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Nin Win

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Everything posted by Nin Win

  1. I thought someone said on the twitch stream that you can do d3 mortal wounds to a unit near the herd stone and get that many summoning points. I plan on fielding 40ish ungors myself with half being ones with spears and shields and the others having bows. I've got the models built and partially painted so even if they're not good I'll still field them. Maybe there will be a way to kill even more at the herd stone to summon Ghorgons or something.
  2. I'm still doing a goat dance based on the last two previews. I've been looking through my bitz box as each character needs their spawn form in case I roll a 2+ when they die. I'm not the biggest fan of the spawn kit so I might have to put some bitz on a reaper bones miniatures or something. Maybe a tentacle thing where each tentacle ends in a gor head or something.
  3. When I use chaos ogres as minotaurs, I'll just call the horn attacks headbuts or stomps. I like what I'm seeing so far though.
  4. Goat Mother Slaanesh! Gavespawn also seems absolutely perfect for a pink herd that is about foul birth and twisted fertility rites.
  5. It's hard to take this all in while simultaneously doing a goat dance. Seriously. Dancing goat videos. It's as good as cat videos. Age of Beastmar! Yes. Yes that is super great.
  6. Your autocorrect clearly changed pink to blue by mistake.
  7. The urban dictionary tangent. Holy **** I don't know what to say. I've got some stabbysheep to paint up and I've got to find a way to include a BBW great bray-shaman. I think maybe this one with horns poking out of the hair and hooves replacing the feet: 77568 Ogre Matriarch I never knew I wanted miniatures like this before I listened to your podcast. I have to say though, 6 is the best episode so far. It beastmens well.
  8. Just about to start listening to the new episode while I paint! As far as "amped as **** " music goes for when you move your models, Sabaton is a solid pick: And let's edit in a bit of Arkona: It really is easier to get forgiveness than permission!
  9. Renamed my city to Heldensvult. Trimmed the beard down on the hammerer's head and put that and the drakegun on a cadian body from 40k. Still needs something for his shoulders (putty filling at the very least). I think next to the other stuff in my force he's suitably short, even if the proportions are no longer so squished. I've never been a fan of GW's dorf proportions outside of the Lord of the Rings miniatures. This guy is now pretty close to those LOTR proportions for dwarves. I don't think anyone is going to have any issues accepting that as an irondrake.
  10. My friend now calls his army sheetghosts instead of nighthaunt.
  11. I imagine it's quite a few. I get that they were trying to sell a board game type experience and experimenting with legacy board game type elements like removable stickers, but I think the rules not being available separately except a a portion of them in a preview warhammer community article or two was a mistake. I don't even know if it's in the subscription for the Azyr/App thing. Withe the amount that free cities have been featuring in the Malign Portents stories as well as the Soul Wars novels and background fiction (Glymmsforge is totally the feature of the new set) it's sort of a missed opportunity to get the idea of doing Free Cities armies in people's heads.
  12. I understand that matched play is thought of as the easiest means of getting on the same page with strangers, but the more restrictions like this, especially ones that are not immediately obvious, the less chance people really will be on the same page. Locals already are talking about how if you have a specific keyword across your units you must now take their allegiance abilities. Others take a position like Trayanee's where you only have to do that if you take the more specific option as your army. Perhaps to unlike "battleline if" units or whatever. It would be hilarious if a tournament organizer was like "sorry, grand alliance order player, but since you have a bunch of order units and no seraphon and you must take the more specific ability when it's available, you are now from Hammerhal. Did you bring the copy of the Firestorm booklet you need to have to play at this event?"
  13. I have no idea how I missed that. I just read it to double check before I posted my question and somehow just didn't see it. And it's in two of them ! Skaven must have done something to my brain.
  14. What are you using the warpriest miniature as? I'm saddened by the lack of devoted of sigmar in any of the free cities, but perhaps my priest will just stand in as something else.
  15. I'll run them as whatever will be the least confusing for a potential opponent. I think the huge beards and big arms will make people think dwarf but I'm fine with them being a guild of human mercenaries that mandates beards as part of membership I'm not sure I'll remove the armour plates. I'll remove the eagles but might keep all the military pockets and whatnot. Like the Kharadron Overlords I think there might be something that looks oddly right in the jamming together of fanatasy and sci-fi elements. Could be in the end I'll remove all this stuff. Should scrape off easily enough. I think the biggest part of the job will me making the hammerer heads sit up on top of the cadian bodies properly. Green stuff and cutting will likely be involved. The big round hats should be cool though.
  16. Figured out my Free City of Andrenzyr infantry. Cadian 40k legs and torsos, Irondrake arms and guns (likely without the extra shoulder armour) and Hammerer duardin heads. Imperial Eagles and the like will be scraped off. I have no idea what rules I will use for them, but I just ordered the heads and arms and I have a bunch of old used guardsmen I traded some terrain for. Cadians are pretty disproportionate so I might still use them as duardin though they could end up as handgunners. I'll know when I see the finished product.
  17. I think the issue was that taking the Hammers of Sigmar scheme and applying it to things with less plate armour means you get an army that looks quite a bit like traditional high elves. Which is pretty much the scheme from Hallowheart. It's not exact, but it's definitely in the same direction. I even started putting more gold on things than I otherwise would. "The only restriction on painting is that an army that has been specifically painted to represent one Great City cannot use the rules of another – so a force wearing the colours of Hallowheart, for instance, couldn’t use the rules of Anvilgard, and vice versa." So it's not been specifically painted to represent one Great City. It just happens that white and blue look like traditional High Elf colours and that happens to also look like Hallowheart. Here are the miniatures I painted up for an RPG session of Spell Hunters of the Free Cities. I hadn't yet named my city so I think the next time I run the game for my friends, it'll be Spell Hunters of Andrenzyr. I don't limit myself just to AoS miniatures, so the Priest and the gryph hound are from Warhammer Quest and the rest of the miniatures are made by Reaper. Though the Heavens Wizard does have a lightning gauntlet from a dark elf spear arm as the sculpted on hand was terrible. Others present are a Bright Wizards, a Shadow Wizard and Jade Wizard. The Liberator Prime is their muscle along with the War Priest and the faithful gryph hound. The first unit of soldiers is still on the planning table. They will be painted a lot like the war priest but with more blue and less white (as i don't hate myself). I'm having a bit of trouble deciding what to go for. I've made some prototypes of combing various parts but am not yet happy with anything I've produced and have since disassembled the parts and returned them to the bits box for future use. I just started organizing a new skirmish campaign and got 12 people to sign up instead of the 4 I was expecting, so need to make terrain so a bunch more tables can at least look like the right realm, so my Andrenzyrite Infantry will languish until August.
  18. Do you think this would also apply to the Stormhost that provides the stormcast eternals side of things? I've been painting my Azyrite mortals in the same scheme as the Hammers of Sigmar and was basically planning on making a Free Cities to represent them, but would it be poor form if my Hammers of Sigmar present using the rules for a free city with a different stormhost's colour scheme? Or do you think this is more about the other units in the army? I'm less asking about what other player's care about and more about getting it right for myself. Though I wonder how many people outside of this thread would even know which Stormhost is involved with each Free City. I think my Free City will be founded by settlers from Azyrheim who decided to build around a Stormfort of the Hammers of Sigmar in a different realm. Hysh probably. Andenzyr? Andrazyr? Nyzyr? <-- something like that.
  19. I went and checked out that instagram. Alright then As for Khorne doggy flesh bibs, I think they'd be advantageous in any fight with other predatory animals like other hounds of khorne. Can't go for the throat if the other doggo has a big tough frill blocking your jaws.
  20. And what character ended up being key to the success of the stormcast?
  21. A bit more could have been done to remind the reader that this was really an overwhelming attack. Something beyond which the defences and the mortal defenders could have handled. There was a bit, but apparently not enough. Also, based on what you said, I'd go with City of Secrets next.
  22. I finished the book. I enjoyed it more than I thought I would. Because it's linked to a game starter set, I was worried it was going to be a Dark Imperium style crass sales pitch passed off as a novel. It wasn't. My favourite thing about the more sympathetic view of the death allegiance and Nagash is that it's held in tension with their murderous attack on a city. All this talk about justice and then the creatures of death will kill any and every living thing. It's so much better when an antagonist actually believes they are right rather than just wanting some trivial self aggrandising thing and not really believing in what they are doing. The Stormhosts chosen for the story were probably the right picks. Had the Hallowed Knights been around it would have tilted things and made the death argument look way, way more valid as responding to Nagash's charges of inustice with chants of faith would have made Nagash seem way more reasonable than he is. The more reasoned and introspective response across the board was probably needed.
  23. Is this finally the edition where Sureheart will protect Care-a-lot from the schemes and hijinks of Shrieky and Beastly?
  24. I'm only about two thirds of the way through Soul Wars, but my favorite thing about Nagash is his sense of justice. It's obviously unfair, but when people treat others horribly in life, there is a part of us that likes the idea that someone unfair will be done to them.
  25. Games Workshop sends advance copies to youtube channels, podcasters, bloggers and similar content creators so they can cover the book in question as it enters preorder and release. Also some stores get advance copies people can look at to get excited about what they might buy if it sparks a cool idea. I'd recommend the review episode of the Facehammer Podcast. It's very thorough. http://facehammer.co.uk/2018/07/01/episode-58-stormcast-eternals-battletome-review/
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