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Everything posted by Solaris

  1. No, I don't think so at all. It's a great artefact, don't get me wrong, but it's not at all hard to justify taking something else. In BCR I think it's the opposite - with artefacts like the Ethereal Amulet and Thermalrider Cloak, I don't see any reason to ever take the Lens. Not only is it nische (works only against magic), but it also forces a tight formation to get the full benefits which is a hindrance in scenario play. It's much better for armies with more models than it is for us.
  2. I've been considering running it with my two Thundertusks as a replacement for my now useless Stonehorn. With the command trait giving your general +1 to Rampaging Destroyers, you have very good chances of doing an alpha with it (22" move), and the 12+d6 mortal wounds at 18" range in the list are sure to put a dent into anyone. A sample list: A sample list: Tyrant, general, 160 Butcher with cauldron, 140 Huskard on Thundertusk, 380 Huskard on Thundertusk, 380 6 Ogors, 240 10 Orruks, 90 10 Orruks, 90 Magmadragon, 520 2000 points. The Tyrant, Magmadragon and Ogors pack a punch, the Orruks screen and score objectives and the rest pump out mortal wounds at range. I haven't tried it out, but should be decent (mixed Destruction lists are not ever going to be top tier in this iteration of the GH though).
  3. Love these terrain pieces, I'll definitely have to pick up some of my own at some point!
  4. Man, that's so many levels of awesome I don't even know where to start! I love the "orrukification" of the Carnie, especially the iron jaw you gave him! The look on Krunks face as he's bossing the big dino around is just amazing, almost made me laugh out loud in the office. He's 100% in command of that beast! The Grunta shoulder pads look slightly out of place on him - I think it's a combination of the position/angle of them on his shoulders and the fact that he's just way too big for them. Maybe you could add some straps and other bits to bulk them out a little? Especially the one on the right-hand side looks like it's about to fall off. I think Krunk's footrest on the back could to with some bulking out as well. Really cool conversion, great job man!
  5. Sounds fantastic, I'm inspired to play through the Skirmish campaign now. Have had the book for a while, but just haven't gotten to playing it yet.
  6. Jag är listig för att vara orc! I entirely agree though, hopefully Gargants and Troggoths are fixed in GH2. As they are, they are unfortunately quite useless.
  7. Gurk and Murk are simply fantastic, love them! So much character! Bonus points for Gurk since gurka is Swedish for cucumber and he is tall and green Now I really want to see their two-headed big brother Gurkamurka
  8. Really good and informative bat rep, thanks for writing that! I think the best course of action in that game would have been to go first, run the Gruntas up far and form a fatty piggy meat wall in front of the Khorne army (possibly without charging), then comfortably parking on the objectives with other units. If you park them in front of prime targets (Wrathmongers and Skullcrushers as @Sangfroid says), your opponent has to either commit more units to taking them out, thereby wasting precious turns, or accept his most important units being stuck in the deployment zone and try to move around your Gruntas to fight the rest of your army.
  9. Really like these Gruntas, love the usage of bits from all over the place (Space Orks, Blood Bowl, etc...) to make your models unique. I recently built 2 Black Orc Blockers and 2 Blitzers for my Blood Bowl team from random bits I had lying around, and seeing your Gruntas is really inspiring me to put some more effort into converting my own Ironjawz. Great job!
  10. Sounds fantastic, I love the idea of your Megaboss riding around on a big dino and casting spells! Great image, you have to build this one
  11. Very nice write up, really enjoyed reading that!
  12. Love this thread, really nice read. The fluff is ace, great job!
  13. Haha, we have argued a lot lately, and obviously I disagree with you again. Being a good player requires being able to adapt to different circumstances and restrictions. The winner of every tournament is the one that was the best at adapting to the TO rule set (and had a lucky draw of opponents). You have to adapt to different scenarios and opponents anyway - comp just makes it so that you have to adapt to list-building restrictions as well. No biggie. The purpose of comp is twofold. The first part is to move emphasis from the lists to the players, by limiting the most heinously broken combinations and leveling the play field. That allows the best player to win, rather than the best list. The second part is to ensure that the event is as fun and friendly as possible to everyone attending. The TO's are out of necessity more interested in creating a good atmosphere that attracts a lot of people and make them want to come back than they are in crowning the cut-throat champion with the filthiest list around. Comp can certainly help with this. Either way, this is massively off topic, so we shouldn't derail @Chris Tomlin's thread anymore. Sorry Chris!
  14. These are really cool! I especially like the battle brew, and everything else the Frostlord's Stonehorn is loaded with. It really looks like he's carrying his entire life with him, perfectly in line with the fluff.
  15. Really though, those are entirely different things. There are plenty of examples of alliances in literally every AoS book that has been released. There is not, as far as I know, a single example in the fluff where a grunt is bossing a big bad Megaboss around. From a fluff standpoint, I entirely understand the argument - I even agree with it! In the case of the Moonclan/BCR alliance it's probably a needed nerf as well. The problem is that it really hits armies with low model count and low Bravery, like the Ironjawz, hard. Not only do we generally not get any bonus Bravery from numbers, but every model lost hurts really bad as well. It's very problematic, and it only hits the Ironjawz since there is really not any other army in the game with similar characteristics. On the other hand, I don't think that it's that bad - the Megabrutes can still be run if you babysit them with a Megaboss, however it is not as strong. And we still have other options available.
  16. In principle I'm also sceptical with regards to an Ironjaw wielding a missile weapon. You brute looks fantastic, but it doesn't seem to fit the fluff very well. Ardboys with crossbows is something else entirely, however. They aren't proper Ironjawz, so they may not be too brutish to make use of missile weapons. Ironjawz, that smash their armor into shape with their fists, I have a hard time imagining doing that, but Ardboys not so much. In addition, the Ardboys are mentioned as being more regimented and disciplined than the Ironjawz in the battletome, which is another point that makes them more suitable for crossbows.
  17. I can imagine many worse reasons for staying up all night! Also, how dare you post this without any pics?!
  18. I think it's good the way you do it, deleting the quotes will just make it hard to know what you're talking about. The only thing I can think of that might make it cleaner is to responses to other posters and content/updates in separate posts. Probably won't make much of a difference though
  19. Yeah, for sure, feedback is definitely important for motivation! I just figured you shouldn't despair so fast, keep on with your excellent updates and people will flock to the log! This is my log: You're very welcome to check it out if you wish! I post painting, write army background and battle reports. I don't know if the lack of response is due to the distinct lack of painted Ironjawz (to be remedied within a week, hopefully), if my posts are too long, or if the content is just really ****** and I'm oblivious to it I'm hoping it's not the last, though. Anyway, great job, this thread is a really good read! Just wish the images earlier on in the thread weren't broken. Cheers!
  20. Hey, don't fret, they're looking cool! Do the log for your own sake, not for other's input. If I didn't have that mindset, I'd have been crushed by the fact that the one single response I've gotten in my thread was a guy disliking the colors...
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