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Everything posted by AthlorianStoners

  1. I play Beastclaws for their lore potential and play style. I always thought there was the option to expand the BCR lore into something tragic. Wandering warrior tribes, cursed to forever run from a cold winters death, being forced to pillage and raid to survive.
  2. Kinda crazy, within the next 7-8 months we could see releases for Beastmen, Moonclan, Slaanesh, Darkoath and the Light/Dark Aelves. That’s basically everything we’ve had Rumors for since the start of AoS, meaning we’re totally in the dark. Really really exciting.
  3. LLV earned the respect and the benefit of the doubt, all the ****** he took pre AoS2 for his rumours means he gets the messiah treatment now.
  4. Epic epic stuff! Makes me kinda sad to see it all finished as I’ve enjoyed this army! could you post up some lotann pics? He looks great
  5. Damn that’s possibly the best army I’ve ever seen. Incredible. Do you have pics of the archaon stardrake conversion you mentioned?
  6. Excellent work as always! These is all really incredible
  7. Nothing goes over my head. My reflexes are too fast.
  8. @KnaveOfScribes PDF or here, whatever’s easiest for you man!
  9. Awesome work. Weird request but could you give a quick rundown of your lore so far? You’ve done so much quality writing I don’t want to feel like I’ve missed anything.
  10. DAMN I just assembled my new Hexwraiths I wish I’d thought of this
  11. Wonder what else we’re gonna see, these changes have me excited and looking forward to what’s to come
  12. That could be possible. Is there a precedent for this kind of thing? Yeah the lantern bearer model intrigued me as well, potentially different load outs. there could also be different troops that haven’t been singled out yet.
  13. Damn that article was good. - So existing Nighthaunt stuff is still supported (Hosts, Hexwraiths etc). I recall some people being concerned so that puts that to rest. - This faction will now be HUGE! 7 Known - Cairn Wraith, Banshee, KoS, Mounted KoS, Spirit Torment, Guardian Of Souls, Lord Executioner 4 Unknown - Mortarch Of Grief, Lantern Bearer (@32 seconds of the announcement video), ghost with one handed axe, ghost with two flails (@50 seconds of the vid) 5 Known - Hexwraiths, Spirit Hosts, Grimghast Reapers, Gravewraith Stalkers, Chainrasp Hordes 4 Unkown - New cavalry, alt build with swords for the Reapers, praying mantis armed ladies (@20seconds Of video), Cowled Banshees 2 Behemoths - Mournghul and Black Coach Absolutely LOVE the Oldschool LOTR Nazgul vibe they have with their helmets.
  14. I’d just like to say that’s 6 factions in 6 months. I’ve been saying they were gonna do one a month and damn I’ve never been more happy to be proven right
  15. God the Nighthaunt look great. Any sign of the Black Coach?
  16. So strange seeing all the different gaming cultures. For my part me and my friends link up, hang out and play once or twice a week. It’s something we all like doing so we play, hang out and just enjoy the game. We use whatever scrolls are in the books, play chill and do dumb stuff in the game if it will be funner or more interesting. Sometimes we have more serious games, which we keep a record of just for lolz.
  17. The ticks and flies could easily jump over to AoS. I can also see th bug thing at the back being a Nurgle Daemon Prince.
  18. Damn so if everything pans out we’re looking at: - Magic Supplement - Continuation Of MP - AoS 2 - Nighthaunt - Stormcast Wizards - Moonclan - Slaanesh - Ironjawz All in around half a year or so. That plus the start of this year really bodes well for AoS and the GW teams enhanced production capabilities.
  19. But this hasn’t taken up production time at all. It’s just an easy to produce filler period for them that’s adding plus content for people with large Dark Elf collections. A lot of those factions probably will get a Battletome, but obviously haven’t yet. I don’t know how GW could have done better with their AoS drops this year, with almost 1 Battletome a month, and more rumoured to come.
  20. Even if that is the case, I wouldn’t think the above mentioned factions are ever going to be at risk. Something like Lion Rangers? Yeah sure they could go or be folded into another faction.
  21. I’d think it’s almost certain the 30 or so factions with battletomes and/or allegiance abilities will not be dropped. Theres absolutely no precedent as of now for units to get dropped anyway, but factions with heavy development would never be dropped.
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