort, unless the Skullcrackers of Azgorh count. Those are way better than like any other chariot, EVER
  2. Used my Gitz with Spiderfang on Thursday night: Skitterswarm/ Scuttleboss/3x10 riders Arok Shaman Webspinner Shaman Fungoid Shaman Troggoth Hag Skraggrott Mushroom Scuttletide i played against a Khorne Tyrants of blood army and didn’t need my CPs because he butchered almost everything by end of turn 2! I foolishly charged his Halo of Blood RageThirster turn 1 forgetting that relic lets him strike first in combat. My bad. I also forgot to cast the scuttletide and mushroom turn 1. I think I just had an off night. The Troggoth Hag I had failed to vomit enough on his blood warriors so got all tied up and apparently you can’t Hand of Gork a unit out of combat. Not real sure if we need a scuttleboss either. His command ability is a little meh I think; though his mortal wound output is very good sometimes. Many lessons learned. I’m thinking two Arok Shaman and more spider riders will be better than a scuttleboss, Troggoth hag and webspimmer shaman. And also a reminder sheet of what to do each turn; that’s helpful. Think I saw something on WHCommumity about that.
  3. I think Skraggrott has to be General to generate his CPs, for sure to move Da Moon. But 2 Fungoid Shaman are less points and generate CPs on a 4+ every hero phase.
  4. I got the CoS tome for an alternate way to play my Legion of Azgorh, as I am doubtful of their future as real Chaos Dwarves (given Forgeworld's problems). But also I got a Frostheart Phoenix for the firey wings for a customized Lord of Change, and I found a really old metal guy that turned out to be Orion the old Wood Elves king....so he's gonna be a Durthu after I make a mechanized tree suit for him. I'll post if I win or lose any games when I get to use them in the next few months. Seems like a good tome for people with a bunch of Start Collecting boxes. Living City you could have half of it Sylvaneth and Stormcast! So diverse, peace and love and harmony and ******
  5. Do the abilities say 'attack twice' or 'attack again'? That would make a difference. I'm probably gonna have to get another Archaon. Sold mine off a while back.
  6. I just e-mailed them from 2 different e-mails: Hello, regarding the recent update/FAQs and the relative lack of Legion of Azgorh updates, could you please tweak them a little to keep we devoted followers of Hashut from having to use them as Slaves to Darkness or Cities of Sigmar? The community of Azgorh has a few requests: -please make Bull Centaur Renders battleline when a Tauruk is the General, and give Shartor the Executioner the TAURUK keyword. -please give Drazhoath the Ashen the BAHAL keyword, as he's riding a giant bull, master of the Temple of Hashut, and really really needs to benefit from the Tauruk's Command Ability to do anything on the table. Or just give Drazhoath +1 or +2 to cast, cuz he's so supreme! And also make his 5+ Hellshard Amulet save work on mortal and normal wounds. PLEEEEASE! -extend the range of the Castellan's Command Ability to 18"....he's really slow, but seems like he should be able to point to a unit further away than 12". -maybe reduce the points a little bit on max unit sizes on Fireglaives -reduce the points a little on the battalions -maybe add a few more relics, or 3 spells for Azgorh -somehow let them summon K'daai Fireborn, since they're daemons -make them able to ally with Beasts of Chaos, not just Monster of Chaos, or at least Warherds because of the bull headed theme? -PLEASE DON'T GET RID OF THE SKULLCRACKER EVER, IT'S SOOOOO AWESOME! Thank you very much! from Nathan Maurer devotee of Hashut (amongst other Chaos gods) ReplyForward
  7. Monsters are cool. I wonder if they'll get a 'counts as more models than 1' rule in the next GHB? I looked at the Plague Monks scroll on the GW site, I couldn't tell how it was different, they still get the reroll hits for pairs of foetid blades, and all the upgrade dudes are there. They have a 6+ save now, is that new?
  8. Welcome to the Everdank! Great find on that box. The big Arachanaroks, other than the Webspinner Shaman one, got a big points drop today in the FAQ. I think if you run the big Shaman, a little Shaman, a Scuttleboss and your riders in a Skitterswarm, plus maybe a Skitterstrand Next or Flinger Cluster battalion, you'll have a viable and fun to use force. The speed and mortal wound potential, plus good magic, makes Spiderfang a good spoiler army. Allied Warchanter and some Stikk/Shield Boyz would be really fun, and good backfield guards. Or if you can find one, a Rogue Idol
  9. I think with the new Slaves to Darkness tome out we might see more Mortal Slaanesh armies.....with Archaon…..and a Keeper to make him attack twice. I for one am very happy to see my Warherds all less expensive, providing room for Jabberslythes!
  10. The Longstrike Raptors in a Living City army would still be good, as they can outflank from any board edge and still have plenty of range. Of course not a SCE army but I love Living City for shooty guys (good for Irondrakes too).
  11. Definitely should have Warcry rules. I also think Renders should be battleline if just a Tauruk is general and Shartor should have the Tauruk keyword. Drazhoath should also have the Bahal keyword, being he's on a giant bull and master of the temple. He needs +1 to hit!
  12. Also I was using that Aos Statshammer web app, and using that looks like 3 Bull Centaur Renders outdamage5 Chaos Knights, even the charging lances. Of course that's not counting any buffs and the Chaos Knights can get plenty of those. At least Renders can get +1 to hit from a Tauruk and +1 to wound against an enemy if the Castellan can do his thing.
  13. Yeah, that's at least some attention, though that's gigantic base! Didn't know that model was that big. I think that's an Archaon sized base isn't it?
  14. I just hope I can still run the big Vanguard Auxiliary Chamber! I'm still assembling it....Fingers crossed.
  15. Wow, based on the graphs I should probably give my Chaos Knights ensorcelled weapons. Though my Legion of Azgorh Bull-Centaurs slightly edge even the charging-lances out in terms of damage. That's all without buffs though. Slaves to Darkness get more buffs.
  16. Does it take into account if models are painted, or being played with for the first time? That always seems to affect the dice rolls!
  17. Dang it, it's looking like my proxy army using my Legion of Azgorh units isn't going to be very amazing. I have the old whirlwind and tenderizer as my Skullcrackers, and was going to use those as Gorebeast Chariots. Maybe they'll be Celestial Hurricanums instead?!?!
  18. I'm wondering how Gorebeast Chariots will fare in the new book. I saw on WH Community that Chaos Chariots are battleline in the allegiance, they didn't mention Gorebeast ones. I always liked those guys, cool beasties.
  19. What base sizes are the Chaos Knights? I'm wondering if I can proxy my Bull Centaur-Renders (from Legion of Azgorh) as Chaos Knights. Guess I could use my Fireglaives as Marauders to try them out? Drazhoath is definitely a Sorcerer Lord on Manticore (the old Lammasu one). I'm gonna first try out Chaos Undivided, as my other old, soooo old!, Slaves models are painted as forces of Malal. Don't they ignore battleshock and get a 6++ ward save or something? Don't get my tome til tomorrow.....
  20. I agree, seems like interest in Azgorh is gaining strength in the last year. Maybe because people were finally using them in events, and other saw them. And they certainly don't suck completely. A solid low-mid to mid tier force I think, which with the right matchups and missions can actually dominate (Nighthaunts almost always lose to my Azgorh, and Gloomspite Gitz too).
  21. I was thinking about buying a cheap old unit of the Knights, like the old Realms of Chaos versions to match my warriors. Sounding like maybe they're not even worth it. Given all the assembly and painting I have right now, I'll wait on the Knights.
  22. I guess since Slaanesh's symbol already looks like a wrench I should get some of that stuff 😛
  23. No news is good news I guess? At least Tamurkhan could easily be a Karkadrak lord, unless he's too huge (haven't seen in real life). I wish I still had my plague toads and nurglings. Those are good Azgorh allies.
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