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Baron Klatz

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Everything posted by Baron Klatz

  1. Hopefully it's not Lord-Ordinator Monty. "Listen, lad. I built this kingdom up from nothing. When I started here, all there was was ruins. Other Lord-Castellants said I was daft to build a castle on a crumbling shore, but I built it all the same, just to show 'em. It sank into the void. So, I built a second one. That sank into the void. So, I built a third one. That burned down, fell over, then sank into the void, but the fourth one... stayed up! And that's what you're gonna get, lad: the strongest city in these islands. " (Camera pans over to the city held up by being tied to Kharadron airships)
  2. Yeah, it's just info filler but I did enjoy the remarks on the realm of light being a place of higher learning and art with the beautiful carvings to reflect on top of Bonsai trees and wheat to show they're reclaiming the lands and may even point to their natural magic and elementalism healing the lands(akin to what the Sylvaneth and Wanderers do). Which is why I found the desert base a nice touch, contrasted nicely with all the green bonsai scenery and hinted that Hysh is also a realm of rough deserts and ruins as well as the greenery and heavenly oceans of the paradise continents. This little note from the Spires of Dawn guide always made me envision how beautiful those mystic flying islands must be. "Glimmerfish is a species of edible fish found on the azure seas beneath the Transient Isles. They dance and leap through the air and iridescent scales sparkle in the sun."
  3. Cubicle7 posted a interview podcast on their Facebook yesterday talking about Soulbound which they noted was their most popular one of late. https://morrus.podbean.com/e/89-warhammer-warhammer-and-warhammer-with-dominic-mcdowall/ On two other notes anyone have interesting ideas of what to do with used Aetherquartz after the last herald? Between Hysh stone having a connection with drinking and now aelven emotions it could lead to some cases of using it to enhance charisma to haggle with (Kharadron would find that useful in trading if not swindling the stuff) or giving some that particularly heavy in the despair emotion and sneaking the drinks into a Slaanesh cult ring and use the distraction of their conflictions to your advantage. Also this was pointed out on reddit: voodoochileirl "This is amazing. Also I want to meet the Lord-Castellant / Lord-Ordinator who decided to build Brightspear at a location called "Disintegrating Shores". "We're going to build our city right here!" "Sir, the locals call this area 'Disintegrating Shores'" "Perfect, Khul would never suspect we'd be build here" Emmetation Cubicle 7 Staff 24d Right? Brightspear was an ancient Agloraxian citadel that became overrun by Tzeentch. The Disintegrating Shores are literally disintegrating as they fall into the Realm of Chaos. voodoochileirl 23d Amazing! The phrase "take a long walk off a short pier" probably has a similar but more "disintegrate-y" meaning in Brightspear. sageking14 21d I feel like, with how crazy and obsessed with wacky designs the Lord-Ordinators are... that this region was chosen" explicitly because it's a silly idea and they want to prove they can do it. Lord-Ordinator: Sigmar reforged me as a demi-god of construction and Im using these talents to build weird stuff everywhere."
  4. Oh we definitely do, always good to hear that fellow hobbyists are getting the best experience with their products! And that's why it's great to hear that along with the general news they've been stepping up their game for their customers. The Mortal Realms deserves the best as does it's heroes!
  5. I really like the first one with the Tzeentch Brayherd, both fitting in the randomness of chaos to use Tzeentch's magic to Stop magic and it's over-the-top with three Endless Spells to dominate with. Might AND Magic! Another note seeing you already have Death and Ogors is to remember the mercenaries which gives three options with death (Flesh-Eaters, Deathrattle and Blood knights) and Gutstuffer ogors to mix with your forces. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2019/06/10/the-generals-handbook-2019-mercenary-companiesgw-homepage-post-2/ If that gets you to really enjoy mix-and-matching armies then definitely put Stormcasts and Cities of Sigmar on the horizon since they have so many combinable options. Plus you can look into Seraphon, go Starborne for space dinosaurs dominating magic or jungly Coalesced and swarm with Skink shooters that can now ally with Sylvaneth for even more shooting if their Stormcast allies weren't enough to drown the enemy in celestial bolts.
  6. Fingers crossed that it does. An interesting thing about Hallost is this isn't our first time seeing it. It's part of the Innerland Marches that you can click to read on the Malign Portents realm map before the Shyish Nadir was made. https://malignportents.com/realms/#panel-0 With it right next to the Endless Boneyard of colossal & elephantine skeletons with lost treasures of fallen empires and a peninsula called Assassin's Rest where the souls of killers go that can still be haggled with for their ghostly blades there's a lot to work with for stories and narratives(plus there's a cute little island next to it called Skely which i'd adventure on just to keep saying that name ).
  7. That's beautiful! Would be great for a new race as well like a native people in the realms birthed by the God-beasts forced to hide from the pantheon. "Despite the folktales, cats have no king. Only a queen……. Did you know that there were once many gods? Some… escaped. They slipped between the cracks in the realms, where even the Ruinous Powers dare not go. One of those gods was the mother of all cats. The first ones, at least. She left her children in every realm. Some were big, some small. Some weren’t really cats at all. But all gods leave a little of themselves behind, when they go. An echo, a whisper." ~ Balthas Arum to Elya. Also gorgeous grots alert!
  8. (My own map of part of the continent and Nadir above ) With the White Dwarf's new campaign for the heroic underworld of Hallost being out for a bit now I was wondering if there was any player narrative noble/dark stories out there of the continent and it's fate over the Nadir. :). Just talking about ideas and city maps works too! Here's the article for those out of the loop followed by a close up of the mini Map i made for mine up there (a Revenant is holding the map thus the plant hands) https://www.warhammer-community.com/2020/03/06/white-dwarf-preview-issue-452/ Happy to hear any stories or ideas for future campaigns there.
  9. Maybe you could just go down the Warscroll Builder site and roll dice for each section? Just when you get to leaders, units, artillery, etc make a roll of 1 (or snake eyes depending on the amount of choices) a "fail and move on" roll so you keep cycling through the units until you have a (very random) army that matches one of the three battle systems. Edit: if you need battleplans then you can grab a few from Wahapedia and make a roll on which to use.
  10. Not too far off from the canonical ending to Silver Tower. Asking Tzeentch for power(even though it was for a noble cause) but not adding even one guideline is just asking to get strangled by the loopholes. Great job by the way on keeping these so frequent. I really appreciate the hard work you guys put into these web-comics.
  11. Yeah, back when Hewitt did an AMA on reddit he said the goal of the Core Rules was to be a self-contained set that had to be on 4 pages for the rest of the game's future to be built around as a living ruleset and for easy player entry. Core rules are a definite cornerstone of Age of Sigmar that's lead to so much inventive scenarios and campaigns despite that easy entry learning. You can really see they put care into the rules as just reading them dispelled all the "instant win " scenarios people said AoS 1 had by falsely twisting the rules, like saying the Tomb kings units can just burrow and win the Sudden Death: Endure scenario by having no units to get attacked but the Core Rules clearly negated that cheat by stating you need at least one model on the table or you lose. Ditto! I loved AoS 1 even before the Grand Alliance tomes and how it let narrative players go wild with crazy army customization along with making games a friendly affair of agreement rather than points to encourage selling the big models back then. I still use AoS 1 core rules for fast games from time to time. So my hat off to Hewitt and the designers of Project Stanley for their hard work on making such a great game that just keeps getting better!
  12. Ooh, more treelords would be great especially from the description in "Wrathspring" where the Sylvaneth nobles that attended goddess Alarielle's court had trails of golden leaves as their royal capes which were helped carried by spite-Revenants. Could give a great Court of the Forests theme. Priests is a great idea too and could be female treelords that gather worshippers and play off of the forest brides seen in the Crawling City. "The city, once freed from the Skaven, is highly cosmoplition and as well as traders, priests of many religions for all faiths are welcomed, although only one is truly honoured - Sigmar who the inhabitants call Sahg’mahr, as is evident from the many wayshrines in the streets. A visitor could expect to see Nagashites, white-robed and golden-masked Hyshites and even covens of wild-haired forest-brides singing eerie hymns in praise of the Lady of Leaves, all in the same area"
  13. Vegetation in the Mortal Realms is anything but limiting though when there's Sylvaneth in Chamon with silver veins running through their bark and use steel weapons along with growing fortresses of iron oaks for their duardin allies, the water spirit Sylvaneth that inhabit the kelp and coral forests of the realms, the wintry feral Sylvaneth that use the snows and magic winters to their advantage to hunt down trespassers/prey in hip-deep snow that they can run on top of and numerous plant beasts in Ghyran like Ghyrlions. Then there's still the Revenants that can be formed into all kinds of beings like the bottom-half vine tentacled leader of the Shadespire warband or winged Reverants shown in the art. (Though it should be noted the Archrevenant has a winged spite bug on their back so it could be that in unit form flying in the background) Wanderers are just aelves with magic bows in comparison and we got plenty of those already and the Lumineth are bringing more who are elementalists to boot. Edit: Mind, I got nothing against Wanderers and in fact quite like them especially with the travels of Prince Maesa through the Mortal Realms helping the people. But that's why I think blending them with Freeguild and mortals is better. Their nature skills and magic combined with human ingenuity, Druchii beasts and Duardin science is much more interesting.
  14. Kurnothi will likely replace Wanderers in the future, the Wanderers had always been classified as "City Aelves" and it's highlighted in "Heart of Winter" how when they returned from Azyr the dangerous forests of the realms claimed by both chaos and feral Sylvaneth has forced them to maintain a presence near the safety of the cities and give their services as scouts and guides. My guess is their future is to be combined into a Ghyran Freeguild army that mirrors the Ghyran Warcry warbands with realm of life native mortals but otherwise Order's claim to the eldritch forests of the realms that can range from the hanged corpse decorated death glades of Shyish, the metallic iron oaks and copper pine forests of Chamon to the vicious living forests of Ghur that bite and battle the clawing mountains will be the domain of Sylvaneth and the wild Kurnothi who thrive in the unpredictable wilds.
  15. Oh wow, I didn't know there was a chart for that. That's really cool and neat to see my favorite Endless Spells up there(Huzzah for Gladewyrm). My bet is it's getting a remake with a new model. Maybe something less chaosy so it can fit more army aesthetics.
  16. Well we need to wait and see what crazy celestial rules the Starborne Seraphon get like if their monsters can teleport around or become starlight and ethereal before we make a accurate guess. However i'm leaning towards the regal Terrorgeists as the monster army that also flies and gets nasty Death magic.
  17. Weird they never put it up in Last Chance. I'd like it back but with so much new terrain, scenery and Endless Spells being pumped out already i'm not shocked older kits fall through the cracks. Hopefully they release a 2.0 version when the lore focus swings back around to Chaos on the attack again.
  18. Happy to help! For fan stories people should check the AoS hobby blogs out there. The incredible Bushybeard's blog has some great fan fictions from the Mortal Realms. http://extrabushybeards.blogspot.com/2016/10/the-tale-of-carnaghinians.html?m=1 http://extrabushybeards.blogspot.com/2018/05/is-it-worth-it.html?m=1 Plus his ponderings on Bloodbound & Khornites cultures is worth a look too. http://extrabushybeards.blogspot.com/2018/10/bloodhunters-skullgatherers-or.html?m=1 (I was going to include a Deepkin story Shinros made on Dakkadakka for a Black Library competition but since he's a resident here I thought i'd best leave that up to him.)
  19. Oh definitely, been playing the game since it launched and the ominous war drum music never gets old with that good beat to it. I could see why it and Realm Wars aren't included though as with the focus being on stuff like DoW3 & Mordheim it's probably them using old assets that aren't still getting current updates and promotional material. As part of using dead stuff I do wish they used soundtracks from the old 40k movie, those were stellar.
  20. Gotta one-up the Tzeentch class in the show-and-tell portion of the class.
  21. They'd honestly both make great Anatomy teachers. Even have all the material for a (very accurate) science class skeleton on a teacher's salary.
  22. I personally love the clean Realmshaper more becaise, as they said, it gives that feeling of the Starborne just landing which is full of fun narrative for the celestial beings like that mention of Ghur tribes worshipping them as gods from on high. Also Hammerhal herald today, Jurassic park but with intelligent magic space dinos. What could go wrong? Carnosaur's interesting saying it was an illusion like it kept flickering in and out of reality. Might be a hint of those strange Starborne magic abilities like stuff to make mounts Ethereal.
  23. Awesome thread! Though it needs the Forbidden Power stories too under the Fiction section if I'm not mistaken. https://www.warhammer-community.com/soul-wars/ Note that under the collection they left out the "Blood Tender" story: https://www.warhammer-community.com/2019/09/02/tales-of-forbidden-power-blood-tendergw-homepage-post-4/ So if there's anymore tucked away story gems in their site that'd be helpful to point out.
  24. Sorry for double post but...tell me this post today wasn't worth seeing.
  25. You can go one step further by placing them in the Geminid Twilight realm of Uhl-Gysh that exists between Hysh and Ulgu. That was at the end of the campaign with Bonesplitterz inhabiting that nexus and blasting me with these crazy cards that are a fusion of light and shadow.
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